Chicago Cases | QUAD EPISODE | The FBI Files

Investigating the intricate web of Chicago Cases in the QUAD EPISODE, as detailed in The FBI Files. Dive deep into the evidence and clues as we unravel the mysterious crimes haunting the streets of Chicago. From organized crime syndicates to serial killers on the loose, this is a case file you won’t want to miss.


48 Comments to “Chicago Cases | QUAD EPISODE | The FBI Files”

  • @user-rs5xk8vi6t

    Is this real? Watching from manila

  • @JackieMcAlister-ju4ne

    Watching from New Zealand

  • @ColinoDeani

    cant believe conservatives want to Abolish our FBI in 2025 smdh…

  • @ratboy4169

    The bearded bandit is a top episode with all the planning for both parties, you could feel them closing in.

  • @jleg1104

    Why do all cops including black ones with down syndrome say “uhhhh” after every sentence

  • @nambeledavid7965

    Watching from Namibia

  • @josephmalecki

    Is the mob (cosa nostra) still active in Chicago?. I know the Bruno-Scarfo family in ma area, is alive and well…

  • @forrealdickey9232

    Sorry she lost her life but that kind of contract is not what you want to trick somebody into signing it's just not right. One slave working on another I'm sure she had some advisers that helped lead her down the wrong path not the thing to do in Philly in those days with the Philly mob around.

  • @KFilippi2525

    As old as this is cyb they spelled Cook County wrong!!! It's NOT Cooke!!! This Chicagoian is p'ed off!!😂😂😂😂😂

  • @julianrobinson1181

    He was driving the opposite direction and look in his rear view mirror and notice it had expired tags. Lying SOB

  • @Skarlett00

    Awesome investigation, makes me wish I’d gone into law enforcement.

  • @bentar450

    As the white supremacists groups lives on with no attention,, but Babylon the great is falling, it will be all over soon

  • @randalljustus7137

    Eddie baby feel good in that video

  • @Chadyaniki

    she is an actor… but you spying though! so i got you not the other way around. It is cool, small price to pay for safety. do better in not getting caught, Fed!

  • @thefedup9921

    That's one dirty Sanchez..

  • @ChiTownClown17

    Nine teeth pulled out my face yesterday. 😏 Ain't nothing. 😬🦷. About this time next year I expect to be going strong in my six to seven months with a new set of teeth and I'd sure hope to be back to myself like I used to

  • @leehughes3910

    What a series man love from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @eldonlbbrown6564

    I hope that they find that parasitic girl that set him up is found, and gets life in prison!

  • @brettcutajar7452

    When are you going to do a few episodes on the downfall of the FBI and spying on Trump and hopefully on how Trump disbands the FBI . Then the prosecution of Christopher Ray

  • @PagingDrMakeUp

    I’m sorry, but that scene of him taking off the tie and his shirt and the guy behind him, they knew exactly what they were doing there😅

  • @keelyjohnson462

    6:44 the freedom of information act whatever that email was about I'm not allowed to know they aren't allowed to do that even when my ex-husband didn't have guardianship of the kids or custody whichever wording you want to use between lawyers and attorneys both are eating the budget and feeding it to the judges and uniformed officers that's racketeering they said the state police didn't understand

    8:50 oh yeah you think it's all fun and games until you're pregnant and then the guy is having the same problem as the girl which means it's compounded debt on the children meanwhile the children are safe and sound in the other room with all of our supplies so we can't get complained at anymore

    9:50 well yeah because that's a lot better than going to jail prison a nursing home and orphanage a homeless shelter a domestic violence shelter a refugee camp a behavioral hospital a rehabilitation hospital or war that thing is we have to build those new buildings to get into the future where we were supposed to be working towards since 2016 and on one hand we have been working on he will see to it I lose my kids I lose my brother I lose everything he'll see to it they hate me and I pay him and on the other hand we've been working on the hydroelectric fuel cell recycling centers and septic tanks to resolve the draft while providing behavioral therapy speech therapy occupational therapy physical therapy medical transportation interpreting from American sign language to English and back while investigating state federal and international affairs to develop the physics and engineering project to resolve the draft of War and the damages from the pandemic come on anyone offering a solution to that that needs investigated and that person needs protected so that would apply to everyone else about everything else

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    Here is a consideration the AI concern.

    In reality it is just a word processor, ready ahead of time of what to say. {Or activate.}

    Very common everyday features, and could be plants for instant forced network cooperation's?

  • @OOTMI

    0:00:01 S2 E03 Master Plan

    0:49:37 S5 E14 Death Pact

    1:38:40 S6 E03 Brutal Abduction

    2:27:43 S7 E06 Terror For Sale

  • @BruceBailey-st7dg

    By The story of bumpy johnson

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    I still can't give up on everyone not knowing realistic reference findings in public to help the Gov't's efforts finding them too!

    Additional Civil War leads concerns:

    The uranium explosion logic is to naturally accumulate enough uranium in one area the would cause it to explode as if built for doing this.

    But the Zorro film from 1977 has Zorro fighting nitro glycerin that also has the dependency for "spontaneous combustion – the search engines are saying this was also the name of a TV show in the 2019s" >>>>>> that the Sun Belt States in the Zorro Movie wanted to built a stock of having in the southern half of the US. >>>Clan (European Clan like leads) like fighting in the movie for sure after France taught Zorro fencing, with today's logic of the mercenaries trying to do the work of the actual world's Military safety precautions of controlling uranium's where abouts, something Zorro exposed happening in their community by the rich man trying to become the Gov't's responsible leader – first local leader that is!

    Movie creation logic for better crimes committing insights of standing at a distance and using time evaluations to becoming more knowledgeable and the test of the marketing logic, how much does the public know to participate with wanting to know more – for becoming a sales pitch now?

    Now the side effects in Illinois for taming criminal minds is also included – one meant for the State's Attorney searching of the Clergy's past activities:

    I still can't give up on everyone not knowing for the people that sought lessons from the Clergy and never being completely satisfied to going through the expected teachings!

    Additional concern of Jesus's request for the businessman type approach to leave the interiors of the Church used for worship for a better way of life for its protection.

    {Not for drinking wine at the Last Supper type of hallucinations left for the individual to figure out! [The water for the Apostles as they were testing Jesus out for his publicity was said by them to like's of alchemy's sought after practice for changing common matter to gold, which started showing success of knowing Jesus >>>>>>>> through the water they were to drink changed to wine, >>>>> or Zeus's existence as a sexual pervert logic still lingering to keep his influence on the bad people's life at the time Jesus was asking not to participate with – or a secret communication process exposed by Jesus! Just one for thought of staying safe after self destruction practices here on Earth's needing to be explored through suggestive actions for following bad ideas!}

    Pontius Pilot, the assigned Gov't Leader in that area at that time, >>>> gave up to the fact Jesus was real and >>>> Pilot as the leader could not do anything against the bad gangs in the Military, leaving it on Jesus's to solve the bad military type gangs that were causing conflict between everyone in the community and in addition announced in history to often forcefully needing to be removed from public businesses with fights – local Policing type of fights.

    So the honest people all just stood back in safety to watch what Jesus was going to do!

    Reminder then of the news concerns of the last days of a elderly's life:

    This by today has concerns of the nursing home taking people from their homes as if having a business license for inheriting the elderly's home and life before passing, something only rich people used to want to happen, >>>> and for the seemingly reasons of wanting to find out what happens when a person dies, to bring them back to life, (a Clergy like support action) – with the concerning factor, even if they are being tortured worry. The forgiveness factor for the condemned being saved, not the victim. {Reminder of the 10,000 human skeletons found near Chicago Police homes, and Oak Park has just one house owned by Al Capone now shown as a museum item of the mafia's existence in Chicago with it having a under the building tunnel leading to the sewers for escape purposes of those times Police raids for anyone to visit and confirm its existence!

    This to possibly helps show the bad Clergy's logic support inside the community is to have helpers doing their work, so the Clergy could be relocated from time to time to different areas and new starts of life, if needing it.

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    How could the Civil War have influenced the mafia's habits for securing the 20s as making territorial boundaries of operations?

    Napoleon was said just before the turn of 1900 to having to conquer all of Europe with control over France's Military.

    A war that attempted to create the boundaries of Europe once said.

    The WWI started with taking over Poland and then regain it, which was Madam Curries announcement of radiations power over matter.

    But these conflicts could be said starting in Portland's kidnapping schemes around 1800 with secret tunnels built under the bars, to steal people for their fight against the Orient attempt to illegalize opium, which the English stated their mafia/pirates being the main leaders to these inconveniences to the Orient.

    Then during the Civil War, to free the blacks the English bad people influence to being distributed around the New World as slaves instead of Indenture Servants, fought side by side with the South's Confederate Military.

    The by the 20s, even Al Capone was mentioned trying to promote himself as a architect/engineer giving to the cause of the tunnels appearing in Chicago for run away last habits. {How many homes did he own around Chicago as get always, based on real ownerships?} {The rich man's club around the world said to influence the economy as if being the world's treasury logic?}

    And Al Capone in the Library was said a direct relative of Napoleon.

    So with the Royalty of England getting into trouble lately, especially for trying to influence over partying, why did one of them around the turn of the century got booed for saying he was a Nazi. {To connect with NASA's previously allowed to be known NAZI employee? and 20/20 Evening News had a documentary of millions of undocumented NAZI found left over wandering in South America's Nations around 1980s and that was also I think when Europe wanted to offer South America extra money to fight back, as simple farmers.}

    The whys of how WWI lead to WWII as a habit of some, which by now at time with the announcement of the ability to change the weather, having one hurricane lead to the next week's one, so on, after it mention the storms could be created but not yet tamed, something since the 80s weather report of knowing the clouds activities.

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    Some additional support for the Federal FBI.

    Channel 7 Eyewitness News attempted a publicity stunt of smuggling uranium passed Customs that almost got them shut down (early 80s) and Channel 2 News on Youtube documentaries of the mafia now mentioned Arcado (Al's chauffeur) being very peaceful in town from the Roaring 20s to the 60s, a Cicero Resident family.

    But Arcado was said by the other news agencies in the early 80s to have been released from prison in the 80s from that Roaring 20s time.

    One for the Oklahoma Bombing coming from Michigan State's gang assembly, as Dahmer I think started from the East Coast.

    >>The evenings news documentaries around the 80s stated the St. Valentine killer that ran to the east side of Lake Michigan and was caught there, was never caught, but the Library Books said yes he was. A boxer's run practice area for a peaceful run I think I once heard!

    Thus matching the temporary story of the FBI after the bombing that they were not in a direct position to place charges on the 2 bombers, and left it to the State Police. They did since then have the bombers executed, late news update to that time.

    Does this mean these Chicago News Agencies authenticated the Cicero Police local gang members left over from the 20s deserving to create the Cicero Police Strike of 1977? A union leader stance?

    Of which afterwards these agencies moved their news collection computers/contacts from around the US and maybe the world to Cicero itself! Central Ave. and 22nd St. for a catch 22 war story like mention by the early 80s!

    St. Anthony 's Church and area that endorsed the Strike always said to stay up to the daily news reports as way of habit, and 2nd City late nights TV show Apartment dwelling area I'm previously told!

  • @marmadukegrimwig

    What is it with Federal Agents and moustaches…

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    What about these unsuccessful "master race growth" publicly made facts?

    Oppenheimer after he helped assemble locating all the interested scientists for atomic bomb development from around the world, was tossed out to the other side of the fence, and with a Military Trial for his efforts.

    Einstein, the was the main European link to how the chain reaction work to cause control over the explosion from Nazi Germany as a scientific spy at the time.


    But Einstein broke Newton's calculus laws of understanding curvature's exact calculation support, with his the "time/space" theory causing gaps in matter's assembly to consider. {Einstein as Hitler weren't much liked by their colleges while studying.} {Or a possible misguidance to understand long distance communication exchanges?}

    Some European PHP Youtube scientists evaluation of the Slit Experiment has the mention of needing to know the Electron is (now) found in this experiment to be in two places at the same time – a duplicate logic of a wired message transmission.

    Not to mention the out of the wire as the real source of causing a light bulb to light up.

    The Europeans during the WWII announced they send all their atomic bomb research findings to the US instead of pursuing the bomb's full development.

    The CERN has a massive size for controlling the atom's energy level tests, which if a concern, are they trying to find how to control weather and earthquakes.

    Donald Trump, who in his first campaign for Presidency visited many of the US places that were used to help the bomb's development during WWII, as the UIC in IL. >> and his first US Security Order was no weather changing sharing facts with Europe and the rest of the world.

    Hollywood, mostly run by European it seems for the proper English language have done movies as well as conduct their own research to weather/earthquake changing disasters.

    The Nazis according to John Wayne around 1980 said they are in mass groups trying to get acting careers started, a European tradition for association with the Royalty there. {The jester?}

    So how are these misleadings causing the Silicon Valley's Bank to collapse and other Gov't science faculties to explode as the fission ignition attempt in Calif. some what recent, causing a >>time suspension<< explosion killing employees and injuring many others, having left the whole building as unsafe in any area.

    On Youtube, the Coastal located Police causing murders to those protesting their honestly, directly bold in public, it happens, with the story changing all the time till finally wrote down or recorded as a memory.

    LA Police during the 20s were considered bootleggers?

    The Russian Navy's loss to the Japanize Narial Forces around 1900, had the Fleet leave for Japan firing on English fishing vessels that by now were known to smuggle across the Atlantic illegal booze (bootlegging) to NY's mafia (Al Capone).

    The English mafia fought a war prior to that with the Orient for making Opium illegal to manufacture taking over its ability for continued manufacturing!

    In between this time, Napoleon used France to attempt to conquer Europe, or at least set his own bounders to what is where, that was followed similarly by WWI and WWII's efforts to conquer the world, with papers sign by even Japan to help.

    Russia was a WWII Ally to the US efforts, and after they defending the Japanizes this time, the US resupplied them with military gear to go back to Eastern Europe and free those people there, the the US and England coming from the other side. {But France with England with the start of WWII tried to stop the war' and its growth?}

    So a final concern, with England trying to start a war with Columbia, or such around 1980, when many Nazis left overs were being IDed in South America for their presents, how did CERN's side crew help Columbia's Submarine to fail of their coast to killing all the people on board, if such was a possibility of any mafia dignity pursuits? {CERN was a Oppenheimer logic!}

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    One for awareness of the blackmarket's allowed survival strategy building:

    {How the videos are starting to chain up to simplifying logics of understandment!}

    With corrupt Official making rare purchases to make 10 Xs back, as shown in movies, (by film makers constantly researching the libraries), shows the money earned, even if its over $10,000, is non tracible if used for the rising porno stars purchases going around every where.

    And it seems the porno stars are building the needed alibi to not having to explain where they got the money when paying their end of the year earnings taxes. {A possible recent going trend, but one to still vote on!}

    {And the El Rukins introduction to Chicago was based on them being pimps, as Willow Springs had become known for the white side. But the Latinos and Orientals are side steps too, if finding them around for the purpose!}

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    Very IMPORTANT: The Nazis search for marketing expertise was to help them find the more advanced products found in public any where in the world, but not necessarily well known in the other countries communities due to the rarity it represents!

    Notice my details evaluation support of the Gov't efforts, they already are aware off, or simple help for them to the public's awareness.

    The business strategies started with the Nazis showing the Jews were not accepted in Germany and were being forced out of it only.

    Then around the corners of the cities they were taken to isolated places and killed, just like farm area cattle range businesses do.

    By the time the Nazis assumed full control of Germany's efforts to survive bad times, everyone still left had time to mention they were in enormous and constant fear of their recruiting standard, as well as the turn over the businesses operations to them for free.

    Thus Poland had served as another business branch to a master race to understanding foreign Gov't communities activities for profits.

    Note how many movies showed Al Capone was the true hidden mafia leader of the world even not for the supporting underworld bosses and their comforting, but in Cicero, they were clearly defeat all this time by the community by their gang members had not other choice y to turn themselves in as being the Town's Police, and the trick, now left to the Sheriff's Office in clear sight for their evaluations as the advance from High School training days. They even gave the advantage to the Sheriff to the Sheriff never knew exact who the next weeks Police members in the Station were going to be for years, but many banks got closed down in the town a (salary savings?) and now the Mexicans have been sending there experts to the Town to search as Police in the same way, a next week wait for their introduction. And the rest of the Town People just watching and asked not to show anger in public – a election campaigning word or the other word, what to do to help everyone from having illnesses!

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    Note, this is not just heat detection infrared principles from a distance or through walls and roof tops (small plane logic support, a drug runner in some cases). (Next comment referenced.)

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    A concern of being proper identified in public without knowing it:

    The porno institute is into watching the infrared cloud over anyone for its exact person signature , since the mid 70s. Prepared to know the public, if it is a bank robber scheme! Or like Illinois investigating the Church's Clergy, the halo offering if a person is good or bad.

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    A confusing war story thought shared for being a mafia concern:

    The Nazi Hunter concern type of finding all the Nazis current secret identities, thus hiding places and cooperation of them!

    Ukraine is the main mercenary supplier to the world according to Internet searches. The type that live in rich peoples home to do hits for them!

    Nazi hunters are still looking for faked id to life Nazis everywhere in the world.

    The Illinois Secretary of the State about 15 years ago, mentioned on the news of finding many fake id s issued by their Office and are investigating this fact.

    The Russian's war a secret ally in WWII with the US, and the Russians were at war with Japan as well, with the US resupplying the Russians with lost weaponry to go back and turn the Nazis around from Russia and out of Poland.

    The invasion of Poland by the Nazis had the Russians go to the opposite side of Poland, according to write ups in the 60s, that they were their in agreement with Hitler, they were there to protect their private land there. But some Russians did go into Poland and Generals at that time were being executed?

    >>>The Poland must have been used to develop the Nazi tanks that were used to destroy Russia's Tank Army that lead to the invasion of Russia!

    This would be why, St. Anthony's Nuns previously owned Lorretta Hospital, in Chicago, next to Columbus Park, >>>>birth certificates are not acceptable as real proof in Chicago of the person's real identity. You have to obtain the real birth certificates at the Chicago Town Hall!

    The hospital's sale was done by the Church to stop the look of them being rich –
    {noting all the Sunday's donations were suppose to be going to Africa's children and their families, but a Rich man's mercenary hide out for its activities}.

    Noting the Russians Secret Nuclear Papers on the Atomic Bomb were sold by pirates to North Korea, and possibly why during the Ukraine War efforts, China's leader visited Russia's leader to talk to him. Giving to the reason why China expanded their Navy's watch in the Orient's region, not accepting complaints.

    But one country's leader there protesting this expansion in person the China's Military, was executing junkies (disturbers) in his nation by the 1000s after elected, making it only accessible to honest people!

    A influential way? The mafia's real life distribution around the world trying to start nuclear wars, to get rich on the side.

  • @user-ir3nz3tr9w

    I'm sad to say I've watched all of the episodes.24 hours in police custody is nearly as good as this

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    First the code breaking of a mafia figure must take into consideration, a plan is a long term wait out for it to becoming a natural habit, thus acceptable by the community's thought >> "before used", thus might have been forced ahead of time to having been used, of it just being something they knew about found 'knowing' it in the past, but not yet expected to be normalized!

    My present concern lead comment!
    Some side effects of them being grouped and the wandering executives or at least the executive types for better cooperation of the local businesses if held a secret relation.

    Its easy enough to start out many of them are like chameleons the closer you get to them, meaning they change their facial characteristics seemly at will, some even with their body mass and body shape, like from thin to rounded fat, like a cigar and upright, every other time you see the same person.

    But here is the trick, if one or a few of them try to jump you as being a unknown to them and most likely just walking passed a near by bar or liquor store, when reaching into their body's visual presents to stop them, you could just find nothing but a feel of energy tension in that exact area. {The human cloaking problem!}

    So you contract your arm back and start doing a better search for their real/exact location, and if you do, which ends up as a much smaller person's representation and off to the side enough to always avoid being touched, {matching their brag of being faster then the other person} they do give up automatically, but completely embarrassed and silent, and will run away from the area, never to be seen again.

    {Maybe better put, as if fighting a group of wrestlers with one of them there to fight and pin you to the ground, while the others use a bat on you! A no I give up situation representation and it has truly happened in the St. Anthony, St. Valentine, St. Attracta, and Roosevelt Grammar School/parish area of Grand Works, a small Cicero District Area having all of them housed together for the community that also use to support the Chicago Red Light District on Cicero Ave, and if going away from that street inward to the home and apartment areas, to finding some of the major drug distributors to anyone interested in obtaining drugs for their own sales before the 1995 Federal Drug War's start, showing they were linked to going back to the 20s and beyond with their family meeting strategies. One such house even had the mother of the house found dead for 3 years in the house, while everyone else were going about their normal living habits. [One step ahead of everyone logics!]}

    Note the east side of Cicero, Il, is the individual gang member area, and the west side of Cicero, Il is the grouped gang member area, each visiting one another to knowing one another.

    Thus like the Star Trek Bors (gang relations links), they seem to be walking around with invisible walkie talkies fields around them – meaning why they are always one step ahead of the public to looking normal if already present or waiting in a nearby structure as a group, but maintaining suspicious habits by the onlookers as if a actor might be trying to entertain everyone. {The synchronicity factor of group responses.}

    {Also, the younger, the better the find of this of them!}

    But this is up to you, as I could easily say its a myth! Not something law abiding practices for factual evidence collection of their criminal human characteristics gathering! {Simple meaning, is Earth on trial or is a human's self thinking process at fault for their actions.}

  • @rayjasmantas9609


    More interesting coincidental looks:

    {Further break down looks of sequence occurrences, as a line graph!}

    The basic start would be,

    today to replace a toilet around the Cicero, Il. area laws due to growing water shortages stated the toilet size has to be half the size it use to be, unless your handicapped and buying the new toilet. (Count Dracula's war efforts logic ? who really poisoned lakes?)

    Quickly complimenting the logic of clogs. {Read on.}

    Special Effects:

    Also to own a BB Gun the town the Gov't even tried to mention anyone would be required a gun license.

    Update First Before Continuing:

    The godfather from NY that fought Al Capone's black hands based on the Police Records assembled as a story for the author, (20s)

    >>>>>mentioned this godfather was predicting to have a future President placed for his support.

    Now coming back to town (Cicero) for the competition logic:

    The black mailing competing logic coming from Cicero, Il. for all the riots against Washington DC would be, the El Gore Plumbing Business predicting long before Al Gore's Vice Presidency that during the time range of his Office, had a special news report mention of Al Gore's privately owned apartment buildings having plumbing problems and to work on it.

    Location Review:

    Basically the plumbing store is in the same area Eliot Ness mentioned in his book of his operation that this area was a specialty area for car sales.

    Next Special mention in the book: Al had a specially made metal plated automobile [bullet proof] specially made for his showing off downtown, with all the hotels having the pearly hats all coming out to watch by the 100s,

    as in Eliot's Library Book on the real mafia now found in the Cicero Public Library across the street from the plumbing store.

    This area to has this present:

    Also the famous name Morton, is found starting within the town's support area with the Community Chest Building,

    with a neighboring cab company by the name,

    then the Morton High School,

    {with the same name shared by Berwyn (Cicero's neighbor) for its high school name,}

    and finally the area's back store basements support of the individual college classes for Morton College before many years later the actual college building was build.

    US wide support (?):

    During the riots in Washington State's area

    that lead to Washington DC itself at the time,

    followed by Cicero was invaded with the same rioters, a first.

    Some of Cicero's restaurants,, also said owned by Gov't members (?) make special small truck meat deliveries from Washington State.

    Allowing to mention Washington State with the Olympic County, compliments Cicero's previous Olympic Theater, now a local Gov't building,

    and heading to the west coast, there is the Laramie Mountains, which is like Laramie Ave. by the Cicero Public Library.

    So: Just as it is:

    The concern of the likes, Batman Movies now a days are having Batman with the ability to kill and not with the logic of leaving the bad people just defeated and alive, and everyone around this area likes Batman.

    Berwyn use to have the "Ritz Theater" by Roosevelt Road near Cicero's west border. {Remember that stylish look lead?}


  • @michaelnitsch4431

    the girl who disappeared into Mexico more than likely the cartel did away with her to put it politely

  • @paultube11000

    If a bank being robbed, or other ocaasions. let go of a fast drying glue all over a footpath outside, a robber would not be able to walk away.

  • @rayjasmantas9609

    Here is a thought of how the Masters are part of the master plan offering:

    During WWII the Nazis insisted Italy get the Greeks on their side and had to invade Greece to get them to cooperate.

    But like Poland with Madam Curie, the Greeks wise men have filled the dictionaries with most of the logical scientific terms through out history.

    Giving to why the mafia has been a success, as the ancient Palaces use to support drug use that has through history been passed to its support by the back room Palace people if any, the mafia.

  • @Steve-lb2gm

    Sickening that such evil people are among us.

  • @daned8635

    Kidnappers that only want 30k 😅
    Just give it to them lol

  • @NefatarahMeyerdierks-xt4ee

    It's the voice 4 me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @glamosaurus

    I knew the bearded bandit (briefly). My brother worked for him when he opened the used book store.

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