As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously analyzed every detail of this transcript in order to uncover any potential clues or inconsistencies that could help solve this heinous crime. I paid close attention to the suspect’s behavior and language, looking for any tell-tale signs of deception or evasion.

The suspect’s story seemed to spin a web of lies and half-truths, as they struggled to provide a coherent alibi for their whereabouts on the night of the murder. Their shifting demeanor and evasive answers only raised further suspicions in my mind, indicating a possible attempt to deceive or mislead investigators.

Based on my expertise in investigating similar cases, I recognized certain patterns and behaviors that are often associated with this type of crime. The suspect’s uncooperative demeanor and reluctance to provide crucial information aligned with typical characteristics of those involved in such criminal activities.

With a keen eye for detail and a relentless determination to uncover the truth, I delved deeper into the transcript, scrutinizing every word and inflection for any hidden meanings or discrepancies. It is only a matter of time before I unravel the mystery behind this heinous crime and bring the perpetrator to justice.


25 Comments to “Debbie Collier's Death Ruled Self Inflicted”

  • @annieelise

    Link to video I’m referencing in this video: Debbie Collier Updates & Interviews. Officially Ruled Self Inflicted

  • @Rmwmtjay1878

    The way the children acted this case makes no sense and why does Annie look like she's had a total transformation and literally a year's time she looks nothing like this today😮😮😮

  • @jacilynne5313

    I still don't think she took her own life… This case bothers me still

  • @dionnefields1457

    We live in a time where things may not make sense to others but, we will never know the truth! It’s a very sad case and I pray for the family.

  • @sarahsandhu8765

    I am not convinced that it is Debbie in the surveillance! Even her own son doesn’t believe it but that aside I really think Amanda and Andrew got Debbie to her place and Andrew is the one that killed her while Amanda went to the dollar general and purchased everything while Andrew and Debbie were in their car waiting by the ravine. They burned her to get rid of DNA. Surprisingly, they were smart enough to leave their phones at home. Amandas alibi does not make sense! Why would she need to deep clean her carpet if she just moved in?! Normally, a landlord does that for you before you move in. She also lied about going to look for her at Ulta and other stores “ for hours”. I really hope they checked if the carpets were freshly cleaned and checked with the landlord.

  • @LadyCarolina13

    I don’t believe, she committed suicide. I am in chronic pain for about 28 years (yes, I am on medication) and know it can get up you down on somedays but, not this down. Yes, pain sucks, but not living sucks more! I tell my husband and kids if anyone ever says, I committed suicide. Never believe it! I have to much, I still want to do. I just don’t believe she did everything they say, to herself. If it was pain she was running from, why would you lite yourself on fire? Now that’s pain!

  • @teeplr-pd6nv

    Annie as we always say make it make sense 😢

  • @aishalea7508

    nope not suicide and how often do the police rule ridiculous scenarios as just that.. makes their job simpler i guess when they just cant be bothered. the fact her daughter changed her story from everything was fine to "mum was giving away stuff and crying etc etc" like seriously… daughter did it

  • @annettejoneslightpainter

    This kind of unaliving happens more often than reported , in our area a young man set himself alight then jumped of a bridge onto the traffic below . It was an horrific event for all involved, including children in a car that witnessed it all . Sadly desperate people do desperate things .

  • @lesliefortie8347

    Sorry I am late to this discussion. I just found your channel a few weeks ago so I am watching all the older videos. It looks like back in February 2023, Dr. Michael Baden, said he received the autopsy report and it showed 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 80 percent of her body and her skin was like charred leather. He also said it showed no soot or carbon monoxide being inhaled which says to him she was dead before her body was set on fire. I don't know if this is true or not because I couldn't find the autopsy report. If I have wrong info, I apologize.

    Also, this wouldn't be the first case a medical examiner and law enforcement don't agree on the manner of death. Stephen Smith's hit and run case is similar. I don't mean to imply that you are wrong or anything like that. I know you are going off sources and media reports that have been verified and can be trusted and this video was made previous to this finding. It just still feels unsolved to me and the self inflicted manner of death is so strange.

  • @dubahlee3

    I still can’t comprehend how ludicrous this whole thing is. Great coverage!

  • @sonjawelliver-finch5747

    My mom was friends with a lady who would i guess would have "breaks" and spray herself with old school oven cleaner to try to unalive herself… it would burn her skin off and have to be rushed to the hospital and be in agonizing pain..sad thing is.. she was completely disfigured .. she did it a multitude of times and eventually she finally passed… but it blew my mind that she would put herself through such horrific lengths to hurt herself

  • @sonjawelliver-finch5747

    Won't let me "like" this episode

  • @Kayden542

    I think she was drugged and killed and they made it seem like a suicide I think her daughter had something to do with it

  • @kaiceylasher290

    Annie! Where can we make suggestions for cases we’d like you to cover?! Please look into the Lauren Ise murder in Cranston, RI! There’s mob ties and drama and it’s a really messed up case, and I’d really like to see someone out there advocating for women in abusive relationships like in this case. Hope you see this and do some digging!!

  • @Sara_Louise

    Is there no way of getting a second opinion fron a different coroner?

  • @dalybaz

    Maybe not S—— A silly accident. If you chuck a can of gas in a fire, you have the makings of a fireball of burning gas. That'd do the trick.

  • @natashadoughouz7715

    Did they find traces of gasoline in the van she drove? Surveillance of her purchasing the gas? Since they found an empty gas can ? Who bought the gasoline?

  • @AliciaBostock

    I wrote this prior to this farcical of a ruling.
    I think she was potentially having an affair with another married person. Perhaps her daughter knew about it, she was making her excuses regarding not being able to go to the game and the money was to keep her quiet, possibly ALL of the payments were under threat of revealing.
    To interject – 'We believe it was deliberate and personal' – Su¡cide IS 'deliberate and personal'.
    I think it's possible that Debbie was meeting someone – a lover, perhaps – to listen to the game? Possibly barbecue etc. and the other person had brought along the majority of the things for that, Debbie was picking up the last few bits and bobs they needed and then a terrible accident occurred; inhalation of extremely hot air can kill instantly. Her clothes could have caught on fire, whoever she was with PANICKED, they're in another relationship, they removed SOME items from the scene etc. and perhaps Amanda feels guilty so didn't want hurt her step dad and the other family, of a potential lover – who by the way, could be a police chief, executive, political figure… that's what I think! 🚩

  • @umokay5516

    Lazy police work. There’s no way this was self inflicted, they just want to wrap it up

  • @alishaill11420

    I don't believe it hydrocodone would not do that you would not catch yourself on fire and light yourself on fire somebody's getting paid off

  • @tammyjohnson1572

    So I do understand at any moment you can just go the other way or you know snap. so I understand all of that it's just really sad that it happened. If that is true.

  • @tammyjohnson1572

    Unfortunately if it was self-inflicted let's truly sad that it took all of that to just make her snap to do that to herself I'm not sure if I'm okay with that something is off I still can't put my finger on it

  • @jennellewiseman1719

    Wwhhhhaaaattttt?!?!?!?! 🤯🤯🤯

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