Christie Marceau: Who Is To Blame? Part 2

Unraveling the Mystery of Christie Marceau: Determining Guilt and Responsibility – Part 2

As we delve deeper into the tragic case of Christie Marceau, we must meticulously examine the evidence and motives of all parties involved. From the haunting details of her abduction to the disturbing truth behind her death, every piece of information is crucial in uncovering the truth.

Despite the heartbreaking loss of Christie Marceau, justice must prevail as we tirelessly pursue those responsible for this heinous crime. Stay tuned as we meticulously dissect the events leading up to her untimely demise and shine a light on the dark forces at play in this chilling true crime case.

Known for its complexity and emotional weight, the Christie Marceau case sheds light on the devastating impact of domestic violence and the urgent need for change in our justice system. Join us as we navigate through the tangled web of this captivating investigation and seek justice for a young life taken too soon.


49 Comments to “Christie Marceau: Who Is To Blame? Part 2”

  • @macyaustin6374

    The judge is also responsible for Christie’s death. Her blood is on his hands.

  • @user-yb5nk9tw5n

    He shouldn't have been released on bail. He needed more than just a mental health facility

  • @dinagarcia2528

    SMH, this could’ve been stopped; her poor mother must blame herself for opening the door without knowing who was behind that door.

  • @dinagarcia2528

    My son has autism, he’s loving & compassionate.

  • @cyb3rno0b15

    I’m sorry to her mother BUT if my child was being attacked I wouldn’t just stand there, I wouldn’t care if the mf was stronger than me, I’d do ANYTHING to stop him from touching my child.

  • @amberdrose-padilla2889

    This kid was really lost in his crazy

  • @PuddleFart

    These doctors clearly don't understand autism. Those are old false stereotypes. Having 'low empathy' in autism can be just as common or uncommon as it is in neurotypicals.
    I got a late autism diagnosis last year, and I'll let you know I definitely don't suffer from lack of empathy, it's actually the opposite and overwhelming. Each individual is different in neurotypicals and neurodivergents.

  • @user-kz3pv8jm5v

    This one actually made me cry. Why? Just, why?

  • @jordanwiser4192

    The idea of “the police will save me” is what got these women’s daughter killed while that sat back and did literally nothing. Don’t be a feeble little sheep and run for your phone everytime you need help. Be responsible for your own safety

  • @jordanwiser4192

    This is why it’s very very important to own a gun especially in a house full of women. A gun wouldn’t have “came in handy” it would’ve saved a young girls life

  • @wedin1051919

    I don't understand why you would feel safe at anytime before he went to prison. I'm not victim blaming or blaming the mom but I don't get the fact that you're so frightened of this guy promising revenge with his trial coming up soon, you would open the door without looking out the window.

  • @natmm378

    "I would never kill an animal"- stephanie, who pays for other people to kill animals for her to eat. Hypocrite.

  • @Julesb2183

    Why is it always these worthless, aimless men who think they are worth infinitely more than they actually are who snuff out the lives of the beautiful women who are in every way BETTER than they could ever imagine being? It's disgusting. Mediocrity is where the bar is for them and they can't even manage to handle that – and that is before they decide to murder.

  • @cheriboberry1808

    He’d b deader than a door nail when the police got there

  • @DalonikaKellar

    We are not living in a world where we can afford not to teach out daughters how to defend themselves 😢

  • @rachelbennett233

    I live in NZ and the justice system is so offender focussed. Murderers are treated with respect and compassion and often only spend a few years locked up

  • @dawnamaral9939

    This is absolutely ridiculous. First he’s friends with her and mad when she “abandons” him. Then he kidnaps her and manages to act completely fine the entire time he’s being checked up on. 32 days later and she’s dead. Because he needed to “get revenge” which is something he admitted that entire time was premeditated. And he had said since the beginning was likely to happen, hence why the knives needed to be hidden. But now a young woman is dead and a man is essentially free to do as he pleases. Forgive me, but I feel like this would be less likely to happen in the US.

  • @HollerMa71

    I can't understand why the family didn't just go to Australia. They were planning to move soon anyway. Even if Mom & Grandma couldn't go, Kristy should have gone ahead. It might have been difficult but at least she would have been safe. 💔

  • @jackiechild9740

    Thank you for this! Great deep dive. Love your channel ❤️

  • @niaselah3348

    Childhood trauma is an explanation of why victim survivors experience limitations, not an excuse to harm others

    Sadly there's a tendency to have empathy for abusers and contempt for those who are victimized by them.

    Victims are despised and blamed. Perceived as being weak or stupid instead of acknowledging those who abuse others to feel less crappy about themselves are the weak and stupid ones

  • @niaselah3348

    The pattern of blaming women for his own violence against them is even present in making up a female voice in his head and making her responsible for murdering Christie. He blame both Christie and " Pauline", even his mom.
    Misogyny and male entitlement

  • @maggiefitzgerald1276

    I wish her family had sent her to Australia to her dad. They have universities in Australia.

  • @lucymendes2512

    Omg this man still continued to hoodwink people around him. I feel so bad for the Marceau family. Salt in the wounds. This is absolutely unbelievable and disgusting, again the rights and needs of the perpetrator are placed in higher priority than the victim and family. It's just…. mind-blowing

  • @lucymendes2512

    Akshay is obviously a very manipulative narcissistic individual. Frighteningly he is clearly manipulating the so-called "expert" like seriously? I think some professionals simply agree to whatever BS the perp saying and they don't seem to realise that criminals do this weird thing called LYING 🙄

  • @imbatteries

    I’ve watched a lot of true crime and this is the first time I’ve been legitimately livid at the perpetrator. What a disgusting and vile monster.

  • @ElizabethDewey-si6sh

    I think it’s a pop up tent

  • @TheyreComing06

    Im a little late to the party cause i just found your channel a year ago 😅 but as someone with schizoaffective, his claims have me torn. I had early onset schizophrenia beginning around age 4 or 5. I find it to be as easily to supress and hide from the pubic as depression is. Even with hallucinations, if youre self aware, you know its just in your head and can ignore them or supress them and go on with daily functions. Ive never spoken out loud to any sounds or voices ive heard, but ive also never had them tell me to hurt anyone. Just like everything else, schizophrenia affects everyone differently. Its possible he lied the first go round and tried to act normal so he could continue his plan. Its also possible that he lied about it in the end to lessen his punishment. Either way, he shouldnt have been released on bail in the first place because mental ill or not, you cant just kidnap someone and emotionally torment them the way he did and it be ok. All hands involved failed miserably, and this ending could have been prevented. Always enjoy your covers of these stories.

  • @xenodoll

    It’s despicable that this poor family had to see this monster at McDonalds. Not only is it frightening because he threatened them but they simply shouldn’t have to see his face ever again; they shouldn’t be subjected to that pain all over again.

    The only thing wrong with this boy is that he is an egotistical maniac, he needs to be in prison or 6 feet under, don’t really care which one

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm 💛

  • @missyjenkinsminnix845

    You look great 😊 black is definitely your color!

  • @karaleeallen8523

    This is why I’m ok with vigilante justice… there wouldn’t have been a second time would there have been ? He’s clearly a sociopath not ‘crazy’ at all .. the waiting the planning .. these are clear minded thoughts .

  • @Missbecification

    That judge who gave him bail should have been held accountable!

  • @Arlim_22

    This is absolutely a heartbreaking case!!!!!! I was teary eye, I was angry, I was sad I mean every feeling out there I’m sure many of you all felt as well watching this case. He is a manipulative monster, I don’t think he has an issue at all! He was very calculated, he used whatever line would be helpful at the moment to him. Mental health is a real issue but I don’t think that was his whole issue.

  • @michhaynes7272

    Christie's law sounds amazing
    Judges to have to answer for their choices!!! It should be like that everywhere! They may put more thought into their decision when they have a consequence!!!

  • @michhaynes7272

    Due to special needs in my home I had them knifes locked in a draw and my children had never hurt anyone!!!! So much more could have been done!

  • @michhaynes7272

    I'm a tiny thing but I would try to find the heaviest object to cave in his skull. I'm UK and we can't have guns. I hope this sick asshole never gets out.

  • @maryjocassell48

    PREDATORS can present well

  • @renatapalubinskasesoterica9217

    Mother should have grabbed the knife and stabbed him to protect the daughter.

  • @mommydiary3861

    I own a gun. 11 years ago I was a single mom with two toddlers. A man pushed his way into my house and threatened my babies I I didn't do what he said. I had no way to protect us. That won't be an issue ever again.

  • @frankiedooiswatchingyou4891

    I know this is an older video but I had to comment about the thing said about home invaders.(1:01:45)
    I personally find the mind of home invaders pretty chilling. You have to be pretty damn bold to willingly go into an unknown persons home, not knowing what you’re going into. In the US, you could pretty easily not be coming back out on your own two feet if the people are home but that just doesn’t seem to stop them.

  • @colorsflight6432

    I have guns for self defense. One I keep up by my pillow between the mattress and the headboard.

  • @RW-rt5nd

    Judges frequently show about as much commitment to accountability for their actions as the criminals they sentence.

  • @RW-rt5nd

    He's likely a case of schizotypal personality disorder who happens to be a psychopath. He has a flat affect and shyness around most people and other subschizophrenic traits consistent with SPD but he's lying about the command hallucinations and delusions. It's not unusual to find SPD in people with a family history of schizophrenia. SPD should not excuse him from criminal culpability. He's evil and manipulative and ought to be locked up accordingly.

  • @honeybmurphy9166

    Mental illness should not be a ‘get out of jail free’ card. If you commit a crime, you should do the time!

  • @michellegiordano8277

    He's full of ****, you can't kill the devil!😮😡you are a ray of sunshine when you speak for these families that the system has failed 😢 unfortunately they get do not get justice . Guilty until proven innocent gets interpreted to meet the ideals of the perpetrator

  • @sherimaldonado1889

    I agree with you Stephanie, guns are causing a lot disaster s in our country but I have always kept a gun and so help a monster like this to come into my home as well. The judge should have been held accountable.

  • @arrowimpressions6315

    What about the fact that he clearly planned it because he waited until her dad was gone?! He knew exactly what he was doing.

  • @ajahf

    The idea that people with autism are incapable of empathy is an extremely outdated and problematic stereotype. Every autistic person I’ve ever met, including myself, are the most empathic, selfless and considerate people I have ever met.

    I believe the perpetrator in this case is mentally unstable and likely has severe mental illness that might also include hallucinations or delusions, but not for a second do I believe that he was unaware of the impact he was having on innocent people and the fact that what he was doing was morally and legally horrendous and unforgivable.

  • @kathyjensen6773

    I don't believe he's mentally insane it's such bull** no justice

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