As a meticulous crime investigator, I carefully analyzed the transcript for any clues or inconsistencies that could lead to solving the case at hand. From the details provided, such as the precise timeline of events and the specific locations mentioned, it is clear that this was a well-planned crime.

Based on previous similar cases I have worked on, it is likely that the perpetrator had a motive for committing this crime and may have left behind some sort of evidence that could be traced back to them. The use of coded language or veiled threats in the conversation indicates a level of sophistication and premeditation that is characteristic of organized crime syndicates.

By unraveling the intricacies of this transcript and connecting the dots between the various pieces of information, I am confident that we can bring the perpetrator to justice and provide closure to the victims and their families. It is only a matter of time before the truth is revealed and justice is served.


33 Comments to “Chris Watts 2.0 Update | He Says It Was HER Fault! | Beau Rothwell and Jennifer Rothwell”

  • @annieelise

    Why can't any of these men who are grown enough to murder, grown enough to take accountability?!

    Link to previous video:

  • @deel9409

    No I do not believe that it was a heated moment that he struck her once or twice with a mallet.
    I also do not think that she told him that she also was cheating and the baby might not be his.
    I believe that he may have told her about the affair and she got upset,
    However, he did what he did maliciously out of frustration, and a lack of empathy for his wife and his unborn child but not really wanting her to have the baby or wanting to keep her around anymore .

    Why would he have dumped her body the way he did with a bag over her head and naked.
    I also think he thought he would not get caught.For shame on him.🤦🏻‍♀️

    I believe he was bored with their sex life and he had an affair to spruce up his feelings and make himself feel better and have fun with someone else. A new love a new sex life. It probably kept him going..

    I believe that he did love her, at first when they first got married or got together, but then something changed.
    He became bored with his life and sex life with her, and he wanted a change.
    It was probably getting harder for her to have sex with him because it was very painful. I also have endometriosis as well as polycystic variant syndrome, both of which are very painful.

    I think he became bored with their mundane every day life and he wanted to spice up his life and then he started to like the person he was with and didn't want to be tied down to Jennifer anymore

    I don't think he really planned to kill her but in that moment he did, he knew what he was doing .
    He did not care. I think he just snapped killed her wanted to get rid of her and that's what he did.
    Then to say It was her fault?!?!
    That was just his way of justifying what he did .
    He could have told her he was having an affair and that he wanted to end the marriage but instead he chose to end her life and the life of his unborn baby.

    I believe he had a way out, but he chose the wrong one and he will forever have to be haunted by what he has done that if he even has a heart or a conscience.
    He could've just said what he said just to say it doesn't mean he's actually haunted every day and he remembers. I'm sure it's far out of his mind.
    That is the type of person he has become .
    I wonder if his girl friend he cheated with is there for him now ? 🤔
    May God have mercy on his soul .🙏🏻

  • @reneegiles5087

    mallets can be used to tenderize or thin meat out.

  • @Bojackbatzli

    I dont think its wrong to date our selves. We should all be proud of every year that we live this life. 😊

  • @Danisuzette

    Meat tenderizer. Not just a mallet it's heavy. Metal and spiked

  • @mscotthem1973

    He planned it in my opinion.

  • @kirbythompson931

    I truly enjoy your down to earth personality! You cover great stories and I'm also eager for an update! I'm so appreciative the you linked the previous video below.
    I was just wondering if you could do that for all updated or multiple part stories!
    Again I'm a huge fan! And you make my dark days brighter just with your witty personality and by being yourself! ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @mostlyvoid.partiallystars

    Engineers tend towards book smart; not exactly the life smart varieties.

    I say this as an engineer, surrounded by other engineers on the daily.

  • @btdfw

    What did you do to your hair. It looks so healthy and shiny.

  • @deez5349

    love you Annie, great coverage. Am addicted to your shows!!!

  • @valeriemilward2027

    Im so glad he was guilty , he is not a human being , he knew he was going to do it , he did not care , god bless you lovely lady ❤❤

  • @janettemccann1347

    What about the side piece? Did she have anything to do with it?

  • @juliedaly2381

    Why would you kill her if she said she was having an affair

  • @juliedaly2381

    What is wrong with the sidekick? For a man to say that to another woman about his wife miscarriage and she was okay with that

  • @plushymom

    Meat tenderiser thingy maybe 🤔

  • @connieahern2899

    Little dweeb. Hope they get him in prison.

  • @frankboff1260

    ‘In the heat of the moment’ ….he hit his wife in the head with a blunt object 25 times.
    I don’t think he knows what ‘heat of the moment’ means.

  • @Hull1986-pz2dc

    She really loved him! This is such a tragedy. Euro is excruciating pain. Sex feels like being punched in your cervix. Shame on him disgusting.

  • @marilyn3021

    I worked in a max security prison in Texas… It's never their fault!

  • @ashleyoller2190

    Omfg! My late sisters BD said in court that he beat her because she was caught cheating on him. Which was a crazy lie (she was 8 months pregnant, at home with her other kids, and would have NEVER done that). Men are a trip.

  • @JenSF580

    Mallets very common in kitchen- used to flatten chicken to make things like chicken parmigiana etc

  • @jtisaacs4

    I think what you did was courageous and I wish more women were as strong as you. Letting the guy go and save his pride is a really smart way to go. Plus having others there for safety. Smart 🎉

  • @annab13

    If a guy says they don't want a kid and you go ahead and get pregnant… don't expect things to be fine!

  • @mfi-cf7sp

    CW 2.0 for sure 💯 just DIVORCE FFS!

  • @janearmstrong1966

    I have a mallet in my kitchen to use as a meat tenderizer. Actually 2 a wooden one and a metal one

  • @frankboff1260

    He’s a psychopath. To treat any living creature the way he treated his wife shows what a psychopath he is.
    When my cat died I couldn’t bear to bury her without a box and blanket and toy.
    What a cold piece of crap he is.

  • @berniemasterson6797

    I also do not believe in the death penalty as the perpetrator should have to be isolated from society in a small cell looking over his shoulder every moment of their sentence. Even if they dont have a conscience at least they should be fearful and remember that they put themselves there. Thank you for your channel, Love from Australia. 💚🐝

  • @paulteague21

    It takes two people to have a "boring" sex life… maybe his narcissism was what was making it boring and blamed it on her. Anyone with that kind of mentality usually delievers pretty bad sex on themselves because they think they're such a "god" (insert sarcasm) in bedroom that nothing can ever live up to themselves. What a toolbag 🙄 maybe if he put more effort and love into their sex life, it would've been better; but in my experience when you have genuine love and affection (and everything else good that Jennifer was described as), when you have all that good involved…. the sex is always great. Real and true love-making. That's what its all about and nothing else compares.
    Go to hell you impotent narcissistic jackass… hope the sex is good enough for you in prison and make sure to drop the soap screwboy.

  • @highjinx6519

    We have a kitchen mallet for tenderizing meat. It is a thing lol.

  • @michwenz8413

    I think he probably told her he wanted to show her something in the basement. Then pushed her down the stairs, then followed and hit her repeatedly with the mallet. The rest is bs.

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