Hey True Crime besties welcome back to an all new episode of seriously Hey everybody welcome back to an all new episode of seriously it’s me Annie your true crime bestie here to break down another case for you now before we jump in today’s case might sound a little bit more spookier a little bit more I don’t know dangerous dark because if you can

Tell my normal annoying vocal fry is even worse because I am sick and I have been trying to not record for the last few days to give my voice some rest but my voice just isn’t coming back and crime never sleeps so you know I’d still

Jump on here and record this for you guys and share this update with you guys because this case is absolutely insane before we jump right in please do all of the podcast things rate review share do your thing and we are gonna jump right into it in today’s episode we’re going

To talk about a case that I covered earlier this year now when I first heard of this case and began to dig into it more it became apparent that while it was locally a high profile case Jared’s voice and his story needed to be heard on a more National level Jared’s Widow

Kirsten’s strength throughout her tragedy truly touched my heart and I wanted to do right by Jared his family and his story and I wanted to tell it all everything we know in one video start to finish so that his full story can reach an even wider audience and so

That his voice and the voices of his loved ones can continue to be heard all in one place while we raise awareness and justice for Jared’s case since January of 2023 details of a conspiracy to murder Jared bright again a father and husband in Florida have been slowly

Unraveling it’s also been dubbed as the Microsoft murderer because Jared was a Microsoft executive now the latest developments in the case will shock you and leave you wondering how much more is still to be revealed though the case is tragic it’s good to see Justice finally unfolding and perhaps just perhaps Karma

Being served and being served on a golden platter it’s time for everything to come full circle and for Jared’s family to finally find some closure or at least the very beginning of it so buckle up and get ready as we dive into the full story of the murder of Jared

Brightigan and if you’re watching this over on YouTube whether or not you’ve heard this story or not comment along and let me know the red flags that pop up for you as you begin to realize that something bigger was going on here this case is ongoing so everything in this

Episode is alleged and everything else is 100 in my opinion if it is not cited from sources I mean this is undoubtedly a horrific murder and the person who pulled the trigger has already confessed but authorities have stressed from the beginning that this gunman did not act alone

This morning a shocking twist in the brutal murder of 33 year old Microsoft executive and father of four Jared bride again Shanna Gardner’s indictment acknowledges her Central and key role in the cold calculated and premeditated murder of Jared bright again she called the implications that she was involved sensationalistic and

Inaccurate and she felt threatened by the scrutiny I hope it brings Justice I hope that those who were involved in his murder are caught I hope that we can get to a trial quickly I just hope that there’s a resolution and that I can answer Bexley when she asked me why Jared bright again was from Jacksonville Florida he was a husband a father and from what I have read he was a very respectable genuinely kind guy he had been married once before and had two twins a boy and a girl with his ex-wife Shanna after his divorce in 2015 he met

A woman named Kirsten they were both working at Microsoft at the time they hit it off and they got married in 2017 and shortly after that they settled in Saint Augustine Florida and they welcomed their first daughter together and then quickly welcomed a second daughter Kirsten ended up leaving her

Job to be a stay-at-home mom but Jared continued his career at Microsoft he provided a very nice and stable life for his family by all accounts Not only was Jared a nice guy he was a family man he was a Hands-On father and spent a lot of

Time with his blended family and Kirsten and Jared seemed to have a great relationship and love story between the two of them Kirsten said Jared is the type of guy where the minute you met him you just fell in love with the kind of

Guy that he is she goes on to say that he is honestly just the best dad and that whenever she needed a break he will come scoop up the kids take them out take them outside and give her a minute to catch her breath however not everything was perfect even though Jared

Had gotten the divorce back in 2015 and custody with his twins was set in stone there were still court filings constantly coming in from his ex-wife many people around him said that it was very difficult to watch Jared go through constant Court battles when all he

Wanted to do was focus on being the best husband and father that he could be then on the evening of February 16 2022 the unexpected happened police investigating a deadly shooting tonight this is a live look at the scene police still out there right now the shooting happened in the

Neighborhood which is right off when Maxwell joins us live at least a dozen police cars were at the scene earlier how is it looking now Anne well Stacy we’re at the intersection of sanctuary Boulevard and Jacksonville Drive still an active police presence here that section of sanctuary Boulevard

Totally blocked off a neighbor tells me he heard three gunshots he says it was one gunshot followed by a pause and then two more he says this area is wooded there aren’t any houses on that street right there he says it goes right on to JTB so if anything like this happened

It’d be really easy for somebody to just get off right there Jared had just dropped off his ten-year-old twin son and daughter to his ex-wife’s home in Jacksonville Beach and he was headed back home with his two-year-old daughter Bexley Bexley was in the back seat of

The car and Jared stopped because of a tire that was on the road near the exit of the sanctuary neighborhood where Shanna his ex-wife lived when he got out of the car to move this tire that was in the road Jared was shot multiple times as he attempted to move that tire his

Vehicle hazard lights were still blinking with his daughter still in the car seat unharmed Bexley remain in the car for three full minutes near her dad’s lifeless body before a passer buyer stumbled onto this gruesome scene pulled her from the car seat and called 9-1-1 police believed that this was a

Planned targeted Ambush murder and attack because the tire was placed on the road that Jared regularly traveled to drop off and pick up his Twins and because he was specifically shot when he stopped to get the tire out of the road Jared was only 33 years old when he was

Brutally and premeditatedly gunned down police asked the public if they knew anything or were in the area and saw something and said if they did to contact the police immediately unfortunately though nothing came up and everyone that knew Jared was completely shocked by this Jared didn’t have any

Enemies he wasn’t involved in anything shady no drug involvement nothing at all that made any sense to where they could come up with why someone would want to do this they wondered if maybe the tire set up was for someone else and Jared just happened to drive up to the Tire in

The road first and he got out and he was the one gunned down by mistake but then the whole thing didn’t make sense because it would have been obvious that it was him when he got out of the car police didn’t have any leads for weeks despite multiple statements begging the

Public to come forward given the circumstances of Jared’s tragic death and the targeted Ambush happened to be near his ex-wife shanna’s house on the road that he always took to leave people started wondering about who Shanna was while Shanna got remarried as well she got remarried in 2018 to a man named

Mario Fernandez at the time she was running a baking company called Beach baked 904 and she was living in her home near Jacksonville Beach I’m Gene Pickett and we are around town today with Shanna Gardner Fernandez from Beach baked 904. hey Shannon brother hey Jean how are you doing this morning

I’m here Wide Awake awesome now Shannon never spoke out after Jared’s death or made a public plea for somebody to come forward even on behalf of her children Shanna was also not invited to Jared’s funeral but what struck Jared’s family and friends as odd was that she didn’t

Let her two twins go to the funeral either and it appeared that although they were still having some court filings Court disputes custody disputes they both were remarried they both seemingly had moved on without any answers for who was responsible for Jared’s death people with immediate knowledge about Shanna and Jared’s

Marriage started talking ultimately this led to instantaneous scrutiny for Shanna after details of their vicious divorce became Community gossip along with her behavior following Jared’s murder but that would soon change when a few weeks later police released a surveillance video of a vehicle that they believed could be involved in Jared’s death and

This video would break the whole case open they said that on February 16th between 5 30 pm and 8 30 PM a truck was seen circling in the nearby surveillance videos of the crime scene the police said that the truck is dark colored likely blue a 2004 to 2008 Ford F-150

With four doors and running boards that it had brown trim and a silver toolbox which that is a very solid lead and very good description of a truck but who did this truck belong to and was this truck connected nobody that knew Jared recognized this truck at all yet the

Police still believed he was targeted at this point there was a 55 000 reward for anyone with information on Jared’s murder and at this point a lot of people were still talking about Jared’s ex-wife so let’s get into what all of the fuss was about with Shanna why was Shanna

Getting so much heat in all of this to paint the full picture we have to go back to the beginning Shanna Gardner Fernandez grew up in a Mormon community in upscale Alpine Utah her parents Sterling and Shelly Gardner co-founded the company stampin Up which sells paper craft products now stampin Up is based

Out of Utah and get this it has an estimated revenue of about 100 million dollars a year no big deal right chump change right just some Pocket Change Shanna first met Jared while visiting a friend in Florida in 2009 Sherrod was also a devout Mormon and a member of the

LDS church According to some friends apparently Jared wasn’t really that interested in Shanna at first but that didn’t stop her from pursuing him instead she whined and dined him in an attempt to flaunt her family’s wealth all in hopes that this would make him attracted to her specifically this

Friend said to news outlets and I quote it was like she was saying look what my lifestyle is like I fly you all over and my parents can pay for everything and apparently it ended up working Jared and Shanna fell in love and they got married

At a temple in Salt Lake City in 2010 shanna’s parents bought them a 800 000 House nearby and allegedly Shanna and Jared both drove a Mercedes even though neither of them had a job instead shanna’s parents gave the couple at least 8 500 a month as some sort of

Allowance or stipend in addition to access to the parents credit cards shanna’s parents also gave Jared a hundred thousand dollars to start his own business about a year into the marriage Shanna became pregnant with twins a boy and a girl when the Twins were born their daughter was healthy but

Their son was born with a serious congenital heart condition doctors told Jared and Shanna that their new baby boy needed to live at sea level for his heart to function properly so they did what any parent would do and they moved to Connecticut ticket because it was

Close to Jared’s brother and his wife which was also close to their son’s doctor in New York even though Shanna and Jared had only been married for around two years after that move to Connecticut their marriage took a major turn for the worst Shanna stopped going to church and instead started a very

Intense workout schedule and routine Shanna was also frustrated that Jared was gaining weight and was focused on trying to start a business Jared could feel the frustration in their marriage creeping up more and more so he convinced Shanna to move to Jacksonville his hometown where they could have a

Fresh start together so Shanna agreed and soon after that the family of four moved shanna’s parents bought them another eight hundred thousand dollar house in Ponte Vedra Beach Jared continued to be a devout LDS member but not so much Shanna despite growing up LDS Shanna was kind of over it but she

Still loved working now and her Newfound love for fitness so for Christmas in 2014 Jared bought Shanna a set of personal training sessions Shanna started her personal training sessions soon after Christmas and it wasn’t long before Shanna started to have a relationship with her personal trainer which isn’t cliche at all soon after

Jared found some sexual emails between Shanna and the trainer and he confronted her about it Shanna denied that there was any sort of Affair going on or any romantic connection or any sexual connection and instead just told Jared that she didn’t love him anymore however that didn’t push Jared away since they

Had two young children together Jared told Shanna that he wanted to still fight for their marriage and he wanted to get back to a place of loving each other at least for the kids sake but Shanna said no and she filed for a divorce on February 23 2015. in the

Court filings she said that their marriage was completely broken and that they didn’t love each other anymore after she filed for divorce they were still living together at their house in Ponte Vedra and continued to do so for a while before Shanna demanded that she be granted the house also primary custody

Of the kids and then accused Jared of threatening to withdraw cash from the kids trust funds Jared said that wasn’t true at all and actually countered that he wanted primary custody that he wanted alimony child support the house and said that Shanna had the resources to live

Somewhere else and he didn’t he also accused her and I’m just putting a quote on this spying on him by hiding baby monitors in the children’s bedroom and attaching a tracking device to his car lawyer with pictures of the monitors that he found and he told his lawyer I

Want the flipping Gates of Hell released on her for this despite all of this Shanna wasn’t giving up so she took it upon herself to install a lock on the master bedroom so that Jared couldn’t get in and allegedly she placed a voice activated recorder in the house on

Top of all of this Jared told his lawyer that Shanna was lying about all of her finances when she claimed that she had no income and that she actually earned thousands of dollars working under the table for her mom now we have no idea what’s true or not with any of this but

It is all in their court records and everything about their divorce seemed really nasty always escalating and just kind of the divorce that you hear about in horror stories like horror divorce stories which kind of surprised me because Shanna was the one who wanted this divorce she said she wasn’t in love

With Jared anymore even though he wanted to fight for the marriage so why was she so hell-bent on recording him spying on him and making this just so toxic between them if she had the money had the means wasn’t in love with him anymore could just be out what was all

Of the toxicity about so in all of the horrible vitriol and mess one thing they did come to an agreement on was custody a Shared Parenting Agreement of 50 50 and they came to that agreement in July of 2015. but that still never stopped the fighting they continued to drag each

Other back into court for six years as the years passed shanna’s filings grew more hostile and her accusations even more extreme in 2019 Shanna accused Jared of coaching and interrogating the minor children and recording their statements and threatening to use these coached recorded statements against their mother her calling this conduct

Abusive and outrageous and demanding a social investigation in June of 2021 Shanna filed another motion for not letting her borrow a breathing machine for their son since that specific machine was better in high altitudes and she was going to visit her family and Utah the court filing said the father

Apparently considers his vindictiveness towards the mother more important than protecting their son’s health and life Jared is more concerned with humiliating the mother than making sure his own child does not die so going back to the months after Jared’s death when Shanna was in the line of fire of public

Speculation two people came out of the Woodworks to talk to the media one person who remained Anonymous worked at a Florida tattoo parlor and he told media Outlets that when he heard about Jared’s murder and shanna’s name being brought up he realized that he knew her

And he had knew her because he had become somewhat a friends or acquaintances with her years back after the divorce apparently Shanna went to that tattoo shop to get her vagina pierced when the employee went back and looked at the date that she came in he

Realized she came in to get her vagina pierced the day after she filed failed for divorce okay so if you guys follow me on Instagram which if you don’t you should it’s at Annie Elise but if you follow me on Instagram you know my husband Jeremiah is the one that does the

Cooking in the house he makes steaks he makes rice he makes sweet potatoes and he makes it all and he makes it for the kids as well he is like I mean a godsend to be honest but when I’m looking to make something quick and easy for myself

Because I either get in the door a little too late or I miss out on his awesome cooking I’ve been relying on hellofresh because everything arrives on your doorstep and ingredients are in pre-portions so you’re not having to buy like five different canisters of spices

That you really only need a pinch of for a specific recipe and then you know the rest of it is going to waste it’s all pre-portioned for you and arrives fresh at your door which to be honest now that school has started I don’t really have the time to do grocery store runs

Anyways because I feel like I’m just always on the go always so busy and always in a hurry which is also what I love about hellofresh because all you need is 15 minutes and then you will be enjoying a tasty satisfying Meal made in your own kitchen that is so much better

Than and fast food and also PS costs way less than fast food so for a quick and easy meal you just look for their quick and easy dinner options plus they have quick breakfast and lunches too now what I also love about hellofresh is that

They make it so that none of the meals are boring okay they have over 40 Chef crafted recipes to select from every


27 Comments to “COLD & CALCULATED: Microsoft Exec MURDERED | Jared Bridegan Case Update | Shanna Gardner Arrested”

  • @annieelise

    Please keep Jared's wife, children and family in your thoughts. <3

  • @raymondyu1290

    Shanna remind me of Wendi

  • @taylorbrickman3872

    My personal opinion as far as motive goes is that she was constantly spoiled and given whatever she wanted with hardly any of any boundaries and not expected to go through hardships or have any real life challenges. I think that being that she had that upbringing that she just purely wanted what she wanted. And what she wanted was all the materialistic objects, all the kids, all the glory, the new men, the new body, a new life, and I honestly think she was just being vengeful and nasty and even wanted to be the only one who felt "okay" and came out "okay". I think she honestly just felt the need to be greedy and have everything positive for herself and wanted him to hurt. Then she had him killed. And was smart enough to try to make it look like it was 2 completely separate people. I just think she's a spoiled brat and now I'm concerned that her parents have those children and can't let them see the other side of life. Pisses me off because it doesn't make actual sense except that they are once again enabling their daughter.

  • @nddst77

    One word: Selfish

  • @ashleyripperda2646

    The step mom should have been given custody of them since mom and step dad murdered their dad.

  • @joewhite9459

    This is always my first question, did he vote for or support the biden crime family if so then too bad so sad, if he loved our country and wasn't a dummycrat then definitely do a very thorough investigation.

  • @iveliserojas612

    What is with treating her nice she had a child almost killed

  • @iveliserojas612

    Shannon left her husband after that she divorced him pathetic as women

  • @danielleS257

    This occurred in my neighborhood and we were so glad when they finally arrested the ex. I have a friend who works with the brother & they knew she was responsible forever. But police were great about building a case that she can’t beat. As a side note, this case is an AMAZING example about how the omnipresence of cameras today and the evidence they provide is changing the way criminals are being caught. When this happened we (locals) were not sure there would be any video clues based on the location but images they were able to recover really was vital to the arrests of all involved.

  • @MommasaySoFoo

    Not a prude, not funny, but when you said vagina pierced haha

  • @josielorraine8466

    I know the old guy isn’t innocent-but these two took advantage of him/his situation…it’s disgusting. I am SO glad Henry is testifying against them. Shana is a HORRIBLE human. I really really hope the twins get a chance to be with Jared’s family. Her family keeping them away is very telling…imagine being a child whose mom did this-and being forced to live with the grandparents of the one who did it-being fed just BS lies…not allowed to see their dads family to be able to hear memories of him. Not being able to see their siblings…just gross.

  • @user-kg3jo5dz1s

    Cristina should get custody of the twins. If she wants it. How heartbreaking for the two older kids who will remember what their mother did to their father.

  • @imajesusgirl7546

    Tea…..1/4 tp of paprika, 1/2 tp cinnamon, a dash of pepper, 2 tp of honey. I love it.

  • @ML-di8lt

    …. I highly doubt that's what she got pierced.

  • @user-ts9jr8uz4g

    Please cover the case of Khaleesi Cuthriell from Augusta County VA

  • @valquinn3788

    How on earth do you get your Vagina tattooed?

  • @Dozerdogy

    Awww those poor twin babies… Those grand parents need to let the twins see their other family

  • @kmf7142

    Those kids are NOT HERS And she has no right to decide what is right for their well-being and mental health. It's would be MUCH better for them to stay away from all of it and live with just Shanas parents for good.

  • @kmf7142

    Men are vindictive. I know ir says women are but men are so mean and evil. Shana wanted a divorce and so he threatened to take the kids and take the house and take the money and so she recorded him. If he would have just walked away and been a man and got on his own two feet instead of mooching off her family money…..

  • @JessicaCoffman-le1gd

    I love the bond and strength of this family. I pray they are always this bonded. I pray for the entire family and those sweet babies.

  • @cicchiamichael


  • @thekateniven

    There was no reason… she had power & control issues… she needed one up on him.

  • @levcath13


  • @lisaz9820

    Annie’s hair looks hot , if I did that same hair cut I would look like a Karen

  • @EJLJ1986

    Um don’t take this the wrong way but why do 90% of YouTube murder stories start with “and they were members of the LDS church”

  • @stacyschminkey2620

    I think the kids so go to his family… best case scenario, step-mom would get custody, children all raised as siblings with the only parent they have left. Let the grandparents play a grandparent role.

  • @jenniferb2763

    Shana is at the very least, a narc, and a sloppy one. She love bombed Jared. She completely changed herself shedding her religion quickly and latched onto another mans ideals.

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