Coffee and Crime Time: The Search For Summer Wells

Investigating the Disappearance of Summer Wells: A Detailed Look at a Mysterious True Crime Case with Shocking Twists and Turns. Join us as we delve into the deep layers of this perplexing missing persons investigation, where every clue and suspect is meticulously analyzed in the search for answers. Summer Wells’ disappearance in 2021 has baffled authorities and sparked a massive search effort, as the 5-year-old girl vanished from her Tennessee home under mysterious circumstances. Stay tuned as we unravel the complex web of lies and deceit surrounding this tragic case, where the clock is ticking in the race against time to bring Summer home.


32 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: The Search For Summer Wells”

  • @Thisshizisbananas85

    It seems SO unlikely that a total stranger took her. I don’t believe that at all. Did they search the house inside? And bring in the scent/cadaver dogs? The parents seem so very suspicious. Speaking of her in past tense right after she goes missing and then saying he forgets. Then the stories not lining up and the way the older kids are reacting not matching. And two minutes? Nah. Come on. It had to be longer than two minutes.

  • @maddiesullivan588

    The parents know what happened. Definitely they know.

  • @christynorman7288

    Summerschamds were on her lap in the back of the car she wasnt holding the 2 gallon milk cartons. Her hands were covered in dirt and under her nails too.

    She did look as though she was dying to me or drugged …why did Candus keep taking video and stills of summer?

  • @user-yr6ey7bj1t

    The parents are high delayed speech the whole 9…and if summer is just " missing" why do they talk about her in the past tense…

  • @aliciabreaux5310

    I dont remember anything about the day i had to take my sister off of life support. I was completely sober but everything is a blur. I'm kind of glad i don't remember. I 100% believe my mind is protecting itself from the trauma.

  • @christynorman7288

    Ronnie Lawson the Sheriff of Hawkins County – his son is in klink for ponographic paedophilia. Perhaps not the right man for this case. Its taking forever. That area has a massive trafficking ring.

    One does wonder why its taken so long 2 years and 7 months. Nothing to show
    Peace out ☮️

  • @laranewzea4759

    Just because the Wells states abduction, we dont have to believe it. like Candus story, people are arguing how can it be only a couple of minutes. Forget Candus story, its bullpoo. need to concentrate who were they dealing with, did they owe money to druggies. someone must know something.

    Don couldnt get home so fast. He was there.

    I think they were severely in debt. And some group took her and sold her to get their money.

    Why the hell was she in a hot tracksuit after swimming with dirty nails. That was not after swimming that day. Swimming clip probably another day.
    Tracksuit was for the night time cold. she was going to travel and she looks drugged in car ready.

  • @christynorman7288

    How many highs was the loss of their daughter worth. ? I wouldnt have qualms about the parents but for the history of this family.
    They get more for girls than boys.

    Summer wouldn't get far in the couple of minutes Candace said was the time she left her… Is she sure she got the time lalpse right
    Peace out ☮️

  • @christynorman7288

    Incest and SA was the modus operandi for this family. Drugs, alcohol, they both had eight children from two marriages each plus the four they had now. Inlaws, step sisters, parents, and family had all had SA practised against them allegedly

    Surely they could be rattled enough to speak — a truth drug should be administered & questions asked.

    The father comes across as reasonable but his appalling history says otherwise.

    The Appalachians are slways throwing up weird things and their land falls withing that area. They had what was it about 24 dogs???? Surely they would bark had anyone strange gone to the house. It was either an inside job or they were involved in selling her for drugs as the father had done before.

    Strangely the three boys have been silent odd considering there was family history of SA and incest. I think more info from the family and their previous four marriages (two marriages each,).

    Peace out ☮️ 🇬🇧

  • @christynorman7288

    So he says his misdemeanors are in the past. That means his & Candice eight (8) children they had between them all SA and sold for drugs compounded by the families serial SA towards their kids + in laws inc a step sister of the father being SA by him – perpetrators. They also love their alcohol and both had been married twice each. He had a history of psychological abuse and physical abuse. Police had been called in but then Candace dropped the charge.

    We.will leave it in the past (he said). !!! Would fit the bill. These people with multi kids, multi marriages etc why don't they use the pill they dont have to keep having bairns if they dont look after them properly or want them.

    I agree with the commentator saying the shaved head and cropped hair were as a result of lice. So sgain no caring. Candace the mother cant have cared there is medication and advice to daily comb – poor mite no real tangible love. I know you shouldnt go on looks but the mother looks like a bruiser and not motherly. I could be wrong but they do not help themselves.

    The mum had an injury & a knee operation the day before so how could she have been planting flowers and doing the garden with her mother doesnt seem viable.. Too much extra explanation to be believable too much embroidery.

    Imo she was sold for drug money. He had done it with another of his sons. Another son called Donald (he had several sons named after himself) confusing.

    I feel they have sold her. Drugs and alcohol arent cheap and if they were paying child benefit for the eight kids they had both had already in previous matriages and the had four now – their desire to get high would come first before the needs of the child.
    Peace out ☮️ 🇬🇧

  • @kittyjackson4035

    Did she not ask if hunter could go the lake when she picked him up that morning ? How then could it have been as she said lets go to lake while we wait for prescription?

  • @ashleywhite4436

    If you found out your child is missing, you would be speeding to get home as soon as possible. You wouldn't be going the speed limit.

  • @ashleyrichards5194

    I love those frames on you Stephanie!!!!!

  • @ramonagreen7197

    Just a thought, when Don set off from work, don't forget, he's just been told his 5 year old daughter is missing. Could it be possible that he literally put his foot on the gas and sped all the way home?
    I know i definitely would.
    I can explain later if i was caught on a speed camera.
    I know a relative who, when travelling to somewhere that says on Google maps that it should take 40 mins, she seems to do it in less than 10! I'm not necessarily saying that's what happened, I'm just giving my thoughts from personal experience. 🤔😕

  • @mariannejohnson8792

    i hope summer wells is save and some day comes back🤔🤔🤔😧😧😧😦😦😦😳😳😳😭😭😭😱😱😱

  • @PiMpJoOsE10

    Revisiting this case and your video, there's alot to take in. Honestly I want to give the parents the benefit of the doubt, but I'm focusing on the mom in this one. I think something happened at that lake. I really feel that in my heart. Something just isn't right between that moment and then them getting home and her being missing.

  • @shana4843

    Update as of June 2023. her remains have been found on a property nearby the Wells home. Officials have not released any information as to her cause of death or anything. Rest in peace sweet angel

  • @saritacruz3020

    My gut is screaming that the parents are suspish af.

  • @haydenhilton

    Ummm, if Don thinks Utah is such a “moron” state then why was Summer’s second middle name Utah?

  • @brittanyt33f

    I hate how both parents talk about her in past tense. Even soon after she goes missing. She was… she loved… As a mom of three, I couldnt personally imagine speaking of a child in past tense so easily. Poor sweet girl.

  • @djtyner6232

    princess with a shaved head lol

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm ❤️

  • @suzanh2813

    Ok a couple things, first I was reading some comments and it is clear that every single person saying that she couldn’t have wandered off alone due to wildlife and the terrain and the heat obviously did not grow up in the country or a rural area….. quick example I had some cousins that lived 45 miles from the closest town they were farmers out in Texas….. well I was way younger than them and I didn’t feel like being around them that day and I decided I would much rather go home…. Mind you it was August in Texas so you have not mountains but close and very thick brush that is riddled with a ridiculous amount of tarantulas, massive rattlesnake dens, coyotes, and my favorite bob cats….. not to mention all the other arachnid snake feline predators no water and I was 6 (female) I sure did just start marching my happy butt towards home….. 3 hours later when they finally realized I was gone I was picked up over 15 miles from where I had started….. and I wasn’t even (in my 6yr old brain) tired yet…. I was just angry my dad didn’t take me home he took me back out to my cousins….. I don’t think this is the case but it is even possible that Summer literally saw a small animal and wanted to pet it, and followed it….. she gets to the main road and that is when the crime of opportunity happened…..

    I am so sick of people that live out side of “suburban “ keyboard warrior life being judged from the jump…. There are kids in this world that are still raised by their parents and spend time outside and aren’t babysat by a screen….. and they are very resourceful and can manage for way longer and with less fear than most adults even …. When all you do all day is play outside, to a child as long as you are still outside it really doesn’t matter where you end up 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @colleenhershour9452

    I don’t know if anybody else has thought of this, but I was thinking that if the grandma had surgery, wouldn’t she be laying down probably instead of out planting flowers with her daughter?

  • @DarkDiscovery980

    See my daughter lives with my parent's in a very rural area and has autism and has to be outside on her swing everyday all day on her swing set and if someone pulled in the gravel drive everyone would hear or the dog would bark, or so you would think, right? But there has been many times i have driven up and sat with my daughter màny times. My parents check on her every 10 minutes or sooner, but like i said id be with her for 10 minutes without anyone knowing. And ill also say this, 10 minutes feels like 2 mins when ur busy, so it's possible it was longer than 2-5 minutes. I understand how you can have a false sense of security when you live out in BFE, but there are predators everywhere! So it is possible to have someone who see's your baby outside everyday and this person decides they are ready to take action and steal your baby!!
    And these people Don and Candice might not be the smartest or the most upstanding citizens, but you can tell they love their children very much!! But i don't think they are guilty! And i don't think Don's son has anything to do with anything with summer i find it stupid how people wanna bring up these people's past and i can understand why they don't want to bring it up and wanna keep the topic on Summer!!

  • @MariaGuzman-vv2pt

    This sounds like two people coming up with things out of the sky about summer. Not her parents really describe her true personality.

  • @marlaynacaffreyhogeweide5705

    Did they ever do search dogs?? For both alive and deceased

  • @irenestrmnss4496

    If you are drunk or asleep 2 min can be 2 hours.
    To cover up that you did not watch you child good enough you say : oh it was only 2 min ! Much can happen in 5 min with kids.
    Hope she will be found soon, hope parents are innoncent

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