Coffee and Crime Time: Eliza Fletcher

“Unraveling the Intriguing Case of Eliza Fletcher: Delving into the Dark World of Coffee-Fueled Criminality”

Eliza Fletcher’s disappearance has baffled investigators for years, with mysterious clues leading nowhere and a web of deceit surrounding her every move. Known for her love of coffee shops and late-night walks, the case took a chilling turn when her favorite barista reported seeing her arguing with a shadowy figure just days before she vanished without a trace.

As we piece together the timeline of events and examine the evidence left behind, one thing becomes clear: this is no ordinary missing person case. Join us as we dig deeper into the murky depths of Eliza Fletcher’s life, uncovering secrets and lies that could finally bring justice to this enigmatic crime.


30 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: Eliza Fletcher”

  • @tdawnaz

    I think I missed it…was he sentenced?

  • @daisymoonsavage5040

    I was SA’d when I was 17. I was told it was not SA because I was on a date with the guy and since I already had a child it probably wasn’t really SA but a one night stand. I was told maybe not be so slu++y. He went on the assault at least 2 other girls. Nothing ever happened to him because he preyed on young mothers because it worked. Utah approximately 1985

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm ❤️🧡

  • @heathermcpherson9047

    💯 Treating violent offenders as if they will offend again and never let them out.

  • @Audreysatch

    I will say in indiana, they only test your kit if you press charges otherwise, it’s sitting there in an evidence locker for up to 5 years

  • @milly7401

    foget the advise just carry a gun

  • @overwhelmedmama1962

    Every case is saddening, but this is "one of those" that just really struck and stuck with me ever since it happened. It's just a whammy of senselessness, preventable, and that Eliza truly, truly seemed like a wonderful person. And also, completely agree with Stephanie when talking about how, yes, in a perfect world, we'd all love for women (and anyone else) to not have to worry a bit about being alone out and about, but evil exists and we have to modify because of it.

  • @jameswornick231

    Absolutely violent crime, lock them up and throw away the keys

  • @haileyoslund

    Stephanie! As a therapist I couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve said. My philosophy is that people will act in violent and egotistical ways when they are disconnected from their communities and other healthy people. When we feel included, important, and part of the world we care about others and understand the impact we have. When we’re disconnected from those things, we have no empathy or care. Such great points!

  • @NatBKiev

    I got a spray after I started to watch true crime. Never had to use it, but it's better to have it just in case

  • @maryroberta8094

    Calling him a dangerous predator is a lot nicer than l would have called him. We are way too lenient on criminals in the United States. So many crimes are committed by repeat offenders that have no intention of changing their ways. After so many violations you should give up the right to see the light of day. There are things as second chances, but if you have been a thug since age 11without straightening up,it's not happening.

  • @karentucker2161

    Sad thing is that we shouldn't have to be "safe" walking is my alone time and gives me time to cool down when I'm angery or upset and don't want nobody near me. Parents need to tell these men when they are kids how to treat woman and no one wants to be cat called and harrassed etc. I do carry protection for myself and have a good set of lungs tonscream for all it is worth. A coo told my mom that it is better to keep a small can of wasp spray because it does mire damage than pepper spray and goes further and the offender HAS to go to the hospital. We have an older guy who walks with a walking stick for safety. He used to bring his dog until it got sick and all.

  • @roguemarauder3154

    Democrat politicians keep letting violent criminals out of prison, that needs to stop!

  • @stephaniephouotrides2435

    I used to jog at 3am but there's far too many stories like these unfortunately

  • @harleyd9857

    This piece of shit is going to trial for another rape recently discovered by DNA, while awaiting trial for the murder of Eliza.

  • @Desert_Marcupial

    You are awesome, Steph ❤

  • @Louisa-Sophie

    Honestly, I think you misinterpreted that woman's statement a little bit. I think she was expressing the futility of knowing that no matter how many precautions she takes, she'll always still be in danger, not that taking precautions is bad. I think we've all felt the dread of "well, even if I gave pepper spray that might not be enough", right?
    Also, while I totally understand your perspective, I think it might be a bit skewed since you think and speak about crime literally all day every day. Crime isn't actually "on the rise" – violent crime rates have been consistently going down in the US since the nineties. Obviously there is still way more violent crime than we want to have (which would be no violent crime), but let's not spread misinformation.

  • @niaselah3348

    More than morally wrong, what kind of person enjoys causing suffering to another being? Disgusting

  • @niaselah3348

    The problem is that they don't blame a male who didn't have a seatbelt on but they do blame women for the crimes committed against them

    I don't think anyone has a problem with taking things to protect themselves. The problem comes from the limitations to your quality of life in a society that's constantly creating the messages, enabling and protecting behaviors that are killing us

    Also as long as it's about women learning to protect themselves there's no need to change the problem which is not ok

    Even if you are not raped or murdered you spend your life in constant sympathetic mode damaging your health and life expectancy in addition to diminishment of your daily rights

  • @niaselah3348

    It's not just the worry it's being forced to be hypervigilant constantly which bodies are not meant to raising cortisol levels, changing the brain and affecting all other functions that are shut down as not being immediate concerns to Survival. No wonder women are having more autoimmune disorders due to survival stress
    They are killing us in multiple ways

  • @thechloechronicles9688

    If he had been in prison as long as he should have been this would not have happened.

  • @kaylahall8300

    I feel like it’s not that we’re mad that we’re told to do things to avoid getting hurt i think the anger comes from the fact that MEN are never told hey leave women alone if you see how working out leave her alone women are not here as sexual objects for you to touch cuz all of the harm that women suffer from men are preventable if it wasn’t wordless “acceptable” for men to do the things that they do cuz why should we ALWAYS be hyper vigilant of the bad things men can and might do while they never get talked to about the things they do on such a large scale

  • @emilyware7162

    Wow Stephanie. You fuckin told it like it is at the end of this video. Parenting, strong family foundation, loving homes. These are the things.
    You were spot on.

    We may not have much money but I am being a stay at home mom to my kids and my husband will not pick his job over our kids. We are going to be present, sober parents for our children because our parents neglected each of us and did a lot of damage. It’s a miracle we turned out okay. There are so many dead-beat parents today that are making the same mistakes their parents made.
    We need to break the generational cycles of pain and neglect. I sound holier than thou, but idc. We have a responsibility to do better.

  • @HollerMa71

    OMGOSH, thank you for addressing "victim blaming"! I am Sooo sick of this narrative! It's not victim blaming to say that a woman shouldn't go out & get sloppy drunk & try to walk home alone at 2am. It's COMMON SENSE!

    And, I'm right there with you on prison sentences. If you rape someone, intentionally kill an innocent person, or physically/sexually harm a child– you have forfeited your right to live in society! 🤬

  • @malicemadness5946

    A few years ago, I was working at a Quik-E (gas station in the East). They had me scheduled to work the closing shift (we closed at midnight) and I didn’t have a car at the time, this was also before Uber and Lyft were a thing. Being as I only lived about 5 blocks away, I would walk home after closing, usually around 1-2am. I quit that job after walking home one night and having a man stop in the middle of the road to ask if I needed a ride and when I said “no, thank you” he pulled off but then pulled in to a store parking lot on my side of the road. To clarify, he was going the same direction but on the opposite side of the road. This happened for several days and after about the third time, I quit. I just didn’t feel safe walking home anymore. It’s sad that women may have the same rights as men but still feel unsafe anytime they’re alone in the early morning or late night. It’s the same reason why I immediately lock my doors as soon as I get in my car or get home. It’s also the same reason why I always carry my mace and a switchblade, everywhere I go. Be safe out there ladies! ❤

  • @karencooper3428

    Parents used to be able to afford for one to be at home, because their children had little, in my family, we were lucky we didn't go hungry, but almost all toys were second hand, we got treated to an I've cream once or twice a year, we didn't have our cars or driving lessons paid for us, second hand clothes too, if we went back to that, it's possible to rebuild your family ideal. And both my parents did work, the treat of consequences was just bigger

  • @karencooper3428

    How do we get women out of being the second class citizens we've become? It's terrible for anyone to only be able to go outside once a certain set of circumstances are met. I'm not from the US, but it sounds very much like the segregation you had some decades ago, it's sad 😔

  • @countessratzass5408

    I live in Memphis. Used to be the criminals wanted your stuff; now they want you.

  • @godsown.9009

    2x speed when she goes off on a tangent….

  • @cassiet317

    As sad as this whole story is, I am at least grateful when the murderer is STUPID. We will never stop people from killing each other, and that stinks, but I hope they keep being stupid and getting caught like this.

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