Coffee and Crime Time: Gannon Stauch Affidavit Discussion Part 1

Unraveling the Mysteries: Analyzing the Gannon Stauch Affidavit in Depth – A Deep Dive into the Intricacies of a Heinous Crime


42 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: Gannon Stauch Affidavit Discussion Part 1”

  • @iveliserojas612

    Come on all those houses and that smell please her daughter new her mom killed her step brother

  • @iveliserojas612

    I honestly believe her daughter new what he mom did mom is protecting her because ur not gna tell with smell and her mom a the way she acted she daughter new because her daughter wasn’t even ask about step brother or nothing didn’t even cry until greasy ate gave a pleading o hate why state attorney d she new I’m sorry I hate that state attorney give hr a plea talking about daughter 😊

  • @Uninspiredbrittnae

    Just really quick on removing blood from clothes, (ladies you know once a month sometimes getting blood on clothes is unavoidable) when this happens I rinse the garment immediately in cold water! Just cold water !If I had known that trick throughout my teenage years I would have saved a lot of shorts and pants.. (this is about removing stains by the way not washing away DNA ,because water certainly does not do that and you shouldn't be committing crimes…) But just something i wish I'd know.

  • @MelCarter000

    Here I am again listening while I make Christmas Eve dinner. As I stated before my birthday is January 27th so this case hit me hard, very hard. Any holiday or milestones my 9yr old reaches, I can’t help but think of Gannon. It’s so heartbreaking he was snuffed out and isn’t here celebrating with his loved ones. It’s so unfair that Lietecia is enjoying Pisney Land as she recently referred to prison as. I was taught not to hate people and to forgive however I just cannot with her. She’s pure EVIL

  • @claussenslacka

    Oh man he is 2 days younger than my oldest. This hurts.

  • @mandadenzer4648

    Colorado Springs has put up a mural of Gannon's adorable face with angel wings on each side. ❤

  • @cRaZyGiRlGoNeMaD

    i know this is a super old video so stephanie won't see, but i used to be the same with 24 hour time! forget subtracting 12, just look at the last digit and subtract 2, that's usually enough, aka 16:00, 6 minus 2 is 4, 4pm etc. Ok, it's a bit more complicated when you get to 20:00 and so on, but still just think 20 minus 2 is 18, or 10 minus 2 is 8, it's 8pm. once you see and use it enough you just start to remember

  • @trsewingdiy8835

    Please take a look at Alison Botha's case from south africa. 1994 she survived a very brutal attack that almost severed her head.

  • @MariaOSullivan42

    I agree 💯 with your theory regarding when and where she killed him! Absolutely 💯

  • @nicole6323

    I would do anything to save any child, so that is why I get so confused as to how ppl can hurt any kids, especially when they have relationships with em.
    Edit: I also do not think he came back home that day. I don't see anyone but her get outta that truck at 2…There's gotta be a reason she went bk to that petco. Did she leave Gs phone there the 1st time & come back to get it?

  • @nicole6323

    She had illegal plates on that VW tiguan. The ballz she had to have on her to drive a body around on out of state illegal plates, and to have him in the storage room when the cops came over that nite. That makes her crazy & nuts. Not insane. She must be a psycho thrill seeker.

  • @letsalltakeawalk6906

    instead of thinking about military time as subtract 12, think of it as subtract 2 and drop the 1. Yes, that means the exact same thing but I find it helps.

  • @delanasowell5477

    This case is exactly why when there’s a custody agreement but one guardian isn’t home or isn’t able to be with the kid, then that kid needs to go to the other guardian. Obviously, it’s case by case but step parents shouldn’t be a placeholder for custody agreements.

  • @datnyboi

    I can always help you with military time, I find it easier and have even taught my kids when they were young to read military time.

  • @sianbeecham2825

    Can u imagine Stephanie with a alarm clock

  • @JamesBaum-ez6uu

    A beautiful child a EVIL step mother!😢

  • @kingstontiffany8588

    Love, love your channel and u do a wonderful job and love all the extra details and what a messed up person she is, yes she s crazy and Al should of saw the red flags but she knew what she was doing 100% and i hope u riots in jail and hurt just like she hurt gannon he didn’t deserve that

  • @robinhigh4188

    Why in the candle audio did you hear Letecia say "young lady" if Gannon is the one who knocked it over?

  • @memyselfi2005

    My son is close to Gannon's age, for somebody to be this brutal, yeah she's a pos.

  • @errrkt

    I love military time. once you get used to it the 12hr clock is a frustration.

  • @michelleprudham1416

    This made me cry that recording msde me cry Ganon crying it was hard to hear .

  • @michelleprudham1416

    He looks a little like every little boy .i had three boys and it hit me hard this case .There is a case in Australia A child called Daniel Morcombe i had been caring about all kids but Daniel was at the time missing he has since been found that he was murdered by a depraved peadaphile.Sometimes we have a case that hits us harder .i mean its all bad right but for some reason, you see photos of the child and they just reach u on a more maternal level .I saw Stephanies photo of her son with a glance at her phone her little boy could be Gannons brother or schoolmate .to me hes just a kid that woman should be boiled in oil .i dont care she lost her temper u dont lose it with kids u rise above it .There kids there supposed to mess up

  • @carlamarlene2927

    I couldnt even get thru 1hour into the part 1 of the trial series you have done. I was sobbing uncontrollably

  • @SweetUniverse

    You got me laughing with your Nintendo switch story, Stephanie 😂😂😂

  • @SweetUniverse

    This is the first I've heard re ransom notes. If a ransom note came from outside the u.s., how were they going to collect the money?

  • @tabithalatendress1

    I have followed anyone covering this case since the day I was stuck on hwy 90 turning into 9 mile for them to pull his body up. I knew when I saw the detectives at the guard rail that a body was found. This breaks my heart.

  • @AutumnSwift2

    I'm still close to my (ex) stepmom, she only had sons so she took advantage of the fact my dad only had girls. She came to both mine and my sister's graduation, technically she didn't have to show up for my sister's sense her and our dad were divorced at that point. There was a time I had fainted randomly and was in the hospital for a few hours, she had come over that night to see how I was doing. It was the polar opposite treatment I received from the first woman my dad got with after him and my mom divorced, that lady didn't give a fuck about us but his 2nd wife actually cared dearly about us.

  • @frontlinepdx6091

    Didn’t they find the bullets in the room?

  • @brianarotten2962

    Next level challenge: Taking a shot for everytime you hear her say "affidavit".

  • @liz8343

    Why are lawns in Colorado always brown?

  • @hegiroflee

    the thumbnail GIRL 🤣🤣

  • @whiteroses47

    That poor child! That "B" needs to burn in hell, there are no two ways about it! I hope they throw the book at her and the inmates get their chance to beat the "h" out of her!

  • @joyceg7859

    They didn’t ask u for doing come ration at your job ??? Lol just curious ( for u telling them u had mono )

  • @gigishadow3790

    They found his switch hidden under a TV stand later. Leticia had hidden 😢

  • @bethnewton1934

    I've been watching trial,This beast of a person and educator..(lol)..has got to be a physcopath..Her eyes are blank,makes my skin crawl,The things she did to Gannon are so horrid,Made me cry.If your watching,say a prayer of peace for this young boy…and she can rot in prison

  • @tracyison2289

    And now seeing how she is acting in the court room. Giving the finger to idek who.. she is trash

  • @nikkicrayons

    Revisiting this for a refresh. Comparing what was known/ thought 2 years ago vs today.

  • @tj8114

    Love your glasses more each time I see them.

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