As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously analyzed every aspect of this transcript to uncover any potential clues that could lead to solving the case. Every word spoken by the suspects was carefully scrutinized for inconsistencies or hidden meanings.

One interesting fact that emerged during my investigation is that the suspects were known to frequent the area where the crime occurred, suggesting a possible motive for their involvement. Additionally, their alibis were suspiciously vague and contradicted by multiple witnesses, raising further doubts about their innocence.

Based on the nature of the crime, which appeared to be premeditated and carefully planned, it is clear that the suspects had a high level of criminal sophistication. It is imperative that we continue to delve deeper into their backgrounds and connections in order to unravel the full extent of their involvement in this heinous act.

Through my thorough examination of this transcript, I am confident that we are one step closer to bringing the perpetrators to justice and bringing closure to the victims and their families.


26 Comments to “UPDATE: Orrin & Orson West Missing. 20+ Search Warrants, Bakersfield PD Takes Lead, & Last Sightings”

  • @annieelise

    Thank you to those of you who tuned into this live with me. I've missed you guys!!! If you're catching the replay, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

    If you want access to the private group chat on Discord and the members-only live streams head to

  • @mindyhoeh4466

    I know this is 3 years old but I would be loosing my mind!!! When my daughter passed away when was she was 5 March 1, 2008, I was wailing to the point the doctors and nurses were going to give me tranquilizers! I couldn’t eat for days my doctor ended up giving me something to calm down. If anything happened to my son since I would probably do the same these parents are not true parents.

  • @AquaEyez

    I am devastated for these little boys that the evil ones are only standing trial for 2nd degree murder. This was 100% premeditated, money orientated & they definitely deserve 1st degree with possible death penalty. I believe 3. Poor babies. So many people who could have loved these children. Raised them.

  • @gospelmusicbrooks-yates5979

    I have to agree with the first caller when she said being a mom as far as seeing the gate open you go outside and then go back in I agree with the first caller she hit the nail on the head I would be in panic mode banking on people doors screaming yelling asking for help from everybody and even how she pointed out how the adopted parents makes everything about them what they're going through and not about the kids they really don't say much about the kids and who they were except rambunctious which most young boys are the first caller you can definitely tell she is a MOMMA BEAR 👍🏾❤️

  • @donnasilvio3974

    I found this channel a couple months ago and I hated it! I'm a huge fan now, of course, but I think my story finding you is a little funny. All of my usual true crime channels do videos on cases already solved so that's what I expected here when YouTube suggested your videos. It drove me CRAZY that there wasn't a resolution at the end of the first video I watched, nor the 2nd, nor the 3rd. I totally stepped away from your videos until I was looking for info on a relatively recent case. That's when I really saw the wonderfulness of what you do & how you do it. AND it's how I learned not all of your videos end without an arrest lol. That's when I got hooked!

    Now, I'm totally down for videos without an ending now & I've actually learned how your channel works- initial story, update video(s) & hopefully an arrest in a later episode. I'm watching your older videos now, not in any particular order. I'm always hoping for a playlist bc YT gets stupid w searches lol.

    I've never caught when you go live, so far. This was the 1st video where I've seen you do call-ins which is rarely cool of you. It makes me love you more that you do that w your fans & community. I'm amazed that you can get info from direct sources which seems rare on YouTube & makes you special in my eyes. Your info is better than news stations.

    Thank you for all the work you do & how you do it.

  • @anncampbell5363

    I think they could have sold thm Annie UK

  • @brendasmith5065

    Hello Annie good morning

  • @lorihuff6702

    Back when my son was young I did not take many photos. I was a single mom very busy and we didn't have phones with cameras. I really didn't have extra money to develop photos.
    Since its changed so much today I would agree with Mike are there lots of photos of the other children or not. Also always wondered like you about the presents. How many for other kids.

  • @missionron

    56min… did she really just Saki a “circle back” ?? That changes things unfortunately.

  • @stephbrowning1690

    I don't no if you have seen the updates but they are presumed dead and the parents have been arrested now. Sick ppl they won't release all of the info atm but they believe the boys were deceased 3 months before being reported missing

  • @amberd2268

    You’re so smart Annie !

  • @kenyahail5380

    That's another thing, I would have knocked on all the doors on my street and the streets near me!

  • @kenyahail5380

    When the adoptive father could only describe the boys as rambunctious it felt like a nice way of saying they were little shits. They didn't have any of the descriptors that we heard from the bio mom. Describing their personality, something they both liked a lot and how they noted changes in the children

  • @rationalskeptic1

    “Was it a money stream or was it love”…. Uh I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt.. IT WAS A MONEY STREAM. Clearly, if they can’t suppprt themselves without the income from the kids… they’re 100% a money stream.

  • @paulaousley2012


  • @clarissaanderson3680

    And why did they adopt them anyway 🤷

  • @clarissaanderson3680

    Or they could have killed them for organs which be sold for lots of money cause they were so young an little an pure plus the other kids need to be questioned an let them know don't be scared to tell because they're parents are gone an why !

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