As a highly detailed crime investigator, I meticulously reviewed the transcript of the interrogation, noting every nuance and subtle implication. The suspect’s evasive answers and shifting body language hinted at a guilty conscience, suggesting they were involved in the high-profile robbery at the downtown bank. The minute details of their alibi didn’t add up, further casting doubt on their credibility. My keen investigative skills honed in on inconsistencies in their story, leading me to believe that the suspect was withholding crucial information about the crime. The interview transcript served as a valuable piece of evidence in building a case against them, highlighting the importance of thorough analysis and attention to detail in solving complex crimes.


31 Comments to “Mother of 3 Allegedly Killed Her Children – What Caused This Tragedy? | Lindsay Clancy Case”

  • @annieelise

    Many of you have been asking that I cover this case. It was an extremely emotional and personal one for me so it took some time. I hope you respect my opinion on this case as I respect yours. I stand with Lindsay.

  • @michaelamuller9663

    i knopw its one year. But im really glad im in germany. I felt the same way but i didnt have to pay for this myself. it should be everywhere that this is in health care.

  • @amandahunt5703

    My breast milk never come with my two kids so bottle feed them both. I had one normal birth and one c section and found the normal one harder to get over. Yes had little baby blue but own last few days. So glad you share all of your story with us

  • @amandahunt5703

    My milk never come in to breast feed with my first and my second one i said i bottle feed and the midwives had go at me for not tryinvg it and my milk never came in. My first birth i had normal and found it harder to get over then the c section i had with my second one

  • @tamaravasselin8978

    Honest! But Girl Trim those nails! Frightening

  • @my3boyzmommy

    Andrea Yates, a mother who drowned each of her 5 children while likely also suffering from postpartum psychosis.

  • @jgodden1

    Postpartum is so real and very scary. A woman I had known since 9th grade had just had a son. She ended up taking her own life. It was such a shocker. My heart goes out to this woman and her family.

  • @chasitibrooks7295

    I stand with Lindsay!!! 😔 3 years later and I'm still struggling yet coping

  • @jazziet9289

    I want to commend you for telling your truth. I also suffered from PPD and I remember the detached feelings. I didn't want to hold my son, I remember taking him to his dad and I just couldn't enjoy creating the bond. PPD is a REAL thing and women need to seek help. I still feel regret to this day and he's 14. 😢 Thank you for your honesty.

  • @oscodajamie

    I can relate so much to your story. First child. Epidural only numbed my legs. Had to use forceps to get him out. Lots of stitches and pain, almost needed a blood transfusion. Thank god my mom was helping me. Had latching issues and was told if I didn’t nurse he would be unhealthy. I resented my poor child. Didn’t change a diaper for the first 2 weeks, only my own. Felt no connection. As my pain went away and after sobbing about having to use formula I started getting better and feeling like a loving mom. I never reached out for help. After watching this , wish I would have

  • @Swtbtsssy81

    I stand with Lindsay… I’ve fought depression and severe post partum depression…. It’s not easy but talking to others helps!! Reach out!! Never be afraid!!! It’s amazing how much better it can make you feel!!

  • @Anamile46

    I had it with my second daughter and I was also away from my family. I had a 3 year old and a newborn. It is hard to go through. You are so strong to share your story. Thank you!

  • @JadBrown85

    I’m new to your channel, and I immediately adored you. Now after watching this, you are America’s sweetheart!

  • @joannebiggar9723

    I did not suffer from post pardom depression. I had the “baby blues” for a few days. That is not pleasant. My heart aches for couples who go through this and the price to fix the situation is ridiculous!! I stand for Lindsay.

  • @marolynramirez9447

    I had post part depression when i had my daughter. They gavee the paper so i can answer if i had post partim depression but i lied because i didn't know if they were going to take my kids away. I didn't want my kids to be taken away from me. This was 9 years ago and ive dealt with it with God's help and my husband's help. I have good people in my life that have helped me and my kids help me too. ❤❤❤

  • @dawnadams4301

    I stand with Lindsey. Thank you Annie. ❤

  • @martaleon6174

    Thanks for share your experience, I know it's hard to do it, because the society teach us that, we need to be a good women, a good mum, and shame the depression or the mental illness, and we need to teach now our kids and the rest of the new society that ask for help it's not a shame, we have the right to ask help as if we have a visible illness. All are human and we can pass for different moments. I don't know you but I feel you are a great person, wife, mum and family member. Marta

  • @lunabrandon2985

    You're such an inspiration, Annie. ❤ it was very brave of you to speak on those very personal emotions.

  • @justinacosta9973

    Shes no better than chris watts, possibly even worse. anyone who says or thinks otherwise is a ****ing hyoocrit. No sympathy here.

  • @williamhopkins7065

    Even if we understand it, its more important,imo, to decide what you do about it. Maybe someone can explain why you cant just remove her from the home until the mother is better. If theres eve 1% chance they can harm the child, why is that not a solution. And i dont mean drop them off at a psychiatric hospital, just stay with parents or a sibking and have monitored time with the kids, stuff like that.

  • @Kati_k_kuriosz

    Only by the grace of God I didn’t hurt my child. They didn’t have mental healthcare for what they didn’t even have a name. I’m glad I had my mom but my doctor just said basically buckle up. I thought I was not even worthy to have my child. I carried so much shame and guilt for a long time. So this subject still makes me cry. So 30 years later in therapy I got to let go because I wasn’t a horrible mother. Today I still think we don’t have enough education about postpartum. Annie you’re so brave for sharing. Ty❤

  • @thedavisfam23

    I have struggled and it caused a lot of pain. There was an insurmountable lack of support and I had to claw my way out with all four pregnancies in one way or the other.

  • @bmichellew2010

    Why are you defending a monster who killed her own kids? You're a mom too.

  • @laurawilliams5363

    To go public with something so personal takes a tremendous amount of courage and care. I am so sorry this was what happened to you. Sharing this can only help other women that go through birth and have the feelings like yours. My hat is tipped to you for doing this, total respect to you.

  • @aubreechadek13200

    I think another reason why women do not speak up about whats going on or seeking help is because of finances. Not everyone has financially stable friends or family that are able or willing to shell out money to help someone else.

  • @nicoleguss162

    Wow I’m so impressed by you. You are a wonderful soul Annie. I just love how you explain things. And telling your story will help so many families. Thank you for being you.

  • @shyannehassan1461

    See I’ve had the opposite effect. People tell me I should just do formula. I’ve had formula pushed on me by my SONS PEDIATRICIAN.

  • @lp6196

    I so relate to your story. I got married at 16 to a wonderful man . We were totally in love and I'd known him for several years being as he was my older brothers best friend.
    He was stationed in the military 500 miles away, so I moved after we got married. We intentionally got pregnant with our first baby but i miscarriaged at 2 months. Few months later trying again , I became pregnant with twins. My pregnancy was high risk and was in and out having ultrasounds , aminosytisis, ect ect ect. We were constantly told to prepare ourselves to not bring one home. We were blessed both babies beat the odds and they were both very healthy. I won't go into Great detail about everything that happened in those 9 months but i do believe in God and he answered our prayers.
    Being 18 years old, living 500 miles away from everyone who could have helped me was the most overwhelming time in my life. I loved them but i was so stressed out with lack of sleep and not having one clue what i was doing. I tried and i do mean tried to breast feed for 3 weeks and my milk never came in. I gave up and went to formula. I know they had to be starving. They cried what seemed like for 6 months. I remember sitting in the floor crying with them. I just wasn't happy. I feel like i began to resent even having children even though being a mother was what i had always dreamed of being was a mom.
    I really feel like i was thrown to the wolves after i had them. I dont remember the doctors or anyone really made sure that i was going to be ok.
    My grandmother came and stayed with me the first week and had planned to stay longer but she got sick and had to go home.
    My grandmother had raised 5 kids and helped raised my brothers and I abd babysat a lot of children down through the years. I remember her telling me she believed my twins cried more than any baby she had ever seen. I knew then i wasn't crazy and it wasn't just me.
    I was beyond overwhelmed. I was sad, fat and miserable.
    I never got much because we had no close family around. I did have wonderful neighbors who would help here and there.
    I have no doubt i had post pardom depression but didn't know what to do or was too ashamed to ask for help.
    Thank you for bringing this subject to light and reaching out to other moms.

  • @paulwatson2499

    Postpartum depression will drive you insane. I'm a man an I had a severe case with my first child… The violent thoughts you have will make you wanna k!ll yourself… I never told anyone I kept it hid because I didn't have a clue what was wrong with me… Father's can also get it…

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