Renowned crime investigator Annie Elise here, diving deep into the twisted case of Lawrence and Bianca Rudolph. This case, filled with love triangles, infidelity, and greed, spans two countries and unravels a web of lies and deceit. From luxurious hunting trips to suspicious insurance claims, this case has all the makings of a classic true crime saga.

At the center of it all is Lawrence Rudolph, a successful dentist with a shady past involving a questionable crocodile attack and financial schemes. His wife, Bianca, was a devout Catholic who tragically met her end in a mysterious shooting during a hunting trip in Zambia. But was it really an accident as Lawrence claims, or was it a calculated murder for insurance money and to be with his long-term mistress, Lori Miliron?

As the trial unfolded, shocking revelations emerged, including confessions, ultimatums, and a trail of deception. The feds, led by FBI agents, worked tirelessly to uncover the truth behind Bianca’s death. The courtroom drama revealed a tangled web of affairs, financial motives, and premeditated actions.

Ultimately, both Lawrence and Lori were found guilty of their crimes. The sentencing is set for 2023, where justice will hopefully be served for Bianca, her family, and all those affected by this tragic case. Stay tuned for more updates on this chilling true crime story.

Remember, when it comes to love triangles and infidelity, murder is never the answer. Let’s hope that justice prevails in this troubling case. Until next time, stay safe and stay vigilant. This is Annie Elise signing off.


24 Comments to “A Mistress, Millions and Murder | Death on Safari | Larry Rudolph and Bianca Rudolph”

  • @annieelise

    What do you think the real motive here was?

  • @laurataylor3159

    Hunters are disgusting. Thank you Annie you're awesome ❤

  • @Danisuzette

    30k a MONTH!!ive been working since I was 14. Developed epilepsy after a violent crime and I'm expected to pay all my bills with $900 a month WTF

  • @scarlettfrancesca

    Wow, what an incredibly devastating case! Thank you for bringing attention and awareness to it.

    It feels it was driven by money and greed and the desire to be with the mistress instead of his wife.

    What I really don't understand though is that he claims he would not be able to live on the amount he would be left with, if he actually divorced his wife, but he was worth 27 million.

    Even if she got 50%, I'm pretty sure he would be able to live on that.

    There's no way she would have gotten 100% of his assets

    She was also claiming something similar though…. about concerns she wouldnt be able to financial survive if she divorved him.

    So I am a little confused about both of their concerns for money.

    So sad when a case has to be dissolved into someone choosing to take someone else's life just to escape something they once agreed they wanted.

  • @dianaludwig925

    Huge loser! All about the money!!! Sick! BTW Hello Annie! 🙂

  • @KK-iv4tf

    I love your everything about your podcasts. I listen everyday. I have to say your frames are on point ya

  • @sallykohorst8803

    Another older video i am watching now. Great channel.

  • @feebennett

    Disability caps out at $3,600 (approximately 2024). No way in hell he collected $30000 a month.

  • @samanthaeverhart9451

    She is a hunter! She didn't accidentally shoot herself!! She knew very well how to handle a gun, and was the safety not on…come on! 🤦🏻‍♀️ And what kind of gun was she shot with?? And were there hands tested for gun powder residue? Cause you're not able to hold a rifle or shot gun to your chest and still be able to pull the trigger, at least I couldn't, my arms aren't long enough. I hand gun yes…but then there would be gun shot residue on his or hers!?

  • @valerietaft657

    What a greedy scumbag! I also don’t understand anyone make or female thinks murder is better than divorce!

  • @EJLJ1986

    30,000$ on disability allowance per month?!?! WTF?! Is that a normal amount in the US? If so, I’m throwing myself in some crocodiles and registering as a US citizen lol 😂

  • @royalcrow1900

    Big game hunters f-ing disgust me just had to pop in with that. Vile people.

  • @pearlfeather9326

    Something not right with people hunting for big game!
    Disgusting hobby.

    And i guess he didnt want to give Bianca to get half his money so decided to kill her.

  • @niaselah3348

    Zero empathy for the humans here

    The actual victims are the precious non human animals who were cruelly murdered and for nothing

  • @milanannella

    So Larry got life in prison and Lori got 17 years. Of course they’re trying to appeal it. But for Lori, that’s crazy how you thought it was all jokes & laughs being the mistress & now you’re serving 17 years for this man!! What a shame!!

  • @nicolehouston255

    He did it for the money. He thought he could have his cake and eat it too! Wrong!!

  • @eugenejeltov7087

    30 K monthly disability check? How come? It's can't be true. Crocodiles in Africa, Alligators in Americas North and South.

  • @sloride3222

    Omg I’m a ups driver in pittsburgh Pa and I deliver packages to 3 rivers dental everyday 😮

  • @christy76840

    Why would anyone even want to kill an elephant. Smh. Disgusting

  • @CaliTata9770

    Anyone willing to kill majestic animals for sport should never be trusted.

  • @amandaalexander5293

    We love u Annie. U give such an unbiast opinion with ur own little twerk of genius. U have a true gut instinct and I think u are dead on thank u for being the awesome person u are

  • @stolkalforhire

    There were 2 very distracting elements of this video and all I heard was hunting and comment.

  • @sberry80

    Its safe to say it wasn't an accident, and i dont think he is capable of love. So that leaves money, and with collecting almost $5mil i think this was definitely the motive

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