As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously combed through every detail of the transcript in search of hidden clues and evidence. My keen eye for detail allowed me to pinpoint inconsistencies and uncover crucial information about the case at hand.

One glaring fact that stood out to me was the witness’s account of seeing a suspicious figure lurking near the crime scene. This piece of information could potentially lead to a breakthrough in the investigation as we search for the perpetrator responsible for this heinous crime.

Furthermore, my extensive knowledge of similar criminal cases enabled me to draw parallels between this incident and previous crimes of a similar nature. The modus operandi displayed in this transcript bore a striking resemblance to patterns seen in past cases of burglary and theft, suggesting a possible connection to a seasoned criminal with a penchant for preying on unsuspecting victims.

As I continue to analyze the transcript, I remain vigilant in my pursuit of justice, leaving no stone unturned in my quest to solve this mystery and bring the perpetrator to justice. With my sharp deductive skills and relentless determination, I am confident that the truth behind this crime will soon be revealed.


32 Comments to “Blood, Bones, Barrels: Controlling Bodybuilder Husband Becomes Monster | Katie Baunach & Ian Baunach”

  • @annieelise

    *we are back home with Emmy. Thank you for all the prayers. I pinned a comment on my community post with a more detailed update. ❤️

  • @geminimonroe8961

    This is so sad. I was in a coersive relationship for 6 yrs. When I broke out of it I would not meet that person for lunch, dinner or anything else I was asked to do. I moved to an undisclosed location. And our relationship wasnt ever violent but trusting anyone is not at the top of my personality list. Better safe than sorry is how i live.

  • @racheld8257

    Thank you for what you do, Annie. And to do so with this much respect is admirable. I watch a ton of your videos but this one really made me emotional!

  • @angelafaust3757

    Ladies or gentlemen;I was in a relationship that was starting to get physically abusive. I think it would have gotten really bad but I left before it did. Just leave if you see it starting. It will most likely get worse. Either way, you win if you leave. You don't get hurt or worse and you get rid of a giant pain in your ass!❤ Love yourself

  • @ericakimbler3009

    So she broke the restraining order?

  • @addieperryman

    It’s always Christian mingle

  • @caramae414

    "if it walks like a duck… eh, eh, it's not a cow" 😆🫶🏻

  • @edwardjonesjr2519

    SA to DV now. Lol. P Generation

  • @wilson120185

    I bet her friend and family are wishing that they had notified polcie immediately. How sad. I wish she had not fallen for his tricks.

  • @Fizz_on_paws

    He was this way 15 years ago. Hes always been abusive

  • @Fizz_on_paws

    The pics in the beginning with blue shirt and yellow shorts are a ex wife. He was a monster.

  • @samanthaeverhart9451

    I don't think he was going to kill the kids because I will NEVER understand how someone can kill their own children, but I do think he was planning on killing her and then taking the kids out of the country and fleeing!! The reason he didn't leave was because she didn't bring the kids(thank God!) The steroids he was taking I believe played a HUGE rule in all this….they don't say roid rage for no reason!!!

  • @angelamiller3911

    Burn pile & tooth popped out bedore i ever paused to read…

  • @nicollelosonczy9000

    Hi, I just wanted to mention for your older viewers that have poor eyesight, when you put up the quotations and the Bible versus, I could not see any of it.

  • @mariewebb2312

    Interesting. A supposed man.of God religious fanatic did this. Blows my mind. I guess he has a scripture to justify taking her life. The Hypocrisy! Just evil.

  • @mariewebb2312

    Never a good idea to meet up with an Ex after a bad break up, under any circumstances ! You just can't put anything past a crazy, abusive controlling person. You can't trust them. So sorry this happened to her. 💜

  • @susanpugh5265

    I don't believe there was anything Christian about him! He's the devil himself! Prayers for her children & family 😢😢

  • @lnr12241


  • @spiritrealmgaming588

    She played a stupid game and won the grand prize

  • @bronwyn117

    He obviously planned it. I have no doubt.

  • @lillybrowning585

    He definitely planned it all

  • @jennifertrowbridge9442

    13:33 1st 🚩. You do such an amazing work getting all the details right and ur so respectful to the victims and the victims family. So sad!! I hope you don’t stop. You’re such an amazing person and mother and wife and kiddo to someone!!

  • @abbyno4917

    My daughter dropped sippy cup on my husband nose. He threw it into tv and well my LG was toast.

  • @synergisticcollusion134

    9:34 That was quite the disgusting and sexist display! You spoke as if NO woman has EVER lied about DV and/or child abuse JUST to get the upper hand in a court case AND that NO Mother has nor would EVER hurt her children because of her own jealousy, when you – of most people – should know VERY WELL that BOTH of those scenarios have played out MANY times, causing LOTS of exhusbands and their children unnecessary pain – mentally, emotionally and physically. You basically said that ONLY female victims matter and ONLY women should be believed at face value, wheras men are ALWAYS guilty, which is not only is extremely WRONG and IGNORANT AF, but also quite reckless and aggravating. Your obvious bias is becoming a lot clearer lately and the quality of your content suffers because of it.💯🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤬

  • @kimberlycakes7236

    I lived in DV for 14 years of my life. This year was the 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of getting out!!🥳🥳 Seems crazy that I've actually been free now for an entire DECADE!!
    I was very blessed. My family came and helped me pack everything up while he was at work. Loaded up and left on a prayer. I gotta job and couch surfed WITH 2 KIDS until i saved up enough to get us into our own apartment. I worked my tail off! It took TWO YEARS b-4 I got a dime of child support.
    IF I CAN DO IT ANYBODY CAN! Like I've always said frog it (Fully Rely On God) Life's to short to waste it living in abuse!

  • @janmoore9271

    Oh it was pre med. But she should have known not to go over there by herself. Smh

  • @carlyrobertson4755

    Isn’t it just sad that we would even have to say something like that “we hope it was at least quick so she didn’t suffer”. Like just think about that man, ugh such a just messed up thing. And she seems like she was a damn good mom, in her last moments I’m sure she was thinking of her kids, so I’m sure she fought like hell to get back to her babies. Ugh breaks my heart how a parent can be so selfish and not think of what the outcome will be for their own flesh and blood. Guess that can just show how being “blood” doesn’t mean a damn thing to a lot of people “parents”. Another thing that makes it just even worse IMO is that this world is already full of many, MANY effed up parents. Mothers not knowing how to be good decent mothers, fathers doing the same thing and we need more good, I mean really good parents in this world especially right now. Of course we don’t know her or the situation but I believe you can just tell within certain people whose good and whose bad (most the time) we need more good mothers out there and for them not to be taken away and killed for just absolutely no reason. The good in this though is that she has it seems like a good family and friends who are like family to help raise these babies instead of them not having anywhere to go and being thrown in foster care. Now the next best thing would be for him to get his ass handed to him in prison. Violence ain’t the answer but sometimes, in these cases, it wouldn’t hurt.

  • @donnaoswald2367

    Had a high school boyfriend that started taking steroids. I was unaware of "roid rage" until his personality changed dramatically. A few times I didn't think I would survive our relationship.

  • @TheTattooedSleuth

    1st red
    flag 13:23 trunk with blood

  • @valiantsfelinesmccarty6678

    First red flag: his first bodybuilding picture with the oversized muscles. He has been using steroids his whole life. Second red flag when he started cutting her off from her family and abusing her before they ever even got married. Knew he was using steroids when he was in the competition. But the first real red flag for the cops was when they found the steroids. They knew for sure he kill her before they did anything else because they know what roid rage is. They see it all the time. Here's another thing her posting about his DV could destroy his Marine Corps career they have a way of getting rid of you if they don't like what's happening and I'm sure that he was beginning to be a problem with his excessive use of steroids. If he was still active duty was he still active beauty or what was he doing for a living because it's awfully weird that he was stationed in Florida all that time they usually move you around a lot.

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