As a seasoned crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, I meticulously combed through the transcript of the suspect’s interrogation. The suspect’s words were like pieces of a puzzle, each offering a glimpse into their mind and possible motives for the heinous crime they are being accused of.

Throughout the interrogation, the suspect’s story spun a web of deceit and contradictions, revealing their attempts to cover up their involvement in the crime. Their alibi crumbled under scrutiny, and their demeanor shifted from calm and collected to nervous and evasive as I pressed them for more information.

As I analyzed the transcript, I couldn’t help but notice the subtle inconsistencies in the suspect’s account of events. Their timeline of the crime didn’t add up, and their explanations for key pieces of evidence fell flat under scrutiny. It was clear that this was not a crime of passion, but a carefully planned and executed act of violence.

In my years of experience investigating crimes of this nature, I have learned to trust my instincts and read between the lines of a suspect’s words. And as I delved deeper into the transcript, I could sense that the suspect was hiding something, something that would lead us closer to the truth and bring justice for the victim. My work was far from over, but I was determined to unravel the mystery and bring the guilty party to justice.


24 Comments to “Aiden Fucci First Appearance in Court, No Bond, & Detailed Arrest Report in the Tristyn Bailey Case”

  • @annieelise

    Thanks for joining me today guys! Aiden Fucci appeared in court today and was informed of his charges and is being held WITHOUT bond. We also review the detailed arrest report following the court appearance. Please leave a blue heart to show support for the Bailey family. Keep them in your prayers.πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  • @sarahmartino8844

    More people die taking selfies than in car accidents that’s scary also sad but ppl just need to post if they don’t did it happen?? This generation scares me

  • @taramatteson2632

    🩡 🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡🩡

  • @AnnieOklee851

    πŸ’™he needs to be charged as an adult I never heard anything about this case so I'm watching all the videos on this case.

  • @lindaartz3297

    When my granddaughter was in second grade a little boy in her class threatened to kill her in a note. She told and no one thought he was old enough to actually follow through but it was taken seriously and they separated them at school. My daughter and son in law didn’t let them be at the same parties. They now live in different states and she is 15 so we don’t know if he continued on his criminal way but I hope they got him some counseling, even though he is little.

  • @lindaartz3297

    The one positive is that Florida is not squishy on crime. He sounded like a pretty straight forward DA. I am late to this but most of Florida is pro prosecution.

  • @summerday2203

    Am sorry for the young lady. Ironically, am sorry for the young murder. He too still is a minor and immature 😒. This case is truly heartbreaking πŸ’”. Injust can not get my mind through the fact that a kid can acquire them driving license at the age of 16 and be responsible to drive but still considered. Minor when they commit such disgusting actions.

  • @momof2boys895

    aiden had told his parents that she had touched him and he pushed her away but he didn't say she had fell…he also told them he kissed her..during the recording at police station his mom told him their house was being searched at that time

  • @momof2boys895

    i love the guy that spoke during the press conference….we all need more people like him in all cities and towns…such strong opinions on how laws should be for young people..much like my own opinions

  • @LadyCrimson25

    What is people’s hope for and what will this young boy learn while he’s in prison in 25 years among the old real criminals with sentences for all kind of crimes🧐
    Why doesn’t it be enough talking about the β€œkilling” a young girls with no reason as I understand he talked about to whom? Other kids only heard about his brutal plan, suppose?! In stream media the adults are discussing the matter why?!

    Is it the conviction that is going to learn him how wrong it is the things he has done!
    I don’t know if he really understands what it means taken another persons life with telling about charge and the value of his crime.
    I don’t know but this is not the right way to none human being when there are a lot of raw models in the prison. What kind of life will change his historical doing.
    He should be put in a β€œhard” school schedule and with only the most necessary medical care.
    Aggression can he learn to transform into more serious physical training to get off the most of the grove energy some just need an instructor to push them up a steep hill like more military style. Empty the most of his overloaded energy.
    Working at a farm is hard work or something alike.
    He is clearly lost lack of some adult to talking and being in ……
    A balance between activity and passive training as still in a meditation session Maybe would be a good drummer
    What Does it really matter to talk about in what way he killed her and by how many stubbings and with what stubbing 9:48

  • @sharlenejackson4028


  • @michelleallred8521


  • @Middys1

    β€˜Teenagers are only teenagers awe they don’t know’ β€”- is she nuts?? This kid knew exactly what he was doing

  • @jewely461

    Nothing good happens after midnight! I tell my kids this. Sneaking out. Yikes.

  • @jewely461

    This is every protective mothers fear…. Some crazy kid stabs your sweet girl and the teen would say your crazy mom that won’t happen and see it does happen!!!

  • @kat-92

    Wonder if it was an age thing. Did he have a birthday coming up and thought he would be tried as an adult if he did it before he turned 15? Thought he'd be out by 21 and be a bad ass. Maybe the thought of juvee felt better than home life. I am in no way excusing his crime just trying to make sense of it (bare in mind this is the first I'm hearing of it and on the 10-life playlist so if this timeline he put himself on has already been answered, I haven't got there yet.

  • @kayaleandreaspencer631

    I know I'm late to this part of the story on this Channel but
    one thing that just keeps going through my mind and wanted
    to hear someone's take outside of my own.
    1st let me put some caveats here;
    I was a teenager once upon a time so I know it could have been a spare
    of the moment thing. However, her Family said sneaking out wasn't
    something she did. So I was thinking given her personality was he
    able to get her out of the house that Night by saying he wasn't doing so
    well (mentally) and just needed a friend to talk to that wouldn't gossip
    about it/or she had noticed some warning signs (messaging, friends talking,
    or just a feeling) she got and thought this would be a good opportunity to
    talk to him. She shows up for the party, stayed for a bit and would talk to him
    on the way home. That way he would feel like it happened naturally.
    The way she's been described implied she was a thoughtful person and he
    was considered to be a friend of hers.
    I hope I explained that right; enough to where it makes sense.
    In conclusion, if something like this was the case that would mean he used
    her heart against her. That makes what he did all the more horrendous
    (in my opinion).

  • @paulgerrish6539

    I wonder if the knife broke sooner, would she be alive today, as well

  • @jenniferwarren4081

    I snuck out of my house all of the time as a teenager. My parents had no idea. I am definitely lucky to be alive!! So no, please don't parent blame!!

  • @traceyevans215


  • @dorothylevesque14

    I'm wondering if his shoes were off because he tried to SA her but couldn't perform. Seems odd that you would do that and then take your shoes off and walk home.

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