Cults: David Koresh and The Branch Davidians: Part One: The House of David

Unraveling the Enigmatic Cult of David Koresh and The Branch Davidians: Delving Deep into the House of David to Uncover the Dark Truths of their Infamous Legacy. Did you know that David Koresh claimed to be the final prophet of the Branch Davidians, a religious sect that believed in the imminent apocalypse? Stay tuned for part two as we delve even deeper into the twisted world of this cult and its enigmatic leader.


38 Comments to “Cults: David Koresh and The Branch Davidians: Part One: The House of David”

  • @SharoseMUA

    “…to understand what happened at the end, we have to go back to the beginning…”

    This line never fails to make me feel like I’m diving into the Pensieve with Harry and Dumbledore lol i LOVE IT!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @GamerLife-gw9bf

    I'm a seventh day adventist my whole life. He was in the church yes, but koresh believed in things that were way out there and was ex-communicated. We are not associated with the davidians, just as there is shepherds rod, a different group who came from members who left but spread a whole different doctrine. He believed to be jesus and was gonna transcribe his version of revelations, also believed in violence, we hate violence and sda believes the lord isnt here but will return soon. We all love the lord and love everyone. I love you all and just wanna clear that up about him.

  • @guardmommad5084

    Anyone here in 2024?

  • @ashleyrichards5194

    So he felt unsettled by the totally normal age gap of him being 18 while the one girl was 16, but being 29 with a 14-year-old is not a problem?

  • @chelseahurst0712

    It's going to hurt when you come to the realization that the Bible is not metaphorical and that Jesus and heaven & he'll ARE VERY REAL!

  • @saraweissman3807

    You Should TOTALLY do historical deep dives….if it’s something you’re still considering ❤️

  • @n8gixx6smith50

    oh man i had to search to see if steph did a cult series on this. i have studied this case for years. before this video starts id like to state my opinion and see if it changes after i hear stephs deep dive into it. i believe koresh was a sick and evil individual. with that said i believe the atf and the fbi really took a bad situation and quite litterally lit it on fire. david koresh jogged right by their safehouse day after day, they could have walked out and arrested him at any point. the day they ran his el camino over was the day they covered the whole situation up. it was part F you to koresh but i believe the main reason for them destroying property and eventually burning the place to the groud was to cover up evidence that they laid seige to americans on american soil. all the bullet holes in the front door were projected from the outside in. no bulletholes going from inside out. the fbi and atf shot first!

  • @Mandy-nt2cs

    People pre-draft did not want to go risk their lives to fight in a war bc we had been conditioned to.. but because their family, hone & land would probably be lost, captured, destroyed.. if the war was lost itself.

  • @Mandy-nt2cs

    Idk who this Rabbi is, but there is no mention whatsoever of Joseph's age in the Bible. There is no indication even that he was a different age than Mary.. and simply because the Bible speaks of it.. it doesn't say it okay lol There are all kinds of historical events & worldy occurrences in the bible.. doesn't mean it's suggesting or Condoning it.

  • @TheShankari33

    Yes. History. Do it! … I warmly recommend Gnostic Informant pod casts. The academics who study language and ancient literature now believe the Bible was compiled in 400 AD. At the same time as the Torah. So fascinating. May blow your mind or you may hate it. Lol. ❤

  • @TheShankari33

    ,12 yr old girls have always been sent to live with their future husband's family to protect them from being raped by their brothers fathers and uncles… Cousins.. if the girls were not sent away their villages would become full of inbred imbeciles… Women did not have the power or the right to stand up to their husbands or male relatives. Especially if they turned up as a group… women moved their daughters to protect them and their home village. Mysogyny has always been rampant.

  • @karencooper3428

    I agree with you stephie on the historically correct terminology, not only does it give us context of people's lives, how we were spoken to and about, and why sometimes we don't understand the snowflake's big deal with political correctness, and some of the changing terminology, because to us, some of it is fir the sake of taking offence

  • @kayingthao5072

    I was raised atheist and am so glad because I felt free to explore all kinds of religions. As an adult I believe there is a god that’s it (no religious affiliations). If anyone tells you they are god or a messenger of god…..RUN far away. Keep yourself free from manipulation, peace ✌️

  • @umokay5516

    Imagine the ego needed to think YOU receive special messages or visions from God. Human ego has always been religion’s biggest hurdle, and it will never hold power with the logical because of it.

  • @xOperationIvy

    I love your history focused videos ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love you and your channel!!!

  • @ryankelly8542

    Is there any particular reason you didn’t use the real David Koresh for your thumbnail?! That’s some random guy who played him in a super inaccurate movie that came out while the siege was still happening..

  • @michhaynes7272

    He was in a pedophile heaven, then he takes all the wifes too.

  • @michhaynes7272

    Sick, no child should be forced into marriage and sex! They are children, I don't care if that pisses anyone off! Its wrong and those who are part of that are wrong. These are pedophiles and those who are allowing that child to be with that pedophile are no different to child traffickers. These poor little girls 😡😡

  • @colorsflight6432

    The ages you said girls in the Bible were married isn't true at all. The bible doesn't give the ages of Mary and Joseph but I can guarantee you he wasn't 90 just from the story line he couldn't have been that old. Issac married Rebecca she was not 3 how people are calculating that age is Abraham recieved a letter from his brother who he hadn't seen for a long time and lived far away from each other. In the letter it says hey by the way I have had kids since we last saw each other which again was a long long time before Abraham had issac who was 30 they calculate that she was three bc thats how many years their was in between the letter and issac marring Rebecca which is dumb she wasn't born when Abraham recieved the letter and if you actually read the story of Abrahams servant talking to Rebecca you will know she isnt 3 she is carrying a huge vase to water camels waters rhat dudes camels and speaks like a young woman not a three year old. When the servant tells her why he is there ( to find a bride for issac) she takes him home to talk to her parents. They then ask her do you want to marry this man. She says yes she rides on a camel back and then when she sees issac a far off she jumps down and runs to his arms and they embrace does any of this sound like a three year old? With Jacob and Rachel he lived Rachel meaning she must have been old enough for a man to fall in love then he worked 7 years for her meaning now she is 7 years older than he is tricked into marrying her sister who is already considered old, then he has to work another 7 years for her so clearly she isn't a child Abraham married Sarah when she was 29 and he was 30 we know this bc it says his age at marriage and both ages when Isaac was born. It actually appears from my research that it was not a practice for hebrews and Israelites to marry children and is something that came way later. Like Enoch was super old when he married and he married his aunt so she was probably older. I looked into all this when I became a Christian and it's sad to me that this lie is so pervasive.

  • @kobeskrobe

    The video was perfect, as always!

  • @lareecaharris3945

    I was raised as an Seventh day Adventist

  • @whitneydipley6768

    My Grandparents are Seventh Day Adventists. I never practiced the religion myself.. This offered me insight to their religious practice and I found it very interesting!! I think you're the beez kneez lol

  • @wren_Heloa

    As someone who used to be in the SDA church, thank you for covering this. I am so glad to be out of it. This is something that SDA loves to sweep under the rug. It's so scary. You rock and are so smart!

  • @shannonminnig4674

    I'm surprised by how many similarities there are between Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints).

  • @shubhrakalia

    Please start a history channel, Stephanie!!

  • @errrkt

    i can't stand stories like this being covered in 30 minute videos, i love your commitment to doing it right or not at all.

  • @tanyakirsten8028

    Would love love to hear some History , you're my favourite …. Thank you Stephanie.

  • @jillruben8924

    THE BEST explanation of any cult I have watched. On to Part 2. Thanks so much.

  • @stalker-anoniem3515

    I'm currently watching Waco and Waco the aftermath next to your videos. Thanks for all these descriptive details! When are you finally going on Spotify?

  • @__thelastpoet

    Our government and military are absolutely cult-like. Let's be for real for a second. Winning a war is NOT the greater good.

  • @elphiegleason3899

    Thank you so much for explaining 7 day advertises

    I love your stuff
    Rewatched Waco miniseries
    Watching Waco Aftermath and it’s interesting

  • @eisschnee5482

    I cannot believe we still have these pedo-laws which allow child marriage…makes no sense for me..

  • @paiger.7806

    I had to return to Stephanie's series on Koresh's Cult, after watching Netflix's newly released American Apocalypse, to bridge the two together. Long time viewer; thank you for your extreme time, research, and story telling brilliance!

  • @critical-goat363

    I personally have issues using and hearing the r word because it's something I was often called growing up because of my ADHD and I will personally never use it, but at the same time, I don't think a person shouldn't be canceled for historical use of the word.
    To deny its existence is to deny a part of history. And as horrible as it may be, we are worse off erasing the problematic parts of history.

  • @Criticris

    Started watching the Netflix “documentary” and had to come back here to get the full story!

  • @Joseph-eu6jp

    How stupid were these Branch Davidians to fall for giving there wife's to him, this makes no sense.

  • @Joseph-eu6jp

    A lot of these religious commune leaders always have an excuse of why they can have more then one Wife, Jesus says in the Bible, one wife, I would leave any church that allowed more then one wife.

  • @Joseph-eu6jp

    The Holy Bible, yes, she was turned into a pillar of salt, literally.

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