Coffee and Crime Time: The Truth About Human Trafficking

Uncover the Dark Truth of Human Trafficking in “Coffee and Crime Time” – A Deep Dive into the Horrifying World of Modern-Day Slavery. Delve into the disturbing facts of this insidious crime, where vulnerable individuals are exploited and sold for profit. Learn how traffickers lure victims with promises of job opportunities, only to trap them in a cycle of abuse and degradation. Join us as we shine a light on this heinous crime and work towards finding justice for the victims.


28 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: The Truth About Human Trafficking”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    The Guardian blocked my video for using their clip, that’s why I say check out this clip but then nothing is there. I put a link to the video in the description box so you can pause this and watch the first few minutes of that video so get an idea of what I mean because I had to remove the clip ❤️

  • @toiletrollholder

    Had no idea so many women were perpetrators of this 😢

  • @alishavillard689

    I'm from Ohio and not too far from Franklin County, and I had no idea. The rabbit hole goes so deep. I'm shook over all of this. Thank you for this content.

  • @zoomer9686

    if some hysterical f*cking psycho woman decides she's gonna freak out on me because she's "trying to protect herself from trafficking" im gonna show her the most "equality" she's ever received in her life 🤣🤣

  • @susyclau7433

    Old video, but you should make a new one on the same topic with Derek, all based on "Sounds of Freedom" movie. That would be amazing

  • @stacieransom5677

    We called back and forth between 2 police departments and they just kept sending us back to the other one. After 2 hours of back and forth, we gave up. It's no wonder girls in Florida aren't safe. Plant City police are a joke. Seffner and Brandon aren't any better.

  • @stacieransom5677

    These scumbags are brazen. My daughter and I were doing laundry last year and some guy was trying to sneakily take photos of her and her baby with his phone. We saw it and she confronted him and made him delete them. It can happen anywhere, anytime. Nothing was ever done because police departments couldn't decide whose jurisdiction it was, due to the location of the laundromat. Meaning nobody wanted to do the work.

  • @shanna_m

    I work in the anti-human trafficking industry with my job being educating and raising awareness. It’s amazing how many people still to this day don’t believe it’s happening in their state or towns.

  • @momsspaghetti6195

    where i am from, pedophilia, school shoptings aren't a thing. like its unimaginable. nowadays due to internet, people are aware of it, but its still quite foreign. i first heard of a school shooting in the US when i was 16 and i thought it was a terrorist attack, like the terrorists entered the school and shot the students, but when i learned that one of the student's brought gun to school and shot other students, i was quite dumbfounded. like it never even crossed my mind that someone can do this. same with pedophilia. why would someone exploit a child? it just seemed so out of norm like it was unbelievable.

    another intriguing thing was that western people do not believe that human trafficking and slavery exists. in my country, people are well aware of it. and i think i even witnessed it once with my own eyes. i haven't witnessed any crime of any sort my entire life, even though i live in a highest country with highest of crime rates. so it was quite wierd. well i was a kid myself and we were on train journey, my family and me. we were in the capital of tha country which is a hub for child and women trafficking with africa and germany and UK. mind u, i dont live there(in the capital). the general public isn't aware of this or don't intervene so the traffickers operate quite openly. they target the poor locals or orphans, beggers for trafficking, people who's dissappearence won't be questioned.

    so i was in the train and infront of me was sitting a 2-3 year blond girl with light blue eyes. the wierd thing was, she seemed so out of place. why? she was with two people, a man and a women presumably her parents, but they weren't. it can't be. they both had dark hair, dark eyes. let's just say they were different race, the kid was white, and parents weren't. so what, maybe they adopted the kid, right? again no, the were very poor. very very poor. the woman and the man weren't talking. the kid started crying and the women seemed alarmed. she didn't know what to do so she stuffed a banana into the kids face. the kid stopped crying after a while. it was seemed so fishy. like i was pretty sure she didn't belong there. i was only 10 so i couldn't do anything. my parents told me to shut up when i shared my concerns. the kid wasn't albino either, which can be found here, but chances of finding a native platinum blond with blue eyes is nil. i thought the child was kidnapped. years later i came across missing baby Lisa's case. i wondered of that was her, but timeline doesn't match. so u see, human trafficking does exist.

    drug addicts here are usually looked down upon. it's believed that they brought it upon themselves(the one's who did of course) like if someone was forced to take drugs, they are helped. but still, society had no sympathy for drug addicts

  • @mmike1492

    I have been saying this for many years. For women always carry something small and sharp and accessible. Always have it available in one hand. I once made a ring with a small protrusive razor that can be swung back and forth and cause scary amounts of bleeding and debilitation to a perpetrator. Also we also have the element of surprise. No perp expects a swift and deadly reaction. Noise, sharp objects, one handed accessible weapons, and surprise and lots of screaming and shouting and kicking if necessary. You do not have to be a kung fu expert. You only have to save your life. Winning is for Mike Tyson and Muhammed Ali.. So remember, a sharp small concealed one handed weapon and surprise and screaming and kicking. Sudden and surprise reaction to a perp scares them. No matter what anyone says it is true. Once a perp feels fear you have him or her then strike lightning fast. Practice these moves at home and join any self defense schools that you can. Always carry spray also. Go to these tech gadget stores and see what they have. Just remember the objective which is to strike fast and deadly which anyone can do.

  • @lizjarvis689

    I was followed through a Walmart one night at like two am by two men and a woman . While I was checking out, I noticed they abandoned their cart by the door n had gone outside. I always shopped there at that time so I knew the cashier who was a BIG guy. I asked him to walk me to my car, and they were outside just standing around about 6 feet into the parking lot. To this day I believe I was being targeted, I was in my earlier twenties n in the Dallas suburbs, n Dfw airport is considered one of the worst for trafficking.

    I believe the fact I asked for help that night is what saved me

  • @zachritter7013

    Derek Lavasseayyyy 😂. Time flies!

  • @par3433

    watching this in the beginning of 2023 and i love that you and derrick have a podcast now omg <3 love you stephanie

  • @jennlinlaw3598

    May I recommend you watch
    Merchant of Souls on YT. I think they should show this in school. Definitely

  • @JustPlainWicked

    I'm sorry guys but what are y'all going to do when you're at gunpoint? None of that is going to help you. You need to know self-defense, how to disarm someone, psychological manipulation, and have your own firearm. Even knowing all that and having your own firearm you can still get taken. But it puts your chances of escaping or not getting taken in the first place a lot higher.

  • @jordanstanley3289

    Just wanted to put this out there for anyone who has kids, Amazon sells a child leash that goes on your arm and your child’s arm it also locks on the child’s arm so they can’t take it off and the material it’s made of isn’t able to be cut off. It’s called blisstime toddler leash and it’s less than $10 and it gives me so much peace of mind when I go out with my son because he likes to run around like crazy. Stay safe everyone!

  • @kimberlytanner2847

    I know this video was posted a while ago but I got followed through the grocery store to the point I asked for them to walk me out to my car, it felt SO weird and I felt so wrong in a way for asking them to walk me out but I 100% think something would have happened if I didn't ask for help that day. The guy was on his phone watching me walk out with the employee and looked pissed😬 Thank you for talking about the hard stuff!!💜

  • @Linda-mj2wv

    I love, love,love the curls

  • @baylorsailor

    Countries brush this issue under the rug because government officials are being paid to look the other way. The corruption runs deep and no country is innocent.

  • @thisbellalife293

    Thank you so much! I appreciate your due diligence.

  • @s3a333

    this is why we NEED to be critical of the sex industry. It's not just a matter of "adult entertainment", it directly drives the demand for trafficked women and children. I worked as an exotic dancer for years and pimps would come in all the time to recruit. Many women I worked with had come from situations like these, there were others who were very obviously just flat out trafficking victims as they did full service in the club for lower prices than everyone else and spoke little to no English. The overlap between legal and illegal is too much… we need to stop promoting p*rn, stripping etc as harmless industries when these industries and their ever-exponential expansion are the REASON why human trafficking continues to rise in this country, with yet again, our youngest and most vulnerable members paying the worst price. We need to do better!

  • @KC-oh4rr

    I live in Chester County but just moved here from NY a few years ago. I am so close to where this happened and I have a 14 year old daughter. This is so scary. I have been talking to both my girls about trusting your instincts and dereks advice about never going to a secondary location. So unbelievably scary. Just for some perspective Chester Co is one of the wealthiest counties in PA and has the best school systems and rated one of the safest counties in the state

  • @kookycat9663

    Here in N. Ireland & the rest of the UK, its illegal for anyone to carry anything like that, thats a "weapon", so no to the tazer, no pepper spray, no knives etc… We can have a personal alarm, whistle, that sort of thing… When I was young I always made sure to carry my keys in my hand, with the keys placed between my fingers & also that I had a can of bodyspray or mini can of hairspray close to hand too…

  • @karenraba4709

    Can anyone tell me the title of.the Crime.Weekly episode that focused on self-defense?

  • @LazarL

    Being very wildly open-minded, I had a phase when I didn't understand why do people comment on sex work as such a dark thing. Through age and experience, unfortunately, I learned that it's a dark world, very damaging for the heart. This is happening in all situtations, even today, refugees from Ukraine are instructed that in Germany sex-work is legal, and especially welcome in Berlin. I support people's choices, I don't believe we can erradicate trafficking alone, or sex work, but we can be more educated and careful. This is not a helping hand.

  • @kaitlyndismuke9966

    I was once with a friend at Barnes and Noble, and this girl came up to us that looked to be about our age. She was super friendly, and said she couldn’t help but notice us looking at some board games that she was really into. She asked us about ourselves, and I noticed right away that she seemed to have just about everything in common with us, somehow. (For example, I mentioned I had just moved to the area, “oh, I also just moved to the area!”, and it was like that for everything, throughout our conversations and meetings). We chatted for about 15 minutes and then all exchanged numbers, and she said it was nice to meet some potential friends. We thought she was nice, if a little extroverted.

    Then she called me a few weeks later out of the blue about a great “business” opportunity that they were only offering to select people. She felt that I had the “skills and personality” they were looking for. She did not mention a company name, an industry, or anyone else’s name. She said she wanted to meet up with me for coffee and get to know me a little better and see if things might be a good fit. I said okay, thinking it was just a coffee in a public place after all. She also promised that after the coffee she would give me more specific info on the company and all that. We met up and she starts asking me about my life, where I work, if I have a long term relationship (she focused on this in a way I found weird, like asking how serious we were and if I saw us getting married, if we live together, etc). She also emphasized that my bf should be fully involved and informed of what was going on…and I immediately suspected that this was done solely to comfort me. To make me think that it must be harmless since they weren’t isolating me. And again she somehow related to everything I’m interested in, either she is into it or she knows someone who is.

    Then she tells me that she actually has to run but that we should arrange a phone call between me, her, and her “partner”, who is the expert in their field and wanted to chat with me before we all met and finalized things. Red flags are going off at this point but I figure it’s just a phone call, you know? And at this point I was just plain curious.

    A few days later we all get on the phone, and this guy gives me the creeps from the moment he says hello. He asks me how the girl has been treating me, and I said she was great and I was very curious to know more details. He said that was very good and that he liked my enthusiasm. He went on to talk about how important their work was, how I could make serious money, and that I should only commit if I was serious because this was not for just anyone. Still no company name or details, but basically trying to make me feel like I just HAD to take such an opportunity.

    After 10-15 minutes of chatting, he said that “now that he thinks about it”, it was probably better to come to one of their “dinner events” in order to fully get the picture of what they were doing. He told me to dress nice, and that the girl would pick me up from my apartment and bring me to the event. I asked if my boyfriend could come and they said yes, after a brief hesitation. They gave me no address so I could drive myself, and the implication was that it wasn’t a choice if I wanted in. At that point I just agreed so that I could get off the phone as quickly as possible, and said I’d text my address. After we hung up I blocked them both everywhere. Luckily we never met anywhere personal to me, and I’ve never seen or heard from that girl since. Just sharing for awareness..

  • @jade-wr9pn

    I was walking one day when two guys in a small SUV slowed to a stop right in the road ahead of me. This is coyote territory, so I always walked with my S&W S.W.A.T. in my hand and I just thought "yeah you go ahead."

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