Casey Anthony: The Last Lie

Unmasking the Deception: The Intriguing Case of Casey Anthony and the Web of Lies She Wove. Known for her involvement in the disappearance and death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony, Casey Anthony’s story has puzzled investigators and sparked controversy. Her trial captivated the nation as details of her deceitful behavior emerged, revealing a woman consumed by lies and deception.


42 Comments to “Casey Anthony: The Last Lie”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

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  • @johnyaskoveakarpaccio4737

    i love the expression " if you see something,say something!"which equals being then a suspect/person-of-interest like what happened with Roy Kronk trying to do the right thing,which then equals to me,why alot of people simply stay out of it,even if they witnessed something.

  • @cyb3rno0b15

    The fact I’ve come across comments here saying they wanted to physically harm those around them who they ‘care for’ who for a moment believed CA in this poor excuse of a documentary and for a moment believed her bullshit is more worrying than uninformed people who don’t know the details of the case believing a major manipulator in a majorly biased ‘documentary’.
    Even if it’s a figure of speech to want to physically harm someone in your life, it’s not a thing normal people say considering this is a mother who hurt her DAUGHTER.

  • @LovelyAbyssinianCat-ye6bd

    The whole family acts funny about this thing they know there daughter was guilty but they didnt want to let go then she put the fuckin on her dad in court

  • @Oz4rmEg

    1:52:36 George won’t lodge a lawsuit…. He’s the reason for creating this monster

  • @debraparton9137

    Loving the smell of your sweaty child is just as natural as breastfeeding.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    How could her daddy have killed that baby when she left with the baby lying about going somewhere when the last time they saw the baby she was alive, it doesn’t add up. The tears she’s crying now is the guilt she’s losing control of,knowing she killed her own daughter. Her conscience is getting to her, she has NOBODY in her life but the people she’s got believing her LIES.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    She’s got these so called friends BUFFALOED an BRAINWASHED, believing her BULLS??? LIES. She’s never going to stop lying, that’s her life an she can convince people she’s not lying. They’ll find out one day who she really is an lose the friends she’s got now. Wake Up People she’s a baby killer.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    Nobody’s going to hire her, I wouldn’t, bet she thought being free to do as she pleases without a baby was going to be Peaches and Cream. Everyone that saw the case knows she was guilty. Any man that gets with her has got to be CRAZY, hope they don’t have babies she has already proven she didn’t want to be tied down by kids.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    I don’t believe she was abused by either of her parents, she did get by with alot of things as a child, her Daddy has nothing to do with her for accusing him of rapeing her, he was the one that disciplined her an she never liked that, she always was a LIER an got by with everything even murdering her daughter. Everyone knows she was an still GUILTY. How does someone live with something like this,only COLD HEARTED PEOPLE can do it ,but she doesn’t have a HEART OR FEELINGS.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    She started to smile after being found not guilty,so she covered her mouth so no one could see the smile. She’s a SICKO

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    Yes being tied down for 3 years an losing your FREEDOM, I would Break Down every time someone would ask me about my baby. She had a smile on her face every time she came into the courtroom plus laughing an smiling during court.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    You really look in her eyes they were cold. The jury just set another killer free.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    She couldn’t even look eye to eye when being questioned, an those tears weren’t real. After being found not guilty she was all smiles,after all that’s what her life was ,LYING,CONSTANTLY LYING.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    She had to be dead when she was put in the garbage bag,if she put tape on her mouth not being tied up I believe CAYLEE could have taken it off. Where did the tape come from? Did Cassie buy it or get it from home? When she took this baby with her she had already knew what she was going to do. It’s CRAZY knowing your riding around an Partying with your dead babies body is in the trunk decaying.

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    It’s been said she has no photos in her possession of CAYLEE. God Rest Little CAYLEE, this needs to be resolved and Little CAYLEE can Rest In Peace. God Bless You CAYLEE, the TRUTH will come one day, an your mom will pay for it . If you were my daughter I wouldn’t have waited 30 something days before I did. I would have been out as soon as I seen you were missing. CARMA will come to her. You can’t keep things like this in for ever. She never even showed any remorse during trial, smiling and ashamed to show her face. Don’t understand how her or her attorney can sleep an go everyday knowing what she done an the attorney knowing she was guilty deep down inside his mind. Her parents sad she was always lying even when caught doing something

  • @deborahsaujon3230

    Do a hypothesis on her !

  • @kris7711

    She gave her Xanax and caylee fell asleep and she placed duct tape over her nose and mouth and she never woke up. She put her in a bag and dumped her body. How the jury couldn't use clues to know what happened I don't understand. They let this crazy bitch off

  • @savagedragon5839

    The fact that she keeps referring to her as kid and not using her name speaks volumes

  • @nicholepawlikowski6038

    Especially since she said" when her father handed Caylee to her she was heavy". She never said she was wet.

  • @sabrinaleedance

    Jeeeeessuhhhsss this woman . Bc what he said at her funeral means he was abusing her ?!! No to me that means he loved her. And the fact that you don't get that Casey, shows me you never truly loved or cared for her. I LOVED my sons baby smell and then as he grew into a toddler his sweat smell as well. It is sweet, unlike us adults that smell like onions lol. If you think that's a weird thing to say that shows me you never had a strong connection with that child.

  • @sabrinaleedance

    Crazy how Casey has never had to take care of herself. I feel bad and like a burden bc I am a stay at home mom and haven't had a job in 5 years but at least I have before and have taken care of myself (tho I was never good at it at least w living alone)

    But shit it's been me 90% of the time taking care of and being with my son since the day he was born, as well as taking care of the house and sometimes even my husband bc he has some health issues and works full time. Besides the financial part I take care of my child. Its crazy to me what she did, pretending she had a job just to get time away from her daughter, no shock she acted how she did. Every mom deserves a break now and then even moms like me who don't work outside the home, but we all know damn well that was NOT the case for Casey.

    I'm actually slightly jealous of her audacity bc even if I leave my son w my mom or his dad in order to get chores done, like I wont be taking me time or relaxing I use the time to catch up, even THEN I feel guilty and like I'm doing something wrong bc I should be able to figure out how to do both always bc I don't have a job.

    I really dont feel like the best person in the world alot of the time bc I suffer from depression and adhd and I struggle getting motivated to do things like go back to school or find a part time job to help add to our income and reach our goals. How the hell does Casey live with herself??

    Like you said about her being enabled to do such things her entire life, that must be it. It's actually scary what can happen to someone when they never experience any real consequences. It's like everytime they get away with something especially if they grow up doing it another small part of the shame/guilt center in their brain is shut off.

    The ultimate and worst form of that was when Casey was found not guilty. To her that was the ultimate message of "you dont even have to feel bad for anything you've done wrong "

  • @dontsayItoldyouso

    I’m sure my ex sister in law is using this excuse for a human as her role model and instruction manual on how to appear innocent and get away with horrific and false lies. Scary stuff!!

  • @sabrinaleedance

    I dont care who Casey thinks she's trying to fool, NOTHING about any of her behaivor then or today says to me a mother that lost her child in a way that wasn't her own fault, or a caring mother that lost her child at all for that matter. I'm not the best mother, I had my son when I was in a really hard time in my life, I made mistakes but that little boy is EVERYTHJNG to me even when he's sick I panictl thinking what if this or that happens. And even if I was in he shoes and somehow found myself responsible for such a thing I would WANT to be in jail the rest of my life bc theres no way I could ever want another new life to myself without my child in the world with me….

  • @kaybradlee6204

    Lmaooooo last lie my ass. You’ll have to do a story the day she dies😂😂😂

  • @christencollins3740

    She’s an actress … Academy award winning in fact … Shes despicable … I don’t like even looking at her …

  • @christyh3208

    She would have a great career selling long term care insurance, she is so good at faking emotions.

  • @christyh3208

    These abuse lies disgust me and make people who really were abused look bad.

  • @shannon8315

    Didn't Casey admit on this same video that she lied to the cops? She said I was rightly convicted of lying.

  • @shannon8315

    If she didn't OD her, then she intentionally smothered her. Why not just shut up and crawl back under the rock Jose found for her.

  • @shannon8315

    Caylee's future rested on the decision of one evil person. Casey didn't deserve the right to be a mother.

  • @shannon8315

    Keeping your child safe is a real job.

  • @MEL-vo6xo

    Casey lied to her parents about having a Nanny cause the bf she had before Tony she would sleep at his place w Caylee 3 to 4 nights a week. I forgot his name but he testified to the sleepovers at the trial. Cindy wouldn't have been ok with Casey bringing her along to all many diff men sleepovers so Casey would say her and Caylee were spending the night at the Nannys. Her lying about her job and working mostly evenings was also so her parents would watch Caylee when Casey wanted to go out without Caylee.

  • @MEL-vo6xo

    I don't get why people think it was an accident when the same day Caylee dissapeared Casey google "full proof suffocation ". She prob did put the tape over her mouth or a pillow. That's what I've always thought…

  • @amymlinville13

    I think she kept her in the trunk for a while. Remember her dad tried to get the cans out of the trunk but she wouldn’t let him. Also why wouldn’t she try to cover up the smell or air it out if she was still driving around? I think it got so bad she dumped body and left the car in parking lot.

  • @passerby6168

    @1:53:00 It is well known in discussion about narcissism that a common trait is they do not like to give closure. They like to trauma bond or put you on ice, leave you scratching your head and obsessing and ruminating, while they mess around with others, and in time they feel if they want supply from you again, they can come up with a story as to what happened to hook you in again. Here, Casey brings this up, talking about this case and there being no closure, and makes the mistake of commenting that "this is why people are still so hooked on this". Why would that even be a concern to an innocent mother? Moments later, probably realizing, she switches it back from "people" to her needing closure.

  • @kellyjacquin715

    Hurah! I agree with every word you spoke. THE TRUTH!

  • @CoachCaninQc

    It was a great but absolutly non objective analysis. Nobody's love what she did but we cant presumed how she felt inside or what she was planning or thinking.

    I didnt see a smile of hapiness… Ive Seen a smile of someone Who just escaped death … Wathever the reason. You cannot Say objectivly that your reaction would be different because you never been accused of the same charges and face the same faith. You simply assume…

    It wasnt objective to me. It was clear that you hate the crime and the person. Its ok. I am not a fan of her… I Also think she is Guilty. That Said i cannot Tell you that she is a bitch, if she really think she is innocent in her head … We cant assume.

    Mimiking the expert, good or bad ones are Also give the feeling that this is more a hate tribute then an analysis. Dosent Méan its less interesting Doh.

    Let's Say that she shouldnt Hire u as her lawyer.

  • @moose7724

    As a mother and an aunt i couldnt imagin going a hour let alone a day without my child. Have me time n im out shopping inworrie about my kids if there home with there dad or there nana or anyone in the family for that matter i have to call more the one time. Let alone if my daughter missing i wouldnt be partyong id be searching every secon on the second of each day and just saying if my dad cane homding my daughter and something happen abuser or not id be calling an ambulance let alone trying to save her on my own waiting for them to come i wouldnt hand my child back no fucken way. The way she acting is guilty i dont judge but how can u now when the truth shows. Oh nanny stole my kid id be hibting her down and clearly she should of had her kid her parents raised her. Let alone i bet 99% of people new she had a child why didnt anyone ask about the chikd or how she was doing and so on. If she partying for a whole month why didnt anyone check in with casey or let alone the family. She is such a lier she never really talked about her daughter if i got accused of anything like this id talk about my innocence but be talking about my baby and how beautiful she was and so much more. They found her not guilty so why make this to prove it why didnt she make this about her baby girl and the gew years she lived she made it all about her self and it makes me sick. Its about her beautiful daughter and her smile and love. She used her voice for her self and not her baby girl what a joke. Be the voice for your child she makes me wanna rage. R. I. P beautiful baby girl fly high and be free

  • @moose7724

    It sucks She cant be charged or on trial again!!!!

  • @denisegrieb6216

    I might be mistaken on this but I vaguely remember hearing a story about how one night Casey went to a friends house and had Caylee. That night she left Caylee alone in the car sleeping (possibly dead) for hours at a time without Casey's friend not knowing until after.

  • @tammy5255

    I don't believe her at all she has no remorse this monster.

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