Coffee and Crime Time: The Horrible Case of 4yo Cash Gernon

Unraveling the Mystery: The Shocking Case of 4-year-old Cash Gernon and the Dark Secrets Behind His Tragic Disappearance. Dive deep into the chilling details of this harrowing crime, where a young boy was snatched from his own bed in the dead of night. The suspect, identified as 18-year-old Darriynn Brown, has a history of criminal behavior and disturbing mental health issues, making this case all the more sinister. Join us as we piece together the evidence and uncover the truth behind this heart-wrenching tragedy.


27 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: The Horrible Case of 4yo Cash Gernon”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    We need to stop equating those who live in poverty with those who live in what looks like a flophouse. It’s insulting to poverty stricken individuals, and a harmful generalization. Many many many low income individuals take just as much pride in their living spaces as the next person, and plenty of wealthy people treat their homes like garbage cans. So if you’re trying to come for me, claiming I’m looking down on low income people, you can miss me with that. I would think the people saying the house looked that way because they were low income are actually the ones who are looking down on those who live below the poverty line. It takes zero dollars to pick up the sheet curtain that fell to the floor and fasten it back to the window. Y’all always looking for something to catch me up on 🤣 Its funny to me, but sad, too… that’s not what this video is about, so the fact that so many have focused on that is disappointing. Have a great day everyone,.

  • @Callalily0

    Have you done an update on this?

  • @lindagravert4532

    If they had videos of this guy breaking cameras why is that not a crime. So arrest him.

  • @danielchapa3549

    I have surveillance video of Darren dragging little Cash out of the woods, by one ankle, and down the sidewalk. That video was turned over to law enforcement that same morning. 😢

  • @user-te9si4gj9b

    I can't hardly listen to this due to the language

  • @corinacoady2183

    Maybe Monica told Darren to leave the house straight away because if so many knew he was going around with a camera breaking cameras and making threats to kill people. It would make me freak out if I saw him in my home when I got in

  • @corinacoady2183

    Even though they all sound sketchy at the end of the day Darren brown is the monster and scrutinising the rest of them is pointless….

  • @corinacoady2183

    OK so the dad who fucked off using the excuse that he moved and left his kids behind didn't want to upset the kids responsible then blames the woman he left them with doesn't wash with me..and I am with u on the whole bond thing stephanie…leave these evil monsters rot in hell…God love the poor little boy left behind without his twin brother to grow up with…Monica was no Saint either…but if their father had been anyway decent and taken his kids with him maybe his son would be alive

  • @alexbuchholz7072

    Looking better at the video footage it seems to me that it is two different young men coming into the room of the boys. The first who takes the boy moves different and wears different cloth. It seems that only the second time a young man enters and than leaves surprised seems to be the boy accused that may have been used ase scapegoat.

  • @alexbuchholz7072

    I think that Darren is the only one involved, he was clearly everywhere in the neigborhood causing damage, spying on the children…..

  • @taylorvalentine3358

    12 minutes in and tears. This is gonna be a rough one. I usually stomach these pretty well, but this one is too much. Wow.

  • @tinykhami179

    "why would she react and immediately say she didn't want him I'm the house? Why was the daughter so uncomfortable?" You answered your own question not 5 minutes later…the entire neighborhood was uncomfortable with him. And a parent doesn't have to justify why they don't want someone in the house. A lot of times parent pick up on kids problematic friends before the kids do. I hate to admit it but my mom was right about a few of my friends…don't tell her I said that 😅

  • @mommawolf9653

    I mean, monica and her children were a part of the community. She probably knew about the threats and how others were concerned and scared. In my opinion, that is a good enough reason for her to be upset and not want him in her home. It's weird you couldn't put that together.

  • @mandynigro8118

    Oooo I hope they get him in that prison

  • @silveryaya92783

    All these terrible stories about babies being killed or missing is just breaking my heart. That poor little one mustve been so scared when he was awoken out of his bed. Im so sorry, Cash rest in peace, little angel. This world failed you 😓 i pray for his twin brother. Thats one who is going to feel all the pain going foward.

  • @neuesachlichkeit6919

    Seriously, you named the kid Cash. Unless you're a huge fan of The Man In Black I feel like this is a red flag all by itself.

  • @ramonagreen7197

    It was approx 30 mins, not several hours, from when monica woke up and discovered cash missing and calling 911! His twin brother had said he'd gone out of the front door so they checked there first. There's a big difference between 30 mins max and several hours!😢

  • @jaffajenkins

    Stephanie ,, not everyone has the money to , jazz,, up there home ,, Monica was doing the best she could with what little she had ,, and those boys Clearly loved her ,, So enough of the baseless , immiture accusations ,, you sound exactly like the idiots who spread false RUMOURS

  • @boobax2197

    To break into a house with everyone home and take their baby right out of their bed THEN TO COME BACK AND TRY TO TAKE THE OTHER ONE?!?

    ugh.. this one's rough..
    This is up there with Victoria Martens in my book. Her story is the one that sticks with me everyday.

  • @samhuntjr1014

    Killer looks like CAMERON

  • @samhuntjr1014


  • @samhuntjr1014

    The 2nd person in colorized video was brown , looks like he was set up or framed. He looked around like trying to see what happened, then he left

  • @samhuntjr1014

    1st person ghostly video was rapist, the son killer kidnapper

  • @user-if5dh5yv3f

    Do anybody see the red flags why would her children and her be on the other side of the house and the two boys on the other side of the house I think she might have been tired of taking care of them boys and set the whole thing up to have have them boy kidnapped and killed

  • @user-if5dh5yv3f

    You terrible with somebody kids

  • @Thaatgirrrrlllll234

    The mom isnt involved.. shes just been through a lot.

  • @DIANAS5657

    I live in Dallas and have never heard about this story.

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