Analyzing every detail: Investigator dissects Testimony of Charles Adelson alongside Judy from AALegalFocus

Fact: Charles Adelson is a prominent dentist and former brother-in-law of Dan Markel, a Florida State University law professor who was murdered in 2014. Adelson has denied any involvement in Markel’s murder.


26 Comments to “Mentour Lawyer Reacts to Testimony of Charles Adelson (with Judy from AALegalFocus)”

  • @ylekiote99999

    It is very disturbing that so many criminals are found innocent due to inept juries. We were an alternate juror away from charlie getting a mistrial or going free.

  • @TheLectureRoom

    Charlie mopped the floor with Cappleman…
    He created doubt…

  • @skoolie_life3261

    I think the defense did a really good job of creating reasonable doubt. I did NOT see that coming. I thought this would be a slam dunk for the prosecution, but if I were a juror, I would have to consider the fact that Charlie’s story is at least possible. That’s the point of reasonable doubt, isn’t it? That if you are not 100% sure beyond a reasonable doubt, you have to vote not guilty. I don’t think the prosecution shot a big enough hole in the defense to make it not possible. Katie’s testimony was to the contrary, but she admits to being a liar so there’s that.

  • @Ms2unique4u

    I think there are a lot of people blindly congratulating Georgia for a great cross exam, but don’t really have the courage to point out the obvious! So many people were so sure that she was going to “kill it”, that when she obviously didn’t, they can’t admit that Charlie absolutely came prepared and won that round! So many times she would ask a question, he’d give an answer and it seemed like she could have asked a follow up question, but instead just turned her pages 📑 and moved on! She even had an extra day to prepare because the defense attorney didn’t finish his direct exam on the first day and I seriously doubt Georgia took advantage of it! People have said those of us complaining about her cross were doing so because we’ve watched too many movies….i.e., “A Few Good Men” and that we were waiting for that “gotcha” moment, which never came. I disagree, there just wasn’t any follow through and every time it seemed that she would go after him, he had an even better response! To be honest, what I was expecting from Georgia was a Juan Martinez vs. Jodi Arias moment. I get that Juan and Georgia’s styles are vastly different, but that’s the LEVEL of cross I was anticipating and to say I was let down would be an understatement! 😤

  • @jenny_b_

    Is the prosecution really not going to present a rebuttal case?! How can that be!

  • @helenstewart4050

    Great you two are really bringing it the last couple days 👏🏻👏🏻ML of course you played Rashbaum tennis and I do believe he’s a nice guy to nice though for a murder trial . Can’t wait for Monday and the verdict this week ! Thanks ML and Ladybug ❤️✌🏻

  • @tillanienaber3081

    The jurors must determine why the girlfriend would want Dan M dead as he just happened to be the ex of Charlie's sister?

  • @Nurturing2

    Katherine and Luis were asked on direct and responded to the defense’s story. Their reactions are on record. No need for rebuttal. I trust closing will be packaged perfectly with a bow on top!!! I have faith in this jury. They are BRILLIANT❣️ Keep the faith, my friends!!! 🙏😇✨

  • @joettaflyascanbee4659

    Why is it so hard for people to admit the prosecution was thrown off? Rashbaum sealed every possible leak making it impossible for Cappleman to argue anything. It wasn't CA who was thrown off and frustrated it was the prosecution. The problem is that the defense was so well constructed that all GA could do was pretend she didn't understand the timeline. She kept going on and on about, why would you trust a woman who was blackmailing you and each time CA reminded her that she was referring to 2019 when he constantly was telling her it was back in 2014 and 2016 when he trusted her. If this case wasn't so well known there is certainly reasonable doubt with this defense. The defense used a person whom they tore up on the witness stand then they came back with KM who was suppose to be coming clean. Anyone looking at those 2 proffer videos can see all she wants is to minimize what she did and be released. Rashbaum even stated the prosecution was calling her a liar during her proffer. KM is a lying mess. CA looked ten times more genuine that KM. All Katie had to do was think, when she decided to do this act evil "What if this goes wrong? I better try and get some evidence in case we all are indicted. Let me make a recording of CA talking about the murder while I say something like "Does it bother you that you had someone you know a relative killed? and CA would talk and she could say something such as "Murder is awful do you have nightmares about him?" But noo she was too busy planning for a sexy future with a boob job. Had she recorded CA talking she would have knocked every argument Rashbaum has made out the water and it would be the defense looking like a deer in headlights and not the prosecution.

  • @stelladoora8045

    Whatever the verdict is, i hope ML will be able to interview one or more jurors. The past juror interviews were very interesting to watch.

  • @marybeecraft6563

    The prosecution won. Charlie thinks he is above the law…lol A lot of people in jail feel the same way. You reap what you sow and Charlie will be joining his partners in crime soon.

  • @user-eo1lh9ib7v

    Thank you mentor lawyer for standing your ground on being fair and balanced. She’s one sided. And not objective.

  • @sherylmorgan2131

    Charlie Adelson was cocky, arrogant and
    argumentative throughout the entire interrogation (cannot stand him!) Prosecutor Georgia needed to shut him down and demand only yes or no answers instead of letting him ramble on endlessly. She appeared very weak and he ran rough roughshod over her. I was very frustrated and kept yelling for the prosecutor to take command. I feel he’s 100% guilty but think he argued his way out of a conviction. I feel her weak cross examination has lost the case.

  • @caterinascarcella

    Prosecution excellence

  • @kaseyjones2770

    The state has a huge collection of evidence. Charlie just made up a story that fit–kind of like kids do on "opposite day." He smirked and laughed a lot throughout the trial. I can't imagine a sane journey acquitting this loser.

  • @pauldalnoky6055

    The jury could return a verdict the same day.

  • @American_Grrl

    Charlie did much better than I thought he would. The cross wasn't as good as I thought it would be but I am not sure many could have done any better. When I listened to Charlie drone on about the "extortions" the previous day it just seemed so contrived, which it is. I am hoping the jury sees Chuck for the flaming bag of poop that he is and that he's found guilty

  • @margaretlee-reed814

    I caught Geirgia asked WA about "plausible deniability". (And, WA seemed surprised/shook up.)

    Guessing why that was said. Let's discuss after trial.

    CA slipped up (probably a lot but noted a specific time).

    WA continuously says she/the family don't read, watch the news or read/discuss legal documents, affidavits etc. Thus, neither would CA. By default. But, CA gave a lengthy explanation why Bulluet Bourban was purchased … nothing nefarious (or mental). He's obviously paying attention.

  • @user-eo1lh9ib7v

    The state did not make a slam dunk, especially with Charlie. It’s like Georgia knew Katie is a liar and believed part of Charlie’s story. I hope the jurors send a message to the police “ prosecutors” we will no longer tolerate the state making deals with people like Rivera who will be out in about 10 years in your state, wow!, just to try and Charge an Adelson, with no Slam dunk! I’m disappointed. 7 years to charge him, Georgia should have had a slam dunk cross. They knew they did not have enough of evidence, so why put more people in florida in danger to be killed by Latin kings and make a deal with the devil. It’s obvious Charlie with those dark circles and pale skin has lived in hell, on the other hand, Katie Rivera and Garcia no dark circles they look healthy. Reasonable doubt!!!! She’s the mastermind.

  • @CC42_

    I question how intelligent Charlie is when he kept saying Katie wasn't extorting him back in 2014/2015 because he didn't find out about it until 2019. What 3-4 times he had this shrodingers box way of thinking. Only happened if you knew it did at the time lol.

    Hope the jury saw through that BS

  • @sharonknowles4771

    The Gotcha moment for me was when she said so you knew the truth but you let your friend rot in jail for 3 years why didn't you go to the poluce and he really didn't have an answer accept he thought it would come out in 2019 at her trial i mean it's just so far fetched lol

  • @crede9427

    You need a microphone

  • @user-vr6io5xb9e

    Look at those puppy eyes. I’m sure he’s practiced in front of the mirror quite a while.He’s a narcissistic liar 😊

  • @petergrant9259

    After watching the proffers you have of Magbanua, I can see how the defense strategy evolved. Charlie may very well walk without the State having a great closing.

  • @shai4ever

    The whole story from Charlie is from rebutal at Katie 2nd trial….she told exactly whats gonna happened. "She did everything…i told a joke and they killed the man. ". That's his big defence…it's so ridiculous!!!!!!

  • @auburn1159

    Charlie HAD No character witnesses – not a colleague, Not a Friend, Not a family member even an extended family member, Patient, etc – this is telling

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