Coffee and Crime Time: Casey Anthony: Remembering???? Or Creating…

Decaf and Deception: Unraveling the Casey Anthony Case – separating truth from lies in the mysterious death of Caylee Anthony, the 3-year-old girl whose mother was acquitted of her murder in a highly publicized trial. Join us as we delve into the evidence, witness testimonies, and conflicting accounts to determine what really happened to Caylee on that tragic day. Remembering the facts or creating a new narrative – the coffee is brewing, but the case is far from over.


35 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: Casey Anthony: Remembering???? Or Creating…”

  • @tanaharris2531

    I don’t like Derrick but I love Stephanie. I love her personality and voice

  • @destinyfrazier1545

    I wonder if she used the shovel to try to bury her in the backyard at any point, considering the police dog alerted back there. I feel like she thought she'd bury her in the backyard. Tried to dig and realized it was hard to do then had the other plan of just disposing of her down the street. I don't know that could be far fetched but I just wonder why the dogs were alerting to her backyard and I want to say Caylee's play house specifically. Maybe like you said she COULD have drown in the pool but I feel like that's an important part people forget, the dogs alerted to the backyard and to the trunk of her car. @32:20 – @32:55

  • @stephanie5082

    love u steph. ya have to wonder why they havent sued her

  • @christencollins3740

    This is the typical behaviour of a narcissist. … They paint themselves as the victim … They create the delusional world that they chose to live in … Children who have suffered childhood abuse very rarely forget it … What they do though is chose to push it to the back of their minds … Not repressed but choosing to not allow the mind to focus on it … Casee Anthony has used her behaviour to control everyone in her life … People exposed to this kind of behaviour often allow the perpetrator to get away with ‘ Murder ‘ because to try and hold the narcissist accountable is not something everyone can deal with … Their actions can be so volatile to the point of uncontrolled RAGE … You seriously have No idea what they are capable of doing and to what length they will go to that will enable themselves to continue with their bullshit story … I believe totally she has been the one and only to destroy the life of Caylee … Her parents may not of perfect … what parent is … just don’t be to hard on them
    Her father has been suicidal more than once … He voluntarily sat for a polygraph … The outcome of that was …
    He never abused either his daughter or granddaughter … had nothing to do caylees death or disappearance …
    she’s s total liar and deserves life in prison …

  • @sabrinaleedance

    But also after u watched ur origin series on this I went to my mom to tell her my theories and all I learned and she already knew all I did , and had the same theory. She doesn't really watch yiutube like that, so, ppl COULDVE learned quite a bit if they wanted but prob just chose not to nd then still decided to form opinions on the vase regardless

  • @sabrinaleedance

    I'm not saying it doesn't happen but , not for me, I wish I could just easily completely
    Forget abuse thay happened to me.

    There's some repressed memories but in that case it's the details and emotions that are repressed, not the fact it happened

  • @sabrinaleedance

    Btw I love ur skeleton, my son has one very similar, his name is "Tom" and we love to dress him and pose him.

  • @sabrinaleedance

    Casey tells tiny little bits if truth and true feelings here and there. I don't think it was George who told her "it's OK, she's going to be ok"…that was Casey talking to herself. She wanted it to all be ok, she wanted her to be ok, that was probably true as well. Maybe even her sitting outside, and her wanting her back.

    But she knows it was because of her.

  • @sabrinaleedance

    Idk maybe everyone's different especially as someone as careless as Casey but something that stood out from me about her original rendition of "what happened ", she was looking everywhere for Kaylee and noticed the pool latter was down but didn't think anything of it?? I'm sorry but as a mom when I saw that ladder down my stomach would drop id instantly rush over.

    Like when my son was hiding from me in the corner and our front door happened to still be open (the wooden one not the screen door ) my heart dropped I ran outside crying screaming his name (when he came up behind me and said BOO , I was shaking for a good half hour after that)

  • @britney11711

    10:37 nah she got paid to say that I wont be convinced otherwise

  • @beckykralicek9990

    i can't get over how much she sounds like amber heard.

  • @arncerv3897

    Thank you for watching this balooney mockumentary so we don't have to 🥰🥰🥰

  • @DestinyA83

    I literally watched this video 2x 😂❤

  • @DestinyA83

    If they had to rent a house where she could be "protected" because so many people are out to get her, why TF would she go parading around to all the these places?
    They should have her locked inside the house with armed guards at every door.

  • @DestinyA83

    Oh yeah and I've been through all kinds of trauma and SA from a family member and an ex, so I'll tell you firsthand that she is a liar. And not a good one.
    She might be a great liar about some things but she isn't a good liar about SA because she is telling it like it's a story she's reading out of a book.
    The details are all wrong. The recall is wrong.
    Everything about it.

  • @DestinyA83

    I'm listening to the jail visit and it makes me so SICK to hear her parents walk on egg shells around her all the while she's sitting there chipper and talking about HERSELF!!

    Ugh, you can see her voice tone and cadence when she first started talking in jail and you can tell she's hiding something and has complete control over them.

  • @hallsjuju2400

    I bet CA is furious that everyone didn’t buy her latest story. Even though she says she doesn’t care what people think.

  • @DestinyA83

    She's planting little seeds. But excellent story tellers don't make it so obvious that the viewer can accurately predict whats going to happens next, its supposed to be suspenseful and exciting and unknown.
    Her's are so obvious its like a really bad soap opera.
    And just like a Soap people are eating it up!! Lol idiots are out there voting too.
    1. A. She slept all night and after breakfast was SO tired she can't stay awake. And was groggy feeling. Then had to be shook awake.
    1.B. The conclusion we're supposed to come to is she was drugged.
    2.A. She said there wasn't any way the child left her side voluntarily. She wouldn't have gone outside by herself. Then there was no ladder at the pool side.
    2.B. Our expected conclusion is He did it on purpose! He had to cause there's no other way it could happen!
    (Oh plus she said Im not out right accusing him…. But it wasn't an accident)

    All the signs point to more lies.

  • @DestinyA83

    If her child was dead it doesn't make sense that she'd just sit there with her. Then sit there when he took her away from her arms. Then just sit there while he carried her dead body out and away.
    But ONLY get up when it was time to go see her boyfriend and rent movies at Blockbuster.

  • @DestinyA83

    How did she say that all happened when she was last seen leaving her house with Caylee and then her dad left for work and she went back to the house after he left. Her cell phone proved that plus the searches on the computer.

  • @DestinyA83

    If she didn't remember until she was in jail why TF was she SO SCARED and locking the door while living with her parents!!!???

    He didn't touch her.

  • @Canadian_Made

    I disagree.
    I don't think Casey was the "good mom" everyone claimed her to be…. Rather, I think she was a good babysitter (a job she'd had in her younger days) and friend.
    She took care of Caylee the way a friend would care for another friend's daughter…. Because otherwise, she couldn't just SNAP one day and kill her out of spite for her mother (who wanted a better life for Caylee) and out of resentment for daughter (who 'stole' her spotlight, so to speak)… and so she could rid herself of responsibility.

    That's not a loving mother.
    It's not even reminiscent of a young-and-stupid mother.

  • @Canadian_Made

    No, no, no… It's actually worse than that.

    Casey claims Caylee slept with her because she was protecting her from George, yet she also claims she didn't remember about the SA at the hands of her father until she'd been locked away and isolated from him.

    So, which is it?

    It's similar to her claims of leaving a cold and lifeless Caylee with George and believing she was okay.
    Why? Why would you think that if:
    A) Caylee's unresponsive, wet, and cold
    B) you've hysterically cried about the state of Caylee
    C) you believe your father to be a monster

    How does ANY of this make sense?

  • @Canadian_Made

    Great point, Stephanie.
    What's more believable?

    A) that George Anthony placed the duct tape on Caylee's face to implicate his daughter, Casey, as a murderer…. over an accidental death, or
    B) that Casey placed duct tape on Caylee's mouth as a means of murdering her
    ….. whilst considering that George maintained shock, distress, emotions, grief, sadness, and ignorance to Caylee's whereabouts, while Casey maintained composure, stoicism, nonemotions, LIES, and confidence that Caylee had been KIDNAPPED (by an imaginary nanny) but who was also "fine" as she'd just talked to her on the phone….

    Who's behaviour seems more suspicious?
    And why make an accidental death look like a homicide?

    If Caylee drowned, okay, you call police and maybe just maybe you suffer a charge for criminal negligence of a child.

    Instead, I'm supposed to believe that a father framed his daughter OVER an accidental death, and for what reason? Casey's language with her father leading up to the trial paints an entirely different picture than the one she portrays today….. Rather, as that of a loving father and grandfather whom was loved and appreciated by those around him; including his daughter, Casey, who tells him as much, and requests to talk to him over her own mother.

  • @Kate0Len0Ricky

    Coming back to Cayley and Casey Anthony after having a kid off my own, this whole car just hits a little differently. I always thought she was guilty, but now as a mother myself, the depth of horror I feel with that certainly is on a whole different level. Like my insides twist and ache for that sweet little girl. Casey didn’t deserve her.

  • @ElaineChampagne-ik2pr

    Well we don't love those ppl not even u Casey

  • @ElaineChampagne-ik2pr

    Rosie probably got paid to say this

  • @ElaineChampagne-ik2pr

    Come on Rosie u know dam well Casey is not innocent

  • @FeatherLashes920

    Why is it that whenever I have a bad day I watch this video for a good laugh? I love Stephanie yelling at the tv over this piece of craps lies.

  • @sarahwynn6486

    Dr Krop is talking crap

  • @julialucas1482

    Here is an interesting tidbit. When Casey's family were asking her where they should look for Caylee, she said to look local. Pretty vague but not really, considering where the child was found. Both Cindy and Lee asked her this question during their first visits with Casey by telephone at the jail. During the jail visit with her Mom and Dad, George says he wishes he had been a better dad and grandfather. Casey gets tearful and says, you are both the best parents and grandparents. You are the best grandparents that Caylee could have had, then she quickly corrects herself and says, 'the best grandparents that Caylee could have, (meaning present tense). That exchange is in the YT video of her parents, in the second part of their interview when they are granted an additional 45 minutes. .

  • @jocelynastheart2732

    When someone is innocent, they have nothing but questions. When someone is guilty, they have nothing but answers.

  • @jocelynastheart2732

    Her crying! and saying she just want's her back! uhm casey you should have been and saying that in those 31 one days! I don't believe her! Too many lies!

  • @katherinerobinson

    I have a question for you. Why aren't you an investigator??? Also, can you send your videos to Rosie?

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