As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully analyzed the transcript for any potential clues or inconsistencies. The suspect’s alibi was thoroughly scrutinized, with every detail cross-referenced and verified against CCTV footage and witness statements.

During the interrogation, the suspect’s body language and speech patterns were closely observed for any signs of deception or evasion. Their responses were dissected for hidden meanings or contradictory information that could point towards their guilt.

It was clear that this was not a random act of violence, but rather a carefully planned crime executed with precision. The suspect’s knowledge of the victim’s routine and personal details raised suspicions of premeditation.

Every word uttered during the interrogation was analyzed for underlying motives or hidden agendas. The slightest hesitation or inconsistency was noted and flagged for further investigation.

In the end, it was the small details revealed in the transcript that led to a breakthrough in the case. The suspect’s slip-up in their timeline and alibi ultimately unraveled their carefully constructed facade, leading to their eventual confession and conviction for the heinous crime. Justice was served, thanks to the meticulous attention to detail of the crime investigators on the case.


27 Comments to “12 Year Old Goes On Massive Murder Spree w/ Her 23 Year Old “Werewolf” Boyfriend |Jasmine Richardson”

  • @annieelise

    What’s the first red flag you heard? There are sooo many.

  • @alishaparker315

    This reminds me of Dylan klebold and Eric Harris in the sense of maybe if the two hadn’t met maybe this would have never happened😞. Seems like when the right(wrong actually) but “right” two ppl meet it has devastating horrible consequences

  • @tanyaboyce1959

    Some crimes don't deserve a chance at rehabilitation… and this is definitely one of them!

  • @kyleewhitehead5834

    This is horrible and Jasmine needs punishment but again ill never ever understand why in the States 12 year olds can be tried as anything other than a child …it's refreshing to see from Canada that they have a plan for punishment , treatment , and rehabilitation …she did something horrific but it does come across that she was a victim of grooming his 23 she is 12 …just 12 had she been protected properly from online dangers this would not have happened at 12 she's not fully capable to understand the ramifications of her actions…she's not old enough to navigate an adult romantic relationship ..developmentally it's just not there yet …and is highly susceptible to being covertly cohearsed. Whilst she's not the victim in the attack she is still a victim …I love all of your coverage but very much disagree with the opinion that children should ever be tried as adults for any reason it makes no sense where do we draw the line ? Prostitution ? Gambling ? Auto theft , drug use , dealing , fraud there all adult crimes ….if she had said I want to make money selling sex and he went along with that and made it happen , encouraged and glorified it would you be of the same opinion ?
    Justice needs to be punitive as well as corrective. Why did the authorities allow this child to continue to be groomed and effectively abused via mail and phone call access while in their custody ? That's crazy….why didn't anyone charge him with child sexual offences ?
    I love that rather than lock her up and throw away the key the system actually did something even if after the fact …..she's been punished with detention and restricting her freedoms …she's had intensive mental health treatment , she's been punished with trauma of what she did for the rest of her life , she's been given the skills to be a productive member of society .
    If I was a gambler I'd put money on the fact that she nevwr reoffend…and that is the goal of any justice system .

  • @amssports3

    I don't think life but least 25 to 30


    She could have been rehabilitated in 10 years but if you ask me that doesn’t mean she should’ve been let out in 10 years. She definitely should’ve got a life sentence considering she killed three people. I don’t care how old she was a murder is a murder if people say, she did a passion when you kill your entire family over passion, it’s starting to get a bit much cause you would think you would come back to your senses he killed her mom.

  • @kristalplummer958

    10 years that it just wow

  • @Usrname.24

    She should not have been charged as an adult. Same way she can't give consent. she was 12 , we don't understand anything when we're that age. It's just crazy.

  • @jennifernicewonger8273

    12 and 23 is not a high-school romance. Neither of them are in high-school

  • @RachaelHall-tn3kd

    The 10 yr sentence is absolutely ridiculous!!! Its way too short! This was a vile and horrendous crime, how could she just murder her whole family in cold blood and not even express some for of remorse! And to top that off, there was no apology, no acknowledgement of her part in it all from her perspective, she was just cold and callous!! Its also absolutely ridiculous that after 5 yrs her "records" will be sealed!! How on earth is that even allowed in the case of a massive crime like this!!

  • @ktCanadiansos

    I am a Canadian, and am horrified by the way our “injustice system” works look at Paul Bernardo case his wife and partner in crime is out married new identity etc, and he is in jail for life, makes no sense?✌️❤️🇨🇦

  • @morganromero9640

    The part talking about her brother killed me im sobbing rn that’s so horrible

  • @commonsense2680

    Horrendous sentence! SO glad I don't live there. She still treats the murder as a joke. She will kill again and all these stupid experts will lose credibiity!

  • @MandyWilson-pb5wj

    My goodness….what is happening to our youth? This is crazy!! What happened to kids just slamming their door and not talking to their parents for a while because of not getting their way….maybe a little back talk and defiance….but so many now jump to this idea! It’s baffling to me!! I feel the sentencing was waaaaayyy to light and I absolutely think she will strike again! Murdering is in her blood and because her punishment was so light, she basically got away with it, so why not try again!!?? They need to be held accountable -despite the age! Kids are a lot smarter than we realize sometimes….she knew, planned and executed this….she knew what she was doing! And…..her poor brother!! That got me….what a sad, sad story 😢. As always, great coverage!

  • @jenna_jenna_jenna

    Man do I hope that neither of my kids ever think their vampires or werewolves. For a plethora of reasons.

  • @Jessica-jf9pb

    She should have gotten life. You’re old enough to commit the crime, you are old enough to suffer the consequences. The fact that she wasn’t ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED with her actions after “rehabilitation” says it all. What she did is beyond sick. That poor family and that poor little boy. He must have been so scared. My son is currently 8. I can’t even imagine.

  • @marcinowalk8077

    I think the only thing she learned when she was in custody were manners because the only thing that she did was apologize to the judge. Here in America to be released on parole you have to admit guilt and show remorse, right?

  • @Tdawwn

    🇨🇦 From Canada here and this is absolutely insane, ten years wasn’t enough as is. I believe the rumours in prison and feel she should be institutionalized. I feel bad during her vulnerable years she was influenced and maybe even groomed but there is no accountability. Sad, sad! Her poor 8 year old brother….

  • @samanthaeverhart9451

    I was groomed by a 22yr old when I was 12 for several years, and let me tell ya I would have gone to the end of the earth for him back then!!! But with that said…I would NEVER kill someone or my whole family for him! She is a psycho, you'd have to be 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't think that's something u can just turn off…your either a murderer or your not in my mind

  • @Michelle-lp1jz

    I think she knew exactly what she did and knew she would only get 10 years. I wonder what her IQ is, she seems really intelligent, It would be interesting to know if she did internet searches for youth sentences. She got exactly what she wanted.

  • @kymmekoina8

    Canada is a ridiculous country, just look at Trudeau 😠. It's the biggest space safe place on the planet with no justice for victims. This girl is pure evil…..PERIOD!!!!!!

  • @susanpugh5265

    How can she live with the knowledge that she killed her whole family?? Unthinkable!

  • @blossom865

    “And you Jeremy are still a werewolf” 😂 I’m sorry but that line had me😅

  • @Cruela87

    I think that is disgusting that they only gave her 10 years they should have done juvenile 10 years and another life sentence once she becomes an adult in real prison

  • @user-qk5tv4zw1r

    They need to change this Law she killed her whole family😢

  • @orchidchamblee

    This is extremely scary like the guy who ate the guys face on the bus and eventually released..fucking insane…the older sister is probably hiding from the younger sister

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