Coffee and Crime Time: The Tragic Abundant Life Farms Double Murder

Analyzing the intricate web of clues in the Abundant Life Farms Double Murder case while fueled by caffeine – it’s Coffee and Crime Time. This brutal crime shocked the small community, leaving investigators with a plethora of evidence to sift through. The victims, a married couple who owned the farm, were found brutally murdered in their home, leading authorities to believe it was a targeted attack. Stay tuned as we dive deep into this tragic case and unravel the dark secrets hidden within the farm’s gates.


21 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: The Tragic Abundant Life Farms Double Murder”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    Click here and use my code HARLOWE to get 55% OFF your first month at Scentbird. What’s your favorite fragrance? Comment below!

  • @iveliserojas612

    He could of left he was 20 but I’m sure the older women is the person who put him to kill parents

  • @maryroberta8094

    I think he was shocked by her putting it all on him because it seemed like he came from a home where honesty was a priority. I love the way you describe her control over him as "sex magicked". Not to be judgemental, but she was nothing to look at.

  • @calliefeezell3196

    We have the same Lululemon bag 😍 I love that for us

  • @dinagarcia2528

    This is heartbreaking, they seemed like such a lovely couple. Side note-I’m a fan of homeschooling if it’s done right. It needs to include socialization.

  • @kayingthao5072

    The problem was home school and isolation from other kids his age…….that’s where the parents made a mistake. Education is more then learning things in a text book, you need social education as well.

  • @VAakitarescue

    Speaking of children killing parents, did you see the murder Abbey Horwitz, who was stabbed over 100 times by his daughter Norah in late 2023. It made national news, likely because Norah is transgender. He was my dentist for over 20 years

  • @lisanee

    thank you for your take, Stephanie. there's only so much you can excuse with being homeschooled, stupid, socially awkward, go on and add some. idk why people here in the comments keep piling up excuses when it shouldn't matter at all, not why andrew stayed with cindy lou nor why he complied with her plan. it was his choice and he went through it on his own, and now Scott and Marilyn are dead. there's no nuance held here.

  • @ginabentley7374

    Why does Steph have me laughing. I shouldn’t be this is not a funny situation but when she’s like “you think so right WRONG”

  • @parkfor3906

    There’s a good chance they started home schooling partly because the boy was having a rough time at school. The other sons left but they knew having this particular son might need to have something s3cured for future days. I wouldn’t be surprised if this farm wouldn’t have ended up in a trust to provide for the future.

  • @carriekeith2266

    One point I would like to bring up, is the fact he was adopted.
    I don't know the psychology behind it, I'm not a professional, either, and this is only an observation/ opinion, a theory, on my part.
    I have seen quite a few cases of children/ young adults, who were adopted and end up killing their parent/ parents.
    Either, because of extreme hatred, and/ or, financial gain.
    There are plenty of biological cases, as well, obviously, but in my observations, there seems to be something about being adopted, which stands out to me in some cases, that leads to these horrible crimes of child homicide against parents.
    It's my theory, children who are adopted, possibly cannot form the natural bonds of parent and child, developed since birth.
    And, since such bond does not exist, it is easier for them to develop these extreme feelings of anger and aggression against their parents, in which most biological children could not fathom having.
    And, if they come to find themselves involved with the right type of dysfunctional, manipulative personality, they are easily influenced to cause harm.
    Or, the adopted child is the manipulator, who gets involved with someone they can easily influence, to do the harm for them.
    Does the anger and aggression against the parents, form simply BECAUSE they are adopted, or is it misguided feelings of abandonment towards their birth parents, turned into hatred and aggression, aimed at the only people present to receive it?
    Despite the fact, they are given everything a "normal" child needs to thrive in life; love, affection, education, all the material things, and a much better hope for a successful future, they possibly ever could have hoped for, otherwise?
    I've always pondered these thoughts, whenever I hear a case involving violence towards adopted families.
    Tragic of course, yet fascinating.
    What a horrible thing to do to such a loving, kind, and giving family. So very sad. RIP

  • @liz3108

    This case adds to the list of adopted men who turn out to be killers….

  • @hennzyjohnson

    Murder is such a betrayal and so selfish, i will never understand how people can kill their family.

  • @lexicybin514

    Love ur page but you keep messing with ur hair and it’s so distracting 😅

  • @TheRealNova99

    Oh sweet Jesus. I might have been able to handle this if you hadn't flashed her picture. Nobody in their right mind gets "sex magicked" by that woman. Unless you mean "sex magick" in the "Shallow Hal" sense.

  • @Kennykenli

    Do I think that Cindy Lou manipulated Andrew? Yes, but do I think that Andrew had his own issues with his parents and used this as an excuse? Yeah. Yeah I do. I believe he used Cindy telling him these things as an excuse to take his anger out on them.

  • @GrizzlyxGaming

    She manipulated him to do it , she lied & controlled him

  • @rachelbennett233

    I always enjoy hearing about the victims and I often think “oh they seem nice” but I never comment. Until now. This family seem like the sweetest people. Such a shame

  • @ducksinarowpatience3670

    Stephanie, you new to deep dive the shady adoptions!

  • @ianfisch7289

    I’ve watched enough true crime to know that it’s ALWAYS the adopted kids.

  • @mgenst234

    Eight minutes into the video and you haven't started talking about the case yet? What the hell. I understand sponsorships are important, but that's insane.

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