Delving Deep into the Ahmaud Arbery Case: The Latest Developments in the Investigation of an Unsolved Murder – The young black man was fatally shot while jogging in a Georgia neighborhood in February 2020, sparking national outrage and bringing attention to issues of racial profiling and vigilantism. The case has since led to the arrest and conviction of three men involved in his death.


20 Comments to “Ahmaud Arbery: An Update”

  • @michhaynes7272

    I like the interviewer!
    Only having a high school education doesn't make any difference to a person's commonsense.
    I hope this police force is sorted out because it sounds like a joke. The police are supposed to be there to protect the community, not protect bent cops! If you can't do that in this job, don't do the job. The men who murdered him need to go to prison! In my personal opinion, I would want them to stay in prison for their lives because they took his life. Its disgusting that they were not arrested before all this publicity. My heart goes out to the victims family.

  • @calken546

    *He was only shot because he was Black. Hate is so ugly.

  • @Headbussa101


  • @lynettejohnson8418

    This was Awesome!! Thank you for Speaking the Truth!! Prayers going up for Ahmaud’s Family!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @Camey71073

    I watched this case unfold and thought I knew everything but here you are, Stephanie, finding out more details than anyone has given.

  • @jamiesmith9492

    I Have walked into open construction homes on so many occasions that I can’t even keep count. They are so interesting and so fun to look at. That’s how you get home design ideas and you like to look around and see what the place would look like with walls. This poor boy! He did not do anything wrong!

  • @jeaniechampagne8831

    2 yrs. late and here's my comment. White racial prejudice runs deep. It is passed on through generations and people like McMichaels don't see Black people as people, they see them as animals. Greg McMichael was a poor officer, if that was indeed his title. He prob. knew he couldn't pass the required certifications for whatever reason and yet was allowed to continue this job. Because he was 'dirty' (assuming because of his current situation), he as an investigator got the job done by any means, even more than likely unlawful, he felt he needed to use and his boss empowered him by letting him do it turning a blind eye to how he did it. He raised his son this way. When he egged Travis on, beginning with getting him out of the house, "grab your gun". Travis followed his dad's order like a little puppy with no mind of his own, even driving his dad in his own truck in pursuit of this criminal. I honestly feel Travis was brain washed his entire life, not only by his father but his mother as well. He knows it now, his dad knows it now. Travis was pitiful on the stand. He couldn't even communicate what he did and why he did it. Instead he made up a false story. Thank God for that prosecutor, she got him to say, Ahmaud Arbery did nothing, he was just running".

  • @ericasylva2767

    Update on this: all three of those men went to jail, father and son for life and their neighbor for 35 years.

  • @MyPeePnAss

    I find it amazing that this previous police office/investigator… However, when the GbI search his home this dude still had his Police issued firearm

  • @rachaellong5511

    If Mr Aurbery had a weapon on him at the time and had used it in self defense and killed one of the McMichaels, u can bet he would be in prison for murder. This whole thing could have been avoided if those men had minded their own damn business and found something better to do with their time!

  • @aiirekah

    You are WRONG!!! You are wrong of having to defend the victim. The fact that some people think those two murderers are innocent is exactly what is wrong with humanity!

  • @MrPassion4truth

    Again, you made the same arguments that the state's attorney made during trail. During the trail, the prosecutor said that the Michaels could have followed Arbery home in their trucks while taking to 911. "He's turning left. He's turning right."

  • @wwindwwalker3536

    They are clearly different people that went into the open home under construction.

  • @liselemol5864

    You are exactly right! They behaved like the KKK on a lynching mission.

  • @7856841

    KEVIN GOUGH is a trash human. I hope he never gets hired again after this

  • @gracy7063

    You’re a very wise and intelligent lady, your choice of words are very similar to those the prosecution used during the trial which recently took place, thus a year from when you made this video. May God richly bless you 🙏🏽

  • @cazlovescakes

    Even if Ahmaud had commuted a felony (theft), that still doesn’t justify taking his life in my opinion.

  • @cassandrashuff6681

    Thank you for giving him that voice!

  • @joegeorge3889

    The father got everyone in trouble

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