As a meticulous crime investigator, it is imperative to carefully analyze every aspect of the transcript to uncover any potential clues or inconsistencies that may lead to solving the case. The perpetrator’s words must be scrutinized for any hidden meanings or deceptive tactics used to deflect attention away from their guilt.

Furthermore, it is important to consider any known facts about the crime, such as the time and location of the incident, the method used to commit the crime, and any potential motives that may have driven the perpetrator to act. By connecting the dots between the transcript and the known facts of the case, a clearer picture can be painted of the events that transpired.

In this particular case, it is evident from the transcript that the suspect’s alibi is tenuous at best, as their account of the events leading up to the crime contradicts witness statements and physical evidence recovered from the scene. By delving deeper into the suspect’s background and possible connections to the victim, a more comprehensive understanding of their potential involvement in the crime can be achieved.

Thus, with a keen eye for detail and a thorough understanding of the facts at hand, the truth behind this heinous crime will soon be brought to light, leading to justice for the victim and closure for their loved ones.


47 Comments to “25 Year Old Dead After BF Gives Her Drugs & Injects Her While Sleeping |Sarah Harris & Dr.James Ryan”

  • @annieelise

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  • @QueenTeaSipper

    GOD the adds are annoying 😂

  • @ptwnbratche

    It is especially egregious that he was exchanging drugs for sexual favors. We all know that if he had decided to shut her off from these medications, she would’ve left him in the dust.

  • @ArtistCreek

    Has anyone checked to see if patients filed complaints? I mean was he working high? Did he make mistakes that hurt someone..maybe a child. We've seen time and time again Dr's get away with this shit and their Board look the other way or jist give them a slap on the wrist.

  • @ArtistCreek

    15:48 instructed her on how to keep high. This is gross judgment. He most definitely needs to loss his license and maybe some mandatory rehab because he didnt learn all that by accident. He was using. I don't think this was hidden. I would wonder what the dental assistants had to say.
    His behavior is outrageous but yeah she was an addict. I think he was I getting her because she got out of control when she took too much…to sedate her.
    Did it kill her? That's questionable. But he is definitely responsible for repeatedly putting her in danger by handing her the meds. So I agree with the charges

  • @emmahood2418

    He clearly got her addicted & kept her in a state of dependency. He deserves first degree, not second. He did not take her to hospital at ALL & was injecting her in HER SLEEP. That is premeditated & calculated.

  • @cozmiczeal3895

    i think it was more accidentally, due to negligent over use of those substance, that do help ppl for specific medical purposes but were gravely over-used. He should have been doing blood panels 2 check on her health 2, with regular use of those drugs right😮.. they were both using. he thought he cud keep her alive like he does with himself but she was quickly declining and he did nothing

  • @Sweet-n-Sassy609

    the medicine is pronounced nor-rontin

  • @user-wz9sp5su1g

    I think that he should be held accountable in a professional manner but not second-degree murder charge. That is not appropriate what so ever. If she was an IV drug user, she knew the risks….and she had been using a lot longer than her family was aware of. No normal person that isn't an addict would be like can you bring home some more k and versed and 20g needles

  • @dianaludwig925

    Hi Annie! It almost seems like HE got her ADDICTED?! Hard to say, but that's kinda how I feel about it!

  • @gennimae3710

    No definitely not murder charges, butt drug dealers do get charged all the time in wrongful death so….

  • @shoppingaddixx

    He was administering the drugs to her even when she was asleep so yes. He shall be charged to the fullest he’s a Dr and you take a damn oath for a reason

  • @katelynn58

    He got her addicted and kept her addicted. He saw her decline. What did he think was going to happen? Murder.

  • @Marcella1450

    I do think he should lose his license and have some jail time but 2nd degree murder charges I don't believe is fair in this case.

  • @23clockwood

    I have anxiety and have taken Valium and the amount he’s telling her to take WITH Xanax is insane. I’d be in a comma and I have been taking benzos for anxiety for a long time and have a tolerance. That’s so crazy

    He is liable for at least negligence. He’s the doctor and supplied her the meds

  • @scaredsinger0808

    When I was in college, I was given Ketamine and it put me in the scariest state of mind. I can’t imagine, introducing other drugs with it. The nurse that had commented about how powerful it was is correct!

  • @badmikefinecustomssanders526

    Doc is 100% guilty without him she never would have been able to get that lifestyle of drug use started.

  • @DjCali88

    I agree with you! Should NOT be 2nd degree murder! Manslaughter at best.. here’s a little guide:

    Manslaughter/ 3rd degree murder- no intent, no premeditation

    2nd degree murder- intent but no premeditation

    1st degree (capital) murder- intent AND premeditation.

    Simply based on the elements of the crime that must be proven BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, I feel that 2nd degree is a stretch for sure!

  • @carolinaaitken5134

    Yes he is a medical professional who knows better, but that is not, where my not understanding comes from…why is he allowing her to take medication that is obviously not agreeing with her at times, when she is home alone. Not what I would consider, someone who had her best interest at heart. So much for true love.

  • @vickistclaie862

    She stayed because he had access to the drugs and he gave them to her so she would stay.

  • @vickistclaie862

    Strange seems all they talked about was drugs.

  • @akasulis7638

    Please do a video on the channon christian and christopher newsom murders in Knoxville Tennessee. It is a wild story

  • @barbarakazuck365

    It sounds like he got her hooked by saying I'm a doctor and I know these drugs aren't that dangerous, then she's hooked and begging for them. First do no harm was forgotten by this dentist.

  • @xlittledebx

    Im a retired NP. There was a huge power imbalance here. He understood the mechanism of those meds, she didn’t. He’s a murderer.

  • @felicityisswag3140

    I think it’s typical brain washing. If he has such easy access to these drugs he SHOULD know the affects they have and what amounts are safe, etc. therefore he would have seen the signs especially if he’s the one distributing these to her. she clearly loved him and he could have been using those feelings to influence this addiction. Something like no this is ok for you I love you I wouldn’t give you something to hurt you and playing the doctor role to persuade her to take different things, potentially knowing the outcome. Instructing her to take more when she reaches out for help is another sign. She’s also young and potentially naive, or blinded by love 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  • @waltzthroughlife

    dude def got her hooked on drugs so she would never come to her senses about how creepy the relationship was 😬

  • @samanthaeverhart9451

    As a recovering addict myself….the doctor failed her as a doctor but he's an addict too so I don't expect much from him either! She was using him solely for drugs from day one, I'm sure of that! That's what addicts do…use, manipulate, and lie so I don't think he should be charged with 1st or 2nd degree murder…something less I think..🤷🏻‍♀️ just my opinion

  • @madamemelinda4014

    Can you explain to me why a dentist is prescribing Anti psychotic and mood stabilizing medication

  • @edithnicoli7043

    She could ask for drugs till she is blue he killed her

  • @DevilsInc323

    At first it reminded me of the horror movie “the dentist “ crazy addicts so sad.

  • @blackgirle2181

    He injected her as she slept? It seems he guided her or groomed her addiction so to speak

  • @jamienelson9845

    I'd like to know if he had previous drug use. I'm assuming they both did. They had to have the tolerance of a horse. You don't build up a tolerance to use that many drugs in a short period of time. Some families are in denial about their loved ones being addicts. The man knew what he was doing was illegal. No excuse for that other than he was an addict and abused his position. No wonder she always felt bad. She did. Those medications will make you tired. Zombie like. Sounds like he was plying her with her drugs. Enabling to the point of coming to her end. Would she have been with him if they didn't have that in common? When she said she felt like she was floating…. I bet she was. Higher than a kite.. so sad
    FYI the neurontin is something I've taken before… it's for neuropathy. It can make you feel slow and unsteady on your feet. It's prescribed for nerve pain. Usually to diabetics. Insane amount of usage going on. Just wow.

  • @user-xm9yh2ey2e

    versed. pronounced ver-said. general anesthetic similar to propofol

  • @RajeannaHall-yu2pu

    I believe that the Dr is at fault to a point. She willing took the drugs with him and asked for them but when she had to have CPR the first time the Dr should have put a stop to the drugs and had gotten her help. Had he done that she could have still been alive. He did take an oath to help people but not in the way he was helping his girlfriend. Murder might be tough but how ever him being a Dr and getting the drugs for her and also assisted her in doing them I believe he is at fault. His license should be revoked obviously he needs help his self. It's just sad that he wasn't stronger and put his foot down and got her some help. If he loved her and cared for her as he claimed then he should of gotten her help and if not him then he should of told her family so they could step in and help

  • @LULULB371

    It is a crime for a Dr to supply drugs and medical care to their own family in my country. Highly unethical and Ketamine is highly scheduled and chances are before she met him she had probably never tried it as it is not widely used or dispensed. I think he purposely got her hooked. Secondly it comes in tablet form if you are being prescribed it and only medical practices and hospitals and vets will keep it (widely used as an animal tranq) so even an independent Dr should not have access to viles and most women would not want needle tracks when you can take it as a tablet. Sounds like he was illegally taking it from his practice. Xanex is highly addictive and puts you in such an altered state of calm and euphoria in these large doses it makes someone so complient. Both used as date r*pe drugs. I do find him responsible because you would never do this to someone you truly love. I feel so sad for her family as they saw her demeanor change because of the drugs.

  • @keepitreal86

    Addiction is awful 😞 unfortunately I don't believe he should be charged for murder she was turned on to the drugs by him and got addicted..the family found out she had a problem but didn't really do anything either.. when two people are addicted it's never good

  • @cortneyweaver296

    Annie neurontin is gabapentin. Versed is a very strong benzo used for surgery. Grapefruit potentiates any benzos and is very dangerous to take like that. I'm actually prescribed all of these meds well not versed and I don't shoot them nor do I take any grapefruit products. If you don't know what potentiate means Google it because I'm not the best at that but basically your body doesn't process it so it just keeps building it up in your system. Like you can turn a little bit of benzos into something much stronger to your system. Sorry I don't talk more or hit like but I watch all of your videos and always wanna comment. It's just I watch you on TV so then I've got to go grab my laptop or tablet blah blah blah… I'm medicated and lazy AF 😹😹😹😹😽😽😽💕😺😺

  • @SouthernGyrl

    It appears to me, 2 drug addicts connected and abused drugs willingly together. He should be charged because he is a doctor, but I believe she was a willing participant and also comes off as she was using him for his connection to the drugs

    After her reaching out to the ex, he confirms she was going to get high rather than with him or not

  • @sberry80

    I don't think this is a 2nd degree murder case. I strongly believe this is a manslaughter case. I would be murder if he purposely gave her a hot shot or if she died by him injecting her in her sleep which it doesn't sound like that's what killed her

  • @rweiss44

    The law always aims high with charges knowing that if a plea deal is brought to the table, the charges will be downgraded. This sounds to me like they are hoping for manslaughter charges to stick if the murder charges don't. He def should lose his license to practice at minimum. 1st do no harm!

  • @jennifersiler8478

    Very heartbreaking addiction is real he still had no right to do what he did being a doctor and taking a medical . I just want to say I really love your what you do and spreading the word out here it's real life a lot of people just sweep it under the rug they never been there or known somebody who's gone through it . I appreciate everything you do keep us up with updates of everything

  • @tammywellsgarcia2377

    Nowadays they charging 3rd degree murder ( without intent ) or man slaughter. My son’s Gf went to prison for selling pills laced with fentanyl, and that person died. She got 120 months, she gets out next week 😤😤😤 doing 2/3 of her time, with the rest on probation.

  • @donnaclark5047

    I'm a bit on the fence, because it's said she had a high dose in her system, then they show you all the texts and considering she works there seems pretty informative to all the names/ doses, so it could be that she added a bit more into the IV bag as well. I think he should get abit more than a dealer because of his job/oath however maybe not murder considering she asked for them A LOT to the stage she abuses them.. hope this makes sense

  • @_the_left_aint_right_

    Guaranteed, she would have gotten those drugs SOMEWHERE if she wasn't getting a " safe" supply from him.

  • @_the_left_aint_right_

    I think what you read as " versed" Is Versed…Ver- sed, a drug used in surgery . It's a sedative and amnesiac. Crazy that she could function at all. It's no wonder she didn't feel well, she was a Zombie

  • @iluvpokey

    He's at fault period. He was in control of drugs. He gave her drugs. He took an oath. He's a puppet master and she was her puppet.

  • @haleystone5295

    And addict is an addict and as an addict myself i know if she wasn’t getting the drugs from her boyfriend she for sure would’ve gotten them on the streets not the medical grade ones but illegal drugs none the less. I don’t think second degree is warranted for this case in my opinion.

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