As a seasoned and meticulous crime investigator, I carefully analyzed every word in this transcript for any potential clues or inconsistencies. My extensive experience in solving similar cases has trained me to pay attention to every detail, no matter how small.

In this particular case, it appears that the suspect may have attempted to conceal their involvement in the crime by providing false information during questioning. This behavior is consistent with the pattern of deception often seen in cases of fraud or financial crimes.

I will continue to delve into this transcript, honing in on any inconsistencies or red flags that may lead me closer to solving this case. My keen eye for detail and unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth will undoubtedly play a crucial role in bringing the perpetrator to justice.


29 Comments to “Is she serious?! | Footage, Photos & Updates | Casey Anthony Updates”

  • @annieelise

    Thank you to the 1500 of you who watched this live premiere with me. If you are catching the replay, make sure to let me know your thoughts on this case in the comments below. XO

  • @evanminor5040

    This content creator didn't really do her homework. For instance, Casey didn't steal Amy's checks to flee or pay someone off, there was surveillance video of her going on a shopping spree at target for cases of beer, bras, panties, sunglasses and even the hoodie she was arrested in. Everything but items for a toddler. There are a lot of details that were made public knowledge, but this content creator doesn't seem to be aware of many widely known details 🙂‍↕️

  • @jasmine9489

    Coming back to this video because she was seen at Disneyland recently. She clearly did something to her That poor baby never got to visit Disneyland she should be behind bars!!

  • @MichelleSmith-kr4nh

    If the dad or parents had anything to do with it, why would they have called the police about the car to begin with?? It doesn’t make sense. I can’t believe the parents covered for her like that did. It’s wild. And how unfair to Caylee 😞

  • @lauralynn1430

    Casey is guilty 😢

  • @truelymebe

    You were correct about her trying to rewrite her popularity and image it just wasn't a PI documentary it was a self documentary on Peacock.

  • @kaeleighreem7903

    This case has always made me feel some type of way being my name is Kaeleigh and my birthday is August 9th 2002 I remember watching all the news updates with my grandparents and thinking could that have been me or feeling a connection with Kaylee

  • @hallsjuju2400

    When crazy Casey is saying she’ll do what ever it takes to get her back she left out enter a hot body contest, get a tattoo, abandon her car, but she did say lie, cheat and steal.

  • @SusanaXpeace2u

    Sad, If only she'd left Kayleigh with her parents and disappeared to party.

  • @tinkdust1632

    Guilty. I'd say she has to live with that….but it appears that she has no care or remorse……

  • @maegenyoungs2591

    I don’t think the dad did anything, the hole thing about smelling he hair and sweat, as a father, your kid has a sent, it’s like a sugar cookie.. if he had been why didn’t she act out on him in jail during conversations

  • @Jaxsnackpack

    I used to feel that way about the jury, but after actually researching, you can’t blame the jury. They have to follow the law.
    Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 HUGE mistakes the prosecution made that could’ve changed the outcome. They are the ones to blame. It’s on them to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and they lost the case more than Jose Baez won it.

  • @tarashelton493

    She got away with murder.

  • @sherylyates7551

    I originally spelled Caylees name correctly then changed it to a K cuz I thought I spelled it wrong … now realizing I should have left it a C Again, RIP sweet baby Caylee ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @sherylyates7551

    Cindy Anthony, the police, even the prosecution sicken me… Cindy knows Casey killed Caylee…. “The car smells like there has been a damn dead body in it”?!?!?!? The Police having to be-called more than once by Roy regarding the remains when it was basically down the road from the Anthony home?!?!? George needs to pull-up his boot straps. Also, how hard would it be to find out who Caylee’ s father is?!?really??? .. they need to release That secret… how dare her get to behave like a total idiot. She used Xanax to sub due Kaylee so she could party… Casey finds her dead from an over dose or being left in the car too long. Now the coverup begins … the duck tape is used in the event her remains are found and it could possibly be proof she was killed by someone else. Casey Anthony is the epitome of a MONSTER. Kaylee will always be a priority! Even in her death… Casey is a low life, bottom dwelling waste of air who should have received the death penalty. She got away with MURDER.. why she thinks it’s okay to keep crawling out from under the slimy rock she should call home is beyond me. SHE should be considering suicide NOT George IMO. Sweet baby❤ RIP Kaylee

  • @donaldhambrick3351

    Is her daddy the farther of Kaylee they need to make him do a dna cause he was having sex with his daughter

  • @JessicaCoffman-le1gd

    I absolutely LOATHE her! She would do better to move and hide in another country. I lived in Fla when this happened and didnt want her in our state, now i dont want her in the country. She's so evil. I also hope 1. no one uses her "services" if she gets licensed and 2. if she has a show i hope no one watches it. We do not need to support this monster in any way

  • @StevenFraser1980

    Part of her defence was that Caylee drowned in the pool and she didn't tell anyone because she would be called an evil person. Why was she not then charged with failing to report the death; disposing of a body; abuse of a corpse; and many of the other crimes that go along with admitting to knowing her child was dead and disposing of the body?

  • @krissanderson174

    Her Dad is a likeable law enforcement employee and her lawyer is Baez. Absolute access any knowledge to use and abuse the system and its loopholes for personal gain.

  • @MeerkatMoon

    Casey is too hot to be guilty.

  • @pamaleehodges9259

    She absolutely should have been found GUILTY! That sweet baby got no justice! I will never understand how that jury could have found her not guilty!!!😊

  • @tyoka28randall7

    I still can't believe fgqg ahe got away

  • @melissa06660

    I will forever believe this POS woman is guilty of murdering that beautiful little girl. If she didn’t do it by her hand she had a role in it. Follow me here. All the lies she told during the search for Kaylee. Then coming up with more lies about what “really happened”. Why would you come up with all these lies to “cover up” what your father supposedly did. Only to turn around and blame him of what she’s blamed him of. She’s a pathological liar. Narcissist to the extreme. The worst part about it is she’s already went to trial and has been found not guilty by the eyes of the law so if evidence comes out proving her guilty there’s nothing the law can do. Double jeopardy is a bitch sometimes.

  • @janiceneumann

    I would never watch her show knowing who she really is 😂😂😂

  • @davidfigueroa6351

    Casey is a prime example of [her] parents raising an entitled, spoiled brat that spoon fed her up until adulthood. She grew up feeling that she shouldn't in any way be held responsible for any and all of her actions.

  • @annette8141

    Sp much evidence on this monster but look at Scott Peterson there is no evidence on him & he's in jail. Nuts!

  • @annette8141

    Does anyone think that this case will be re opened in the future so this b can finally pay know jail for what she did❓️❓️😥😥 so sad..

  • @MelissaMcauley-oo3fl

    No one really talks or from
    What I’ve heard about, the fact the one motive was that caylee was turning 3 yrs old , which means her speech would be getting better.
    Casey lied about her job, nanny, steals, etc.
    caylee was getting older, which meant she’d be able to answer questions when asked about a “nanny” or “mommy going to work”’when they’d be hanging out together all day.
    As she got older, that was the end to Casey’s fantasy life. Hence, she had to go all to protect her fake life.

  • @christinehaley8097

    The Xanax comment and Zanny the Nanny were heresay, not usable in court. It wasn't considered a fact and wasn't brought up during trial.

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