As a meticulous crime investigator, my analysis of this transcript reveals a plethora of crucial details that cannot be overlooked. In scrutinizing the conversation, it is evident that there are subtle nuances and cryptic references that may hold the key to unraveling this complex case. The suspects’ evasive language and carefully chosen phrases suggest a level of premeditation and calculated deceit, indicative of a seasoned criminal mind at work.

Furthermore, based on prior intelligence gathered, it is apparent that this criminal organization has a history of sophisticated financial fraud schemes, making it imperative to delve deeper into the financial transactions discussed in this conversation. The mention of a “drop location” and “pick-up time” raises suspicions of illicit activities involving contraband or black market goods, warranting further investigation into potential smuggling operations.

In addition, the tone and demeanor of the individuals involved in this exchange indicate a level of familiarity and confidence that implies a well-established criminal network operating beyond the bounds of the law. With this in mind, it is imperative that every word and gesture in this transcript be carefully analyzed and cross-referenced with existing evidence to piece together the puzzle of this elaborate criminal conspiracy. Only by dissecting every detail with a critical eye can we hope to bring these perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety and security of our community.


26 Comments to “ACTIVE MANHUNT! Her JEALOUS Rage and Murders “Other Woman” | Moriah Wilson & Kaitlin Armstrong”

  • @annieelise

    The Love Triangle Murderer was finally CAUGHT! But, did the boyfriend help? Many people are saying there is more to this story than we think.

  • @shawnlanders2034

    She will be caught eventually. Only time will tell. Love the video!!

  • @shawnlanders2034

    Love the videos!! I'm spoiled by these videos!! Keep up the awesome job!!

  • @pamaleehodges9259

    I absolutely think Collin wanted to have both girls and lied up a storm to both girls.

  • @robweaver6618

    Great show thanks heaps. Rob from nz 😮

  • @rharmony25

    When you have to start tracking your man, it’s time to leave. And what did she accomplish? She can’t have him now anyways. I never have understood that when men or women do these things.

  • @judytinker3392

    I think the boyfriend had nothing to do with it and there’s nothing to hold him accountable. They have a two girlfriends at the same time it’s not his fault that one of them went crazy and shot the other one. That’s just my opinion.

  • @jacquelineollennu4039

    if she was going to murder anyone it should of been the boyfriend

  • @ellywitmer1584

    If they were really broken up why did he even text her to let her know he'd be home. He's a bum

  • @ellywitmer1584

    I don't believe him at all

  • @ellywitmer1584

    Why didn't both women just drop that bum, he just wants to play

  • @somerking7040

    I love your hair like this. U have a lot of cute styles😊…..And No ,i think He needs to man up bc are we sure he isnt the one that killed her? I know it was her jeep on camera but we've seen stranger things happen. Here he is making enemies out of the women and acting like hes still in highschool. SOMEONE died! He needs to be more responsible!

  • @RealMonkeyDKirby

    I like how you blame the dude. If it were a guy killing a guy over a cheating chil you wouldn't blame her and would say it's slut shaming of anyone disld

  • @michaelkatilas2149

    (CNN)The woman suspected of fatally shooting elite cyclist Anna Moriah "Mo" Wilson in Texas has been captured in Costa Rica, the US Marshals Office said Thursday.

    Kaitlin Marie Armstrong, 34, was found Wednesday at a hostel on Santa Teresa Beach in Provincia de Puntarenas, the Marshals Office said in a news release. She will be deported and returned to the US, the agency said.

    Armstrong was wanted for the May 11 shooting of Wilson, who had previously dated Armstrong's boyfriend — 35-year-old professional cyclist Colin Strickland — in what investigators believe may have been a violent act of romantic jealousy.

  • @rtdmna

    I was 18 when i fell in love with a 23 year old boy, he was so different than anyone else i had dated. I had been in a serious relationship which i terminated because he asked me to marry him and i refused, also i was uncomfortable whenever he said he loved me, i had told him repeatedly not to say that as i did not believe i felt the same. He insisted it would come eventually and if not he had enough love for me, for the both of us.
    Did not make sense to me, by the way i was 16 he was 25. Just after my 17th birthday i broke up with him.
    Dated and was just having fun clubbing and going out with my girlfriends, it was on such a night that i met HIM.
    I felt the connection instantly, i wanted to be with him constantly, was never bored and he made me laugh all the time, and i dont mean like a little giggle, i was laughing so hard my sides hurt!
    So six months on i get a call from a girl i didnt know who tells me if i could meet up with her the following evening after work for a coffee as she has to tell me some important information about my boyfriend.
    I meet up with this girl who was a few years older than me, and she is very sweet and basically looking at me with pity while she proceeded to tell me she has also been going out with my boyfriend. I actually had herd of this girl as she was the sister of my boyfriend's friend, that he had been with the night i met him.
    To cut a long story short, we decided to confront him together the following evening, and both dump him.
    I left, and was amazed that i held my self together throughout that meeting, but as soon as i walked away i started sobbing i was devastated! Utterly heartbroken, cried all the way home, having to catch two buses and wear sunglasses at night to hide my tears.
    As soon as i walked in the door the phone was ringing and it was HIM, that two bit toe rag, that i had just left, went straight back to him and lied about our discussion, so i calmly said, "it seems that the two of you are made for each other, as you both live on lies, have a good life, dont bother calling me ever again, and the same goes for your piece of trash girlfriend".
    The following day i caught a plane to the furtherst state from mine and stayed away for 6weeks, i was utterly heartbroken.

  • @caylinhoyme7134

    I love your channel! I really love that shirt you are wearing!! Where can I get one??

  • @dnickason3910

    I think broken up or not, Caitlin is responsible. Not the boyfriend or Marriah. Short of self defense or defense of another, no one has a legit reason to kill someone.

  • @cherylwest9538

    The boyfriend should take responsibility, as he n his behaviour was the reason for caitlins anger

  • @murphysoil86

    Doubt you'll see this, but you look really pretty here🤩 as ALWAYS,

  • @petergriffiinbirdistheword

    This triangle has two villians. Only one person in this story is truly innocent and did absolutely nothing to deserve this fate.

  • @oogabooga1971

    I have 0 sympathy for homewrekers. I also think the guy is a pig!

  • @kalpanaperry6709

    If she is innocent why run??

  • @sandrabaker5298

    IMO Strickland is responsible just as much as Armstrong. But I will NEVER understand how anyone could kill someone over jealousy. If a person is that much of a piece of s$$t as to cheat, lie, etc, you shouldn’t want to be with them in the first place.

  • @loriluv127

    It's so sad how people ignore the red flags. 🚩🚩 It's in neon lights.🚨 Here's a grown man having to list this woman under a different name because he's dealing jealous nut bag. Lots of terrible outcomes could be avoided if the problem was dealt earlier by cutting her out of your life.

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