Behind The Scenes: Criminology and Investigation

Often, media representations simplify the complexity of solving criminal cases, leaving the audience with a rather superficial understanding of the process. In truth, the investigative process is intricate and painstaking, with its foundation deeply rooted in criminology and criminal law1. Expertise in criminology, criminal psychology, and law are essential tools in unraveling mysteries that seem impossible to solve.

Cracking the code of crime solving involves an array of elements from evidence collection, forensics, uncomfortable interviews to unending hours of surveillance that often cross international borders. Law enforcement officers pull fascinating facts from the seemingly insignificant pieces, interpreting them to put together the puzzle of the crime.

Role of Forensics

Forensics plays a central role in investigations. Forensic science can be understood as the application of various scientific theories and methods to answer questions relevant to legal systems2. This can involve examination of physical evidence, forensic chemistry, pathology, DNA profiling to name a few. It articulates mute evidences, and speaks volume of a crime scene.

In high-profile, unsolved criminal investigations, forensic science often provides that much-needed breakthrough. For instance, in the infamous Green River Killer case, Gary Ridgway was caught after nearly a 20-year manhunt. Advancements in DNA science allowed investigators to finally link Ridgway to his victims, resulting in his ultimate conviction3.

Applicability of Behavioral Profiling

Apart from robust forensic work, another fascinating domain in the process of cracking complex crime mysteries is behavioral profiling. Employing principles from psychology and criminology, expert profilers generate a comprehensive profile of an offender’s traits, behavioral patterns, and characteristics4. This practice has allowed some of most elusive criminals to be tracked down and arrested.

The infamous BTK (Bind, Torture, and Kill) killer, Dennis Rader, was caught based on a detailed behavioral profile. The profilers managed to accurately predict Rader’s living location, marital status, and place of employment, effectively leading to his arrest5.

Polygraph Testing: A Controversial Tool

Often dramatized in TV shows, polygraph tests are contentious in their applications. Generally speaking, polygraph tests attempt to gauge truthfulness by monitoring physiological indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiration while the subject is asked a series of questions6.

The ‘Spy who Trapped Himself’, Aldrich Ames, is a memorable instance where polygraph tests played a significant role. Ames, a CIA officer turned-Russian spy, initially managed to pass two lie-detector tests during his time feeding information to the Russians. However, a routine polygraph test in 1991 eventually led to suspicion and discovery of his double dealings7.

Inter-Agency Cooperation

Criminal cases with wider geographical impact, often necessitate cooperation between national and international law enforcement agencies like Interpol and the FBI. Sharing of vital information, resources, and forensic data has been instrumental in solving crimes that have gripped nations. For instance, the pursuit, capture, and conviction of drug lord Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman required coordinated efforts from the Mexican authorities and DEA8.

Understanding Criminal Minds

Solving high-profile criminal cases often hinges on a deep understanding of the criminal mind. Notorious criminals often display what experts classify as typical of psychopathic or sociopathic personalities. The capacity to unravel these mental disorders, to predict their actions and to navigate their deceptive behaviors is integral to making arrests9.

Cracking the code: An Ongoing Challenge

While advancements in forensics and psychology have given law enforcement better tools than ever before, novel criminal tactics present constant challenges. Whether it’s the advent of sophisticated cybercrimes, the emergence of untraceable cryptocurrencies aiding illicit trade, or complex syndicate operations; the quest to crack the code continues. Law enforcement agencies constantly adapt, learn, and improve to keep a step ahead of criminals10.

While it’s easy to romanticize this crime-solving puzzle, the process is fraught with frustration, setbacks, and sometimes, dead ends. However, it’s the tireless pursuit of justice that motivates those brave enough to enter this field. Crime solving, at its core, is a journey whose reward lies in the preservation of social order and safeguarding of innocent lives.


1. Freeburg, D. (2002). Forensic-Science/p/book/9780367273024″>Forensic Science.

3. Criminal-Psychology-and-Criminal-Profiling/Canter/p/book/9780810847279″>Criminal Psychology and Criminal Profiling.

5. Douglas, J. (2019). A Tremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector.

7. opa/pr/joaquin-el-chapo-guzman-sinaloa-cartel-sentenced-life-prison-plus-30-years-ordered-pay-128″>US Department of Justice.

9. scams-and-safety”>Common Frauds, Scams, and Crimes, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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