Delving deep into the twisted world of Adelson’s Fairy Tales, this highly detailed crime investigator unravels the mostly awesome cross-examination of “Doctor” Charlie. In this chilling case, it was revealed that Charlie was not actually a licensed doctor, but instead a con artist who preyed on vulnerable victims. The investigation uncovered a web of deceit and manipulation, shedding light on the dark truths hidden within Adelson’s so-called fairy tales.


43 Comments to “Adelsons Fairy Tales & the mostly awesome cross-examination of “Doctor” Charlie”

  • @MentourLawyer

    Based on my research, the State could reopen its case and call a rebuttal witness if it wanted to. At this time, there would be no prejudice to the defendant, since there were no closing arguments and the jury was not instructed.

  • @teresabringas4839

    The first question by his nephews, “Uncle Charlie you knew from day one that your girlfriend’s boyfriend killed our dad and you didn’t even have the courage to tell police that?” Why? You didn’t lift a finger either you or Grandma or Grandpa to help track these killers down and help law enforcement to bring justice for our dad?
    That’s what CA expects them, the public and the jury to believe.

  • @josiechaplin5312

    This is quite entertaining I must admit 🤭

  • @condor5635

    I’m tickled to death that this POS got convicted! That basically summarizes it. 3:41:03 zoom in on Charlie’s facial expression and how he looks at Rashbaum and the jurors. He knows he’s in deep deep dodo. You’re doing a great job MentourLawyer! Thank you!

  • @krisbest6405

    Sucking his mouth in is so telling. I knew petty criminals and as a gf. I felt power albeit not mine. Strange thing l find ,you are as guilty as them if you don,t try to get them to fly straight.

  • @rosep8481

    Thank you for this breakdown. I found it really helpful

  • @urmysunshine1985

    @MentourLawyer thank you for the summary; if Charlie’s credibility is 0% the state wins. I was worried about this story creating reasonable doubt, but maybe the jury will just discount his entire defence 🤞❤

  • @rosess100

    evil ca was the maestro of the killing, Yes ML! he was the maestro indeed..

  • @krstlblu22

    ML, do you think they have enough evidence now to indict the other adelson's either all of them or at least Wendi and Donna…

  • @benniebella

    @mentourLawyer Something that state didn't catch he said his sister has no idea what he's been through the last few years. he spends his time worrying about whether he's going to get killed or going to go to jail and she just goes about her life doing what she wants to do. I have somewhat of an inate anger towards her." Why would he be angry at Wendy? If he's not guilty of anything and he didn't get himself involved in any illegal activity regarding Dan why is he angry at wendy? Why does he go to his days worrying if he's going to be killed or go to jail? Is it because he did put the hit out on Dan Markle and Wendy's not even being appreciative of what he did, she just living her life being happy and he's the one thats suffering. That's what it sounds like to me and that's why he's angry at Wendy. And then she asks him Wendy doesn't appreciate what youve done for her does she and he said I haven't done anything for Wendy which completely contradicts his comment about being angry at her because he's been going through so much the last couple years and she's just living her life being happy.

  • @jthomas2728

    Charles and Dan schooled the prosecution- I think between them they have created a reasonable doubt- Charles didn’t struggle with even one question of the cross- In fact he controlled the cross.

  • @flower_goddess1279

    As always, thank you for your brilliant analysis ML! in fact, I came to know of your channel while I started watching Dan Markel’s murder for the first time many years ago. Really truly appreciate your dedication, your consistency, despite your busy schedule, you never compromise on the quality of your channels. You always give the voice to-the voiceless , most of the time, not making any monetary gains. We all have been waiting for this trial and hopefully Lady Justice will prevail. Thank you again.❤️🙏

  • @benniebella

    Now the boys go through life with the Adelson name, the people that have been accused of the hit on their father instead of leaving them with their father's name to carry on his legacy. Wendy was stupid to change their name. Nothing wrong with kids going through life with the name of the father who had been murdered. Everything is wrong with them going through life with the name of the murderers. they should get their name back. The boys are approximately 13 and 15 now? Kids aren't stupid they see through all this.

  • @gagagoose2878

    The prosecutor is feeding him questions that he has the perfect, pat answer to. I hope this is picked up by the jurors and that there aren’t one or two naive people, who will interpret this as Charlie telling the truth

  • @Lakelife67

    ML you have so many good insights!!!! Tell the state please

  • @TheSkeetergirl

    I'm praying that the state moves to reopen this case and calls Katie, Luis, possibly others to rebut Charlie's idiotic fairy tale.

  • @nok427

    The original state prosecutor didn’t go after the Adelsons, because he was afraid of high price Miami lawyers… Looks like some of his fears were correct… Thank goodness the current prosecutors have the guts to take this case on

  • @rachelbeck7647

    All your points resonated with me and you nailed it that the defense wants to complicate it. People are crazy if they think Georgia should have gone point by point refuting it; that’s what they want. She made the points she needed to make and let him retell the nonsense, which doesn’t gain him a thing when it doesn’t sound anymore reasonable the second time around. He had answers but the mere over-explanation, applied to any juror’s life experience screams scammer and schemer, which supports the state. She left it at that and I think and she is brilliant for it. If there is a time for less is more, it’s right now. Engaging further would only give the jury the impression that they need to debate it, following the lead of the attorneys and they do not need to debate all those points at all. If jurors take their cues from the attorneys like they say, then Georgia should demonstrate boldly that there is no debate and she did. She could had gone point by point to refute this nonsense but in doing so she would only be falling into their trap to complicate and confuse the facts. The last thing she should do is invite the jury to go down that road right before deliberations. That’s the only road that gives the defense a snowball’s chance, the road that ends where you can see the forest for the trees. The defense knows they need jurors that will go down that road and only that road will save Charlie. That’s the jury they were hoping for from the beginning with the whole team of experts. Good for Georgia for keeping them in full view of the forest, and letting them know they can stop right there and see it for what it is. Charlie is going down! Let’s get ready for Wendi and Donna!

  • @DavidMars

    Excellent analysis. Hung jury would be pyrrhic victory for Charlie. State needs to deputize you to assist in next trial.

  • @lauraburger1272

    When Georgia handed Charlie the transcript of his and Kattie’s texts to read a text saying “we have a lot of weight on our shoulders”, he asks Georgia which one and she took the papers back, and he smirks pierces his lips together, like he was going to laugh out loud, WTH was that all about? That was just like when Katie was on the stand during her trial and would smirk they both think they are the smartest people in the room that was absolutely a Duper delight smile he is clearly enjoying this. He thinks that he’s going to get away with this. There was nothing funny about what was going on. There was no reason for him to laugh, except for he is amused with himself. I hope the jury saw this because it was a clear indication of guilty body language you were on the stand for murder, you would not be smirkingand laughing.

  • @arthurdunn622

    Yes I have been saying that for years. All of these videos that talk about how Wendi knew but at the same time they argue her throwing up was the result of JUST LEARNING about their involvement. One or the other People!

  • @avaleakeough8236

    he is so considerate that if he gets killed he wants to make it easy for his parents to find him what a son

  • @avaleakeough8236

    I love your commentary and u make me laugh on top of everything thanks ml

  • @dennisvoldbirk5350

    when he is paid in cash d he then pay taxes he had 138000 in cash in the safe and is it allowed to use dentist equiment to make money in cash with no taxes

  • @arthurdunn622

    Mentor lawyer you've been there from the start. All these Johnny come latelys are garbage! #real deal

  • @geoffreywren2053

    The defense jury consultant did not do customary work. The consultant did help them find one juror who believes LBJ had JFK killed, another who believes the moon landings were staged, another who believes alien extraterrestrial bodies are in cold storage in new mexico, another who believes professional wrestling is real, etc. the jury may then give credence to the defense extortion claims.

  • @gagagoose2878

    I’m so afraid there will be one or two jurors who will fall for the fairy tale. I guess we’ll know if they take a long time

  • @ceasarwright7567

    Two blonde DA are hot . I wonder how they moved up to upper spheres of society 😂

  • @marshapieroni6677

    ML, i hope you accidentally run into this question
    Why do you think the state didn't call Donna and Harvey? I have a couple reasons in my head, but I want to hear yours.

  • @marshapieroni6677

    Is there a chance they won't try him if it's a hung jury?

  • @marshapieroni6677

    I agree. Shr was hoping he would keep talking with the open ending questions and he reheased so much ….

  • @marshapieroni6677

    I have watched her question him 3 times and i can't help but think but think Georgia has something up her sleeve.

  • @marshapieroni6677

    Yes ML, she talks to them about death just before their father is murdered . I agree. Another so-called coincidence. And 3 and 4 year olds can certainly remember Donna's statement

  • @marshapieroni6677

    They need to get that holocaust ring back to the Markels.

  • @marshapieroni6677

    If they had taken Lacasse seriously in the beginning, they could have gotten a whole lot more information in the beginning

  • @marshapieroni6677

    He didn't need a whole team of lawyers but im surprised he didn't have

  • @marshapieroni6677

    Can't believe he said his mom didn't like his brother. Her own son!

  • @sangertx9077

    I get stuck at some foundational issues. So stuck that I can’t move past them and begin to evaluate/debate any other elements of the case. Three are really key to me.

    First, it’s beyond reason to believe that Katie came over, told Charlie what happened, told him he needed to pay…and that with basically no further discussion, he just says “dammit!”, cleans out his safe and hands her $148,000, sets up a payment plan and then just says “Hey, do you want to have a sleepover?” I can’t buy that!

    Second, it’s beyond reason to believe that when the person (he believed) who had protected him for years (Katie)…the only other person who had been caught in the extortion with him, got arrested, he didn’t come forward and tell LE what had really happened. It is beyond reason to believe he just “thought it would come out.” Nope! If he would have said, “You know, it was around that time that I started to think about things…suspect things…etc.” Maybe. But “I thought it would come out.” Nope!

    Lastly, it’s beyond reason to believe that once Charlie was arrested, he didn’t communicate (himself or through his attorneys) that it was a mistake, and that he’d been extorted. The fact that this happened 10 years ago, Luis is in prison, Sigfredo is in prison, Katie is in prison, Charlie is in jail for over a year…etc., and the first time anyone hears about an extortion is the first day of his trial? Nope, I can’t get past that. Using “the element of surprise” may seem to be a great move in trying to get a guilty client off in a court case…but the “great move” part is lost on me. All I see is the “trying to get a guilty client off in a court case” part.

    Those issues are stop points for me. I don’t need any other facts or testimony until those three are resolved for me…and he can’t resolve them.

  • @jusdjoy5263

    anyone who falls for this ridiculous defense should consider themselves as prime targets for scammers…if it is too good to be true it usually is…Charlie is a scammer who has been lying his whole life…

  • @marshapieroni6677

    If this man gets a not guilty, it means no one should ever go to prison. All they need to do is get on the stand and tell a wild tale and they get set free.

  • @michellestlicitra9105

    It’s pronounced “Mystro”

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