Coffee and Crime Time: Lori and Chad- The Saga Continues

Uncover the web of deception in the ongoing saga of Lori and Chad- the coffee and crime time duo. This high-profile case involves multiple mysterious deaths, cult-like beliefs, and allegations of occult practices. Join us as we delve deep into the twisted minds of these suspects and unravel the truth behind their sinister actions. The clock is ticking as we race against time to bring justice to the victims and closure to their families. Don’t miss this gripping and chilling tale of love, betrayal, and murder.


26 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: Lori and Chad- The Saga Continues”

  • @gracefulrufedges4155

    Stephanie, who sings the intro song and the closing song? And what are the titles? For some reason, i always kinda assumed your husband wrote and sang the intro, lol! But i am captivated by the closing song! It is so unique and sassy and soulful! And it definitely has some Roberta Flack, Chaka Khan, Natalie Cole, Bonnie Raitt, and the list goes on flavor to it, but theres just something about it. Good choice!!

  • @innervisions1828

    Brandon was shot after arriving home from the gym.

  • @Andrea-Tilburg

    i once drank a whole liter of antifreeze (dark time) and when i was found and taken to the hospital i had blood dialysis with ethanol three times (friends told me later) after a week i woke up but saw some weird stuff (I saw things that weren't there) I'm okay now (because otherwise I wouldn't be writing this) but she did tell me later at the psychiatry that with age my sight might deteriorate faster. i have had a lot of help, because i was taken seriously because no sane person could drink a liter of antifreeze. it was indeed very dirty, but I didn't care at the time because I was spiritually exhausted. but again, i'm okay now and i'm glad i can see the light in life again now.

  • @agapeeternal

    Still can’t over translated beings supposedly not being able reproduce yet both Chad and Lori have biological children smh 🤦🏾‍♀️

  • @paidendenae

    It sounds like Chad literally stole the lore from Mormonism and wrote some fanfiction about it. Like dude get a life! Preferably one that doesn't involve your doomsday fantasy

    Edit: 38:12 supports the above lmao

  • @theunknown3258

    Idk… its now 2023 and I'm watching you talk about this case in the moment…. I already know what happened to those poor kids but I can't help but still feel anxious while worrying where they are

  • @mrbeanieboy2752

    This case is so bonkers it’s insane trying to keep up with this mess 😅

    Also- I have to add- if she really believes she can teleport I wanna know what the he11 she’s been smoking 😳 like some of these things can be explained by mental illness and genuine belief but this is next level delusional it’s crazy to think someone’s mind could warp so drastically and drugs aren’t involved

  • @amandacarr1501

    have you considered doing what the a afc
    podcast does? Disclaimer and that way you can use other news articles as educational purposes

  • @ginapatalano3529

    OMG!! I can't take it anymore!!! Blood viscosity has NOTHING to do with clotting factors!!!! Water is a blood thinner! Anticoagulants DO NOT CHANGE density, osmolarity, viscosity or molecular weight of one's blood!! Kill me now. I just can't take it. Sorry for the rant but hydration is not related to blood clotting. Clotting factors and time equals a clot. Yes, stress may have caused a sympathetic nervous system vasoconstriction in the pulmonary arteries but….probably not. If he was inactive and overweight, maybe.

  • @Cutie11083

    All these killing were for financial gain.

  • @kassidychristensen447

    I'm a lifelong "mormon" or Latter Day Saint and most of this stuff is twisted bull shit. Its so beyond what is in LDS doctrine. eek.

  • @crazy4nuno

    I love Cyril Wecht. Rock star!

  • @sandramarkley7966

    Hello Stephanie I love the song that you have on your intro but there's one part in the song I don't understand something about him living in his afro home what does that mean afro home I always thought an afro was a hairdo so is he living in his hairdo I have no idea I just thought I'd ask

  • @badger313

    I can't imagine how Colby must feel. Not only losing so many close to him but to know, in all likelihood, that the only reason he may have escaped any of this is because he is grown & on his own with his own separate life. I can't imagine what he must deal with daily

  • @lysyloo1

    Can we talk about how by their own definition, neither Lori or Chad can be “translated beings” because they both have children??

  • @mhollman8650

    Neighbor to the Daybell property here in Rexburg.

  • @cindimonks5661

    As a mormon, I can say we are not reincarnated or "rebegin". It's just our one life on this earth and try and be your best. Basically. Very abridged. I hate how this case darkens the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints!

  • @mishkaharding4159

    It’s always multiple wives when you deal with cults

  • @sapphiriclotalise

    I love watching your videos, well listening to them xD they help me get through my work day ❤ the longer the better 💕

  • @stevewalther2293

    We all know how evil Chad and Lori are but Unfortunately the jury might find them both not guilty…lol…

  • @curseoflillith1357

    Where can i find the dateline interview with the 2 lawyers please? Thank you

  • @georgia7112

    Study your Bible, people! Jesus said, "Know the truth and the truth will set you free!"
    These things are so far removed from the truth. I hope that the traditional Morning don't believe in such nonsense. He must have been high and coming up with stupid stories and it took a guppy with an open mouth, like Lori, to believe all that stupidity!
    Read the Bible! It will show you how simple things are…

  • @heathercoon3451

    Did they fly on an airplane to Hawaii? Or did they teleport? Seems like teleporting would save a lot in the cost of an airline ticket….

  • @thehollyberry7975

    There is only ONE GOD! Everyone will find this out one day!

  • @lindseyhudson1274

    Mormons believe in three kingdoms of heaven, terrestrial, telestrial and celestial. Celestial is the highest kingdom you can get into as long as you follow all the rules and get married and produce children.

  • @Princess-zv3yu

    Alright Netflix now this is s crazy T.V show idea for y'all😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Heck you could write a wattpad novel with this

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