Coffee and Crime Time: New Suspect In Madeleine McCann Case?

Investigative Breakthrough: Potential New Suspect Emerges in High-Profile Madeleine McCann CaseKnown for its complexity and international intrigue, the disappearance of Madeleine McCann has baffled authorities for years. The case involves the disappearance of a three-year-old British girl from her family’s holiday apartment in Portugal in 2007. The investigation has spanned multiple countries and involved countless suspects, but now, a new potential suspect has emerged, sparking renewed hope for a breakthrough in the case. Join us as we delve into the latest developments in this ongoing investigation, fueled by a fresh lead that could finally bring justice for Madeleine McCann. Grab your coffee and buckle up, because it’s time to dissect the details of this compelling mystery.


22 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: New Suspect In Madeleine McCann Case?”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    👒 Download June's Journey for free here:
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  • @LeeLee221305

    This video completely changed my opinion on the case. I’ve followed it very closely. This one has always stuck with me!

  • @patriot-dv6dh

    The parents need to be charged for negligence no matter who took/killed Madeleine. My wife and I would NEVER, EVER leave our child alone, but we’re not doctors, so maybe we’re missing some key piece of logical reasoning reserved for MD’s and deities.

  • @loriskotheim4404

    Crying for hours? Smh
    If they weren’t on the ground floor, I might think Madeleine may have fell out the window.
    It’s obvious that after hearing about the two dogs finding blood and deceased body odour that they covered something up. 😢


    Nbs asking how that one neighbor knew it was madddy crying

  • @ginnynolo9025

    I have cameras in every room of my house to monitor my CATS when I’m at work

  • @railwaymechanicalengineer4587


  • @rosemarieniesmarkham625

    How do they know that there friend that checkt on her..didnt take her

  • @giuliamorrell4466

    I dont think the mccanns deliberately killed their child. But otherwise they look guilty as eff.
    The thing that makes me wonder if they are guilty…if i was guilty and wanted to cover up I'd have allowed this investigation to die, but theyve kept it going.
    Theyre very wrong to leave those children unsupervised.

  • @daniellecrentsil57

    If Madeline did wonder out of the flat in the night she would have cry for her mummy.And the dogs snifed dead body on Kates clothes and the rented car makes me suspect the parents Sadly 😢

  • @daniellecrentsil57

    4 nights those parents were leaving their young children alone at night surely people have noticed that Most importantly Madeline did ask her parents " Where were you last night when I was looking for you ? " That should have raised red flags in Kate and Gerry's mind not to continue going to the Tapas on that 5th night as Madeleine might wake up and wonder especially if the door is unlocked for 3 yrs old and 2 toddlers Very ignorant parents, infact selfish both of them. Poor children 😢

  • @Davey_bfg71

    I think that whatever German authorities say about a prisoner who they think is responsible for Maddie’s diassappearance is BULLSHIT. I believe it is a calculated attempt to FIT THE NARRATIVE. The whole narrative in my opinion since DAY 1 has been highly calculated and clinical. I believe that G & K over-sedated the children and that this went tragically wrong. Their only option (in their eyes) was to manufacture a cover-story. 😢

  • @terridemaio7334

    They make me sick Easy to Blame otheres they Were So careless

  • @marylarson1874

    I don’t think the mcanns want help.

  • @user-dk6np4ou2j

    I watched a tarot reading youtube video where the psychic was 'told' that a man was hanging around the ocean club, furtively eyeing Maddie for days. Furthermore, a member of staff was feeding the individual information related to Maddie's family [and to an extent the Tapas 7 families]. This might prove a worthwihile line of enquiry with Christian Bruckner. If they could match Bruckner's phone with any staff member in the ocean club resort that would prove to be a more damning case for Bruckner [or they could extrapolate this to include ALL phone calls made by all staff members made to other people around the time Maddie disappeared, maybe establishing any paedophiles within that call list. It was known by Portuguse police that Pria de Luize had problems with paedophiles operating in the area but suppressed this information to encourage further tourism – money talks and bullshit walks! All the psychic readings have one thing in common: Madaleine was killed which is further confirmed by NO earthly finding of Maddie so far – 16 years on.. It would be instructive for the Portuguse Police to contact these psychic sources because they provide a lot of similar information relating to the location of the body and events leading up to the disappearance. Psychics maybe perceived as 'nutters' but there information has been profitably exploited successfully in many cases around the world, and I repeat a helluva lot of detail is shown in these psychic readings which helps to pinpoint Maddie's location. I have had several tarot readings and the information revealed is uncannily ACCURATE.

  • @davidjbiscoe957

    The Maccanns said they left their cell phones in the apartment. Surely he would have at least taken them

  • @sjordan7085

    End of the mystery? LOL. I think Stephen Birch, the South African Business man had the right answer, but he was silenced by having his life threatened, never to be heard of again! All these 'suspects' showing up periodically are nothing more than distractions. The parents know what happened. The dogs are known to have found blood and scent on the ground. Likely, Madeleine likely fell from the balcony, not realizing it was so far from the ground. She was known to wake during the night and wander. Perhaps plants lead her to think she was on solid ground when she squeazed thought a small space onto an over hang and accidentally fell to the ground. Far more likely to be fatal than a fall from a couch. Likely the blood by the couch came from her being carried inside and put on the couch by whoever found her on the ground. Tragic!

  • @Ali-gb7mf

    How could you play tennis after your three year old went missing?

  • @valerieskwierc2471

    Where did you get that "Go away, I'm reading" sticker? My mom would LOVE that!!

  • @daveyoung9218

    All,these years later and I still believe the parents are guilty and know more than they are letting on and this german guy is just a patsy

  • @trinejensen1707

    It is very convenient for Madeleine’s parents that the police have found a new suspect to place the guilt on 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ It still doesn’t remove my suspiscion from them though

  • @trinejensen1707

    My suspiscion is still placed on her parents 🤔 Who is so irrespomsible and careless about their kids that they leave them on their own, to go to a restaurant seperated from the hotel??? They should have bought take away and eated it on the hotel 🤨 Gerry claimed that it could be compared to sitting in your own garden and eating dinner while the kids were sleeping upstairs inside the house, but NO, IT CAN’T!!! At home on your own property you don’t have alot of strangers walking around everyday and all the time, but on a resort there can be all sorts of people on daily basis 🤨

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