Anne Marie Fahey: Part 3- A Wilmington Scandal

Unraveling the Intricate Web of Deception: The Anne Marie Fahey Case Ongoing Wilmington Scandal. Dive into the depths of this highly detailed investigation involving a prominent Wilmington socialite who mysteriously disappeared. Drawing on the facts surrounding Fahey’s last known whereabouts and the suspicious behavior of those connected to her, our team of crime investigators continues to meticulously piece together the puzzle of this enigmatic case. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into this gripping true crime saga, shedding light on the dark underbelly of a scandal that rocked the city of Wilmington.


44 Comments to “Anne Marie Fahey: Part 3- A Wilmington Scandal”

  • @katiecross9072

    Stephanie, i think you are so strong for sharing your own experiences with us. You make the content so relatable. I can tell from watching many of your videos, here and on crime weekly, that sharing your experience with absuse is hard for you. Thank you for your vulnerability. Your content is 10/10! Best crime podcast.

  • @DeepDimples13

    I think the people are having a problem the way you are romanticizing Annes part in the affair. While Tom is 100% responsible for the cheating and is also responsible for her part in it they together along with other women, were definitely the problem if you asked the wife’s point of view. So while some of us are listening to the story as abused virus as I am myself. I am also from my wife’s point of view. And this whole thing about it not being a responsibility of the other woman to keep the marriage intact. It’s not her responsibility. It’s not you’re right, but it is your responsibility as a woman to just be a decent human being. I am not the person that fights the other woman ever in the past when I have been cheated on by my exes, I just leave a direct my energy to him and I leave, but come on I know women personally that gets a kick out of being a homewrecker.

  • @corinnebustos4199

    Your story telling was great I read the Ann Rule book And Never Let Her Go

  • @Cloudystxrr

    I know this video is old, but I just feel like sharing this. I’m only 17, turning 18 soon, and I’ve been stalked since I was 15 by the same guy. He goes to my school, rides my morning bus, and has been following me around not only campus, but harassing me via social media. I only have my first name and keep a lot of information private, and yet he knows so much about me, while I know basically nothing about him. I’ve tried to get the staff at my school to do something, but they just won’t. I don’t know if he’s still stalking me, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was.

  • @TashieRags

    I just wanna say that it is so nice to have a true crime YouTuber who is actually my own age. Shout out to Ace of Base in the Walkman! I know that sounds superficial but after three episodes of this horribleness, it made me feel a little lighter.

  • @DekuTarot

    People are such parasocial freaks to you it's really bizarre. Like okay you have a different view on cheating so just maybe listen to her take and respect it as well, you don't need to go write an essay on everything you despise about a person making videos on the Internet that you do not know whatsoever. If you don't like the take or the video please do everyone a favor and kindly move on.
    Just want to say I think people go to some really psycho lengths to try to say she's got misogynistic takes and i honestly think it has to be that it's willful ignorance from these people. Especially considering how often i hear Stephanie really going into the terrifying misogyny that just existing as a woman in this world is and how completely wrong, dangerous, and upsetting it is. With the amount of detail and research that goes into these cases, let's all try to be a little more humane and understanding to Stephanie here, she's a human being, and you do not know her. Be kind or move on, no one's forcing you to watch the video.

    Just wanted to say this after reading some really awful and mean comments on here and seeing some truly cruel and completely unnecessary comments on Reddit. You're doing great girl, and so many of us appreciate the massive amount of effort, research and detail you put into every case you go through. ❤ You get me through my works days and I appreciate you ❤

  • @Jess1cah

    Right around the 36 minute mark, something clicked for me. I’ve identified with the story all along because I’ve survived something disturbingly similar… but it was at that minute mark that I realized her letting him close again and having lunch with him is a lot like my situation now where I found it was easier to keep that maniac at arms length because then you aren’t the subject of their torture. It would appease them enough to be left alone in that sense, but you’re never alone because they’re tangling themselves back into you. When the law fails to protect you like they promised they would, you find ways to merely survive on your own. For anyone that doesn’t understand that moment, they’ve never lived it.

  • @C3yl0

    Nobody deserves any harm just because x,y,z. That’s insane!!!!!

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm 💚

  • @lauraryan3271

    This guy is a narcissist and a sociopath! How did he make it this long without doing something like this, he makes me sick!

  • @lunapuckles2577

    Sorry, hun, but A. Fahey DOES deserve to be judged for screwing with a married man and as the Bible states (the Bible which Fahey claimed to believe in) God WILL JUDGE Fornicators AND Adulterers. It's pretty disgusting to screw with a married man with kids and the fact that you are defending this behavior by stating "you have to do what's best for you" just makes you gross and trashy. No wonder your channel has so few subscribers compared to others. Have a great day! 😀

  • @jgoodie400

    I have very little sympathy for someone who knows the person they are messing around with is married and has kids…. to me they are both evil.

  • @kittykitty8895

    I thank Jesus for making me strong from the very get go in life , yes feeling alone could just come from friendship and family, not just a boy/ girl friend
    I just wish I knew this girl, I would have gave her my street smarts and wake her up , she was so , ambushed and put under his devil spell…
    One thing for sure, we know she got a Cinderella moment with her new beau in her life, but she’s happy now , she walking around heaven and happy , please if you’re seeing this, please, sleep in a tent, before you lie down beside the devil,

  • @amandahubbard3263

    Can I just say, ace of base was my fav cassette too😂 now I can’t get 🎵I saw the sign 🎵outta my head

  • @sharminmohammad745

    No one’s ever said no to this fool. This is why he can’t handle it when he’s rejected or can’t have what he wants.

  • @jessiroseanne

    Can I just ask how do you know what was said during their phone calls? I get there'd be a record of the emails. But I don't understand how you know about the phone calls.

  • @shericiaccio7957

    And she needed money and likes the attention, so she strings him along, she's no saint.

  • @shericiaccio7957

    She likes to play the damsel in distress, and tells Tom all about her financial woes….she's a user too. Rotten intentions.

  • @shericiaccio7957

    And Anne had no problem disrespecting the wife and daughters, which is gross on her part because those kids did nothing to deserve the kind of shitty problems a mistress causes. Tom, yeah he's a dick, but let's not make Anne out to be a saint when she could have stopped this shit a long long time before, but she didn't because SHE liked it.

  • @shericiaccio7957

    I am really surprised you are making Anne out to be innocent, it's clear that she didn't want him anymore when he was going to leave his wife. It wasn't fun for her anymore. Its classic. Am I the only one who sees it?

  • @shericiaccio7957

    Lol disrespectful to his wife😂like she ever gave a shit about his wife. Tom's terrible, the worst, but so was she
    She loved being sought after, was addicted to it.

  • @shericiaccio7957

    And if you do it, karma on you.

  • @shericiaccio7957

    Agree to Emphatically DISAGREE.

  • @shericiaccio7957

    I agree with the last person. Sure Tom was the one who was married, but once she knew he was married, she was then just as culpable. Again, life is easy from the cheap seats. Yes, she DOES have a responsibility to be real woman. She didn't deserve to die absolutely not. She was definitely immature thinking she was in some fairy tale the chosen one….that's acting like a damn fool. Did she really think she was so super special? More special than his wife and daughters? No, she was nothing more than a side piece. Everyone who is dating a married man or woman, you are JUST a SIDE PIECE. Grow up and get your own GOD DAMN MAN.

  • @dancesmokesmile344

    8:44 Yes!! Thank you for saying this, that’s what I keep saying in cases like this. I’ve been cheated on, but I didn’t care who the other person was, because my partner was the one to be mad at, he’s the one who had a commitment to me. No one deserves to die for sleeping with someone in a relationship, and the other person is not the was with the commitment to you

  • @irenestrmnss4496


  • @annaczarny163

    Legs Aline arent that important. Your vibrance is far Mord important. Your face is far more important and your smile. She should be more concerned about her self-esteem. There are so mich tricks for streching your legs. But my biggest concern for her is if shes fine. Tom deserves to be the loneliest dude in the world. He is rotten to the core.

  • @beckykralicek9990

    i've never met another female who hates lavendar!!! ha ha. i do tolerate it with lemon. but thats IT.

  • @jakkilong5283

    Love your work, Stephanie!!! Thank you.
    Why can’t we say friend zone anymore?

  • @alexbuchholz7072

    I think yes you have a responsability to the person married to the one you have an affaire with, for me it is a mistake and little empathy, but as you say, nobody is perfect and of course it is not by any means a justification to heart this person, and less for murder. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

  • @cgamble6478

    I know this was a year ago but before I got pregnant I was 5'8 and 110lbs. I was healthy and did not have an eating disorder. Just in case anyone else is living with that and worried they aren't healthy now. See your Dr if you are worried about your weight in any way.

  • @michhaynes7272

    I bet he had because the he finds out what he shouldn't do, he did more to affect her eating! What a piece of crap! Those of us who have an eating disorder know that it is always there even if you put more weight on and people can't see because it can take the smallest thing to start those symptoms again! This guy is full on evil, to the core!!!!

  • @michhaynes7272

    Seriously stephanie said from the beginning that she was sleeping with a married man so why feel the need to say this.
    He stood in front of family, friends and religiously, and made a commitment! He owed his wife the decency of loyalty not the woman who hadn't promised anything!
    No one deserves to die for an affair! I've been cheated on and wouldn't wish harm on either party! Seriously people life is precious and should be viewed as such!!!!

  • @linxi4560

    Wait what? I didn’t know friendzone is cancelled 😅since when

  • @sweetestbean

    Want to thank you for your wonderfully researched and clearly and compassionately presented videos!!

  • @upnorth113

    His sleep well for the summer comment, I assumed it was because he got her the AC… Like now she can sleep well because she won't be too hot ? Idk still weird

  • @kimhannan4892

    LOVE Native! Just tried it for the first time about a week ago (cucumber/mint body wash) and it is amazing. I love the fresh scent. It is great for my skin, which tends to react to everything! Thanks for the recommendation! Next, deodorant!

  • @dennilister2428

    I just love listening to you! You do such a fabulous job!!❤

  • @kathyjensen6773

    I've been cheated on but the person I blamed was the guy, not the other woman. Now for Tom he's a POS Scumbag, I feel so bad for what happened to Anne Marie 😢

  • @ANDREA-kk2gx

    So what happened to Anne Maries boyfriend?

  • @bobbiellison4315

    "Sleep well now, and for the rest of the summer". He recently fixed her air conditioner. So she won't be too overheated to sleep. That's what I took from that.

  • @ashahirschfeld1554

    It literally broke my heart when you said “she was starting to feel a new emotion, self confidence”. It’s abhorrent that he couldn’t accept that she could possibly exist or be happy if it wasn’t dictated and controlled by him.

  • @karenlaubenthal4939

    I also had a man like Tom in my life and I’m STILL in therapy over it🎉

  • @origamipein18

    I remember now! 😮 I saw a miniseries based on this case years ago! 😮

    Anne-Marie. 😢

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