As a meticulous crime investigator, I am tasked with unraveling the intricate web of deception and uncovering the truth within this transcript. Every word and inflection is scrutinized for any hidden clues or inconsistencies that may shed light on the heinous crime that has been committed.

I can discern from the careful analysis of the conversation that the suspect was evasive and hesitant in their responses, indicating a potential guilty conscience. Additionally, their shifting explanations and contradictory statements suggest a lack of credibility and a possible attempt to mislead the investigation.

Furthermore, based on the nature of the crime being investigated, which appears to be a case of fraud and embezzlement, it is evident that the suspect’s involvement may run deeper than initially assumed. The intricate details of their financial transactions and suspicious dealings point towards a calculated scheme to deceive and defraud innocent victims.

In conclusion, as a seasoned crime investigator, I am determined to unearth the truth hidden within this transcript and bring the perpetrator to justice. Every detail, no matter how small, will be meticulously examined to ensure that justice is served for the victims of this despicable crime.


25 Comments to “Bondage, Held Captive, Covered in Coal | Madelyn Allen & Brent Brown”

  • @annieelise

    This case has me so confused. What are your thoughts?

  • @elizabethrymer9213

    If he was catfishing her then she was a victim from the very beginning regardless of what she “agreed” to beforehand. I feel like in bdsm arrangements that if someone isn’t who they say they are when you show up then any consent given goes out the window. Especially because she is a 19 year old with I’m guessing little experience.

  • @Lilyandmoomin

    I think Madeleine was very naive, maybe went along with the forum chat but when it became real became very scared and wanted nothing to do with the catfish or “ role play” her parents did say she had some learning disabilities so her cognitive reasoning probably isn’t the same as most other people. I just Hope she recovers from her ordeal.

  • @paulwatson2499

    That'll be a hard case for the DA… I think he's guilty. but there's so much against her that she done on her own… most DAs wouldn't bring this case in a million years…

  • @melissajordan2492

    It is obvious to me that in the beginning she may have been a willing participant however that changed quickly. If it had been concensual…then when it was on the news about her missing and her dad pleading for her safe return it would have came out then, and he wouldn't be hiding her out in the coal room. 😂 he is just trying to use the lifestyle as an excuse because it does make a lot of people uncomfortable to speak about in public. Also putting it out there he's hoping to embarrass her and make her look bad to others. He probably thinks that will help him with the jury, yet I believe they'll be smarter than he's giving them credit for. God bless the poor girl and I hope that she gets the counseling and help/treatment she needs along with hoping he gets the jail time and treatment he deserves 😊😂

  • @nini_nunez

    Her father sounds like a pastor… I hope they aren’t shaming her 😪

  • @cw5118

    I was thinking since her parents were mentioning, publicly that she had mental issues that maybe they are embarrassed by her relational choices.

  • @kristilawless1459

    So who was the other girl that brought the cops to her she’s a witness and is only brought up for a second is she captive too is the a bdsm also is she his sidekick who is she

  • @mjb6076

    Sounds to me like she changed her mind halfway through. The problem is that he didnt know when to stop.
    BDSM is very much about the psychology and actually much less about the physical.
    As soon as a safe word was uttered, all actvities has to stop. Ties released and the sub/bottom should be sent on their way. Always always video document consent and frankly even then its a gamble with how f'd up our legal system is.
    Thats why the NCSF (National Colition for Sexual Freedom) exists.

  • @marlaynacaffreyhogeweide5705

    Binge watching all the videos and binge knitting for Christmas.

  • @stevelewis6259

    My opinion is that due to her mental condition that she wasn't fully knowing what BSM was. I also believe that he mislead her to meet to get to know each other better and possibly talk about it BUT once he meet her and realized that she was easy target and how easily it would to keep and manipulate her. Monster complete P.O.S. Monster. Life is what he deserves.

  • @frankmaze1972

    I believe that she's not mentally equipped, but was willing to entertain the idea of the lifestyle. But it definitely went sideways right off the bat.

  • @tothedregsofficial887

    Damn. Now the whole world shes a freak in the sheets i guess.

  • @jennifersiler8478

    I really like your show. And getting the true out their .bless you

  • @elviramaxwell2390

    So young to want to try bondage. She must have researched the act of kinky sex, and enjoyed what she was doing. Sounds like she took the next step to find some guy with the same interest. But, she wanted to meet the jerk,but didn’t need to. She could have moved on with meeting other people but with no intention to meet anyone in person. Well, she must have known the risks of being part of sex dominance. She must be a great student if she had time to explore bondage!! What a naughty girl!
    Now the 35 yr old sicko knew what he was doing. He took advantaged of her stupidity. I hope she learned a thing or two about
    how dangerous it is to play into bondage, kinky sex, and how unhealthy it is to be talking with strangers. Good Grief Girl,
    Stay healthy in soul, body, and mind. Ask yourself; is this what Jesus wants me to engage in?

  • @NativeWarrior88

    It sounds to me like this started out as a role play, in the chat, but rhis guy clearly had other plans. He made it seem like it was going to be a consensual, safe experience when all along, he just wanted a girl to torture and possible murder! Also, I have to say this: everyone wants to talk about the person's mental health challenges, but what no one ever says, is that if the person's mental health is that much of a factor, what are they doing trying to get on dating apps and especially these taboo, sick bondage sites? If their mental health is that bad, they need to be supervised and be focusing on school! Not trying to date until they are out of college and can be somewhere where they are watched over! I AM NOT SAYING THAT ANYTHING THIS MAN DID WAS JUSTIFIED OR THAT ANYTHING WAS MADDIE'S FAULT! All Im saying is that ppl need to better care of their mentally ill family members!

  • @mip33

    He took it way way way too far is what I think

  • @susanpugh5265

    I don't think she expected to be kidnapped! This man catfished her! I'm thankful that she was found & returned back to her family. I hope she gets the help she needs to recover. I also would hope she is well watched by her parents because it was suggested that she may have some mental issues that shes been going through. This could have easily turned out that she was never found. So happy she's back home.

  • @darlamurphy2555

    Any updates on this?

  • @kaylamorris283

    You don't get kinky like this with strangers. As a woman you never know if you can trust a random person and for men they could be accused of assault. Only explore those things in long term relationships

  • @nikkifernandez5674

    Wtf was she doing in those chats. Tf

  • @TammyKluesnerJoyner0401

    I believe with all my heart that she was complicit and went along with it and got scared when the cops showed up. I do think he’s telling the truth.

  • @tyoka28randall7

    Girl, it was so hard for me to stay focused on the video with that brow lol I loved it, it reminded me of Ursula 💄🐙💋💅🪞🐚👑🧜‍♀️

  • @captinjack8874

    Everyone knows when you are in bdsm that you always have a safe word that means it all stops.

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