As a meticulous crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, it is imperative to thoroughly analyze every aspect of this transcript in order to uncover any crucial evidence that may lead to solving the case. This particular case involves a violent assault that took place in the early hours of the morning, leaving the victim in critical condition.

Upon closer examination of the dialogue within the transcript, it is evident that the suspect’s alibi does not align with the timeline of events provided by witnesses. Additionally, inconsistencies in the suspect’s statement suggest possible deception.

Furthermore, based on the nature of the crime and the injuries sustained by the victim, it is likely that the perpetrator has a history of violence and may pose a danger to the public. It is essential to gather all available information, including any prior criminal records or patterns of behavior, in order to apprehend the individual responsible for this heinous act.

In conclusion, thorough investigation and attention to detail are paramount in bringing the perpetrator to justice and ensuring the safety of the community. The truth lies within the details, and it is our duty to uncover them in pursuit of justice for the victim and closure for their loved ones.


30 Comments to “She Documented EVERYTHING! TikToker Hunted By Controlling Estranged Husband | Sania Khan Case”

  • @annieelise


  • @traveltm

    Could see would be issues before the wedding. So sad.
    The irony; she found SA to marry to honor her parents but sadly married a narcissist who thought had the right to look down on her family. And typical misogynist. Why did her marry her? He knew before hand not traditional and she was already a photographer.

  • @randyd0514

    Her friend on the news is an idiot who is making money off her death that's exactly what is happening here. And saying that a South Asian woman divorce is tough what about a Jewish woman getting a divorce look that up if you don't know what a get is not even one year Gabriella is nothing more and she even said it a progressive idiot where was the abuse by the way I'm looking for the beatings and I've seen no evidence of that what I have seen is a man saying wait a minute you are my wife and we are not going to get in a situation where you disgrace me and run around with men while I sit at home there's a name for that too but then you want to take everything to social media even Gabriella said I didn't know this but I looked on Instagram I looked on tiktok and that's where I got answers wow just wow

  • @randyd0514

    Sometimes Lefty's confused manipulation with marriage. When you are married you do have a commitment dressing up like a whore and running around with guys and posting a man's shame all over Tik Tok again I'm going to say nobody deserves to die just not in that way but when a man has an open heart that is broken and you rub salt in it for the whole world to see what did you think was going to happen all of you people were doing the ra ra because I know lefties hate marriage and any commitment that has to do with God. I'm not even married but I have been with my partner for many years and I would not shame her on social media and I would not make anything public if we had a problem it is wrong

  • @randyd0514

    Got to love the little Tic-Tac thing and beautiful the stick to this in sickness and in health in less than one year. There used to be a little saying called the first year Blues a lot of emotions happen marriage is a big step I think this is a horseshit case that could have been avoided without social media intervening you could tell she was addicted to it don't lay everything on that man

  • @randyd0514

    I'm just wondering if Tik Tok and some of her friends are not part of what drove this dude over the edge. Do you know the old adage just because I'm paranoid does not mean they're not out to get me and maybe there was some inappropriate stuff on both sides. I do think social media had a lot to do with this and putting it all out there probably made everything worse and I'm just wondering how much this journey paid her and how much she was pushed by the tiktok money and the crowd they are not your friends and all I have seen from social media is many lives destroyed nobody deserves to be murdered butt people need to stop letting handheld devices make decisions and run their lives and potentially destroy the lives off many family members in the bargain it's almost satanic no it actually is satanic

  • @tinywalnut6337

    I can't get past that "hot girl sh*t" tiktok. This chick seems rad.

  • @rfross771

    Wish with all my heart that more women wholeheartedly embraced their 2nd amendment rights

  • @kaseybates6718

    Thank you for bringing awareness to these cases. I lived in chattanooga at the time of this case and never heard of it

  • @jasmeetsingh5

    Constantly bashing your ex on social media for attention isn't such a good idea. If you're going to leave someone, just leave them alone.

  • @clariceriley489

    RIP YOUNG Queen…..

  • @scarlettfrancesca

    I watch a lot of true crime cases and this is one of the few that really made me cry.

    The fact that her friend was on her way to get her and bring her home Is even more heartbreaking because if she could have gotten there just a day earlier this crime would have never happened.

    It is disgusting when someone feels they have a right to take someone else off of this planet simply for the fact because they do not want to be in a relationship anymore.

    These kinds of cases are a huge reason why I get concerned over how to share my story in a way that will not jeopardize my safety.

    My ex is a very dangerous person and the last thing I want is for him to find me and destroy my peace or my life!

  • @Senoritadeloscielos

    How did he get in her place she changed the locks and had a protective order

  • @GlenGiGi

    Her name is Sania – you called her Sannah through out the video, on and off.

  • @Doadab13

    It’s hard to understand different cultures.

  • @valeriemilward2027

    God bless you beautiful angel , sending love to u all❤

  • @judytinker3392

    Sometime there are times you need to stay low key and not antagonize the other person just to protect yourself. I know it sucks but might have saved her life. It gave her X to much information about what she was up to all the time.

  • @sberry80

    That culture is so against women having a voice of any kind. Not just the crazy controlling husband but also brothers, dads and even uncle's will punish a woman for voicing up, and especially filing for divorce. They consider it an embarrassment, disappointment and disrespectful to the family. I mean if a family thinks a girl had sex without being married the dad and brothers will take her to a public square and throw rocks at her till she is dead. Its so insane

  • @stevelewis6259

    The parents and the family that only cared about the face value of this toxic B.S loveless, Most likely arranged marriage should be held accountable for her death because they all were in on his intentions unintentionally or not. What did they expect would happen if she refused to get back together. They knew, it's pretty much known that it's part of their culture. Only reason he shot himself was to save face for his family because he couldn't get away with it here. Charges for these types crimes should always be filled and prosecuted. Even if the the rest of the family has to go prison to prove that it is NOT acceptable behavior.

  • @phoenixkwon

    Her family's attitude and behavior is so normalized in so many Asian countries and communities. It is also why the divorce rates are so much lower in Asian countries and communities than they are in other countries and other communities. For instance here in South Korea the divorce rates are a lot lower than they are in western countries but it would definitely be so much higher if we Korean women were not taught from childhood that we should not do anything that could bring shame or embarrassment to our families.

  • @magallanesagustin4952

    Her family are such hypocrites! They totally ditched her instead of protecting her from that nutjob and then blame it on the building's staff.

  • @Itsamandalord

    I remember when I was going to court for a tpo protection from my ex who was abusive, and also going to a crisis center she was right there beside me through it all. Years before this happened. She heard and saw how terrible it was to escape abuse she even had me do a video with mayor Burke of Chattanooga explaining it simply I hate that's she's gone I still have a coat and purse she gave me and it comforts me
    But I miss her dearly
    She was so so much more than this. She was truely a light that lit up the whole room. I remember grocery trips we took together just goofing off. Going out to Mabel tree eating
    So many memories I'll hold dear to me and so much more. Not this. But I pray it will help. Someone in DV

  • @breebree08

    This kind of situation happened to a church friend of mine. She was a beautiful soul. She sent her kids to school and her ex husband had parked across the street. Took her from her 3 amazing kids and he tried to take himself out. He was not successful on himself. The kids are doing amazing in life now.

  • @msmichelle746

    I don't understand how the marriage happened unless it was arranged. If he lied about his age on the license, it should have been deemed illegal.

  • @psychicrenegade

    A lot of abusive men put on a nice-guy act until after the wedding…and then they become the sociopathic nightmares they truly are, when they feel like the woman is now "stuck" with them and can't leave them. My sperm donor did the same thing to my mother.

  • @KraccerJakk

    I am going to start off by saying what team did was not right, but she took vows to stick through it for better or worse through sickness and health, and as soon as she saw, he had a mental sickness she tried running away she could have helped him instead she harmed them both

  • @WhidbeyIslandWA

    Some cultures & religions have a dangerous risk for women and children. They become victims and live daily with suffering. I pray that one day people can be more opened minded and excepting to the welfare of each other and put aside their beliefs and live with an open heart. We should all be able to feel safe.

  • @lindadavis9120

    This story is so tragic. My deepest condolences to her loved ones🥲✌🏽💕🙏🏽✝️🕊️

  • @alanamacneill88

    People need to be supported

  • @pribisco1969

    I am by no means shaming this poor woman but why did she let him in her apartment!! ????!!!! Call 911 immediately!, DO NOT LET THEM IN YOU’RE HOME! Please ladies! Don’t let them in!! 90% of the time it doesn’t end this way but the 10%of the time it does don’t take the risk!!!

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