6 Shocking Discoveries from Ruby Franke’s Child Abuse Diary: ‘The Selfish Ones’

6 Startling Discoveries from Ruby Franke’s Account of Childhood Abuse: ‘Selfish Kids’

Hey, did you see that video about Ruby Frankie? It’s insane! She’s a former YouTuber turned convicted felon who abused her children in the name of religion. She documented the whole thing in a journal and it’s absolutely disturbing to read in her own words.

The abuse these poor kids suffered was beyond anything you can imagine. From forced fasting and physical labor to emotional shaming and humiliation, it’s a nightmare. Ruby Frankie believed her children were possessed by demons and subjected them to horrific treatment to “rid them of Satan.”

The details in the journal are shocking, from shaving her daughter’s head as punishment to forcing her son to stand in the sun and jump on a trampoline for hours. It’s clear that Ruby Frankie had serious mental health issues.

It’s terrifying to think about what these kids endured and how law enforcement failed to respond to cries for help. The whole situation is a wake-up call to be skeptical of what we see on social media and to take steps to keep ourselves and our families safe.

The children are now in a safer place, but the road to recovery will be long and difficult. Let’s hope they can get the help they need to heal from this trauma.

What do you think about this case? Leave a comment and let’s discuss. Take care!

source, We are not affiliated with the law and crime network.

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