As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously examined the transcript of the suspect’s interrogation, paying close attention to every detail. The suspect’s story seemed to be carefully crafted, but upon deeper analysis, inconsistencies began to emerge.

Despite the suspect’s attempts to evade responsibility, the evidence pointed to their involvement in the recent string of burglaries in the area. The suspect’s alibi faltered under scrutiny, and their demeanor betrayed signs of guilt.

As I delved further into the transcript, I noted subtle shifts in the suspect’s language and body language, indicating a potential deception. The detailed accounts provided by witnesses contradicted the suspect’s version of events, adding to the mounting evidence against them.

The suspect’s attempts to spin the narrative in their favor only served to reveal their desperation and lack of credibility. As a seasoned investigator, I remained vigilant in unraveling the truth behind the crime, determined to bring justice to the victims and hold the suspect accountable for their actions.


45 Comments to “BIZARRE New Details! Heidi Planck Missing Woman in LA | Updates & New Court Documents”

  • @annieelise

    Let me know what you think is going on with this case in the comments below. Did Heidi leave on her own? Foul play? What do you think? And, if you want to talk more about true crime outside of just live streams, join the 24/7 private group text by heading to

  • @sallykohorst8803

    Hey an older case to see. Great.

  • @cassandramagnusson1787

    That Ex-husband seems like a very patient and loving human!! What a sad story šŸ™

  • @Doadab13

    Iā€™m thinking major mental break. Dad was being a good father.

  • @Master_ESE

    Itā€™s sounds like either a psychotic break or a brain tumor, possibly with the mix of drugs. If she had relapsed the apartment could have possibly been her dealerā€™s place, but may have moved which is why the dog was left running the halls. Maybe the apartment belonged to the former boss, perhaps he supplied her with drugs?

    All speculation of course, the only person who knows the truth is still missing.

  • @tamaramixon6014

    Well on another channel and on the news it showed that she went into that apartment building but they never have video of her leaving they think somebody might have got rid of her by putting her down the garbage chute they are searching the dump

  • @tamaramixon6014

    I think her boss killed her she wouldn't have left her dog just loose and I think her boss killed her for 43 million reasons he can claim she spilled the money not him

  • @tamaramixon6014

    See he's claiming all these things she's doing with the child but he's not claiming she does stuff to him so I think he's lying.
    She was feeling bizarre stuff to the child should be doing it to the ex-husband also

  • @tamaramixon6014

    Yeah but are these things all the ex-husband or saying about her or are they true because when my husband and I were first going to get divorced well his lawyer claimed all kinds of crap that wasn't true and I won custody anyway then we stayed married we've been married forty years

  • @jessicaatkins8513

    So…the correlation is she's been assaulted up her butt…

  • @asenath7766

    I don't suspect foul play after hearing this update. She is batshit crazy and taking Adderall and who knows what else on top of it and definitely a danger to her son. If a body hasn't been found, she probably is wandering the streets as a homeless person.

  • @Love-hx6nb

    iā€™m sorry but i very much doubt that she is alive hopefully she is but i donā€™t think so

  • @oogabooga1971

    It might be for the best that she's no longer around to put her son in danger. Not trying to sound insensitive but she sounds like a scary person.

  • @xnakxx

    car bacon… it's a thing

  • @Cuddlycancerman

    Are we fully ruling out her ex husband as being involved? Seeing as how he has been trying to get full custody of his son it's possible he made her disappear so that he could make that happen. šŸ˜®

  • @teresadodge567

    Has anybody eliminated that there might be an overdose in whoever's apartment 28 with her drug dealer.She could have overdosed at his place at their place and then he takes the supposed of the body into the dump period

  • @melinda3413

    Hey- Iā€™m just here because I thought of this missing mama today. šŸ™
    I cannot believe that they have yet to find her, and that thereā€™s been zero updates since the first few months after. šŸ™ my heart goes out to her family and friends. šŸ˜¢

  • @amandabarrentine9676

    If I was her ex if she tried to feed me bacon Iā€™d have turned the car around and take her to the hospital thatā€™s not normal

  • @sashakehoe1782

    As of December 2022, still missing. Poor woman.

  • @janicebarnshaw8954

    Mental health is a horrible thing god bless her my mental health has been really bad since i lost my beautiful son in 2010 he was 26 it's such a sad story i really hope she is found hopefully safe and well šŸ™ šŸ˜¢ massive hug's and love to all the family and especially her son love me Xxxxx ā¤ļøā¤ļø

  • @konagraham09

    Mental illness is real!

  • @melissasexton8913

    Love your show.. you are so detailed & I appreciate how much work & time goes into your vids. You deserve sponsers, i just got a discount on some Native products with your code. The only thing is, I wish you would do the sponsers either first or last, not after your introduction which are often detailed.. then you jump to the sponsor message, then back to the rest of the story. Its the only thing that annoys me… just being honest sorry šŸ™‚

  • @cdog1147

    And here I am just wondering if her childā€™s father is a narcissist and making things up/exaggerating/twisting the truth into something absolutely not true or opposite? I only say this bc Iā€™ve got years and years of on going narcissistic abuse and this absolutely sounds like something heā€™d say about me knowing damn well either he did it or is just lying to make me look bad so he looks good.

    Does anyone know how this ended? Iā€™d love to know thanks ā¤

  • @ElizaBeth-Coupons


  • @anjicollins5130

    Mental health n money n work n a childā€¦I think dad did his best with her,heā€™s not the help she neededā€¦other than that Iā€™m not sure?? U nd to kno a lott more!!

  • @erinmontgomery8467

    This case reminds me of another unsolved case (jack wheeler.) I have a feeling that camden capital is involved in larger crime than financial fraud. This explains why the fbi is involved and no information has been released. Heidiā€™s case is part of a larger investigation. Why havenā€™t they said what she was doing in the building? Who she was there with? What unit she went to? Surely there are so many cameras in a luxury building like that in downtown. They saw her go in and not come out via surveillance. This means she either left in the trash or inside a piece of large furniture (mattress,couch,etc.) They tracked down the trash to that dumpsite. She is there.

  • @romanahoch6288

    Annie Elise i just can't get over the "abandoned" doggie. Sure it's known that people, specially with mental issues/challenges( we can call it whatever, but we know), will do anything for their pet. Even often put them before other humans. Whatever state she was in, when she "vanished" she would sort out the pet, in some way( give it away, leave it at home, kill it- horrible, but possible). I just have that gut feeling about it.

  • @aaronmurdoch7362

    Is this case still sitting here?

  • @kweenz109

    Do we know who was on the other end of the phone that made her leave her sons game so abruptly?

  • @kikomartin-pr

    I believe she is no longer alive.

  • @davidcasler7830

    I hope she tells us from the beginning of this case. Iā€™ve never heard of this case!

  • @vickichavez9956

    I sure hope they find her

  • @4clockfarms

    Yeah it was the husband. Also why is he leaving son with a person experiencing amental episode . Custody šŸ§

  • @tracythomas8127

    this poor child is the same age as my son. I cannot even fathom what he is going through. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

  • @chompchompchangbin

    This case always reminded me of the Maura Murray case.

  • @Heather-Kayrug

    My 5 yr old since he was 2 has an entire Lego room he built in his room.. I help him build..i accidently broke something he cried..i learned to watch my step. He cherishes his buildings….breaking something built with Legos would absolutely break his heart. It sounds small and simple like no big deal…but a child that is very disturbing.

  • @theclipgod9116

    You can not get 3 prescriptions of Addell because the government makes the pharmacy can your Driver license to get the prescription and only can get it ever 28 days. So she could go to 3 doctors but any pharmacy would not fill be once they scan her drivers license it would show she got it. Also Addell does not make you crazy anything it makes you focus n stay up. The dad knows nothing.

  • @theclipgod9116

    U can not believe everything the dad says when he is the only one witnesses. Lies

  • @suziecarr1566

    Her ex is a good person or a great actor. He doesn't have to deal with her issues as kindly as he seems to be. I feel like he still cares about her a lot and wants to help

  • @Unexplainedreviews

    Lawd it sounds like she had problems and I feel so sorry for that child…the lady is missing but the child tho

  • @trynaj75

    i worked for a lawyer for 20+ years. we had a case exactly like this. turned out the mother jumped off a bridge and was found in the river. I think she may have hurt herself in a psychosis state

  • @stevenmilne6096

    You have to show your drivers license and can only get one prescription a month legally so she could not get 3 prescriptions that is a lie. Sad

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