As a meticulous crime investigator, it is imperative to analyze every minute detail in this transcript with great precision. The suspect’s language patterns and demeanor during questioning could provide crucial insight into their potential involvement in the heinous crime at hand. Additionally, any inconsistencies or suspicious statements made by the suspect should be thoroughly scrutinized in order to uncover the truth behind this particular case. It is essential to remain vigilant and focused on unraveling the intricacies of this investigation in order to bring justice to the victims and closure to their loved ones.


31 Comments to “Barry Morphew Preliminary Hearing Live Updates PT. 1| Suzanne Morphew Case”

  • @annieelise

    Join me live today as we cover Day 2 with even more explosive details. Hit the reminder button so you don't miss it!

    Part 2 of Day 1 can be found here:
    Thanks for joining today! I'll keep you updated with these quick little videos as updates emerge from the hearings. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so already so that you get notified as I go live with the updates. XO

  • @christiemcwhorter6216

    I really enjoy your stories. Thank you

  • @randallthompson6832

    I like your channel but you are nowhere near that easy on The Men Who cheat on their wives as you are about her cheating on her husband

  • @vickichavez9956

    No she is not with us

  • @tadams4770

    Preliminary trials is not about reasonable doubt, it is just to show there is enough evidence to indict. This trial is instead of a Gran Jury, same thing

  • @cet6237

    Some of the crazy and outlandish theories some of the folks throw out there just amaze me. Gotta wonder how some of these people can successfully navigate life considering their thought processes. Just sayn'. Barry killed her. PERIOD.

  • @pengarth1459

    Wonder if they going to say her medication changed her that she became paranoid, that it was poor Barry that was the victim … they sure making a good prod at Jeff the loser and at the gone girl scenario …. I’m
    Worried they not going to nail Barry

  • @annabaird-hensley3725

    Haven't seen much about her lover; is his alibi airtight? His silence is very worrisome.

  • @annabaird-hensley3725

    What is a camel back? Is that a backpack?

  • @ec-3po

    How old are susanne’s daughters?

  • @Christina-71

    It's disgusting that the defense is essentially victim blaming and I hope it backfires, because you're right, it's M O T I V E!

  • @Livindaybyday

    I think if she was so miserable with Barry and didn't know what else to do, she MAY have left her daughters instead of trying to fight with him for custody.

  • @monalisaskywatcher4011

    Going from a hunter… now he feels like a animal locked in a cage …

  • @ParadiseSugar731

    If he got in his truck at 3am to dispose of Suzanne, wouldn't it have to register at least 1 more time in between 5am and 8am.. idk how a truck door has censors or how they work but idk I'd just assume it would have to register him getting out and back in before his 2hr trip back home from disposing…

  • @coffofcuppee

    Suzanne would never of let her dad die w/o seeing him. She is not alive.

  • @Lindsey0007

    Jeff may not have come forward because he was married and he didn’t want his wife to know about the affair and coming forward might mean the news finds out and your name comes up and your wife finds out and could cause a ton of drama.

  • @LaurenBarcelona

    Handprints on video camera one who has a record.. possibly one of his “druggie” workers. Is that what he called them? Or wax it meth heads? Anyway, I’m sure this will come out soon.

  • @trustyourintuitioncake5857

    Thank you for providing such clear and concise information on the Preliminary Hearing 🙏💜🌟 I love how you stick with the facts and don't become sidetracked with theories about what viewer opinion is…
    Regarding Jeff, the affair man, IMO no one has the right to judge ANYONE who is terrified of their spouse in an abusive relationships and is feeling trapped and looking for support and a way out… However, my feelings about Jeff are that he's a coward who's only interest was in protecting himself… If a man is telling a woman that he loves her and that he wants to marry her deletes all the information of communication between himself and Suzanne 2 days after she's reported missing instead of contacting the police from worry and concern for finding her, then he had no intention of leaving his family… And Suzanne had been with Barry since highschool and she'd only been with 2 men (I'm not sure if Suzanne and Jeff even had sex when they met up), so I believe that she was naive about some men and their true intentions… I feel so sad for her that she turn to Jeff for emotional connection and support and ultimately he let her down 💔😭💔 Apparently yes Barry did know about Jeff because Jeff had told the police that they needed to change Apps to communicate because Barry had come across their messages on her phone… Also, their communication was put on hold for almost 12 months after Jeff's daughter saw messages from Suzanne in his phone when she was using his phone to order a pizza… IMO, Jeff is a coward…
    Regarding the SO DNA found in Suzanne's Range Rover – we don't know if Barry had been driving her car and had this man in the vehicle with him (maybe to set him up??), and this is how the DNA was in her car?? Barry is pretty shifty – I'm thinking he used the chlorine to get rid of all trace evidence and that's what his bin run was about too – especially because none of Suzanne's blood has been found anywhere…
    Regarding the, "Gone Girl" theory – if Suzanne was all about her family and had been telling her best friend and confidant that she was planning on waiting for her youngest daughter to move out before separating from Barry, there's NO WAY she would choose to "disappear" of her own accord on their last Mother's Day together – she would've chosen a different time to leave… Plus, she took no vehicle or belongings and there's no CCTV footage of anyone picking her up or of her using public transport or her passport – so I count this idea out completely!!

    Great work on covering this Preliminary Hearing 🙏💕🌹

  • @noraramos3798

    It is super sketchy that “Jeff” didn’t come forward!! Wth is up with that?! They were talking about marrying each other and she is missing and suspected to have been murdered and Jeff didn’t alert authorities that they were involved??? That is so odd.

  • @Horseymama1

    If she went to live in equador there would be some sort of trace and someone would have seen her. She would need a whole new identity and I doubt Suzanne would know where to go to get that, there would be proof she left, especially in the middle of a pandemic.

  • @rosec7008

    Do we no for definite it was an affair? Could he be link in any other way such as mechanic or worked for Barry? Surely pings can show more info. I'm trying to keep track of this case but it gets me so confused!!!

  • @dragonl8dy

    Why would Barry do everything he did on the 9th or 10th if Suzanne ran away or got abducted. Wheres the proof that she took 70000 out of the safe. He screwed up so many things. The only thing he did right was stop talking to anyone and keeping his daughters under his wing.

  • @dragonl8dy

    That dna could have been from a mechanic that worked on their car or even one of Barry's workers.

  • @shellythom7248

    Wonder if he has a criminal record – or he assumed Barry killed her and didn’t want t to either get killed or ruin her Christian image

  • @shellythom7248

    He could have sedated her- carried her in the bob cat then cleaned it and buried her. The dna he could have hired that person. Curious what that person says

  • @shellythom7248

    Lack of Barry’s dna in his house is evidence itself – means it was cleaned – it’s his house it should be everywhere. Any place it isn’t means he cleaned it

  • @michelenunes2033

    Emotionally Suzanne was probably lonely in the marriage, Jeff gave her some attention, for him not to come forward, may indicate he was also in a marriage.

  • @joanneborg2177

    the lover is separated

  • @djondjon

    Jeff is married & with 6 children. It was said his child discovered text messages and alerted a sibling and uncle about it.

  • @sammywarrington3407

    I dont belive this, but just to stir the pot….the daughters are 100% behind their dad….if I remember correctly they called the neighbor to check on her cuz they couldn't get ahold of her. Is there a chance that maybe Barry and his daughters all did this together? There was that text saying she was worried about him pinning the girls against her….🤔

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