As a highly detailed crime investigator, it is crucial to analyze the transcript of Annie Elise’s discussion on the Heaven’s Gate cult with precision and attention to detail. Throughout the episode, Annie delves into the disturbing practices and beliefs of cult leaders Marshall Applewhite Jr. and Bonnie Lou Nettles, shedding light on the psychological manipulation that led to the tragic mass suicide of 39 members in 1997.

Annie’s deep dive into the cult’s history, recruitment tactics, and the events leading up to the mass suicide provide valuable insights into the dangerous influence and power dynamics at play within extremist groups. The detailed recounting of the group’s final preparations and the eerie discovery of the bodies in the Rancho Santa Fe mansion highlights the chilling reality of how far individuals can be led astray by charismatic leaders and extreme ideologies.

Furthermore, the analysis of the mental health issues and personal traumas experienced by the cult leaders sheds light on the underlying factors that may have contributed to their ability to manipulate and control the group. By exploring the complexities of belief systems, coercion, and group dynamics, Annie’s discussion serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of falling prey to charismatic leaders and harmful ideologies.

Overall, Annie’s meticulous examination of the Heaven’s Gate cult case provides valuable insights into the dark world of cults and the devastating consequences that can result from unchecked power and influence. As a crime investigator, it is essential to approach cases like these with a critical eye and a deep understanding of the psychological dynamics at play.


49 Comments to “ABSOLUTELY UNHINGED: Mass Murder of 39 People?! Heaven’s Gate Cult & Marshall Applewhite”

  • @alanunderwoodsr8622

    This case was murder by brainwashing. They no longer could think for themselves.

  • @JoseCoon-Adams-wx5do

    I remember the Heaven’s Gate and & Hell’s flames when I was a kid. Could you please tell about The Jonestown massacre?

  • @kingti85

    I saw a movie called Fire in the Sky when I was pretty young
    Ain't no way in hell you convincing me to willingly be abducted by aliens 💀

  • @affleberryfondue5288

    "Unfortunately for him, he wasn't above being held in Earthly Jail"…😂😂😂

    That's a burn. 🔥🚒

    I can't believe I've only just found out about your channel. It's my new favorite. I've been binging all the cases you've covered. I think I might have to take a break soon though, I'm going to start having nightmares if I don't.

  • @andyoushouldfeelbad

    I’m a psychiatrist from NC near where Marshall was a pastor. I’ve always been deeply moved and intrigued by the Heaven’s Gate cult. Your video is by far the worst quality, most disrespectful, unserious, and least informative I have ever seen. I guess it works for true crime wine moms, but for those of us expecting documentary quality, or at least respect for the dead and basic psychological terms pronounced correctly, this is an outright insult to even average intelligence.

  • @johnbrowne2170

    Scientology is pretty bad.

  • @OrgBobaFret

    Maga is the biggest cult this country has ever seen 😢

  • @Scorned405

    This is a perfect example as to why religious thinking and ideaology need to be done away with. Religious worldviews do not mix with rational reality. When a person believes that praying about a persons problem is going to solve the issue that’s not logical thinking. When a tornado destroys and kills innocent people and people pray to the God that did nothing to stop it is not logical. When a school shooter kills twenty kids and it’s justified that “ god needed more angels” is very disturbing. These people killed themselves because of a psychotic idea that a comet is gonna come to earth cause it’s a divine plan is insane. A worldview in science, education and rationality needs to be implemented.

  • @jennifernance400

    I know this is an old video, but you should definitely cover the 12 Tribes of Israel cult. It's ALOT. My fiancé's dad is part of it (we don't associate with him) but the amount of shady stuff that goes on with them is crazy and people don't really talk much about them.

  • @rebekahcopeland500

    by the time one usually smells that something is a cult, they are usually already isolated from their family, dependent on the cult, financially compromised – and people are very often vulnerable to start with, 'looking' for something, 'missing' something, 'needing' something.

  • @Karii___

    I lived near there 😢

  • @mousemd

    He is correct! I have a cycle 🚴 It is called bi 😅

  • @mousemd

    I don't have any problems with Mormons. Maybe IDK enough about them? Maybe I have the wrong group? Any group that teaches that shabbat is not on Sunday. I just wonder how correct they are on other topics?

  • @janetlynnmurphy

    There’s definitely coercion, like with any cult but I think there was less coercion here than in many cults. And hey maybe they are partying on the next level & joke’s on the rest of us ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • @johnsmitht11

    Back in my younger days we made fun of crazy cults like Heaven's Gate. But now I see it as a terrible tragedy. Those people were psychologically trapped with no way out. The idea that you have to believe is really strong in all religions but people lie too often to trust, people prove that over and over. You don't have to believe anything coming from another person. It's just a bunch of hot air unless they can prove otherwise. If God wants to show up and set humanity straight, there's nothing stopping him from doing it on his own, without help from a prophet or religious leader. Of course saying that is heresy, but that's the trap, that's how religions and groups get people – you have to believe words, you're not allowed to demand proof or question the leaders. It's not just religions, either, the same thing happens in politics across the entire political spectrum. I'm amazed humanity has made it this far.

  • @jamietolleson3165

    You should check out Jim Jones. He is the reason for the saying " Don't drink the Koolaid". A mass "suicide" of hundreds of people.

  • @lavenderwolf6

    Sounds a lot like Scientology before Scientology was a thing.

  • @Avasmommy11509

    I remember back when I learned about JOHNSTOWN. I was somewhere around 11-13… years old (1997-99) randomly scrolling on the family computer and unwittingly coming upon an article… with photos… scary enough to my very-still innocent brain…Google wasn't the popular seardh engine and I don't remember the name but it sucked! JONESTOWN or formally known as The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, has become the cult of all cults… probably the mass event that's lived rent free in my mind since. I've learned more details throughout the years and most recently AHS Cult actually made factually backed scenes about the final moments and the chaos of those poor people 918 people that cimmited suicide… Well, 300 were children so they were murdered. The photos are haunting. But the video footage hidden amongst the web show the absolute insanity of where drinking the KoolAid comes from. The pos tried to dip out…flee without taking the Cyanide but one of his many women shot and killed him before killing herself. The only one I've ever obsessed over or strongly found interest in. I think it traumatized me a little. Seeing babies laying there. Reading the absolute insanity moments of kids sxrewamin while srinking cyanide and puking and people forcing mother's to keep poisoning Their other kids and everyone surrounding them dying a horrendous death and men holding machine guns and threatening to shoot them if they didn't drink the Kool aid. It's nuts. I'm probably just trauma bonded with it🤷🏼‍♀️ This suicide seemed much calmer and traumatic. I remember seeing Hale-Bopp with my own eyes and It was a cool experience. Hearing about this suicide was wild.

  • @littlep111

    I live a few miles from this-I just have no words for all that happened

  • @bonnymcdonald3985

    Did you just compare psychosis to make believe characters?
    And because mainstream media now accepts UFO’s means the general public needs to…..ahhhhh….absolutely freakin’ not. That’s a huge reason not to

  • @lakeluv195

    Love your T-Shirt. Love No Doubt!

  • @RandomBeagle

    Revelations is written by the apostel John

  • @letsbetogether7467

    Mt friend, Pat, sold them their shoes.

  • @user-kv4db5vr3b

    So, Annie, I have been watching loads of true crime channels. Some are decent, some suck, and there are so many annoying af creators. So much cringe and exploitation of true crime victims on other channels. You are by far the best. You are respectful, engaging, relatable, and informative . Thanks for your efforts. I wish you all good things in life.❤

  • @Dreasura

    I understand how people can become vulnerable to things that they normally would never align with.
    I have had a few transitions myself. Prior to the alternate views, I saw myself as strong and would never change. Then things happened and there I was in the thick of something that made me realize how easy it is to have a different perspective.
    I am not ignorant. I have a high IQ. Yet, weakness is something anyone can find themselves struggling with when faced with stressful or life changing events.
    Do cult members have a choice? Yes. Can they act on that choice? Not always.
    Is a mass suicide actually homicide? In some cases, I think it is. Other cases not so much.
    The first round of deaths I cannot view as suicide because of the coercive aspect to it. After that, it turns into suicide. Like a peer pressure type of thing.

    I also have a different perspective on death in general. Humans place such a huge emphasis on life at all costs that life becomes a forced concept itself. We all have an expiration date. None of us knows exactly when it is. So, living is something to strive for, and do it to the best of our ability. Though, who are any of us to say what another persons choice should be, whether it's a natural death, an accident, or suicide?
    I always view the taking of another persons life as murder, and murder is always wrong – so that's where I make the distinction.
    The first group were murder. The second group could be either. The final group were suicide.
    I also think it's perfectly fine for others to have their own view, and to disagree with me if they feel strongly enough. It's okay to see it differently than I do.

  • @emmafaber4957

    It just shows that even then and even more now people are lost people are desperate to feel something that makes them belong

  • @beverooni140


  • @lilyred8120

    Wellness check? IDK. Maybe everyone minded their own business.

  • @diannepaterson6153

    Annie, I LOVE all your shows. I’m watching in Australia,so I’m never really sure when you’re broadcasting. Would it be possible for you to say the month, as well,as the day in your introduction..if you can’t, no problem,and in any event, I will continue to watch and wait for your next episode.
    Thank you for all your efforts on our behalf. I can only imagine how much time you spend getting your show together. Dianne

  • @jerricaperkins538

    I know this is an older video, but I just wanted to say a few things. I am SO fascinated with cults, my husband thinks it’s weird, but it is for the same reasons as you. It’s mind boggling how so many people are manipulated by cults I can’t even wrap my mind around it. Also, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to keep up with your videos (in the best possible way) I have no clue how you crank out so many videos. Especially as a momma and wife. Not only do you crank out SO many videos, they are QUALITY. They are so thorough and well researched and well done. I am convinced you are a superhuman

  • @WhitneyGardner53

    Swear to God my grampa and I used to say that exact thing about ufos…… weirdos are us lol

  • @Marycedarcreek

    This is like the Lord talks about in the bible. They are the blind leading the blind. It really ended up as HELL'S GATE. Suicide is a sin. People follow what they want to be true. Not what is true. When Satan deceives, he always holds out a pretend benefit. But God said, Satan came to kill, steal and destroy. And here you see he did exactly like God said, he killed, he stole, and destroyed these people. And the last day fake Messiah will make fake promises to everybody on earth just like this misguided fellow. Except on a grand scale. He will be from Rome. And what was done here, will be done on a grand scale. And he will deny the one true God. That is why he is called the Anti-Christ. And in the last days ROME will be laid waste in one hour. All this is in your bible. God bless you all to walk and remain in truth.😊

  • @Sw33tSara

    It just SHOCKS me ! For this video to be shown around. The state for all to see flowers, computer k, ECT?

  • @cyndit9208

    I was 5-15 years old in the 70’s and at least in my family, life and personal experiences, knowing that these cults existed and so often ended in tragedy. On the whole it has forever shadowed my religious beliefs and participation. Total mistrust for me. Imagine, a 13 year old hearing about missionaries and going to 3rd world countries to follow and spread the word, and Jonestown happens. I do not find cults or large religious groups fascinating. I find them terrifying. And I will remain safe that way.

  • @shereadstarot

    Are there any shirts that say "Annie's True Crime Bestie" …. would you sue me if I made one for myself?

  • @loriwalker4583

    The pursuit for truth can take us many places…this I know. Im do greatful that "The Ultimate Truth of ALL Truths" has taught me thru all my journeys and protected me. I know that I know that Jesus IS the way, the truth & the life and nobody comes to Father God but thru Him.

  • @Dingle1234

    It seems like it's the relatively innocent eccentricities that should make you go "Weird!" before you even hear the rest. God doesn't care about running shoes.

  • @kellystuard-will2826

    I'm glad people have mentioned the Jim Jones fiasco in Guyana, where over 900 people lost their lives, including a US senator. To me, this was the worst example of cult-related death. Most of us sat glued to TVs and magazines, digesting every morsel.

  • @12B4Christ

    I almost 'hate' to strip this down to bare bones… but this comes down to being raised in "extreme" fundamentalism, then developing into full blown Narcissistic behaviors, then add public who are more than willing, gullible, ignorant minions desperate for 'something different, exclusive'.
    Careers, wealth, societal standing are not relative to the gullibility and spiritual ignorance of humans.
    We have seen this same pattern for many centuries.
    Some exist today with literal millions of members.

  • @melissagrosse1185

    They actually believed their message. He's not far off from what happens to us upon death. We do go to the next level, just no by spacecraft. Its dimensional travel in our spirit form.

  • @melissagrosse1185

    Im 57 y/o. I know MANY people who feel that they don't belong on this planet. We all wish a craft would take us home. 😂

  • @sterling8298

    I would love for aliens to come to the Earth and take me into their dimension. That would be the dopest s*** in the world. They would have to agree to let me take my phone. So I could secretly film them.😊

  • @anabellejames2937

    20:38 I think about how I want aliens to take me to another place

  • @KristyPerkins-ut7mi

    Ok… so am I the only one who sees a girl in this picture at 12:24 ??

  • @cbquid2513

    How to we know that Marshall’s plan DIDN’T work!? Maybe their spiritual essence(s) WERE picked up by the UFO/comet. They left their “physical vehicles” behind but their spirits moved on … disprove it. Just sayin’ … 💁🏻‍♂️

  • @cbquid2513

    Cult members are sheep … it’s not rocket science as to why they become brain-washed. They WANT to.

  • @sarahlyons2740

    Hey Annie, I love your episodes on cults but as a fan from England I am wondering if there are or has been any cults in the UK? I would love to hear about one from you as you do it best. I’m a lot older than you (51) but we seem to be on the same page when it comes to morals, attitudes and beliefs. Keep up the good work Annie, love you. Xxx

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