In a shocking turn of events, the highly detailed investigation into the case of Alex Murdoch has revealed a web of corruption, lies, and greed that is truly mind-boggling. The case involves multiple murders, financial crimes, and a family with a long history of being deeply involved in the legal system.

From the suspicious death of Steven Smith in 2015 to the tragic accidents involving Gloria Satterfield and Mallory Beach, the Murdoch family seems to be at the center of a string of unfortunate events. The murders of Alex’s wife and son, Maggie and Paul, have left many unanswered questions and theories abound as to what could have motivated Alex to commit such heinous acts.

As the case continues to unravel, new charges and indictments keep piling up against Alex and his associates. From embezzlement to drug schemes, the darker side of the Murdoch family is slowly being exposed. The web of deceit and manipulation that Alex has woven seems to have finally started to crumble with the mounting legal repercussions.

In the midst of all this chaos, the family continues to stand by Alex, but as more evidence comes to light, it’s becoming increasingly clear that there may be no escape from the consequences of their actions. With the trial upcoming, the truth behind the motives for these crimes may finally be revealed, and justice may be served for the victims of the Murdoch family’s crimes. Stay tuned for more updates on this intricate and complex case as it continues to unfold.


34 Comments to “Alex Murdaugh Case | Murdaugh Family Murders. A Pattern of Greed, Deceit, Murder and Many Red Flags”

  • @annieelise

    Do you think the Murdaugh family is responsible for the other deaths looming around them?

  • @kassy.james.kassss

    Love Annie but this one is a little biased

  • @jennascott9216

    This dude is unhinged on a level I can barely comprehend. And the attitude mom and Paul had on the 911 call is gross. 20 years and they just seem utterly inconvenienced by her falling and bleeding from head. Rich white people are the worst.

  • @mikeyrocks8664

    I’ve worked for rich people my whole life and it does not shock me in any way that they didn’t care about Gloria in the dispatch call. Obviously knowing what we know now, Alex was responsible but just saying 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • @sallykohorst8803

    Love your cases and the way you present them.

  • @kevinvassago

    How tf does absolutely no murdaugh family member do cpr in any of these deaths!?!?

  • @samanthaeverhart9451

    They sound so annoyed!! Both of them… she's there housekeeper, for several years and they dont know shit about her! I think she knew secrets and they didnt want her to say shit. I think there a shitty family and had lots of money and the law in there pockets!!

  • @BrendonKennedy-yl4oz

    Someone works closely to you in your home for 20 years, and when asked her age , you have literally no idea how old she was. That speaks volumes

  • @sherryparis5647

    Oh what a web we weave when we first start to deceive

  • @ShirleyDrake-xx2cs

    Yes, I do. I think Steven Smith was called by someone to come meet them in the middle of the night. I feel it was someone Steven was involved with. He had someone he had been seeing, an older man, but I don’t think it was exclusive. Steven had been partying with friends earlier in the evening. IMO whoever he was going to meet killed him for sport. I feel it was more than a one person, in a pick up truck, like a group or gang. Satterfield is still a mystery, but God knows many people have been killed for far less than $4,300,000. I haven’t worked out the details on that one yet, but someone will figure it out. By the time Alec got to June, 7 he was well versed on breaking the law and getting away with it. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear that Alec had died in prison , it would be a prison riot or a shanking or something. Then , in latter years , we would find he had lived his life out , like a king in the Bahamas, or some other exotic place. His motion for a new trial due to jury tampering was denied this past week. I expect there will be plenty more to report on as we move forward.

  • @ShirleyDrake-xx2cs

    There was no life insurance on anyone . Alec arranged for both Maggie and Paul to be at the Mozelle property. I think he intended to kill Paul, but wanted to do it as humanely as possible. It was a fluke Paul survived the first shot since most people shot with a shotgun do not survive. The second shot, hit in such a way as to shoot his brain out through the back and top of his head. Instant death. Maggie’s death seems different. IMO she was shot in such a way as to inflict pain. I suspect Alec is an expert marksman. One shot should have been enough, but four not fatal shots, followed by a head shot seems a little excessive unless she was killed out of malice with a great deal of malice. Enjoyed your podcast on this case. Last year , I watched all the televised testimony at the trial. I sweated out the verdict, just like millions of other people. I see conspiracy’s everywhere and this case is no exception. IMO we have just started to scratch the surface of the abuse and wrongdoing of the “good old boys “ network of control in Hampton, SC.

  • @shallawnmarshall320

    The 911 call for there housekeeper says alot. Which 1. A Healthy 57 yr old will not crack there skull and die.
    Lol Annie actually had said this exact same thing right after I made this comment.
    It's common sense. Especially if they were perfectly healthy!

  • @brendaroberts8393

    The murders were June 7, not June 17

  • @kylieryan3523

    The 911 questions do feel like overkill. She wasnt listening very well Maggie said her housekeeper fell. Then the 911 oprator asks Paul if they know her. Kinda annoying. But the murdaughs manner was very detached about the situation considering how long theyd known Gloria

  • @tamm2670

    Killed his son bc if the lawsuits and wife bc of divorce

  • @rhondaclark5335

    I thought they got killed on June 7

  • @keepitreal86

    Im sorry but asking all them questions while calling 911 is annoying especially if your truly upset im not trying to answer all these questions while waiting for help

  • @jamesmiddleton660

    My attorney and his partner did the settlement scheme back in the late 90's to early 2000's Shirlknight & Rivers in Florence SC. Shirlknight killed himself in the law office and Rivers(my attorney) was supposed to also, but backed out. He ended up going to prison and i think was out in 2015. I ended up with unpaid medical bills giving they were all defaulted as unpaid on my credit for years. I did get a settlement i think because he was a friend of my fathers and we had a medeaction so i already knew about the settlement before he got the check.

    P.S. i could be wrong on the Shirlknight spelling.

  • @BendoKing

    Haha im listening to this and doing other things not wayching it then i hear the "pew pew pew" as you describe Alex heading back to rehab and i had to go rewind it i had a feeling that'd be something super cute to watch haha you're precious

  • @christyestep

    He stolen millions off his clients, killed his wife and son for drug money. Alex Murdock is EVIL. Everything is all about him. He should pay back everyone he has stolen from. He is an EVIL man. Him and his son.

  • @martinmohney6693


  • @josephhebert1785

    The Staggering amount of times that that poor lady had to tell each member of that family "asking questions is not going to slow the process down" is amazing without patient she was

  • @bethewalt7385

    One stop shopping for all things true crime, that would work, you need at least one person on your team that's a wordsmith and can assist you with correct and preferred pronounciations, love you, you're great at this but I now wait with baited breath during every episode for the at least one word you'll masscre the pronounciation of, it's painful for me for you, I was on air radio when you still needed a first class FCC licsense to anchor a show, I HAD to take a preferred pronunciation course for broadcast professionals, admittedly I didn't technically need it but I still learned some interesting things, you can always Google pronounciations to be certain

  • @nicolejohnson66

    Addicts come in all forms . He was a functioning addict .

  • @lindaatkinson7500

    Watching all this again I picked upon a comment to 911 operator regarding Gloria. Operator asked something about Gloria and Alex said no she pushed me away!!!!! HMMMMMMM maybe because he pushed her!

  • @janmoore9271

    I don't think there was anything wrong with the 911 calls the questions that get ask during a tragedy will get on your nerves. But this entire ordeal is over money. The love of money is the root of all evil.

  • @360entertainment2

    I feel like Alex killed Paul because he thought he’d ruin their reputation but in the end he’s the one that finally did it in!

  • @jarretthostler7510

    @Annie Elise I don't know if you knew this but Netflix just recently came out with a series about these murders. Thought you might enjoy watching it because i did.

  • @sberry80

    He definitely sounded like he was faking it, that type of voice inflection is pretty easy to do. And being on the phone. He doesn't have to worry about trying to get tears goin

  • @jude9623

    I'll be darned, my comment was removed.

  • @amandaoneil6581

    I can't believe that his family talk to him like he didn't kill his Wife, Son and house keeper… I mean what the heck..

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