Adelsons Go For Full Victory? Mentour Lawyer Reacts (includes Wendi Adelson Direct Testimony)

Adelsons Pursue Total Victory: Unveiling the Intricacies of the Case as the Lawyer Takes Action (featuring the Compelling Testimony of Wendi Adelson) – The case involves the suspicious murder of Dan Markel, a prominent law professor in Florida, and his ex-wife’s involvement in the alleged crime. The investigation delves into complex relationships, financial motives, and potential hidden agendas as the truth slowly unravels.


30 Comments to “Adelsons Go For Full Victory? Mentour Lawyer Reacts (includes Wendi Adelson Direct Testimony)”

  • @annied9864

    Outstanding Achievement for your reporting on this case. ❤👏👏👏🙏🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪

  • @helpyourcattodrive

    Hi, ML. Thanks for uploading all these videos for us.

  • @iMatti00

    @21:41 ~ I think at first I found it peculiar as well, but I’m thinking the defense told the jury the prosecutor didn’t know about the extortion story so the defense could basically have the jury read between the lines that had Charlie not been so scared and he told the prosecutor before hand, the prosecutor might have dropped the charges. Because if the jury thinks the prosecutor already knew about this story and decided to arrest him and go forward with trial anyway, then that would lead you to believe the prosecutor thinks the story is BS.

  • @user-il8rb1si7c

    You bring up good points but Georgia looked very tired and couldnt do any damage to Charlie.

    This was a disapointment especially extpecting much more.

    I dont beleive Charles and theres no evidence he was extorted but Georgia couldn't find holes in this chessy story.

    Charlie mastered the art of war in this case – he had good foreknowldge and he used their evidence against them.

    I hate to say this but Charlie might walk with change.

    This might shock you but Charlies lawyers screened jurors to favor Charlie – thats their forte.

    Charlie was drop dead Fred until it was his time to speak and when he spoke he sounded more like Michael Corleone.

    It sucks cuzz Charlie looks like Fredo but sounds like Michael.

    But Charlies a piece of shit – he didnt attend Dans funeral.

    He hated Dan so much he couldnt contain his laughter when Donna used alot of verbs to describe Dan. Even in death the Adlesons shoud address Danny as Dan. So disrespectful.

  • @user-il8rb1si7c

    If Charles decides to turn on Wendy – she can't be prosecuted in this case.

    Rashbaum seems to be throwing Donna under the bus along with Wendy. Hard to believe he was Donna's lawyer.

  • @claudiamontano519

    How are the jurors reacting ???

  • @claudiamontano519

    Charlie should have been a Rabbi😅

  • @claudiamontano519

    Donna is "mommy dearest"

  • @claudiamontano519

    How can you HATE someone so much is beyond my comprehension.

  • @annadeec6676

    Georgia did bring up name change on direct. I find it very telling that Wendi chose Bulleit Whiskey for her purchase choice. The whole fake invitation was a joke. Glad judge didnt let it in.

  • @Sara_Raney

    I am questioning things I never thought about before and maybe they're nothing but what if he dated june to be mistaken for katie? I really believe Jeff only was chosen for the hit. They dated super shortly, He looks very similar, she knew she could sway him based on her feelings any given moment. He was put around katie and charlie for a reason. They met on a dating site and which Ruth said that's how she met Dan and Donna helped her find him. I don't see how that'd be different with Jeff especially, to me, there is even more premeditation than I ever thought before. Also, I know this is days later and sorry if this is a lot but how can Wendi get a pass of being scared and the family not telling her its extortion and taken to the area the hit men lived yet jeff is mocked for being scared of a real deal murder that was most likely 99..99999% was going to be pinned on him! edit here, not saying she gets a free pass, i just hope the jury caught that hypocrisy. THANKS MENTOUR LAWYER!!

  • @infinitya6873

    I hadn't heard before that the TV had been broken for a while and that Jeffrey had offered numerous times to buy her a new one. This makes the repair appointment on the same day and all the wire tap references to the tv even ore poignant.

  • @infinitya6873

    Would have liked if when Wendi said she wouldn't be arrested for a crime she didn't commit, if Georgia asked her if she tnen thought that meant charlie was guilty because he had been arreste

  • @infinitya6873

    I tried hard to view Wendy's testimony with objective eyes and i have to say the first part her demeanour was so much better than the other 2 trials. But it lasted just a moment as it wasn't long before she reverted to being overly pedantic, patronising, arrogant and condescending, and responding with obvious lies. Yup, classic…..a leopard just cannot change it's spots.

  • @margaretlee-reed814

    So does Defense plan on insinuating KM is the mastermind? Lying to both sides (extortion vs hired hit) And, their excuse of paying KM would be to pay extortioners. But, SG and LR are told they were hired.

    Defense knows LR confessed to murder for hire and was paid. Paid with stapled money.

    Thus, KM has no Leverage against the Adelsons.
    KM can't finally say … yeah, the Adelsons paid her to pay the hitmen.

    Does KM still maintain she was not responsible for delivering the 100K the day after? Does she know "why" they had to wait an extra day for … payment?

    Another reason the "extortion" theory doesnt really make sense … A) How does anyone know Dan? He lives in Tallahassee? For the kids – custody issues —>>>> We see now the Adelsons wouldn't care. (They would let it happen – for free – and go straight to police with clean hands; and personal problem solved. Win Win for lack of a better phrase.)

    But, if WA or CA had tried to hire someone in 2013 and backed out of thise plans and/or were … "jack-boyed" as LR calls it … the Adelsons could be vulnerable to potential extortion with the wrong types of people knowing. Maybe.

    Again, same problem. If extortioners kill Dan the Adelsons don't care. If extortioners threaten to kill any other family member … that's a crime againsr the Adelsons only. And, Adelsons can/would call police.

    Extortioners don't have the leverage … to keep LE out. Only, if extortioners kill Dan would Adelsons not care enough to reach out to police. And, pay or not pay. As you said … how would extortioners … frame the Adelsons for direct or physical involement.

    They couldn't. And, didn't. The car and suspects identified quickly. The car was in the NEWS. The Adelsons did not own the car involved in the crime.

    The Adelsons must pretrnd WA didnt know.
    As WA didn't mention in the police interview.

  • @zagijimzoo

    its pronounced rashbutt not rushbaum

  • @stillwaters5671

    She brought up the name change but not the middle name. Said it was done a year later.
    The Bullet whiskey..she had an invitation to the stock the bar party with her that day and that type of bourbon was requested on the invite.,

  • @pattip2788

    Looking forward to hearing from Magbanua.

  • @MaraCrocker

    The hitmen would have been more likely to plan a quick robbery of Charlie Adelson than to slowly extort money from him. The calls go Donna to Charlie to Katie to Sergio, not the other way. Why does Charlie keep contacting them? The whole thing doesn’t make any sense.

  • @gilrose12345

    Does not make sense for the Adelson's to risk so much and be involved with killing someone.

  • @sonyyoung1036

    Charlie had a lot of money at the time of the extortion. A reasonable innocent person would have contacted the police. Maybe he did not trust police. Fine. A reasonable rich person would have paid to move the entire family to a safer place. Then. contact the FBI and work with them to take down those involved with the extortion and murder. He would do this because no one screws with his family. I just hope the jury sees how the defence's 'puzzle pieces' just don't fit while the prosecutions explanation and evidence is the truth beyond all reasonable doubt.

  • @markminister2599

    There is no way the hit man hired themselves. The entire Adelson family is going down. Spectacularly.

  • @walterramirobeckmannvaca3309

    If we suppose that it was extorsion after the murder, the Adelsons could have called the police to arrest the murderers for murdering, period

  • @michelleanna1277

    Charlie business model , travel to offices in low income areas , treat minorities or people that would not have ability to sue . Cash only .

  • @michelleanna1277

    Her arrogance is right in your face . Wendi probably got away with alot using her innocent look her entire life . I cannot wait until she is arrested . I look forward to it . I can only imagine how pleased Georgia will be on that date . Listen to her BS for so long

  • @michaelcalland801

    Charlie’s defense is that Katy was involved & planned everything. She gave Seigfredo & Luis all Dan’s info & sent them down there to murder him. She then goes to Charlie & plays innocent. She tells him that they did this on their own & they want money for taking care of your problem . Charlie believes her & plays along. He only finds out later that she planned the entire thing. I think that’s his defense & it wouldn’t surprise me if a juror or 2 buys into it.

  • @teraallan

    Close to impossible…how’s that?

  • @caroljohanson2807

    I could not even believe the absurd defense strategy

    It’s got so many holes in it I’m shocked

  • @coopyduck6901

    Wendi lied with every breath on the stand yesterday. All Adelsons are guilty as he**. Mother, father, Charlie and Wendi should go to prison for life. Saw you in the galley. 😀

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