As a meticulous crime investigator, it is paramount to analyze every aspect of this transcript with scrutiny. Focusing on the minute details can provide valuable insights into the nature of the crime at hand.

This particular case appears to involve a high level of planning and organization, as evidenced by the coordinated efforts of the individuals mentioned in the conversation. The language used suggests a familiarity and comfort with criminal activity, indicating a history of illegal dealings.

Furthermore, the casual references to violence and intimidation point towards a potentially dangerous situation that must be approached with caution. It is clear that those involved are not hesitant to resort to extreme measures to achieve their goals.

In order to successfully solve this case, it is imperative to delve deeper into the relationships and motivations of all parties involved. By piecing together the information provided in this transcript with other evidence gathered, a clearer picture of the crime and its perpetrators can be revealed. Only through a comprehensive and meticulous investigation can justice be served.


36 Comments to “Harmony Montgomery Update: Kayla Montgomery Lied to Police About Last Harmony Sighting”

  • @annieelise

    With this new information will Kayla connect with Adam to get their stories straight? What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

  • @Blacksheep-Ba-Ba

    Kayla is disconnected because its really not important to her. She doesn't even give a damn that Harmony was killed sitting between her children and the psych damage this has done to the two little ones.
    Trust me- their age doesn't matter – this will effect them in the future.

  • @AlE-ld3ld

    If she "thought Harmony was with her mother" then why did she continue welfare fraud? Wouldn't you think that would make her be more likely to be caught? If someone else has the child wouldn't you think they might try to get benefits for the child and that would show you as being fraudulent?

    Hopefully how I worded that makes sense. It went better in my head lol

  • @staceywamsteker5918

    Her body language to me changed at different points. She starts with swaying in her seat as they discuss the fraud, she then goes into a slouch-like, head down posture when they talk about Harmony, and then when they are discussing her drug rehabilitation and the bail, she is sitting forward, face forward. So to me this seemed like it started with not caring (i.e about the fraud), to no eye contact head down, (either shame, or some other negative emotion around Harmony) and then full interest (when it comes to her own fate). That's what it seemed like to me anyway.

  • @cheyennecarver9648

    No one is moving in the court room

  • @kimberlyjones6607

    At time stamp 24:15 you stated that the state argued not to release Kayla ? I wasn’t sure if both women were there or it was an error-thank you for covering these updates!❤

  • @leahw754

    I wonder if fraud charges included tax fraud because I’m sure they’ve received EIC Earned Income Credit. That’s a Federal felony Income Tax Fraud

  • @tracysteffner

    This case is not good in anyway. Sad this happens in so many cases. Example is just like the baby Evelyn Boswell. This also reminds me of a case in N.C. Fact is people like these two are evil and deserves exactly what has been done to this child.

  • @mackenzie1899


  • @TheMotherReborn

    I know in rehab u are not allowed to talk to anyone the first 2 weeks and a recovery coach is sitting there on speaker phone and u only have 2 contacts other than ur direct family but that was at the rehab I was at. I don't agree with their decision but hopefully they have the security that we did after the phone but I do know that if u choose to leave the cops cannot arrest u on their property cuz that is our safe space and if she chooses to leave as far as I know they cannot arrest u on their property. That's just my knowledge of rehabilitation program but it will only work if u choose to.the consequences will not force u to change

  • @marytzacruz7432

    Can you find out what happened to The Murder of Lorenzo González Cacho. No one has been accused or convicted.

  • @aishagladden

    The states attorney was not well prepared. He should have known if she was able to be around her kids since he bought it up and he already knew he had to alter his words not to give too much about the pending case!

  • @taraerskine3954

    She actually has a really good public defender, I'm not siding with Kayla in anyway! She would never get a good PD in most states! Idkw he's doing all this for a very cold mean person & she's a compulsive liar? Whatever!

  • @BAt4BrAinZ

    The DA did NOT say it was “confirmed” Kayla and Adam were observed with missing child beyond the dates they both provided as last time they physically saw missing 👧🏼!
    Why these true crime blogger vlogger influenced af h03S always hype and straight up lie about this stuff. Like, it’s interesting either way ♀!!

    The DA said they have “at east one 👁️ witness” who says they saw Kayla and Adam with Harmony beyond the dates they have both provided as last seeing Harmony.
    One guy that LE and DA trust enough to reference in court is still simply hearsay. Anyone can say anything y’all.

    We all know Annie doesn’t participate in her comment section cause it doesn’t pay her to do so so this is just info for y’all with zero intention to actively Harass Annie.

  • @amberlawson8918

    It truly breaks my heart to here about these parents killing there beautiful blessings. Absolutely heartbreaking 😢

  • @judithdohner2959

    I’m hoping her getting sober, makes have a crisis of conscious!

  • @ese-vato-loco8062

    I'm watching it on my phone but, the only time Kayla shows any interest or acknowledgment of what's going on is when the judge is considering the possibility of releasing her to a treatment facility, her head perks up and she is 👂

  • @chrissyart7984

    I Do Hope the police play them off each other ,e.g Kayla told us everything of what u did& how u told her Not to tell anyone,,Hopefully then Adam Says the truth( Vice versa)" psychology tricks"- police Should be trained Up to know this..The police Do Need to Get Harsher with Drug addicts who have missing children..I'mSure police are Monitoring her….Sounds like she's an Out- patient & then she goes back to prison..She's coming off the drugs& Hopefully Soon She Starts Talking…Hope your throat gets better Annie, I have same problem with mine 3wks with the flu!!!

  • @carrieroderick5574

    I love watching your show Annie but every time I watch one of your episodes you seem to always have the black and white striped shirt please go in your closet and find a different shirt

  • @zappa-happy

    Ohhh so Kayla was the one in jail & Christina is the Actual Mother ?? Sorry! Feeling bit lost!

  • @momoser3531

    I think anymore this action, the stepmother, of being disconnected, IMO, is to me going to play a role later if they find Harmony as far as her mental state. This seems to be a thing now. Sick, but true! This little girl deserved better. To little, to late. It shows the lack of concern for this little one. Innocent and helpless. When will we learn!? It's a sys that can fail 50% of the time. It's horrible! I pray they find her bc this just needs to end their suffering of where she is

  • @heatherscott9550

    Ah finally an adult reporting. So over these troll type people. Trash talking is such a waste of energy and time. Thank you for being a real adult Annie.

  • @amberbrody6631

    If you didn't charge so much a month. I would join. You can create a patron account for paid subs and keep your regular channel free to regular like other creators

  • @taniaeyden5715

    Even after death,the judge isn't protecting the child….

  • @rustyangel9265


  • @davidcasler7830

    I wish there were a “love” option!

  • @ItIsWhatItIs8120

    It makes my heart hurt to know that no one cared enough about this baby to even notice that she was gone.Her own family didn't even care at all about this babies life to say something ,do something ,or to tell the truth about where this baby is / what happened to her ? Is this where where our society is now does no one care enough about this baby this human life ,this little girl to stand up for her ? No one helped her in the begining the least as human beings we can help her soul in the end.?

  • @tlh0121

    Them being being evicted right before Harmony went missing just gives more plause to him selling her, in my opinion.

  • @Kdillah

    Also Adam was very violent to Kayla it was a very abusive relationship but they were both seriously addicted to drugs heroin fentanyl opiates serious drugs I believe Kayla is also a victim but when they had Adam in jail she should have told what she knew but I'm sure she was still under the influence and withdrawing and afraid of jail and not being able to see her children at that point

  • @Kdillah

    But mostly her actions and movements looked as somebody who was going through withdrawals from opiates or heroin so I don't think it wasn't that she didn't care I just think that her brain was going crazy and she was very sick and couldn't follow along completely with how her body was reacting of not having the drugs

  • @Kdillah

    I do not feel the same on your opinion of the way she was acting to me as a recovered addict she looked as somebody who was still sick going through withdrawals that's what the swaying is from also probably anxiety

  • @MeriV

    She also picked her head up once the judge sounded as if she was going to let her to go to the facility.

  • @MeriV

    She looks like she’s withdrawing to me

  • @traceymcdonald7949

    It is really hard to judge someone's body language on a video that frozen most of the time…

  • @tracibracken2331

    Evidence and facts of the charges for which she’s being held on are for welfare fraud not murder, accessory to murder or anything of that nature. It’s welfare fraud.
    The law has a standing conviction and sentencing for her charges which is the only matters presented to the judge at this time. She hasn’t avoided any previous court dates so technically speaking she’s not a flight risk(at least not on paper).
    Also, It’s a annoying and a very dangerous game to play when the court of public opinion tries to rule over the court of law. She isn’t in court for criminal issues/charges others believe that she’s may have committed or assisted with. The law requires evidence and facts to charge someone and keep locked up. The state can not hold her on hope-that the other charges will materialize. It doesn’t work that way and thank god! Could you imagine the sever and unjust consequences of this happening?!
    Our personal thoughts, judgements and opinions are just that…personal! Not evidence to anything else. We may think she’s guilty or something with the court unless you can prove it-it’s basically irrelevant and insignificant.

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