Coffee and Crime Time: What Is A Serial Killer?

Delving into the Depths of Darkness: An Examination of the Mind of a Serial Killer

Serial killers are individuals who have committed multiple murders over a period of time, often with a cooling off period in between each attack. They exhibit a pattern of behavior that is both calculated and methodical, with a twisted motivation that drives them to continue their heinous acts.

One infamous example is Ted Bundy, who confessed to killing at least 30 women during the 1970s. He would often lure his victims in by pretending to be injured or in need of help, gaining their trust before ultimately taking their lives.

Understanding the psychology behind serial killers is crucial in solving these cases and preventing future tragedies. Through meticulous investigation and analysis, law enforcement officials can piece together the puzzle of what drives these individuals to commit such senseless acts of violence.

Join us as we uncover the chilling truth behind what makes a serial killer tick in our exploration of the dark and disturbing world of true crime. It’s Coffee and Crime Time – get ready to dive deep into the mind of a killer.


41 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: What Is A Serial Killer?”

  • @Rainbowofthefallen

    Just commenting for the algorithm ❤️

  • @Sy5temfire

    Such a good video! Bringing back major memories of Crim/Soc and AP Psych in HS. Loved my psych minor in college. You're so good at making everything interesting!

  • @greenwitch3378

    so I was emotionally and physically abused when I was younger and I never turned out this way I can't fathom how people can hurt animals let alone kill them. we're as my brother he has all of these apart from childhood trauma or abuse. He was the child that 'the sun shone out of his backside' 'couldn't do anything wrong' this led him to get a god complex, in mine and other people's opinions that I have spoken to about it. He tried to kill me on many occasions and my mother just laughed and asked what I did wrong when I told her. He has been in and out of prison his whole life and he's even admitted to me he wants to kill a person to see what it's like.. Needless to say I have zero contact with him anymore, but it makes me wonder if there is a connection to serial killing on that part aswell?!? I genuinely believe he will kill someone eventually but I have no idea what I can do about it I've tried speaking to the police about it but they said they can't do anything until something happens, wich I genuinely find disgusting

  • @colorsflight6432

    I just started this so not sure what the conclusion is but Jon Ulher has a lot of good info on this and he says a person becomes a pychopath over time by ignoring there conscience over and over again until they no longer have one anymore and this is what the bible refers to as a reprobate mind.

  • @susanborkenhagen58

    3 comments: 1st…psychologists have learned that a true psychopath can never change but a sociopath may improve with intense therapy and there are no drugs to treat either one. 2nd…the film Three Identical Strangers explored triplets who were separated as infants and placed in similar families but had different economic status to see if it was Nature or Nurture. Basically, it was a combination of both but the "study" was/is secret since it wasn't ethical. 3rd…elementary school teachers can spot kids with problems and they document everything they observe but usually no one at the school site takes this info seriously.

  • @pandorabryn

    Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has been discredited.

  • @eveofeloquence3850

    Wow! This is the best coverage of that leach's disgusting acts that I've seen.

    I don't know if I'd be able to do what she did. I especially would not have been able to continue sekkshual acts with that nasty slug after hearing that explicit description of himself with a child. 😒 I'd prob bite his tiny Vienna sausage in half.

    But can we talk about the feds? I have personal experience with them as I was arrested by the DOJ for theft of $26k in social security funds for my disabled son because I didn't report his move to his father's home as a primary residence even though his father had the card the money comes on. Anyway, they picked me up 7 years after the fact. I've never had any criminal history before or since. They spent more money prosecuting me than they said I stole. But they have priorities very skewed. They don't care whether someone is a good or bad person, just the lowest hanging fruit they can pick.

    The truth has very little place in the federal court system. They never even got the facts of my case correct but it didn't matter. They just wanted that guilty verdict in their wins column.

  • @martinamcveigh5809

    The Mick philpot case in the UK

  • @chanellbalch5484

    I hope you continue with the serial killer series- I know ted bundy, Jeff dahmer, green river killer etc are well know cases… but your research and delivery are impeccable! (I really enjoy your deep dives!!!)

  • @OzmaOfOzz

    I love Steph for doing this video and research 😭

  • @BG-ig6fd

    Just wondering what explains the few killers who weren’t abused as children, but came from loving homes. ? While less common, they do exist.

  • @BG-ig6fd

    Fascinating subject!

  • @heather_doestruecrime

    I don’t agree at all that “every person is capable of anything.” There are certain things such as crimes against children that you have to have something truly wrong with your brain chemistry to commit. To each their own, though. I won’t argue against anyone else’s opinion, I just highly disagree.

    Now I think it’s ridiculous to think that serial killers are ONLY born that way. It’s absolutely a mixture of nature and nurture, perhaps even more nurture and circumstances than being born that way. At the same time, there are CERTAIN things that I do believe you have to have something wrong with you severely – to do. If that makes sense.

    Like not everyone who has a bad life is going to go on to do bad things, and not everyone who does bad things has had a bad life. That’s the best way I can explain it.

  • @SarahHualde

    have you heard of the chicken coop murders? They took place close to where I live. Southern California

  • @jacquelindethrow5645

    This was such a fantastic video. Well done.

  • @katiebellile7822

    Best synopsis of this I've ever heard. Genius ❤️

  • @camelar4886

    Thank you as always for your truly exceptional levels of research 😊 Very interesting and informative video! I never really comment, but always ensure to leave a like. I’ve never met anyone with my same maiden surname De-Salvo, so I’ve always found it surreal that the only person I know of is the Boston Strangler. 🥲 Would love to see a video on him! Love your channel so much. 🖤

  • @SarahHartz-Martin

    Do you have a list somewhere of the books you were talking about in this episode? Very interested in reading them

  • @ashoalcraft4404

    When it comes to the gender divide, I think there are significantly more female serial killers than we know. For a variety of reasons, they're not caught at the same level male killers are. But the way we socialize men in our societies means they are much more likely to kill.

  • @ccampbellmusic

    That Charles Manson footage is harrowing

  • @victoriawyatt8799

    I would love a deep dive about Ted Bundy and Ed Gein.

  • @annachristinanotyet4678

    Makes me wonder if there is a diagnosis for the "opposite of socio-psychopathy."?

  • @annachristinanotyet4678

    Haha careful in the end the Talkshow host and the intelligent guy are actually related over corners.

  • @memyselfi2005

    Can you do a coffee & crime time on artist, and singer/ songwriter Elliott Smith? The case is 17 years old, and still an open case as police and coroner could not determine whether his death was caused by suicide or homicide. As far as I can tell even though the case is still open nothing further is being done. They can neither close this case nor solve it. I think it would be a researchers dream, and as a huge fan of Elliott Smith & a fan of yours, I would love to hear you cover it and hear your opinions!
    Thank you for your consideration.

  • @ladymadini

    i would love if you could do a video on Richard Kuklinski! he’s a very interesting person.

  • @brittkeller4979

    it would ne interesting if we were able to calculate whether the percentage of female serial killers was higher than 11 % historically, when people were not able to test for poison as readily as in the last century. I wonder how much the advance of science has affected whether female serial killers act out on their impulses as readily.

  • @posiabuse421

    I would love to know where the art shown in this video is from/who the artist is? Ie the picture of the person examining their detached face as a hand mirror and their hollowed head a cage.

  • @racheldodge7345

    Hey Stephanie, I’m obsessed with your channel and how you present the information on the cases you work so hard to bring.
    There is a horrific case that has bothered me for years and I haven’t seen anything further mentioned since it happened. It’s the murder of Victoria Martens in Albuquerque, NM.
    I’m curious to know if you’ve heard about what happened to this precious little got.
    With your capabilities and skill in story telling, if this one I can look forward to seeing on your channel.

  • @elisatolle4931

    What about brain trauma?? I don’t believe it’s all psychological.

  • @ReptasaurPepe

    I forget what case it was but a female came up with the name serial killer but it was when us woman didn't matter lmao

  • @rachelcamp7887

    Who sings this intro song? I'm a musician (I play guitar) & I absolutely love this song!!! I can't get it out of my head!

  • @mariakirton8870

    Maggie long happened in my home town I’d love to see her get coverage

  • @DianesDiamondPaintingJourney

    Not sure that you will see this comment but in the early 80's I took a class from Dr. Elliott Layton at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, Canada. It was the most interesting class and professor that I ever had. I also own the book- Hunting Humans. Sometimes I think people are just born bad born but I think most of them are made bad by their environments when they are are younger. I really love your series and how you deal with those mysterious minds that we will never really understand.

  • @brandongutleben2222

    Oooooohhhhh this song is cool….

  • @fareehakanwal4857

    Completely unrelated but I love your lipstick selection! Been binge watching you for a lot and always notice how complementing your lip color is for your complexion and goes with your hair also

  • @marymckenna1936

    Should be used as required viewing in class. The pathology alone!

  • @deceitfulqueen9187

    If you have a chance, you should cover the Gainesville ripper case, a case from my hometown. It was horrible 🙁

  • @polkadotfiend

    This was amazing very informative. Thank you.

  • @SuperAshls

    Serially killin’ it with your videos! :p thanks Stephanie 🙂

  • @Lscs1989

    Did someone already mention that Fallon faked his results for fame?

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