The Art of Unravelling the Grotesque

The world of crime is a dark and twisted maze, filled with secrets, lies and deception. But, there exist certain individuals who master the art of unravelling these cryptic tangled webs with their knack for problem-solving and an eye for detail. They are the codebreakers in modern policing, the unsung heroes behind the scenes who play an instrumental role in tracking down the suspects and helping justice prevail.

The work of codebreakers is an enigmatic blend of methodical planning, intricate problem-solving and calculated risks. But most importantly, it requires the power to view things differently, from an angle which isn’t apparently obvious, and to spot the discord in the harmony. Much like a safecracker instinctively knows where to apply the right amount of pressure for the vault to unlock, our masters of crime-cracking possess a unique set of skills that help them unlock the mysteries shrouded in cases. Therefore, such roles are not simply about wearing the hat of a detective, they demand the intellect of an analyst, the perception of a psychologist, and the artistry of a storyteller1.

1   Insignary Inc. (2019). Decrypting the Enigma of Code Breakers in Modern Policing. [online] Read more

Tools of the Trade

Today’s crime crackers have a myriad of tools at their disposal. Take, for example, the advent of cyber forensics, which has revolutionised law enforcement’s ability to uncover criminal activity. Modern techniques in cyber forensics allow these skilled detectives to retrieve previously ‘deleted’ information and interpret metadata to build up a potential case against a suspect2.

Then there’s encryption cracking. Criminals often communicate using cryptic language or even encode their communications to make it difficult for law enforcement authorities to decipher. For these instances, codebreakers employ complicated algorithms and powerful computing capabilities to decipher such cryptographic codes.

2 Foltz, C. (2021). How cyber forensics aid law enforcement. Read more

Celebrated Crime Crackers

In our exploration of Code Breakers, we can’t possibly overlook their most famous real-life exploits. An exemplar is the case of the Zodiac Killer that kept the authorities on their toes in the late 1960s and early ’70s. The unidentified serial killer sent several cryptic letters to the press, and despite the best efforts of professional codebreakers, the majority of his ciphered messages remain unsolved. However, just recently in December 2020, a team of amateur “codebreakers” claimed to have cracked the 340-character Zodiac cipher, revealing another cryptic but decipherable message3.

Then, there’s the famous Enigma machine used by the Germans during WWII. Thanks to the efforts of the now-famed British mathematician Alan Turing, the Allies were able to break the code, an accomplishment that significantly influenced the outcome of the war and established Turing as a revered figure in Cryptography.4

3 Wamsley, L. (2020). Long-Hidden ‘Zodiac’ Killer Cipher Has Finally Been Cracked, FBI Says. [online]. Read more

4 Bletchley Park. (2020). The Enigma Machine and the work of codebreakers. [online]. Read more

The Nuances of the Modern Landscape

With the emerging digital landscape, the task of code breakers is no longer confined to deciphering messages hidden in files or papers. Instead, they thrive in a vast digital realm that calls for a combination of criminal psychology and digital prowess. Identifying illegal activities concealed behind complex layers of encrypted internet chatter and hidden dark web profiles forms the crux of their contemporary job. This spectrum includes cases of cyber terrorism, identity fraud, digital robbery, and a multitude of other online threats5.

5 Frank, R. (2017). The Dark Web: Policing the digital underworld. [online] Read more

Before we call it a day, let’s recall that the job of codebreakers is not just about cracking codes. It’s a brisk dance of deduction, intuition, and creativity, interwoven with scientific methodologies and state-of-the-art digital tools. It’s an endless pursuit of answers and the tireless dedication to bring closure to countless victims of crime. These code-breakers courageously delve into the lion’s den to pull out the truth, a task that demands a symphony of intellect, expertise, patience and unwavering resolve. The task might be ardous, and the path often shadowy, but the purpose remains clear — the triumph of truth above all.

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