As a meticulous crime investigator with a keen eye for detail, I carefully analyzed every word in the transcript of this case. The suspect’s statement is riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions, suggesting a deliberate attempt to deceive. The victim’s account of the events aligns with physical evidence recovered at the crime scene, pointing to a premeditated act of violence. The suspect’s lack of alibi and clear motive for the crime further solidify their guilt. This type of crime, commonly associated with organized criminal activity, requires thorough investigation and relentless pursuit of justice. My dedication to unraveling the truth in this case will not waver until the perpetrator is brought to justice.


43 Comments to “Cassie Carli Update | The Court Documents & Pattern of Behavior”

  • @annieelise

    UPDATE: Since the recording of this video, Saylor has been reunited with Cassie’s family. ❤️. Can I get an AMEN?! 🙌🏼

  • @paulwatson2499

    This guy is a total jackass.. If I was the judge I would grant the mom full custody and order him to pay alimony plus max child support… With no visitation because he's a flight risk for abduction….

  • @bossbabemayz1001

    Fl past the Cassie Carli law . It's to give parents a safe place to do custody exchanges

  • @Bekahbekah1

    Any update on this case?

  • @samanthabennison8942

    So, so tragic 🙁
    Ladies, please, stop having babies with losers. It's not worth it

  • @lynnc5252

    It's absolutely positively about control.

  • @linm9598

    Amen!! Sending love to Cassie's family from the UK 🇬🇧
    There are no words I can say to ease your pain. I am thinking of you all & wish you peace

  • @laneyclark2972

    This hits so hard. The text messages are just like what I went through. I pray for this mom and her family. I’m battling the same exact type of guy in CA. Just extreme exhaustion with people like this. Ugh. That poor baby doesn’t get her mommy anymore. Evil walks on two feet. 😞

  • @andreamajor7942

    It's so sad because so much of this sounds like my ex and the friend of the court believed his bs so much. My kids are now over 18 so I don't have to deal with it. I wish this case would have gone differently 😢

  • @aiirekah

    I dealt with a similar situation with my son’s father. I tried everything to have a civil co-parenting relationship and got sooo much disrespect in return. I finally gave up and stopped. Cut off all contact. Filed for child support. Haven’t received a dime. And it took me a while to accept it all. Now that our son is 13, he realizes how his dad is and although sometimes I still get upset that his dad is such a POS, I enjoy my son and live my life. Sucks that some people make life harder than it should be.

  • @miss_mish

    Women need to be smart. There is just no way I would've harassed my ex to get child support because I 100% believe I would've been put in the ground. Yeah they should pay for their children & you should be safe but should & is aren't the same thing. I'd much prefer to be broke & alive than dead leaving my babies orphans. No amount of money is worth it. So yeah I raised my baby independently & it was rough as heck more often than not but I was alive & we were safe once we escaped. Even now if I had to do it over, I wouldn't go after child support & put either my children or myself at risk for money.

  • @miss_mish

    I'm just going to point out his actions regarding the court system is more common from what I'm told from a friend who is a lawyer. Women do this ridiculously often & it is literally brushed under the carpet, but when a guy does it, then it's toxic. We need to stop excusing women and judging men harshly for the exact same thing. It's all toxic & abusive.
    Going to point out her messages repeatedly, asking the same question when he answered I would find freaking annoying as fk. Not excusing him or his actions but let's be objective, she isn't a saint. Yeah better than him but she comes across as pretty manipulative as well just better at it than him.

  • @Doadab13

    Not a reason to kill but she needed to leave him alone. That’s all he asked. When he’s ready he will come around. She was forcing herself on him and you could tell he wasn’t Responding well. Sometimes people need time not pressure. He wasn’t ready and she kept pushing. I could tell he was ready to snap why the hell push it. SMH.

  • @jlynn77

    i live in the town this happeend.. and it is a very sad story.. I know people friends with her and her sister.. it breaks my heart, especially coming from a narcissist ex husband myself!

  • @cjm018

    Are there any updates on this case please?

  • @lindamitchell1840

    Once again, an amazing update. This case is a true testimony of why it's always best for issues be resolved without getting the government involved. It seems that just added fuel to the fire. The mom tried everything she knew to work things out with the dad but it was apps
    Rent all he was interested in was wiping the slate clean of his financial responsibilities. He never was interested in his daughters best interest. Very sad outcome for both families. Thanks for doing what you do Annie. I love your site!

  • @berryblulight

    narcs will drive people crazy…they re not worth the time. Soo is he in prison for killing her?

  • @laladee9829

    @annieelise can you do an update on this story?

  • @Candykisses0022

    He sounds like my sons father. And the minute my son turned 18 he doesn't even answer my calls at all. Such a POS

  • @juliagritzbach

    Marcus seems like a miserable person

  • @lorifaires2848

    Annie, do you have any updates on this case?!

  • @summerday2203

    Women should stop getting pregnant with crazy men. Just take tye time to really know who u really want to share a kid with. This story is so sad hat I get angry of women who settle down quick. Please be careful and protect yourselves from such heartless guys.

  • @1972dsrai

    From what I can see Cassie was going way out of her way to make things better and easier for Marcus despite everything he'd done to make things as difficult as he could. I'm a divorced father of two teenages, but we divorced when they 8/9 and thankfully we've never had to go to court over money or time. It's so much better if you can stay on good terms and bkeep things amicable.

  • @marcleblanc7021

    Yes this guy put her threw hell. But she only seems to want to give him extra time when it suits her needs or switch weekends when it suits her. Yes she seems to want to sound so nice, but you can hear the sarcasm in her text. They both are being being jerks and only hurting the child. Im so glad my parents did not act like this when they divorced.

  • @michwenz8413

    He didn’t see her when it wasn’t his weekend because he knows she can show a pattern to the court over time where he has more time with her, therefore the court could raise his child support.

  • @sonjawelliver-finch5747

    I sooo went through this crap.. except he took my girls for 4 months!!

  • @mackenzie1899


  • @jcmjcm1945

    Another way to look at this is if she hadn't kept nagging him and texting him and just made him drop out of her life. Well never know what would happen then

  • @malloriegould5050

    My heart breaks for this woman.. those text message are so eerily similar to what I receive from my x regularly while we deal with custody of our son currently.. and sadly the courts don't see the abuse or care..

  • @chrisgomez860

    The piece of sh*t is still in jail on NO bond. I hope the monster is absolutely miserable. My heart goes out to Cassie, saylor and their loved ones.

  • @chrisgomez860

    These cases piss me off beyond belief and make my heart ACHE but I do love how f*cking STUPID monsters like the one called marcus are. Makes it easier to put their waste of skin *sses either in prison for life or on death row. Bravo to the monster's mother (who should have swallowed). You raised a human being who doesn't have as much value to the world as a tapeworm.

  • @MrSmartyPantsNow

    I'm sorry but without his mother's help, he probably wouldn't have done half the things he did. I'm sure she was right on the phone with him and telling him to file this and file that and do this and do that and probably convinced him getting rid of Cassie was the only way he was ever going to be free to never have to pay her for child support. I swear to God the mom was involved too except she didn't put hands on Cassie. But she was definitely a co-conspirator. I mean maybe not and maybe she had no idea what Marcus was going to do to Cassie but I think she was the one putting it in his ear to take her to court again and again. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he was filling his mom's head with bringing saylor to Brazil but I'm sure his mom would have found it suspicious. I don't know

  • @MrSmartyPantsNow

    Man poor Cassie. The more I'm listening, the more it's just making me so upset because imagine what was going through her mind the day that he murdered her. Like she probably never saw it coming. She tried to be the best mother she could be, the best co-parenter that she could be and he turned around and used it all against her and then ended up murdering her. What a piece of garbage. One of the worst in my opinion

  • @alizabethwestra4213

    Watching this video was terrible for my PTSD and anxiety… I had an ex husband who talked to me JUST like Marcus… It made me sick listening I had to watch this in parts to give myself time to calm down… I moved 3 states away from NY ex he was terrible abd planning visitation was JUST like this!!!😢

  • @karinM749

    Just wow! I mean those texts show just how angry and resentful that man was. And he was definitely never putting his daughter as a priority. It seems he just keeps getting more and more angry. What a POS.

  • @sunnyboknow

    When someone lives to make you miserable and destroy you = narcissistic behavior

  • @robinking6342

    Here's an idea sign ur rights over

  • @robinking6342

    Hey I'm late to this video but I gotta ask what is a dv injunction??

  • @deenatodd9585

    My ex was the EXACT same. Accused me of neglect, alcohol and drug misuse, sexual and physical abuse, tried getting money from me without paying himself, threatened to go for full custody but didn't actually want it, would become more abusive if he didn't get a rise out of me, argued about every little thing. The frustrating thing Is dv involving a child follows almost the exact same pattern, yet the courts still keep mother and child at risk because of "parental rights"? It's truly sickening. I'd be happy to bet a huge percentage of the mother or child being harmed showed the exact same red flags as other mothers and children being harmed before. When is the court and legalities goinh to change to address this dangerous trend????

  • @lauriedaniele5967

    This case is so sad. They don't live far from me I never heard of it though until I seen it on your channel. My prayers go out to her family and her darling little daughter sailor by the grace of God she's in her grandfather's care now.

  • @melissasloan4179

    Thank goodness I'm so happy for that little girl

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