Coffee and Crime Time: Where is 5 Year Old Dulce Alavez ?

Delving into the Investigation: Seeking the Whereabouts of 5 Year Old Dulce Alavez – A case of a missing child with potential abduction suspicions. The disappearance of Dulce Alavez has sparked a massive search effort, with authorities tirelessly analyzing every detail in hopes of bringing her home safely. Stay tuned as we unravel the facts surrounding this perplexing case of a young girl vanishing without a trace.


26 Comments to “Coffee and Crime Time: Where is 5 Year Old Dulce Alavez ?”

  • @StephanieHarlowe

    You know I’m right about Monopoly 😉

  • @annaf6317

    I also dont understand how could a mother let her so young children get out of sight. I dont have children but even with my dog, I have always one eye on my doggy, and mentally noting her movements, whatever I am doing, all the time. But.. I also understand that mexican culture might be different so I would not be so harsh on that woman who said that mexicans dont watch their children so much.. That might be true and I think she said it as a matter of fact in her belief, from her experience, etc. In my culture and I am pretty sure in every culture there are many people who let their children run free without much supervision because they just dont expect anything bad would happen to them cos nothing bad happened to anyone around ever.. Anyways, I hope little Dulce will come home safe. Her mother seems to be little off, maybe immature, naive, however I dont think she has anything to do with Dulce dissapearance. What would be a motive. The father, on the other side… Hmmm..

  • @AntonDogg

    Are we just going to ignore the fact the hostess is a red headed Kristen Bell?

  • @crimedoll8346

    MY HOMETOWN! Okay so I was actually a block away in family court fighting with my ex when this happened. I just remember leaving court and there were lines of people stopping each car asking if we had seen her. I only know what made the news each night, like the basics. And that she was never found. I actually was just looking into her a few months ago because I couldn't believe she still was never found!

    I work overnight pumping gas right now, (having to start life all over again is great! Everyone tells you how you should get out of violent situations and it seems there are always tons of people willing to help you get out, but unfortunately once you are out no one talks about how you and your kids are normally standing there without so much as pieces of a life to put back together, and all of the people and organizations that advocated for you to walk away from your situation are gone faster than they appeared! But I totally digress…) Sooo, as I'm a total extrovert and very social, working outside alone overnight is incredibly lonely and your channel along with a couple others are really my only company. I was searching through your favorites playlist, and I couldn't believe it when I saw this case. I will definitely update after I watch to give my reaction / perspective / comments as a local of the community that was impacted by this case.

    One thing I will say is that sadly there really was no impact. I definitely had a few sleepless nights imagining one of my boys going missing the way she did, and her face really was plastered everywhere and still is, however there was never much talk about it other than that. It's sad to think that I know absolutely nothing about this case, when I was literally blocks away from this little girl when she went missing, yet almost every other of the dozens of cases I've watched you cover I know more information about.

    UPDATE: okay so a couple things. I know this probably won't be received well if at all, but I really do have to say as far as the mom's reaction goes, it comes across 100% normal and genuine to me BASED ON the subculture of these young second generation Mexican mothers around this area. I know for a fact that she was not incredibly active or responsible in her daughter's life, or better said her role in her daughter's life was more that of a big sister. This is not to put her down in any way shape or form, I just do know this for a fact. That's also incredibly common, at least in this town. Also, this is not a small town type of place where people know each other. It is actually very large in space, and it's a farming town. It's pretty safe to say that nobody really knows each other at all. On top of that, the subculture of immigrants, Mexicans, is its own little world. Even in school, and mind you I did not go to high school here I'm actually from a couple towns over, but even in school the second generation Mexican students really tend to stay to themselves and I think it probably has to do with a lack of ability to fluently speak English. A lot of the girls get pregnant very very very young and they do tend to keep the babies and the babies are raised by everyone.. meaning the grandparents, order siblings, etc etc. I'm probably not explaining myself well but I'm just trying to give you guys insight into the community and The subculture we're talking about. I feel like if this was any other case I was looking into I would be totally suspicious of the mother but for reasons I tried to explain and for a lot of reasons that I just can't, I 100% and not suspicious of her or the way she was in the Dr Phil interviews.

    As far as the park goes, this park is kind of in what you would consider to be like a Town square, except not. It is highly visible from all angles and sure tiny little hills can make little areas of it's not visible unless you walk a couple feet to higher ground or lower ground, but overall it's actually not crazy to me that she was sitting in her car helping the 8-year-old with homework who would have homework when the 5-year-old would not. Again this goes into what I was saying about the family dynamic with some of the Mexican families out here, they are all working in fields and their children are raising their other children and even their grandchildren but are still children themselves. Man I'm tired, I'm writing this after my long shift, but I hope it's still making sense and I don't plan on read ing super long comment to fix it up so it is what it is.

    Lastly, I don't know if you just did not do an update about this and I'm going to have to research if I think to to see why this is such a prevalent theory at least in my area, but when I looked up this little girl a few months ago it was basically completely accepted by everyone in my area that we biological father, or in case I'm remembering that wrong a male figure that had to do with the mother, is the one that's responsible. In fact, now that I'm voice to texting this comment out I remember it's widely accepted around here that it was the biological father and he brought her to Mexico. I remember seeing a lot of flyers with a picture of him, a picture of her, and even a license plate and vehicle that he was last known to be driving. So, as far as him being in Mexico and never leaving I'm not so sure that that is true, and maybe it was accepted to be true when you made this video but then later they found out it wasn't, or I'm remembering incorrectly, but either way while she was never found it does seem like it's kind of case closed in this area that that is what happened to her.

    As always, thank you so much for the coverage and I'm really glad you brought light to this topic although there are a few other cases from our area that I wish somebody would dig into that are much much more mysterious than this one. It's crazy that I'm even saying that because this is a little girl that went missing in broad daylight that just never turned up but I guess it's because even subconsciously I have already accepted that she's in Mexico like it seems the entire community and police force have. sorry everybody for any redundancy or typos, this is totally voice to text while I'm doing a million other things. Hope I was able to shed some light and give some insight because I know this case had just an overall lack of information.

    One last thing I wanted to mention: like I said in the beginning, I was stopped by dozens of people lined up stopping every single car to show flyers and ask for information just hours after she went missing, and I actually think it was within an hour of her going missing. Because of this I bet they got a whole shit ton of those good intentioned people that are just wrong with their accounts that Derrick always talks about on crime weekly. I can only imagine all the different tips that were given to them, because they were stopping dozens and dozens and dozens of people. I even remember racking my brain and trying to give them any piece of information I might have on any little girl I had seen that day, so it makes sense that there's different descriptions of men and kind of a lack of credible information or actual interviews that we can look back on. I think everyone just really wanted to help, but looking back that was probably not the smartest way to do things, but I also don't see a real good solution either.

  • @brittanyhaskins8252

    i have never heard of this case, we NEED more help for children! this is devastating. i saw your Fingerlakes coffee in the beginning..I managed and worked at Fingerlakes coffee roasters for over 10 years!! thanks for all the amazing coverage, deep dives, and all your hard work! i love seeing you on true crime daily podcast as well!!!

  • @Camey71073

    This entire story sounds fishy. I, personally, would NEVER let my child or grand child at 3&5 in a park that far away from me. Although, I have seen some parents do some things I find incredibly dangerous and irresponsible with their children. Idk how to feel about this story….🤔🧐🕵‍♀️

  • @JR-xw5nv

    Thank you for covering this! I grew up only about an hour from Bridgeton, so it's a case that haunts me a bit.
    I really think people are too hard on Noema. I will say Bridgeton is a high-crime area, and it's not a place anyone in the surrounding area would allow children to play alone. However, Noema was 19. Maybe not legally a kid, but pretty much a kid herself. She wasn't able to have a normal childhood because 4 years if the time she would have legally been considered a child was spent raising children. Noema shouldn't have left her kids alone, but I don't think it's fair for people to judge a teenager the way they might judge an older adult. And watching 3 kids at once is difficult. She could have managed it better, but no one is perfect. I'm not sold on the idea her father being involved because while this never reached the level of Madeline McCann, this still received enough news coverage that I could see people watching him more closely. If the father suddenly had a little girl with him…I just feel like this wouldn't be as easy to hide as people believe. As for her seeming to show little emotion, everyone reacts differently. The introduction of new info on Dr. Phil is strange, but not enough for me to point to a definite sign of guilt.
    Ultimately, while I wouldn't be shocked to find out I was wrong, but lacking more damning evidence of guilt, I see this as a young pregnant mother trying to watch 3 children at once. Noema made mistakes, whether due to youth or simply feeling safer than she should have, but ultimately, a lot of missing children cases involve a parent turning their back for a few minutes, going into the house and leaving kide in the yard for a few minutes, or letting kids run off to play together. Often the parents are even older than Noema was. Morgan Nick, Amber Hagerman, etc. I just think she shouldn't be judged too harshly.

  • @terridemaio2926

    Your intro is Great to Dance to

  • @little_mswriter9942

    As an ESL person, thank you for acknowledging that when stressed, we might be struggling with language. I’ve noticed that when I’m stressed, consciously and unconsciously, I try shifting to Spanish; either my thought process shifts languages, or my accent thickens. I also struggle with English then even though I’m fluent. Thank you for that

  • @wildspirits8683

    She herself is a child. She is trying to process everything going on herself. That explains why there's no emotion. We all have to understand that as grown adults. Remember she had this baby at 14. He had no time to be a teenager.

  • @elenamercado4824

    In regards to the language barrier, at least for Dulces mother, I have stood right next to her during interviews. When she's answering in English she's flat and basic. When she's able to express in her native language she starts to tear up and her voice cracks, some times having to stop speaking to hold her composure. She is hurting still to this day. Also much more active in keeping her hopes for her daughters return alive. There's been walks, demonstrations, a tree dedicated in her memory (which the mother appreciated but was very sad about because it seemed as if accepting the tree in her "memory" was accepting she wasn't with us anymore), birthday gatherings in the park where she went missing, and she has been present for searches but never can bring herself to actually look-just kinda stays near-with her other children and supporters.

  • @terridemaio2926

    I Dance to this intro

  • @elizabethm6657

    I live in the same area and see her story on our local news (Philadelphia). Her Mother is at the very least irresponsible and more likely, responsible for her child's disappearance/death.

  • @misticalak7039

    My Cheda (grandma) was Dena’ina Athabascan and English was her second language and she was a “slow” talker. She spoke great English but she still had to think before she answered questions just looking for the right words and when you have to concentrate on your words, it is easy to look unemotional

  • @beastkid1524

    I haven't heard of this before but her mom is way too calm but the statement made by that teacher is BS my sister married a Mexican man and he is extremely protective of my sister and their kids even other family members like my kids ect I think she was probably taken by a stranger who saw an opportunity probably a pedophile sadly

  • @whimsicalsimmer00934

    My daughter is 5 and usually ignores my true crime videos, but she overheard "this is a 5 year old little girl" and started paying attention. We have had a lot of talks about stranger danger, but she was really listening this time. I've taught her to yell "This is not my dad/mom" and if she doesn't get help, she knows to start screaming swear words. A 5 year old screaming every swear word she can think of should gain a lot of attention from the adults around. I also watch her like a hawk, I'm the mom on the playground with my kids

  • @bjguz930

    Hmm, as a person of Hispanic decent I'm nit sure that teacher was too far off 🤷‍♀️ growing up I always thought it was weird that my tios and tias just let us do and go wherever we wanted . Nobody was ever watching us and I myself was almost kidnapped. It was alarming to me even as a child, It always stayed in the back of my mind and now as a parent myself when we go to family parties I give my kiddos a goid talking too before we arrive. But to this day I see my nieces, nephews and little cousins running amuck 🤦‍♀️ its aggravating. It's definitely a cultural thing

  • @stephaniehatcher9165

    I want to give the mom a little credit because I have known parents and I myself have been in a moment where you’re either so tired or so focused you just kinda lose it for a second and when you snap out of it you’re like “oh crap” and focus more on what’s happening with your other kids. I think Dulce is missing and someone took advantage of her mom not being right there at that moment. People have looked away from their children for a literal second and they’re gone.

  • @aleisaetheridge8682

    This is terrible and U pray that whomever took this precious little Girl isn't doing horrible things to her r has already done horrible things and killed her. I used to never want to go for the parents. I always thought No way would a parent do something awful to their own child. Well unfortunately We all know to well that They do. I can't imagine someone taking my child and getting hounded because people think I did something when U didn't. I'm sure it must be the mist horrific thing that could ever happen to a parent. It's so sad that children lately , seem to be hurt by their own parents as much as more than a stranger. Why people have children and abuse them baffles my mind and makes me sick. I pray this sweet little girl is safe with someone and not hurt r mistreated and gets back to her mother if that's where She was safe.

  • @marilynsears7611

    One thing that makes me cringe is people saying how they teach their kids not to talk to strangers. They don’t seem to realize they didn’t teach them WHAT A STRANGER IS !!!!!! Ask your little kids what is a stranger and be surprised !

  • @renatasauerland8543

    Why would they be mad at her for eating? Wasn't she pregnant???

  • @tamaracolon9506

    I think she had something to do with it… I personally think she sold her…

  • @Diamond92189

    Noema keeps changing the story a lot idk I still believe that she sold her baby i hope karma gets back to her 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  • @Diamond92189

    The mom sold the girl 🤬

  • @alicianowell9758

    I’m not gonna say allllll Mexicans leave their children alone but in my town in a very large Mexican population and when ur at the park or grocery store you do often see these children very young running around alone 🤷🏼‍♀️ so again not all or just Mexican or anything but that wasn’t an entirely incorrect statement

  • @victoriatackett443

    This is becoming one of my favorite channels

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