Coffee and Crime Time: Orrin and Orson West

Uncovering the Hidden Truths: The Mysterious Disappearance of Orrin and Orson West, a Cautionary Tale of Missing Brothers with Suspicious Circumstances. Join us for an in-depth analysis of this perplexing case, where two young boys seemingly vanished without a trace from their California home. Let’s delve into the intricate details and potential leads as we strive to crack this chilling mystery.


29 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: Orrin and Orson West”

  • @saras123

    Can you make an update on this?❤️

  • @amee3420

    I'm not a parent, but why would your first thought be to let toddlers play outside in the cold unsupervised, don't they have bedrooms?
    Can't you wait to wrap presents when the kids are in bed…I doubt they would be up until 10pm so you could wrap presents in the evening

  • @ashleyrichards5194

    "I would burn the city down". YUPPPPPP

  • @bonesandhearts5683

    My family had a pretty horrible experience with CPS in the early 2000’s, so we ended up going down the rabbit hole on CPS abuses. Wounded Innocents and No Crueler Tyrannies are both good books about the brokenness of the system. Being involved in. CPS investigation feels like being in Franz Kafka’s The Trial. Just mind-numbing bureaucracy with stakes that couldn’t be higher, and the results are too often that children in dangerous situations stay in those situations and children who aren’t are removed from the safety of their family and placed in dangerous situations.

  • @audibjornsson6107

    All these useless people losing custody of their children is appalling. It takes so much bad shit before the state will take the children it's obscene. And even then they give the kids back quickly, so if they take your kids and let other people adopt them you are a horrifying terrible parent

  • @karencooper3428

    You said you couldn't identify a valid point made by the lawyer, there was no actual point made, valid or otherwise

  • @roguemarauder3154

    If the police believe abuse is happening they had the responsibility to take her kids we can’t assume she’s telling the truth

  • @roguemarauder3154

    How were they allowed to adopt four kids while having two biological and live in only a three bedroom house?

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm 🤍🖤

  • @trinityd7256

    May Classic and Cinsere Pettus rest in absolute peace. My heart will forever go out to them and their family😞❤️

  • @marjoriewilkinson7814

    My heart hurts for Ms Ryan! 🙏❤

  • @kaylahall8300

    I always think it’s gross when adoptive parents change the kids names ESPECIALLY when they’re old enough to actually know their names….always i can’t remember the baby girl’s name but it reminds me of the case of the mom n her boyfriend who hurt the daughter and called the cops n said she was kidnapped at the park and went on tv n blamed the cops for not looking hard enough for her

  • @mjandt7087

    I was in the California system, I know firsthand the system is broken. I’m on the other end that they keep kids in abusive situations and take them when they don’t need to be. My mother even called 911 to tell them she was beating the crap out of us. She didn’t know the call was tracked. I was a teen, my sister 1 yr older than me was also abusing me. She would slam my head into the corners of the walls because I “woke up” those mornings. My mother would change the locks on our apartment or kick me out, I’d be gone weeks and she’d call me in as a runaway to “save her own ass.” The first time? I was mentoring summer school as I had often since I was in 3rd grade, just to get out of the home. Despite the evidence I was left in her care, in an apartment it’s my two abusers because it was “two against one.” The system is broken. Everyday my life was hell, everyday the system failed me. I ended up in an alternative high school that played by their own rules. Many of the kids I met in the group home going there. I had to interview to go there, along with my mother. The principal and vice principal at one point left the conference room, I believe leaving the phone on a call to the other room. That school saved me. My “family” would break me, just leaving me broken enough to be alive because they were afraid of legal repercussions. That school never let them know when I was there. They were some of the only people to even attempt to shield me. I believe I was too old to adopt out. So they kept me there. Those boys were young and the state would have an easier time placing them. I will say at the group home I was in, there were a significant amount of babies to young children. To the point that we, as the older children would look after the small children, help cook, etc. I think there were 10, if even that teens and 30 plus small children and babies. And only a handful of workers. You can’t tell me that those numbers are sense. I believe the teens there were there only because the parents of us were in jail and there was nowhere else we could have been. The system is twisted and ugly but I do know some social workers try. Those boys were failed by the system.

  • @haileyranson8255

    I know it's unrelated but am I the only one who finds that woman giving the statements is painfully slow with her words? She took double the time necessary!! The long pauses are so annoying and the spaces between literally each word is so frustrating!! 🚫🤬

  • @haileyranson8255

    I'm just commenting as I go watching this, but the point stephanie makes about social services etc is so true in my experience.
    It in a lot of cases seems to be that good, genuine parents who are brave enough to get medical help (and admit what happened despite the risk because their baby is worth the risk) are the ones who are penalised. The repeat offenders are often treated with more sympathy and empathy than the genuine parents. I've experienced this first hand – in all parts of life, not just parenting!

    In my opinion; the attitude appears to be that if you are a good, caring and attentive parent that always puts their children first (and this good quality of care is slightly compromised because of an accident) have set the bar high and are punished for slightly dropping below this insane bar. But those who have pretty much no bar are treated better because 'they don't really know any better' etc. Its so backward an appalling.

    It's like when at school there is a really badly behaved kid that is impossible to get a grip of; they're usually praised and rewarded massively for occasionally behave to the same basic standard everyone else does as their bare minimum. The people who are consistently succeeding and are excellently behaved etc are just expected to continue in that manner because that's the bar they've set for themselves. If these kids fall below the bar even for a tiny reason they are usually punished harshly.

    I'm not saying you should be being rewarded constantly just for being normally behaved on a day to day. But it becomes contentious when the bad kids get so much more than the good kids. It's very unfair.

    Sorry for the rant!! 😂

  • @haileyranson8255

    I'm only half way through the video now so I don't have any clue what the outcome is.

    I can understand why the public are confused because these parents are not be completely honest (seemingly). But to do what these people were doing and claiming it was 'all about those boys, we just want them to come out an answer to us' etc. Even if these parents are guilty it's not the public's job to be doing this. The police might not appear to be doing what these people think they should but that doesn't mean they aren't doing a thorough investigation. These parents have the absolute right to want to be private in that moment. For some people it may just be terrifying to be thrust into the spotlight like this generally; even without the added pressure of these lost babies. At the time of this harassment there is no proof that they're guilty. They could be innocent but just weird and unusual people. Being weird or nonconformist doesn't make you evil or a liar. There are millions of reasons to behave this way.

    The public in cases like this have a twisted idea that they're entitled to know every minute detail of the case before it's even been fully investigated! It's absolutely not your right to be involved here. The people on camera expressing their devastation about these boys and the accusations/anger they direct at the parents is not because they just generally want a good outcome for those babies. They're using that as an excuse to start a witch hunt. They just thrive from the drama and gossip. They're very toxic people and it's sad that the spotlight was on them more than those babies 😢

  • @whimsicallady9759

    You and your husband during the HF at beginning of video , y’all are too 🥰 cute!

  • @jennifercorbally3733

    My ex husband once lost our 3 year old on Boxing Day in a busy department store while I was in line purchasing items. I saw him from a distance looking around frantically . I left the line and went to him. Jordan was gone… and the mall was packed. I was a crazy person … running around screaming his name – and for those few minutes every bad scenario flashed before my eyes. I had random strangers looking .. pa announcements going .. and here the little guy was only a few feet away in a candy isle .. I’ve never been so scared in my
    Life for those 5 mins .. I traumatized me .. that’s a normal parent reaction 😢 those poor boys

  • @minarose3193

    They didn’t take your baby from you because you’e WHITE

  • @JainaAllora

    This story is like a punch in the gut….there really has to be a better way of weeding these types of foster parents out of the system. My heart goes out to Classic and Cincere's biological parents. <3

    Also, does anyone else's audio cut out during the clips of the Kern County DA speaking at the podium?:P I hope Youtube wasn't giving Stephanie a hard time with those clips!

  • @my_name_is_rhyme

    41:22 see how this nice white lady's baby didn't get her baby legally kidnapped?

  • @my_name_is_rhyme

    32:57 "PLAY CLIP" nice editing.
    Glad you kept that in.

  • @WittneyFace

    Stephanie describing how long it takes her to wrap a present tells me that she really is that bad at it and assumes that everyone else is too. I'm getting at least 7, maybe 8 gifts wrapped in 20 minutes.

  • @rhondaallan4680

    I totally agree with his statement about CPS! That's exactly what they do… kidnap children, breaks up good homes, and let's very abused children stay with their abusive parents until they're killed.

  • @lilmissjoodypoody

    This smells like kids who got taken away from their Aboriginal parents to be adopted out to white parents, because their birth parents are seen as incompetent and the kids are better off with white people. Yeah I’m not gonna sugar coat this.

    I see that the adoptive father is black so this isn’t exactly the same, but the fact that we see soooooo many children not removed from their parents after chronic sexual and physical abuse at the hands of their caregivers, but these boys were taken off their birth parents (allegedly) for a broken bone while not under their supervision… it’s just what strikes me. Just my opinion, don’t come for me etc 😆

  • @ElizabethDewey-si6sh

    Could you please do a follow up now that the trial is over

  • @Danielle71813

    Was there a trial yet for this case? I need closure.

  • @AlissaSss23

    It's horrendous that the CPS snatch children from their parents for the smallest excuse, instead of supporting them. If they wouldn't have taken these babes from their mum, they might still be alive. Better alive and with a broken femur than missing forever 😢😢

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