Nicholas Patrick Barclay, a 13-year-old boy from San Antonio, Texas, vanished without a trace on June 10, 1994. Raised by his mother Beverly, Nicholas had siblings named Carrie and Jason. On the fateful day of his disappearance, Nicholas called home from a basketball court, requesting a ride. However, it was his half-brother Jason who answered the phone and dismissed the request, claiming Beverly was asleep and Nicholas could walk home.

As the sun set and the street lights flickered on, it became apparent that Nicholas never made it home. His mysterious disappearance sparked concern among his family, who initially hesitated to raise the alarm. Nonetheless, as days stretched into weeks with no sign of Nicholas, they reported him missing.

It wasn’t until three months later that Jason made a shocking claim to the police. Allegedly, he had spotted Nicholas attempting to break into their garage before fleeing upon being discovered. The case of Nicholas Barclay remains unsolved, leaving a shroud of mystery and suspicion hanging over his disappearance.

As a meticulous crime investigator, it is imperative to delve deep into the intricate web of circumstances surrounding Nicholas’ vanishing in order to unearth the truth and bring closure to his family.


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