Cults: David Koresh And The Branch Davidians: PART 4: This Is NOT An Assault

Crimes Uncovered: The Infiltration of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians: PART 4: The Deceptive Cult Leader Exposed


46 Comments to “Cults: David Koresh And The Branch Davidians: PART 4: This Is NOT An Assault”

  • @ashleylyn

    Girl, you did more fact checking for this video, than Janet Reno did for this entire operation.

  • @sweetpetite8910

    Stephanie Thank you for honoring all those who died by telling the whole true story of this shameful day(s) in America. We appreciate all you do to provide us with the full story in an unbias way. As a Mom this breaks my heart for all the babies šŸ’”and families. … I am a fan forever of Coffee and Crime!

  • @n8gixx6smith50

    not even done yet but I left my opinion in the comments on the first video. Steph did absolutely amazing covering this. my parents were a little on the extreme side, they dressed my sister's up as waco babies on Halloween to make a statement. my stepfather started stockpiling guns an teaching us how to shoot and how to move with a rifle or pistol. I learned a lot but it really did turn my parents into extreme "preppers" I believed most of my life that the world was going to end. Y2K, 9-11, even 2012! my stepdad was convinced that the government was coming after us. he joined a militia type group and everything went downhill from there, his paranoia went from bad to way worse at one point we did have a black SUV parked on our property. my dad went to confront them and they drove off the road and threw a field to avoid speaking with him but we never seen that suv again. I think it could have been innocent, could have been a stalker stalking someone in my family, but I don't discount the possibility that it was some government entity. I definitely own guns and can never get enough ammo but I don't base my entire life on the world ending. I don't think letting it consume you is a great idea. anyways sorry for the tangent. overall my opinion is still that the ATF, FBI and anyone/everyone involved made HUGE mistakes and then instead of owning it, in true government fashion they covered it up at all cost. with all that said David koresh was a predator and a sick pos. but those children were innocent and they burned at the hands of our governmentšŸ¤·

  • @billsmith8381

    Incredible series and so well done! I learned more from you than every documentary I've watched put together, I am a firm believer that every death that took place falls squarely on the ATF and FBI. The ATF ignored warnings that took away the element of surprise and could have arrested David Koresh out and about at any time. The FBI was worse. They ignored skilled negotiators and phycological experts and attacked the compound for no reason resulting in all of those avoidable deaths.
    I'm not saying David Koresh is innocent in all of this but they had every right to defend their home. They were a peaceful group that had no intention of attacking anyone at any time. In my mind this entire charade was an act of government terrorism against civilians that didn't mean anyone any harm. I stopped trusting the government is at Ruby Ridge. Waco only cemented my concerns. Both were acts of government overreach and an overzealous group of governments entities that wanted to make a name for themselves to secure future Congressional funding.

  • @user-if8qq7xv2d

    Koresh was a parasite. He needed to be taken down, but it easily could have been done in a peaceful way. Our government – every single one involved – was wring and should have been put in prison.

  • @user-if8qq7xv2d

    Government liars! Period.

  • @Robynn813

    Amazing job Stephanie!! I was a kid when this happened, and of course believed šŸ’Æ the narrative. Iā€™ve since grown up and learned to be a skeptic on everything! I watched the series and the documentary! Wow, you did so good! I learned so much I did not know! ā¤

  • @lorimarie8771

    Stephanie your research is amazing
    I watched what happened at Ruby Ridge I didn't say anything.
    I watched what happened at Waco and I didn't do or say a thing.
    Then they came after the Bundy Ranch and the people stood with them they are still alive.
    We are not free people as long as we allow our government to strangle us.
    I will never just do nothing any longer!

  • @lynylcullen8370

    Fantastic job on this series! Keep up the amazing work!

  • @HumpfyArt1502

    I saw a lot of documentaries about Waco and David Koresh so I thought I knew a lot about this subject. But you proved me wrong, Stephanie. šŸ˜‚ I learned a lot of new facts thanks to your series. So thank you a lot for that! šŸ˜ƒāœŒšŸ»šŸŒ¹ Your channel is awesome!!!

  • @mythoughtsnotyours.8140

    26 kids!?!! Omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜¢Innocent souls,Unbelievable!
    There must be a line where government power must not infringe, that line should be above where human lives CAN NOT be lost, where little kids will never die as a result of adult actions or beliefs. Janet Reno was notorious for bad decisions , including the Elian Gonzalez Case.

  • @ashleyparks1738

    Yea I'm calling bs Waco was swept under the rug- huge cover up

  • @JennyLynn0001

    That picture of the soldier illustrating the tear gas is exactly what I had to do at basic training to prove to us that our gas masks work… you have to take the gas mask off and breathe the tear gas…. I definitely would not want to exposing kids to that -_-

  • @jacobfields39

    I canā€™t believe all the comments defending this cult. David was a monster who used these people as a shield. He took the wifeā€™s of make members. He had sex with young kids. He impregnated a 14 year old. He was a horrible horrible person who brainwashed people into staying in the compound to protect him.

  • @kellyhamlett9086

    I enjoy the cult videos, I am intrigued with how individuals related to Clinton take the fall. I do believe the children should have been removed.

  • @jeca763828

    I just finished watching the Netflix series and I had so many questions that fortunately have been answered here. Thank you so much for putting the time to give us these series and and on top of the work you also brought in the human side of all the people involved.

  • @Rob-san

    Hi Stephanie, I don't think we ever found out for sure if those guns were illegal considering I don't know if it was established that the right paperwork and taxes paid to make them legal. Also did you mention that Ruth Riddle came out of the fire with a computerized disk containing the manuscript that Koresh was writing when the FBI was denying that this was taking place? This manuscript can be found along with commentary from Dr Philip Arnold and Dr James Tabor who were to receive the document after it was finished as per the signed legal agreement between Koresh and his lawyer Dick DeGuerin. Tabor and Arnold are central figures to how it should have turned out, peacefully. Also as to the prior point, both Koresh and Steve Schneider both retained lawyers for legal representation for when they came out. Another argument against mass suicide. Altogether a fantastic job!

  • @jellycatfish

    I got goosebumps when I realized that I was watching this series on February 28th, 2023, which is exactly 30 years after this tragedy started.

  • @origamipein18

    Such a sad tale. ):

  • @heartbeatsdrum

    Your channel is my favorite way to learn all the details about things I've heard of and never really looked into. I ALWAYS learn more from you than any other source.

  • @daniellestates246

    So many ppl lost their lives to keep the goverment on the heroā€™s side

  • @kayskaht2052

    Just finished up this four part series! Absolutely incredible! Thank you Stephanie! šŸ™ā¤ļø

  • @JenesisX

    Thank you so much for this series! It's been a great and educational watch. I was already familiar with this story, but I still learned a lot from this series. You do some major research and I love your delivery style. You've quickly become one of my absolute favorite pod casters on YT!

  • @hellsbelle7533

    What was done to these people is horrific. David K spoke to these agents multiple times and asked if there was anything they wanted to talk about, ask etc.
    Anyone sticking up for the monster in charge obviously hasnā€™t seen him laughing about how ā€œhotā€ Waco can be. Seriously? Many children died and heā€™s making jokes. Really evil. This was unwarranted and the people of Waco didnā€™t have issues with these folks, didnā€™t agree with the attack on Americans and knew it was pure corruption. I live in Waco. Plenty of people here saw everything. The ATF and FBI are so slimy and corrupt. The more I learn the more sad it is. How do these people sleep at night? Itā€™s really awful.

  • @justinameans1174

    ROFL omg I loved your mansplaining rant! I imagined that happening too, "now, now, Janet, this is how the FBI works. Did you know that guns kill people or that fire is hot?"

  • @jebbs5959

    How they could have done this with children in thereā€¦.makes me sick

  • @stevenv6463

    Koresh was working on his book. It was suggested by the religious scholars. I have seen interviews with one of them, James Tabor. The manuscript was smuggled out on CD by one of the cult members and gave it to him. He actually did publish it and release what was written. They also kept asking for typewriters and such before they invaded the cult building but they didn't give it until the day before they went in.

    You can find what James Tabor said about this by searching his name on YouTube. He also has many of his academic lectures and interviews available.

  • @Gigibaby88

    Let me just say I don't agree with what David Koresh was doing, esp with sleeping with so many underage girls and calling them his "wives." I have a 14 year old daughter and I would lose my mind if anything like that ever happened to her. So I do believe he was guilty of child abuse and should've had to pay for it. But I watched the Netflix mini-series and my God what the ATF did to those poor innocent people & I'm talking specifically of the children mostly but even some of the adults, particularly many of the women. It was just absolutely horrific and barbaric what they did to them and it was proven they started shooting at them first. Not saying Koresh handled things perfectly but as Stephanie pointed out if it was really just him they were after there was plenty of opportunity to do it away from the compound and the fact that they didn't take it says a lot IMO (allegedly, don't come for me šŸ˜‰). I have to admit I'm normally not a big Cryer but something about watching all those people be murdered in cold blood, esp the children just opened up the floodgates in me, I was actually crying for days over it. I also searched out interviews with David Tibadou because I wntd to understand more from someone's POV who had been there. Anyway I'm about halfway done with this last installment and just wanted to say it's as riveting to me w/out all the tears (although we're not quite done yet so we'll see!) ā¤šŸ™šŸ™Œ

  • @mekahoward975

    Thank you so very much for chilling with me!

  • @totallyawesometravels

    excellent series, you make me feel like i was there. i do remember watching it on tv at the time. you didnā€™t mention that the fbi blocked the fire department from entering the compound so they could fight the fire. this was a sad sad situation.

  • @berlin990

    You making excuses for Janet Reno just cause sheā€™s a woman was pretty funny.

  • @debryan5338

    SO impressed with this series! Will be looking at more of your work, thank you!

  • @traceymcdonald7949

    Not trying to be that person but as someone who has lived in Oklahoma my entire life it is the Alfred P. Murrah federal bldg. Not Alfred P. Murray.
    Auto correct changed my "Murrah" to "Murray" several times.

  • @traceymcdonald7949

    If only Janet Reno had the benefit of a Stephanie Harlowe deep dive….

  • @joefrog91

    I'm from Waco. Most of us here hate that we're known for the Branch Davidian thing. Especially since it didn't actually happen in the town of Waco. But one thing Stephanie brought up in her videos is something we've all said from the beginning. David Koresh could have been arrested at any time while he was in town. My cousin played in a rock band that Koresh came to hear most Friday nights. He really enjoyed talking about music. But once he started preaching, everybody would walk away.

  • @deeone5326

    Excellent! Thank you! Best Wishes.

  • @rhysfuuma4640

    Being as I was still fairly young when this all happened (13) I always knew it as the Waco incident and knew it as a cult case, but not realizing that it was David Karesh. After watching these videos I can make a more informed decision on what happened. Yes David Karesh was morally and legally wrong for the relations with the children and some of the other obvious actions, but I put the outcome of this tragedy solely on the shoulders of Clinton and his administration, ATF and FBI included. They clearly had plenty of opportunity to take him into custody but instead chose to flex their tiny muscles and cause so many unnecessary deaths. This makes me dislike Clinton more than I already did for knowing he could've stopped something else but chose to worry about keeping a not so secret intern during his presidency. I know you said not to blame them but I can't help it when the evidence is just so damning.

  • @Babygirl54782

    Please do more on Scientology. I learned so much more from a Scientology, series than from the Aftermath show. I can't figure out what's on the Bridge and what 'exactly' they do all day except maybe build things and audit people. It's just an interesting subject to me, don't know why!

  • @Babygirl54782

    Very good research, I remember when this was taking place. It was awful for both sides. Both sides were at fault, in my opinion, as Koresh should have come out when he first encountered them supposedly with his baby girl. Then again the government should have stopped since they weren't ready for the fallout that insured. Just crazy! We need to be careful when dealing with cults. You never know what is truly on their minds until the end.

  • @timothyramsey7010

    People like you to see the truth for what it is restore my faith

  • @timothyramsey7010

    I cried my eyes out pictures of those kids

  • @ellielevine2038

    I like all of the cult seriesā€™ you do. I canā€™t wait for the next episode of the Scientology series! Iā€™ve been watching lots of your older videos in the meantime.

  • @Coconutoilcrazy

    I dont agree there isnt one side to blame. Had the FBI/ATF arrested Koresh in town or while running, this would have been avoided. I am looking at the Ruby Ridge leading to this. There is evil, then pure evil. A man protecting his own(Ruby ridge) is not at fault. A man, no matter how deranged he may seem( Yes, Koresh was twisted) could he have avoided the massacre? Not based on the facts, missing door being one huge flag,

  • @Coconutoilcrazy

    Minute 1 hour , Charles Pace saying the USA has to fall for NWO, here we are in 2022,,,,,,,

  • @Coconutoilcrazy

    FBI Lie? hmph. Kudos to you Stephanie for all the work, here, I cannot stomach it let alone do all the research involved. What they succeeded in is showing the public who they are, thus Timothy McVey and who knows who else in the future. they have no shame

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