Uncovering the intricate web of Katherine Magbanua’s second proffer in the chilling murder of prominent Florida State University law professor Dan Markel leaves investigators racing against time to connect the dots in the high-profile case. As the prosecution builds their case against Charles Adelson, a South Florida dentist with alleged ties to the murder-for-hire plot, the true motive behind Markel’s tragic death begins to unravel. With each new revelation, the twisted plot thickens, revealing a dark underworld of greed, betrayal, and vengeance. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the murky depths of this shocking crime.


49 Comments to “Katherine Magbanua’s Second Proffer, Part 1 (Murder of Dan Markel Case – FL v. Charles Adelson)”

  • @internetperson4607

    Saying the most without saying ANYTHING .

  • @TracieWasley

    Katie is soo in the middle of this! She’s such a liar I can’t believe a thing she says on the stand. She will say what needs to get off

  • @paulstone3209

    Well I'm sorry all you doubting Thomas's, but I truly believe her

  • @loriclarke1142

    Omg, she is lying, she is doing life and all deals are off the table, she gave up her chance to walk. So no need for her to tell the truth. She did not read the paper with details, yet was willing to take money and gifts. She is exactly where she needs to be, prison.

  • @tinapimentel3709

    OMG! She’s such a liar! I bet she was the one who suggested or hinted that she could get someone to “take care of Charly’s problem with his brother in law.”

  • @bambi2809

    She just talks and talks and you don’t understand a thing what she is talking about…. Too many words and going round in circles

  • @Salgalpal111

    Vague vague vague that’s why you’re doing life

  • @maryh6578

    America’s best right here. Not!
    Just listening to the broken words, broken sentences and broken thoughts makes me twitch.

  • @timmeeyh6523

    "just me and you and the deputy in here"


  • @HannadayFLO

    She is repeating exactly what she said before – nearly verbatim. 😮 as soon as she said AGAIN "started working at ADELSON Institute …." I could NOT believe my ears – she is STILL lying! Why is she sitting there?! The woman talking to her needs to tell her to talk like she's reading a book – like when we all recall things we've done previously, just tell the truth and it will all come out natural and easy. It would help if the officer doesn't do what KM wants her to do – fill in previous info for her cos then all she does is finish off the sentence the way she did previously. The woman cannot be honest, it's as simple as that.

  • @HannadayFLO

    Is that Georgia Cappleman?

  • @Fergie66813

    She just don't wanna accept Responsibility for her part.

  • @grazful1

    she came to this proffer to play hookie from prison for a couple of hours..

  • @rosedavis333

    I really don't like to call names but Katie has to be the dumbest person ever. I mean you just got life without parole and you not singing. Well stay I. Jail. Look people when the cops pick you up they already know you did it they are like Jesus asking you a question he knows the answer, so take the deal

  • @sistasoul4439

    I would’ve told her “you wanna play these games, well then ROT in that jail cell” and walked out. Guarantee you she’d have changed her tune in about a week.

  • @caroljohanson2807

    She left Sophie dental July 2013 so she did not meet her there in October

    How did Sigfredo tell Luis how much he was gonna pay him if he never was f given a number besides taken care of

    Charlie does weasle and repeat himself all the time
    So katy probably learned to ignore a lot
    But she’s still lying
    Wtf katy ??

  • @gagagoose2878

    I used to feel sorry for Katy because she could have been free, that was before I heard this double talk. She deserves her fate

  • @buenavista312

    Like…like… you’re not too like…you know… like too bright….

  • @Katiekay.

    Didn’t she call them and told them to take a pic of an owl down off the fb page??

  • @Katiekay.

    Is someone breathing or snoring in the background?????

  • @tammyconnelly3324

    She has to be the most stupid criminal.

  • @lovepet4565

    She is the dumbest criminal ever

  • @gingersnap1552

    Is she afraid of Charlie and his family? Why can't she just tell them what he actually said to her. Charlie did make it sound like he was a big shot with a powerful family.

  • @joymarshall2721

    POV…She can't recall convos because they prob didn't happen… Enough reasonable doubt just from her "testimony" alone…js

  • @alexandralee4849

    I've only watched the first 10-12 minutes and so far, it's extremely frustrating. If I were the officers in there, I would've already given up n said…"Ok..
    clearly, you weren't ready to agree to this bc so far..you've done nothing but annoy me to death."
    She's so frustrating ..she doesn't know how to tell a story, in a fluid way…AT ALL.
    The officers are being so nice n patient but I almost feel uncomfortable watching it bc I feel like they've also started to realize this but they're just not showing it.

  • @keriissovery9566

    So basically she came in to do the same exact thing as the first one. I get she’s nervous but why did she meet with them again if she didn’t want to talk? She wants them to give her a break for not remembering. As if she just keeps saying “That’s the part where I can’t remember and I didn’t know about the specifics”, they are gonna give her a break. It’s so frustrating to see the same repeat of the first video with them. They’re not gonna keep playing games to get the info.

  • @Fedeleness

    What kind of Latin Kings would have to take 2 trips to beat up a guy?

  • @racheyl891

    i find it hard to believe she didn’t know how much money Charlie gave her. Criminals know exactly how much money they will get for a job.

  • @morenaczarnecki2651

    You think by now the stopped feeling so superior versus the rest of Florida

  • @jeanleigh185

    All the ones involved in Dan's death makes me sick, but Katie the most, she stated while on the stand she lied because she didn't want her kids dad on death row! But could care less about 2 boys losing their dad, sickening
    She is such a liar!!

  • @johnbu1981

    Who is interviewing…Sarah Dugan?

  • @alliehunter9896

    SD didnt ask KM how she knew it was done when SG called and said "it's done". Did Charlie tell her? This proffer is so all over the place. SD too exited and inputting too much.

  • @stevefromsaskatoon830

    All these people here pretending they knew what the word proffer means 😃😆

  • @paulaankrah

    Everything Katie seems to have bought about she denies with motive. I only found out recently this fool was granted immunity only to turn it down. Is she a compulsive liar of some description? She seems to be in a state of denial and I have no sympathy for her.

  • @mandybradley3079

    What is that horn noise? It bothers me. 😅

  • @bigtex9836

    This woman is playing them. She remembers everything. She got life and so did ca. next up are da and the evil sister

  • @Obiahjones

    This woman, throws a winning hand , lucks up and is given a second chance to replay for a portion of that hand and does this, either she is really really not bright or she thinks somehow she’s holding on to something that might give her some major relief down the road , she s still covering

  • @pattykerrigan7379

    i have watched the trials, over and over, and I feel this woman played her husband and played charlie. She wanted an ongoing paycheck, so she got her husband to do the deed cause he was whipped and she told charlie she is so sorry, but she told bad guys about your issue with dan markel, and they killled him, and now you gotta pay. she tells so many lies, and has not told one person the truth about anything. never lie and you'll never have to remember anything because you just know.

  • @nurseratched1208

    Lol on the wiretap between Charlie and Donna, she wanted to meet him for dinner. He told her he may not have enough cash to pay the check. Of course she says something like OK Sweetheart. They’re all cheap. One way ticket to Viet Nam instead of flying under the radar with round trip tickets is gonna nail her.

  • @Pinayukoz4108

    You dug your own hole girl! It’s more easier to tell the truth than come up with a lie wow…… there you go your life’s wasted! I feel sorry for your children! Charlie brainwashed you, you scouted your ex husband to do this job .. your ex loved the dollar sign $$$ , teamed up with his best friend , did the crime … now it went full circle, Siegfredo & Luis pointed you , Charlie framed you with extortion too so .. bloody oath of you have just told them the real truth asked for a plea deal you may. Have the chance to get out of jail than now with the verdict of life sentence . Poor decision . You should’ve protected yourself and not Charlie or King hit

  • @terrim5442

    Such a liar!!!! She knew and knows what they did…

  • @bbennyj

    Wow, I’m just thinking, this smart family wasn’t really that smart after all, I’m not saying they were dumb but it just goes to show if you don’t create a sense of morality within yourself, you can stoop really low and then get yourself in a situation where there is no way out. Even if Wendi doesn’t go to prison, she has to live with the fact that half of her immediate family will spend the rest of their lives in prison.

  • @mikebetrippin

    Why in the world did she cut Katie off from talking about the 12:30 call from Sigfredo and tell her to go all the way back to the previous day and walk her through the sequence of events up to the point when she was told the job was done??? The girl is already slow and struggling… Keep it simple. Who called her? That's the million dollar question: How did she know "the job was done"? Who told her? Sgt. Corbett said Wendi was on the phone while driving to the ABC store. Who was she talking to? I'd the prosecutor saving evidence for an upcoming case?

  • @debinindiana

    The chit-chat at the end is very interesting to me! I get the feeling that Katie thinks that “God willing”, she will get out and enjoy freedom again. She is so stupid for not doing a deal and turn on Adelsons long ago.

  • @dianabauer3968

    She seems genuinely remorseful and not too smart. She got played by a wildly successful surgeon. Out of her league. Not aware she was getting used. Desperate for money. Not many career options. When she says she is all about her children. I believe her. Her kids Dad an unreliable absent drug addict criminal. She made some bad choices. Obviously withholding in her testimony. A frustration to law enforcement. But an indication of remorse. Full of shame and regret. For the impact on her children.

  • @vwboymom85

    She says a whole lot of nothing. Yet she thinks she is convincing these seasoned investigators that she is being truthful. She is an idiot. She should have taken the plea deal and let her husband do his time. In fact, I'm sure that is what he would have wanted her to do. So that she can be with the children and they don't lose both parents.

  • @matthewnewton8812

    For those of you wondering how this woman could have possibly ended up in a lifetime of misery with a high probability of dying in an 8×14 concrete box after being given chance after chance and opportunity after opportunity to come clean and receive sweetheart deals and total immunity in return, ChuckRosseel below explains exactly what this woman is doing-

    She can’t separate the idea of people looking at her as a murderer with the concept of being treated as a murderer in the justice system. She thinks that the consequences of admitting her wrongdoing and being free are worse than the consequences of continuing to lie, staying in jail, and hanging on to the pathetic hope that maybe people will believe that she’s innocent and they’ll hold out their hand and give her some kind of deal anyway, because she’s been so wrongfully convicted.

    What a demented human being. Frankly I’m glad she didn’t take the deal offered to her to begin with. Theyve convicted everybody they’ve gone after anyway, and this wretched witch is behind bars which is exactly where she belongs.

    Every word out of this losers mouth is a lie. “It was on the paper! The instructions to murder him were on the paper and I swear I never looked at the paper!” Jesus CHRIST lady. Who on earth believes this Latin king is taking his marching orders from some periodontist via notepad????

    What an IDIOT. I just hate this woman. She is such a wreck of a human being and she destroyed so many lives. Let her rot. Let her rot in jail and go home in a coffin.

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