As a meticulous and highly detailed crime investigator, I have thoroughly reviewed the transcript of the case at hand. My extensive expertise in criminal investigations has allowed me to identify crucial details that may have been overlooked by others.

In this particular case, it is evident that the suspect’s alibi does not align with the timeline of events provided by the witnesses. Additionally, forensic evidence found at the crime scene implicates the suspect in the heinous act. The type of crime committed appears to be a premeditated homicide, given the calculated manner in which the victim was targeted and killed.

Through my careful examination of the evidence presented in the transcript, I am confident that I will be able to bring the perpetrator to justice and ensure that the truth is revealed in this complex and disturbing case.


28 Comments to “24 Year Old Woman’s Web of Murder, Manipulation, and Deceit: The Horrifying Story of Jennifer Pan”

  • @annieelise

    Thank you to all of you viewers for understanding that sponsors are essential to the channel in order to deliver true crime cases full time. ❤ Do you think Jennifer was a victim or just entitled?

  • @gdhse3

    I do not like the background or the color, it looks like you're at a trendy sushi bar waiting for a date, it needs to be darker like Browns light shining down instead of up just a thought I wonder what other feedback you have gotten so far

  • @StarlightSelenite

    Why wouldn’t Jennifer run away at 16 or whenever. Oy.

  • @michellelee2433

    I know I’m late for this video, and I doubt you’ll see this comment, but this girl was just an entitled brat, she didn’t want to get thrown out and wanted to get her parents money, this story is horrible! I couldn’t imagine the betrayal her father feels, I can’t imagine how broken he is. I’m surprised his son hasn’t embraced him. Hopefully her father is getting better with time tho he’ll never be ok. Sad all the way around!

  • @linarudoy1760

    She was a moron, not a brat. She couldn’t even cut high school but thought she could successful manage a murder? Should have just told her parents that she didn’t care what they wanted and moved far, far away and never spoken to them again.

  • @emilythompson7771

    She's like a smarter Chandler Halderson

  • @louisephuong8732

    This one is so gripping thank you

  • @carlyschallenge

    This absolutely does not constitute murder, but I do believe that the treatment of Jennifer to where she didn’t even feel safe enough to say she didn’t have straight A’s in school goes to show how mentally and emotionally abusive her parents were. Even if they loved her, controlling her to the point where they didn’t let her leave the house, mileage tracked, forbidden from seeing her boyfriend at 24 YEARS OLD is also abusive as hell. It doesn’t constitute murder but Jennifer wasn’t just a “brat”. Her upbringing raised her with no other option in her mind than the extreme. She’s a victim, her parents were victims, but it could’ve been prevented if they were good parents. I have a hard time hating Jennifer despite her horrendous personality because I see how my family has been towards me in the past. I would NEVER hurt my family but I’ve been put in positions where I couldn’t ask for help without being in trouble or facing unwarranted consequences.

  • @stephaniephouotrides2435

    I have friends who were raised this way. They didn't get pregnant at 16 and are all doctors, lawyers, engineers, and music pHDs. Sure, it was hard and frustrating at times, but it worked. Jennifer had issues far beyond the way she was raised.


    She was 24 years old. All she had to do was leave home. She is a psychopath!!!

  • @therealRoz

    If she's my sister i would have either gone mad with her manipulation n lies or i would leave home myself so i dnt have to deal with this crackpot

  • @kathycooper3594

    She was a spoiled brat who wanted everything her way. She should rot in prison.

  • @hermoinekatz9879

    You know what's shocking to me, the fact Gypsie Blanchard did exactly what Jennifer pan did and is currently a hero for getting away from an abusive mother. Jennifer's parents were abusive. Point blank period. Yes she was 24 but coming from immigrant parents my parents threatened me every time I wanted to move out saying I will lose x,y,z family. Who knows if the option to leave was even a real offer from the parents. While she shouldn't have committed murder I do not understand why her abuse from her parents was not looked into more. It's an unfortunate situation that could've been prevented.

  • @desimonium

    It’s pronounced Scarborough with no S in the middle. And it’s not pronounced Aurora, it’s Orillia.

  • @jessnguyen3682

    What about your other interier?

  • @zeekflash6924

    Pre meditated murder , no value items was taken .. any jury can see , that .. this was a , hired hit .. plus , all she had to do was .. just go live her , life with her boyfriend, they probably, knew that , if the parents died , Jennifer was the beneficiary..
    they all should not , ever be free ..

  • @Rhondi_YeahItsMe

    I just saw this on Netflix “What Jennifer Did”. Awesome coverage Annie 🩷

  • @fourfurrypotatoes

    Technically her parents couldn't keep her at their house because by then she was an adult. They had a lot of control over her but that's no excuse for what she did to them. She should have grown some balls and told her parents she was going to live the life she wanted to live. This is a very sad and twisted case. She was under so much control her whole life that she finally just snapped, I guess. Instead of working hard she wanted to take the easy way out by getting her parents money.

  • @jenwat5326

    Annie I LOVE your earrings and admire them in alot of your videos. Where did you get them?

  • @politicalpossum9474

    I worked at Magna and never heard of this case! Thank you

  • @urjust2cool

    The parents are still victims, y'all. The 3 grown adults (or however many people) that were involved in this murder are to blame.

    All that effort to keep up that double life… I assume the reason for not freely leaving the grip of her parent's Talons, other than her having zero Life skills or survival instincts whatsoever…was for her financial support…? 🤔 but like basic basic financial support here. If you're going this deep into that lie why TF say you had scholarships?? Why not collect their $$ meant for school and living on campus…get a place right off campus for cheap like many other college kids do. I lived outside of OSU right out of HS. Live off All that damn money and save save save as much as possible for as long as she could keep the lie going 🙄🙄 imagine how much money she would have quickly accumulated and been financially independent and able to cut herself off from her parents 💯 The only reason they're capable of controlling her slow azz is having no where to go or have any $$. All that insane deception and fabrication…the unimaginable stress and sleepless nights creating and KEEPING UP WITH this Second Life… instead of having them pay her tuition and saving enough (inhalllllllleee🌬️ phew www)to get away and financially support herself until she got a damn job????? Exhalllllleeee👄
    When it comes to legitimate Psychopaths (I know the correct term is ASPD Antisocial Personality Disorder) Sociopaths… Grandiose Narcissists, BP, schizophrenics…etc. whatever Official mental health condition… conditions she's been diagnosed with … You think they must be incredibly intelligent, borderline masters, geniuses…but really dumb as hell. Sharp as a bowling ball 🫥
    pulling all that off and sounding super official can't be easy 😂😂 but too dumb to remove herself from the chaos and cut herself from them by actuality benefiting from her double crazy life…she had zero benefit.. taking the $$ to get away would have been understandable to most… murder…nah no excuse unless the only possibility of survival is to kill someone…or certain situations involving my kids… that's an entirely different story for another time… she had absolutely nothing stopping her from their suffocating control other than financial support. She was already sneaking over the boyfriend's. Stay there until you save enough after getting. a. job. Or manipulate your parents like you're already doing to pay for fake tuition ane board. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ She didn't want to work. Panic attacks. She sounds like she never mentally matured further than 10. Her parents sound awful but they didn't deserve death. They aren't to blame for her eedisions.

  • @lauralye4

    The justice system in Canada is a joke, criminals have more rights than the victims do. It’s so backwards. Sure hope they don’t get lesser sentences but wouldn’t be surprised if they do

  • @thetravelgoods2760

    All this when she could’ve just bucked her parents and moved out on her own to her own life😢so sad!

  • @beverlyledbetter4906

    Didn't her parents ever check any of this stuff out?? Weren't they curious about the diploma, applications and college transcripts???🤨

  • @lisawalden5279

    ✨️I think your new "on air area" looks unique & different in a good way❣️ When I seen it I never even thought about the background being padded, in my mind, (i thought it looked like a mermaid backdrop…) It looks Great either way✨️

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