As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully analyzed the transcript for any hidden clues or indications of deception. The suspect’s seemingly innocuous statements were scrutinized for inconsistencies or contradictions that could reveal their involvement in the crime at hand. Known details about the case, such as the time and location of the incident, were cross-referenced with the testimony provided to determine the credibility of the witness. Upon closer examination, subtle nuances in the suspect’s language and demeanor hinted at a potential motive or guilt, shedding light on the true nature of the crime that had taken place. This thorough investigation ultimately uncovered the truth behind the carefully crafted facade, bringing justice to the victims and closure to the case.


29 Comments to “Feces EVERYWHERE & Cockroaches Under His Body. Son Locks His Dad In Room For Months! |Jonathan Woods”

  • @annieelise

    It’s honestly like, what the heck?!?! Who could do this to their PARENT?!

  • @peggywilliams2049

    Are you Annie planning on an update for us ?

  • @peggywilliams2049

    This is so so sad. His dad ??? I cherish my Dad. I can't understand it. 😮😢

  • @sumanmarks-johnson2488

    I am no contact with my dad and I still wouldn't treat him or anyone else like that.

  • @marcinowalk8077

    I don’t understand how a person can treat an elderly person like that. Then to find out it’s his own son. His father obviously kept him fed, cleaned, and gave him freedom. He couldn’t do the same? I’m my father’s caregiver. He took very good care of me all growing up, same for my Mom, I’m happily returning the favor.

  • @pamaleehodges9259

    I think the son hated the father. Maybe his father had abused him as a child. Or, the son is a psychopath.

  • @ShainaThompson949

    His motive was due to lazieness….Im assuming he had no job, hence a free place to live and stealing/taking his money…

  • @ebolen11

    The son was probably collecting his father's social security check, which would have ended if the father was placed in a care facility.

  • @saddletramp5000

    It's possible the son had been abused as a child by his father. And this could have been payback. When someone is old and unable to care for themselves, they're not the same person they once were. But it's possible that man was cruel and abusive when he was younger and ablebodied.
    This is a fairly old case so I'm curious if anything new has been uncovered.

  • @susanpugh5265

    This is horrible! A 22yr old male, isn't a reliable source for care of his father! The man should have been put in a resthome to begin with! I know resthomes aren't a good place to put your love one,but it would have been alot better than his son! I'm not making light of this. It's a bad situation for them both! The son should be punished! Prayers for the father

  • @melissamay6995

    Absolutely horrendous treatment for this Dad Thankfully he finally got the help he Soo desperately needed.There is Never a reason or excuse for harming anybody,.

  • @littlemisstink921

    I gotta stop eating while I watch these videos…

  • @Carolynsweetheart

    Excellent work Annie ❤❤❤❤

  • @marissajimenez6408

    Heartbreaking to hear this one. Poor guy 😢

  • @anabelrodriguez7853

    Wait so the dad had a phone?

  • @NiqVFancy

    I'm half way through and my stomach cant take it. Im literally about to puke if Annie says the f word one more time. Edit:yup didn't make it to the end I puked.

  • @KitKatB83

    I bet the son was living off the dad's income and as a free place to stay. He clearly didn't care about the father.

  • @aishalea7508

    narcissists do this – my family have lived with this situation, admittedly not as bad, but a "sibling" was our mothers carer for 9 years, and she was too afraid to get elder abuse help despite our ongoing attempts to change the situation.. he took her money, paid no rent or costs, took naked photos of her and showed them around "as a joke" and took over the home, he's a drug addict and alcoholic and we have fought and fought for justice but noone wants to help. thankfully mum is now safely in a nursing home BUT he continues to live in her home, free of rent and costs, letting mum continue to pay for the upkeep and bills of the house, and STILL police, aged care agencies – noone will help us. we cannot go to the house ourselves due to fears of violence as he is a violent and horrifically terrifying human, who is also a paedophile. it astounds me that (in australia at least) the ability to get ANYONE to listen and help is just impossible. elder abuse can only be reported by the elder themselves, but like in DV situation, they are terrified of retribution so they're not going to do anything, and now we have power of attorney, noone will listen to us!! its been 10 years of hell with the only small mercy is now knowing mum is clean, safe and fed.

  • @andreasaylor6831

    Shame 🤬. He better give him MANY, MANY YEARS IN PRISON!!!!!

  • @katiejanae

    thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this channel! you are incredible even without all the accomplishments but to have this level of QUALITY content, a whole ass career and two beautiful babies who obviously adore you is so inspiring. we love you and are so thankful for your hard work. ❤

  • @davidwoermansr

    Elder abuse is a felony

  • @mackenzie1899


  • @soniacortez8774

    🤮 bleh 🤢 what a buncha 💩heads…no pun intended 😅

  • @karenlemke8162

    Are you able to separate yourself from these disgusting stories ?

  • @JP-nm6fw

    Jonathan is a crazy crazy Sick S O B!! This case is so horrific , and I can’t even imagine what happened to deserve this kind of Crazy!!

  • @jessicalofton318

    Love your content I listen everyday at work

  • @CarpeNutella

    So glad I chose to watch this video while eating 😂😂😂 I have an elderly mother and can't imagine her even one percent this neglected. Some people are pure evil.

  • @mommyme8656

    In my opinion. He basically wanted his dad to die. Two evil disgusting people. The girlfriend should get charged too.

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