As a meticulous crime investigator, I meticulously reviewed the transcript for any intricate details that could potentially shed light on the case at hand. While I cannot disclose specific information about the ongoing investigation, I can confirm that the crime in question is of a serious nature and requires a thorough examination of all evidence presented in the text. My expertise in analyzing intricate details will prove invaluable in uncovering the truth behind this heinous act.


32 Comments to “Brian Laundrie's Parents Got A Deal? | New Details & Lawsuit”

  • @Devvyness666

    100% they were helping him

  • @gb3729

    Why would the police give immunity to Brian's parents? What did they gain?

  • @kikomartin-pr

    The Laundries should have to pay for all the costs it took to look for Gaby and him.

  • @michellebeverage9368

    I love how everything you discuss is with so much thought and emotion ♥️ Your sign off on this video was my favorite! You can tell you are just over that family 😂

  • @jmdexter

    His parents probably helped him write this before staging his suicide and then helping him get out of the country. What a bunch of BS this is, it’s actually insulting that he thought the public was so stupid we’d believe this is what happened and change our opinion of him and his family, WTF! PLUS pretending this load of crap is true, him and his parents are even bigger a-holes because they didn’t tell her parents anything, according to him he’s doing a good thing for gabby and therefore should be able to tell her parents what happened because he didn’t do what they thought, and if his parents felt he’d done this to save her then why not tell her parents? If you believe your son and know he isn’t guilty then why continue hiding information? Oh that’s right they didn’t say anything because they knew their little Weasle of a son is such a weak pathetic excuse of a man that abused his fiancé both physically and emotionally! F you dirty Landry family, karma will not forget what you’ve done!

  • @thatsabadtouch

    A lot of parents would be like this. Everyone acts dismayed, but if in the same situation, they’d be doing the same exact thing. It’s not right, but you all want to protect your kids by any means necessary.

  • @Stanfordmom-

    New Sub I have been thinking And saying this for along time that they new I’ve cried so much for Gabby family especially her mom i know imma I mom that has to hurt her anybody who watch her cry can agree she’s hurting how could his moM agree to any of this because she is a mom the day they capture crying this was before we knew of his demise when they all where camping out infront they house and I seen her just crying g getting out that truck then like u said they went straight to the body that sealed it for me RIH Gabby she was so beautiful they all wrong for that

  • @ninarizo210

    I think your right it all makes sense now thankyou for your update love listening to you

  • @Marieevep89

    Makes sooooo much sens!!!

  • @MelindaMc

    What would have happened if Gabby's body had not been found?

  • @lesliesimpson5867

    I’m still not convinced that Brian is dead! Hear me out, I’ve heard in different podcasts that his family had deep connections, how hard would it be to lie on an autopsy? Homeless people pass away all the time with no way to contact next of kin or sadly they have no next of kin. It shocks me that they knew their son was going to commit suici-e and just let it happen. Nothing about this case makes sense. How was a notebook under water for weeks but is still ledge able?
    Was his backpack water proof?

  • @CapnWack

    In Florida obstruction is a physical act. Remaining silent doesn't cut it, nice try grasping at straws for all the snowflakes.

  • @patavery8245

    I believe that you are 100% correct on every bit of it!! I also hope that the Pettio's get all they are asking for

  • @Chrissy85308

    I agree! They had to know before he even got home. His parents disgust me. I always thought they knew where was because they literally went straight to where his body was.

  • @marlenetrujillo2212

    The police did a terrible job on this case. The Laundries should all go to hell!

  • @rosanneschneider4183

    They did tell them to look for him by that swing when they reported him missing… they looked where the tile the police to look for him.

  • @marymaunsell2185

    The laundries should have been jailed

  • @smilinwolfette1978

    I feel ya 100%%%% they struck immunity. And I wouldn’t be surprised if daddy or mommy held them gun for him being it was his non dominant hand

  • @stacychristopherspringsrealtor

    I agree with you and if they knew the parents were gonna tell them that he was in the Carlton reserve then that’s why they continued to search there.

  • @nikkimclay5474

    And his dad shot him ? Jennifer Coffindafer ex FBI is suspicious someone helped him suicide

  • @mmanda515

    "We believe" …. I truly dislike the Laundrie's, morally & legally wrong tho.. are two totally different ballgames. Anyone is able to file a lawsuit, anyone. The proof only has to be shown, in court or it'll be dismissed. What the Petito's claim, for now, are pure speculation, not facts. (besides which, the only way they might know when L/atty retained (or what was known, when.. would be if the Laundries told them, which. i highly doubt; the L's & Bertalino are a**holes) Plus, even "if"… legally, quite the slippery nope slope imho.

    We think like normal, moral adults. Imho, BL was NOT that. In saying, I doubt he ever told a soul, just lied, manipulated & made shit up. (oh, she went to see her friend Rose .. oh, no worries, I'll all the parents back & let 'em know) Imho he never thought she'd be found, so when the missing report happened.. he took off. I also think his parents likely started putting it together, but.. he was already gone. Anything prior to the warrant for bank stuff 9/23, unfort.. they had no "legal" obligation to say or do a thing. The $$$, likely an age specific trust. I still hope, somehow, the Petito's get info + justice (which is what I think they want.. the info/discovery to be released… if only to ease their minds a little. To try & make the L's speak/explain)

  • @misodinamosa

    No lone ranger here!

  • @cats.addict6457

    Where is the Justice in this case?… unbelievable

  • @judyostler863

    Totally agree with you! I hope there IS JUSTICE for Gabby!

  • @nataliepincus7430

    Immunity is a doctrine not a law.. Does that mean this leaves openings for prosecution

  • @BusyAir

    Shouldn't they be suing the Moab PD for not separating her from that monster?

  • @lisawertrea9021

    I’m not sure he is really dead

  • @lisawertrea9021

    I thought they was giving immunity before the law suit I pray they win I have felt that his parents knew

  • @Mature-Sassy

    I'll be so glad when this case is over and done with… Brian's parents were protecting him… If people haven't walked in their shoes they really don't know how they would respond… Since it's not their child of course they can sit back and say forget my son I'm turning him in… People just want revenge and since Brian killed his self they want their pound of flesh from his parents…

  • @london5945

    I just want to know why the lawyers ass can’t be charged! He’s the one that knowingly orchestrated this entire thing and helped cover up the murder! How is that not illegal?

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